Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 26, 2024

Army Does Not Foresee Increase In Violence In Sinaloa After Arrest Of “El Mayo” Zambada And Joaquín Guzmán Lopez

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 


July 26, 2024

Culiacán, Sinaloa - Following the arrest in the United States of Ismael Zambada García, alias “El Mayo” and Joaquín Guzmán López, son of “El Chapo” Guzmán, the Mexican Army does not foresee an increase in violence in Sinaloa.

The Commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Porfirio Fuentes Velez, assured that, together with his elements, they will be alert to any eventuality that may arise, however, a day after the apprehensions, they consider that Sinaloa has been relatively calm.

“I consider that no, but we are going to be alert, we are prepared for any situation with enough strength to be able to react to any eventuality. After this arrest, things have been relatively calm,” he said.

The military commander emphasized the fact that the troops currently on patrol in Sinaloa are strong enough to react to any type of aggression, he also highlighted the arrival of the 200 special forces elements that arrived today in Culiacan, where they will work in coordination with the 3000 military personnel already in all the municipalities, with the objective of creating an environment of peace in the families of Sinaloa and eradicate the actions of the criminal groups that inhabit the different areas.

He denied that in Culiacán there have been operations by the army in previous days to try to apprehend Ismael El Mayo Zambada or any other Sinaloa Cartel leader.

Joaquin Guzman Lopez To Appear Next Week In Chicago Court

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

Joaquín Guzmán López, son of Chapo Guzmán, arrested along with Ismael El Mayo Zambada will present himself next week before a federal court in Chicago (Illinois), police sources reported.

Guzmán López was arrested yesterday near the border city of El Paso, Texas, and according to the information, he faces more than a dozen charges in Chicago, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and being part of a criminal organization.

"El Mayo" and Joaquin Guzman Arrest Photos & Details Emerge

Borderland Beat Contributors

During Mexican President AMLO's morning conference, the Secretary of Citizen Security and future Secretary of the Interior, Rosa Icela Rodríguez released deatils and a chronology of the events for the arrests in the US of Ismael Zambada Garcia and Joaquin Guzman Lopez.

The official said that agents located in El Paso, Texas, sent the Mexican government two photographs that not only confirmed the capture, but also confirmed that the identities of "El Mayo" and Joaquín Guzmán López.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ovidio Guzman, from Los Chapitos, Not Released, Just Transferred

Borderland Beat Contributors 

Sinaloa Cartel figure Ovidio Guzman is currently being listed as having been freed from US custody on the Bureau of Prisons website, 

His current listed release date is 7/23/2024, just two days before the major arrest of Joaquin Guzman Lopez and Mayo Zambada. 

Joaquin Guzman Lopez Also Arrested in El Paso, Texas

Borderland Beat Contributors

According to Zeta Tijuana, citing sources within the US government, Joaquin Guzman, one of "El Chapo's" sons was also detained in Texas with "El Mayo." More information on "El Mayo's" arrest here.

Ismael "Mayo" Zambada Garcia Arrested in El Paso, Texas

 Borderland Beat Contributors

Zeta Tijuana and Proceso reports that Mayo Zambada has been captured in El Paso, Texas.

No US agency has confirmed the arrest.

Unverified sources allege the arrest was carried out by the FBI, rather than the DEA.

Reuters writes that “sources” say that Mayo is in custody. 

600 Mexican Residents Flee to Guatemala Amidst Violence in Chiapas

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

From an AP News Article by Sonia Perez

Nearly 600 Mexicans have fled across the border from Mexico into Guatemala seeking refuge from drug cartel violence, Guatemalan authorities said Wednesday.

Guatemala President Bernardo Arévalo said that his administration was coordinating with the local governments in Huehuetenango and the municipality of Cuilco to attend to the Mexicans “who are escaping conflict between groups that is taking place on the Mexican side.”

A government report obtained by The Associated Press described accounts from the refugees who explained they had abandoned their homes because of a lack of food and fighting between organized crime groups. Among the 580 people were men, women, children and elderly.

Los Mata Salaz "Uncover" Alleged Wrongdoing in Cajeme, Sonora

  "Enojon" For Borderland Beat 

Image By: Ocran Leaks (Still Image of second interrogation)

On July 13th, two video communications would circulate through social media where members of the ‘Mata Salas’ or ‘Gente de la Rueda’ would interrogate two captives, self identified as Omar Garcia Camacho and Carlos Manuel Camacho Ruiz, who they allege of operating for 'Los Salazar' and to be behind various violent incidents through various points of Sonora. 

During the first message, Camacho and Ruiz would claim they had been kidnapped from a store located near the "Charly Mechanic" shop along Colima street (Coordinates: 27.48541062241688, -109.94071032241708) where they allegedly sold methamphetamine for the criminal organization, with their captors showing off a rifle they obtained during the incident. 

Video By: Ocran Leaks (First interrogation of Camacho and Ruiz)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Navy Raids Home In Alturas Del Sur De Culiacan: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

This is the third address secured by the Navy on Wednesday, July 24 in the state capital.


Elements of the Secretary of the Navy conducted a search of a home in the Alturas del Sur subdivision in Culiacan, Sinaloa, during the night of Wednesday, July 24.

The search of the property was carried out after an operation deployed by federal elements on Juan Ley Fong street, between Cima del Huascaran and Cima del Bonete.

This is the third house seized this day.

This Wednesday is the third property secured by elements of the Navy in Sinaloa's capital city; in addition to the house in Alturas del Sur, two homes were secured in the Costa Rica syndicate this morning.

Sinaloa Cartel Money Laundering in Los Angeles Part 3: Luxury Cars, Nightclubs, Restaurants & El Mago

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Part 3 of a Series Looking into Money Laundering Operations Out of Southern California tied to the Sinaloa Cartel. Read Part 1Part 2

Part 3 Business Fronts & Investments

Part 3 of the 'Sinaloa Cartel Money Laundering in Los Angeles' series dives into several Sinaloa connected traffickers and their involvement in legitimate businesses such as nightclubs and restaurants, including those operated around the nexus of "El Mago" and connected friends. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Marcelino Ticante Castro "El Fantasma" Fomer Security Chief Of "El Chapo Guzman" Set Free

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

July 23, 2024

Marcelino Ticante Castro, El Fantasma, the alleged former security chief of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, was released from the Altiplano prison on July 2.

Luis Rodríguez Bucio, Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), announced on Tuesday that El Fantasma, who was arrested on February 9, 2013 in the Costa Rica syndicate, municipality of Culiacán, was being held for crimes against health and carrying firearms exclusive to the Army, but a judge granted him the benefit of early release.

“The reason for his release is early release for crimes against health and carrying firearms, he was notified of his release on Friday, June 28, he was given 24 hours for his release and was released on Tuesday, July 2, 24”, said the official.

He noted that Diana Montserrat Partida Arambulo, sixth judge of the Specialized District for the Execution of Sentences in Mexico City, was the one who granted him the benefit.

Rodríguez Bucio pointed out that the freedoms granted to el Fantasma and 191 other inmates detained for federal crimes, including a brother and two brothers-in-law of El Mencho, have been granted from 2018 to 2024 on weekends, when it is more difficult to prevent them from being released, given the difficulty of quickly locating investigation files that are open against them in state prosecutors' offices.



Monday, July 22, 2024

Navy And Sedena Send Elements To Strengthen Security In Colima

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from WRADIO

In order to help reduce the illegal activities of criminal groups with a presence in the region.


More than 300 elements of the Mexican Army were sent this Sunday by the Ministry of National Defense to enforce security in Colima.

According to the agency, this occurs derived from the actions carried out to achieve the objectives outlined in the National Peace and Security Plan 2018-2024 and in the Inter-Institutional Operations Plan “Security for the Development of the State”, in order to contribute to reduce the illegal activities of criminal groups with a presence in the region, as well as preserve and guarantee the freedom, order and public peace of the inhabitants of the state.

Through a press release, he said that “military personnel will act firmly at all times, performing tasks of dissuasion, prevention, patrols, reconnaissance and establishing military security posts, in order to generate an atmosphere of tranquility in the population, adhering to the provisions of the National Law on the Use of Force and respecting human rights at all times”.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, announced that naval personnel, in cooperation with the Attorney General's Office, are currently strengthening security in the municipalities of Colima, Tecomán and Villa de Álvarez, in the state of Colima.

For this purpose, 125 naval elements were deployed, including Marine Infantry and Special Forces personnel aboard 21 vehicles of this Institution, which will provide support during search warrants granted by the Judge of Control, derived from acts of investigation of the Special Prosecutor's Office.

Likewise, naval elements aboard two mobile wing aircraft (helicopters) of the Mexican Navy, who provide aerial support.

Second Largest 'Narco-Laboratory' Of The Current Government Dismantled In Eldorado: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

JULY 22, 2024

Personnel from the Mexican Navy of the Semar in coordination with the Federal Attorney General's Office (FGR) located and dismantled in the vicinity of ElDorado, what is considered to be the second largest clandestine synthetic drug laboratory neutralized so far in the current Federal Government.

According to the data, the site was located when naval personnel and representatives of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office were carrying out land surveillance patrols, approximately 198 kilometers southeast of the Eighth Naval Zone, based in Topolobampo, Sinaloa.

The authorities located 3,920 kilograms of suspected methamphetamine; 28,600 liters and 2,250 kilograms of precursor chemicals, essential chemicals and dual-use substances; as well as 28 reactors of different capacities; nine condensers; 19 distillers with a capacity of 500 liters; seven centrifuges; 124 plastic tubs of different sizes; 81 LP gas tanks of 30 kilograms; five submersible pumps; four motor generators; 28 current amplifiers; 23 fans; 60 aluminum rolls; 51 metal and plastic drums of 200 liters; 63 plastic drums of 50 liters; as well as diverse material presumably used for the elaboration of synthetic drugs.

In a press release, the Semar announced that the materials were destroyed on the site “with prior authorization of the competent ministerial authority, who integrated it to the corresponding investigation folder”.

According to the authorities, with this seizure, more than 1.5 billion pesos were seized from organized crime.


Leader of Criminal Gang Captured after Killing of Transit Police in Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Three men, one of them alleged to be a leader of criminal group, were arrested by Guanajuato authorities yesterday related to the killing of two transit police officers in Celaya, Guanajuato two weeks ago.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Two Mexican Meth Cooks Arrested at a Drug Lab in South Africa

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

South African police arrested two Mexican citizens at a methamphetamine lab along with large amount of precursor chemicals on a farm in Groblersdal, South Africa yesterday, in an example of foreign criminal groups contracting Mexican lab operators for their expertise in drug production.