Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, June 8, 2024

US Coast Guard Shoots Smuggling Vessel, 2 Tons of Cocaine Seized, and the 3 Smugglers Lost to the Sea

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A high-seas encounter between a joint US-Dutch Coast Guard patrol operation and drug runners ended with the smugglers’ boat at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, and the US Coast Guard seizing $63 million worth of cocaine, authorities in Florida said on Friday.

The dramatic encounter took place on Tuesday about 25 miles (40km) north of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, when the coast guard cutter Resolute, patrolling with the Dutch Navy ship Groningen, identified a vessel in international waters suspected of carrying narcotics, according to a press release from the USCG south-east region.

The crew of the joint forces fast interception craft fired on the suspected smugglers when the “non-compliant vessel” turned at speed towards them. The boat caught fire and sank, the smugglers went overboard and were never discovered. The US and Dutch sailors acted “in self-defense and defense of others in response to the life-threatening situation,” the press release said.

The speedboat caught fire and sank, and the three suspected smugglers went overboard and disappeared below the water, the Coast Guard said. On Friday, the US Coast Guard and Dutch authorities said they had called off an air and sea search for the 3 persons onboard the boat.

On Thursday, the Resolute docked at Port Everglades, Florida, and unloaded more than 2,177 kilos of cocaine, valued at about $63 million recovered from the vessel.

Sources USCG, USCG, The Guardian


  1. They killed the smugglers

    1. Red the title...the answer is in the title.
      Dios Mio muchos marijuanos ninos.



    3. Marijuana rules, but with no fentvin it.

    4. 2:16

      You missed their implied point: they killed the smugglers and made up that they went over board 🤦‍♂️

    5. Kill all smugglers on site

    6. Bravo....who said the death penalty wasn't a

    7. 8:32 they probably did go overboard but the guards didn't offer any assistance....and they drowned.

    8. @2:16
      Read the title, 3 lost to sea, that's different from saying the coast gaurd killed them. Dumb fuck, don't ever talk down on marijuanos again.

    9. 9:16 your sooo doped up with marijuana you still can't figure what was conveyed. You lose brains cells from using too much mota.

    10. 8:32 if you read the article carefully the answers are there. No 👎 they did not kill the criminals. Coast Guard has video on how it went down, it pays to cooperate with authorities, next you will say they should not have shot at the boat.🤣

    11. Oh I thought Mota helps my brain by making me laugh and eat , I love to munch out and laugh , I wake up SO FRESH AND SO CLEAN next day

  2. They sank the speedboat and a couple of tons of cocaine comes bobbing to the surface, so they picked it up.

    The smugglers? Easy come, easy go.

  3. As a former service member, I’d say the USCG is a under appreciated branch. They always do a hella good job on these type of operations.

    1. CG is no longer part of the military. They belong to DHS.

    2. Absolutely incorrect. They are a dual function agency. Military I.D., rank and subject to the UCMJ (look it up) for administrative issues and pay, but are under operational control by DHS for certain operations. They receive Veteran status upon discharge.

    3. They’re making a big dent in the war on drugs

    4. 6:26

      It's actually still part of the military and DHS.


    5. Isn’t it funny when someone says something so matter of factly, and they are incorrect. Maybe do some googling before you open your stupid mouth SDidiot.

    6. @06:26 you are a fucking idiot. The United States Coast Guard is a division of the Department of Defense not the Department of Homeland Security.

      DHS is ICE immigration and customs enforcement and CBP customs and border patrol. Although DHS has guns they are not and never will be a part of the military’s armed services.

    7. 1:38 you should have done your research before calling someone an idiot.
      The Coast Guard is part of DHS (Department of Homeland Security).

    8. 02:52 The National Guard is a joint activity of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) composed of reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force: the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, respectively.

      As someone who trained with USAF and Coast Guard I can confirm that US Coast Guard is an official branch of the DoD with maritime operations also supporting the DHS.

      The Department of the Navy actually owns the US Coast Guard and it reports to the pentagon.

      Since my training in 2003 the coast guard has also started operations involving DHS but they are now owned by DHS.

    9. 2:52

      It's simultaneously STILL part of the military.

    10. 9:00 in other words 2:52 is correct at what he said.


  4. hmmm not only did they kill the traffickers , but they managed to steal the rest of the drugs ............

    1. 232 the americans simply don't need this cocaine. If they wanted cocaine they would just call down to Colombia and arrange a shipment. You kids need to educate yourself the US doesn't need drug money they simply could manipulate the stock market for real money not that 701 pocket change you fanboys cheering for.

    2. Lol so all these other dirty cops and service members who steal money and drugs that been charged never existed. Eres un payaso keyboard warrior.

    3. Is that why they allowed pilotes back in the 80’s to smuggle in metric tons? Didn't they use that money to fund a proxi war?

    4. Thank you teacher,be happy makes everyone around you happy

  5. So I'm curious as to how the work was recovered but neither the vessel or the suspects are available to corroborate the cargo was obviously retrieved from vessel I'm assuming before it caught fire and sank it was boarded by someone I been lurking on this site for over a decade and this is gotta be in the top 5 complete and obvious basura presented as fact SMH I'd be embarrassed to present this as "work" in any capacity and FTR I'm not attacking BB in any way I'm grateful that you guys work hard to bring me these articles I'm not shooting any messengers sorry if I came off that way keep up the outstanding work

  6. Mataron Al R del CAF en TJ


  7. Who appointed the U.S. as the world drug policeman?

    1. Congress.
      Don't be a crybaby.

    2. Spot on . The Monroe Doctrine lowkey did budd

    3. How does congress control waters ALL around the world?

    4. @421
      We are the gringos, we do whatever we please, and there's absolutely nothing the rest of you can do about it.

    5. Yeah they control these waters, but didn't wanna control the waters when the sun imploded and all those dummies died

    6. 2:56 you should be happy they stopped that load.

    7. We volunteer, like everything else we do for the world....did you know that the US is responsible for liberating the most amount of people in the entire history of the're welcome.

    8. @5:04 pm. Gringos do whatever their Jewish overlords in AIPAC and Tel Aviv tell them to do.

  8. Bricks are going for super cheap here in cali been hearing 12 and even 10 don’t come all together in the same plane now and buy them all lol

    1. Yup 14 here in Ga, a lot of coke in the country

    2. 12 is the price for border States

    3. bunch of baffoons, no wonder y'all are dropping like flies sniffing crap. 30k here in Phoenix

    4. Daddy on the outside lookin' in!

  9. They only shot and killed the traffickers and sunk the boat when the boat took a direct course towards them. They had no choice. it was a hobbesian choice; us or them! That's hilarious! Hey, we'll never see the highlight film of that interdiction!

    1. Nowhere does it say the coast guard shot the 3 alleged smugglers, absolutely NOWHERE in the article.
      They MIGHT have shot them, but the idea was to disable the boat speeding in their direction.
      The bodies are gone, so nobody knows for sure.
      The PROBABLY got shot to shit, as I'm confident the coast guard cutter threw everything at them except the kitchen sink.

    2. Nope lol nuts

    3. Let’s believe criminals instead.

    4. maybe it landed in Mauritius before stopping over on Comoros
      (whispers): because
      there is supposedly a large maze on that island.

  10. “ Choot ‘em… Choot ‘em in da head!!“😄

  11. Less paper work

  12. Yeah right they murdered em or let em drown when they went into the water

  13. Thankfully the scum is fish food. Fuck then and their poisonous trade. Reminds me of the bullshit when a cop shoots a career criminal who has a gun either in his hand or nearby and there is actually people who scream it’s a bad shoot! lol, to all you scumbag criminals and all you scumbags who cheer on the criminals or stick up for the criminals….rot in hell you fucks

  14. EL R from CAF got murdered inside a Tijuana whore house a couple days ago and all his boys got sprayed with lead in the parking lot..from what I heard is EL R was flaquitos pistolero that decided to get drunk at the whore house and someone from the Sinaloa cartel recognized him among all the whores

    1. CDS stays killing them CAF boys in their own city

    2. Wheres the "Por andar de Caliente" guy when you need him. 🤭

    3. CDS roots run deep in "their own city" matter of fact, og CAF where from Sinaloa.

    4. Ese Rudy Valenzuela lol es una yucca en todo se acomoda

  15. I'd say there is a serious party in fish town.

  16. US GOV doesn't like competition in the drug trade from unapproved DTO. These 'smugglers' found out the hard way.

    I'm no expert geographer, but know that the waters off Venezuela are nowhere near USA coastline. Nor is the South China Sea for that matter.

    1. 11:47
      The Dutch Coast Guard works in conjunction with the US Coast Guard, they called for fast assistance and they got it.

  17. dutch vidz are crazy, u could bring your sun lamp with u

  18. As a taxpaying Dutchman I'm happy to see our navy works on it's combat experience once in a while.

  19. Now do the same to all the coyotes trafficking people to the borders. Begin with the NGO’s near Darien Gap in Panama.
    Drones R Us

  20. pura mayoria de la droga la pasan a traves de mexico,debido a la corrupcion,.........como la ven .............................


    1. Wtf can you at least explain.


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