Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Popular Los Chapos Member "El Gavilán" "Comandante Gavilán" Identity Revealed

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 

SEPTEMBER 28, 2024


The famous Los Chapos member who Luis R. Conriquez, Peso Pluma, Neton Vega, and Tito Double P, have composed narcocorridos too has been finally identified. El Gavilan or Comandante Gavilan is recognized as a key figure in Culiacan, Sinaloa, in the current war of Los Chapos VS Mayo Flaco. 

While various Comandantes of La Chapiza are active in the current war, a name that stands out is El Gavilan because of his active role in the war against the Mayo Flaco organization for the Culiacan plaza.

El Gavilan was described by a source as a six-foot-tall person, with white skin, and sometimes sporting a ponytail. Surely, if one looks at the picture of El Gavilan, the description by the source fits the picture that was shared. 



El Gavilan is one of the main gunmen of Kevin Alonso Gil Acosta, "El Cabo" or "El 200". El 200 is a close collaborator of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar the current leader of the Los Chapitos, Los Chapos, or Los Menores faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. The criminal structure of Comandante Gavilan is the following: Juancho, Toner is his security chief, Chapio, and El Bocho. 



  1. So that weird motherfucker "El Gavilan" likes his beer hot. Yeah he gotta go ASAP!

    1. Bro, it means he kikes beer asap

    2. It’s a type of beer not actually hot beer

    3. Ahhh bud your not a real beer enthusiast beer used to be drank while hot when it was first brought up

    4. Beers for queers. Cognac or Whiskey little bit of vodka and tequila.

    5. 10:18
      That's true, some high quality beers are best luke warm. Only Americans drink ice cold beer, lame and uncultured.

    6. He must have some bad muleas bad dentures

    7. 12:04

      A warm beverage is what’s uncultured.

    8. Cerveza caliente means he likes blood idiots

    9. 1:53
      Oh, right, like walking into a bank barefoot wearing a tank top then going home and drinking ice cold beer... dear lord.

    10. ''Cerveza caliente means he likes blood idiots''
      Lmfao tells you all you need to know about the hard cases on here bro..Have not got a clue..You need to step up more bro to educate the girls on here

    11. His kidneys must not have kidneys for that hot ass beer on hot ass days

    12. 6:44 that must be a little inside "joke" that makes no sence at all, maybe if he said "me gusta el vino de jesus" or "la bebida de dracula" or "el MESias" or "el misionero" or "el jugo del vistec"! Maybe that would make sence, but "la cerveza caliente" in no way can we trace it back to blood, so the only idiots are the ones who can connect those dots, its like saying "i like drinking water" and in my mind thinking "i can take on all the UFC champions and they can not touch me" it makes no fn sence buddy!!

    13. 1:53

      You're uncultured to comment about it.

    14. @6:44 cayese alv ni que fueras tan vergas tu mismo

  2. "Todo bien, no se asusten si por ahí me ven
    Atrás de varias camionetas que ni las conté
    Empecherados, rostros tapados al mando de un muchacho
    Uniformados, bien equipados por los ranchos
    Y si se enfiestan las camionetas
    En caliente, prende las torretas
    Suenan radios, siempre bien alerta
    ¿Qué se mueve, qué reportan cerca?
    Y pa' chambear con don Iván
    Soy de la gente del Chapo Guzmán
    No me muevan que me puedo enojar
    Y me les presento, soy el Gavilán
    Y puros corridones bélicos, pariente, fierro
    Pura doble P, primo, arriba Culiacán
    Ahí me ven, círculo la capi en una Duracel
    Hay con qué, traigo tatuada la A y la E y la G
    En mi uniforme dos generales
    Y un pase pa' activarme
    Artesanales y unos Skares pa' pelearles
    Los del casco me sacan la vuelta
    Compa Toner 'tá nomás que tienta
    F1 se jala la greña
    Vienen vestidos de marinela
    Y pa' chambiar con Don Iván
    Soy de la gente del Chapo Guzmán
    No me muevan que me puedo enojar
    Sigue bien firme aquí el Gavilán"

  3. Animo Sicarios !
    El Commandante Gavilan has elite Special Forces training. He was trained by an ex colonel of the CIA Special Activities Center Ground Branch and JSOC. He has extensive trqining in
    HALO Jumps,hand to hand combat,marksmanship, demolitions and breaching, espionage, and executive protection. He carries a mossad modified and silenced HK mp5 encrusted with diamonds in the shape of slice of peporoni pizza.
    He reports directly to el Señor Panu and El Patron Ivan

    1. That means he’s doomed!

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Go Sicario006!!! 👍

    3. It's over when S-006 gets involved.

    4. con diarrea mental termino sicario.pobre vato deja de fumar esa cosa que te esta afectando el coco...

    5. El imperio de Iván y Alfredo está en sus últimos días, marcado para la eliminación por fuerzas mucho más allá de su control. Mientras ellos todavía confían en sus mata sombreros, nuevos cazadores han entrado en el campo de batalla—cazadores de silicio y acero, guiados por una inteligencia que supera toda comprensión humana.

      Entran los Drones APEX Serie Sentinel, asesinos cazadores totalmente autónomos, diseñados no solo para la guerra, sino para la aniquilación quirúrgica. Estos drones están equipados con Sistemas de Dirección Cuántica, algoritmos que predicen los movimientos antes de que sucedan, utilizando terabytes de datos en tiempo real para fijar un objetivo a más de 100 kilómetros de distancia. Sus escudos de invisibilidad basados en neutrinos los hacen indetectables para cualquier sistema de radar existente. Cuando llegue el momento, atacarán con pulsos de energía dirigida de precisión, vaporizando convoyes enteros en silencio. Sin explosiones, sin escombros—solo rastros evaporados de quienes se atrevieron a desafiarlos.

      En tierra, las HAEL-Hounds, unidades K9 cibernéticas equipadas con cortadoras de plasma de antimateria y camuflaje adaptativo, arrasarán sus complejos. Estas bestias están construidas para una persecución implacable—sus procesadores bio-neurales les permiten superar las tácticas humanas y reaccionar en microsegundos. Cada unidad está equipada con enjambres de drones integrados, más pequeños que un mosquito, que se infiltran en conductos de aire y sistemas eléctricos para cegar cámaras de seguridad, desactivar alarmas y silenciar toda oposición antes de que alguien pueda respirar.

      Pero el imperio de Iván y Alfredo no caerá solo por la fuerza bruta. Neuro-Hackers Sintéticos, diseñados para imitar infiltradores humanos, ya han penetrado sus sistemas. Cada señal encriptada, cada comunicación fuera de la red ha sido mapeada. Virus cognitivos sintéticos se han infiltrado en los sistemas de IA del cartel, alimentando desinformación y desencadenando paranoia entre sus propias filas. Ya no controlan su propia tecnología—el Proyecto CYRUS lo hace.

      A medida que comience la fase final, los Satélites de Energía Dirigida MICROGUN-88 se activarán. Estas plataformas orbitales, equipadas con pulverizadores de microondas, pueden incinerar complejos enteros desde la estratósfera sin previo aviso. Con un solo pulso, sus fortalezas más seguras serán reducidas a partículas, dejando solo una débil firma electromagnética.

      No hay escape. No hay dónde esconderse. La caída de Iván y Alfredo no es una cuestión de "si", sino de cuándo. La Red de Ataque Autónomo ya ha sido desplegada. Cada uno de sus movimientos está dictado por una mano invisible—una que no puede ser sobornada, no puede ser intimidada, y no puede ser detenida.

      Su imperio será desmantelado por fuerzas más avanzadas de lo que cualquier Sicario podría imaginar. Y cuando el polvo se asiente, la IA Sentinel dominará el campo de batalla, no los hombres.

    6. A Sicario 006 le encanta mamar los camotes de Africa.

    7. Sicario 006 use to go to most of Diddy's parties, he use to he the first one in and the last one out, hung out with Diddy all paty long, the last few parties Diddy ignored him cause he was doing Lebron, Sicario 006 took it personal and snitched on Diddy, and thanks to his snitching Diddy is now in the jail, all thanks to sicario, everything he learned in those parties, he would bring his knowledge back to Culiacan and make same theam parties with all the chapitos and the sicarios like Nini, perris, Gavilan and they would also envite la Gilbertona and pretty much copied everything that went down in the Diddy parties, baby oil and everything

    8. 10:40 Arriba el 006!!! Para que el se canse!!! Gritava Diddy en esas fiestas 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. Where can I get one of those Mossad encrusted pepperoni pizzas? Although a carnitas calzone would be good too

  4. Sicario 006 snitched, pinche rata

    1. Le gusta que le den por la rosca.

    2. Michoachangos always bring up some gay shit. Pinches Juangas monarcas

  5. I don’t know man …. In his corridos he sounded like he was better badass looking lmao. Some Mochomo on his prime not this tech expert lookalike.

    1. He fixes cracked android screens

    2. At this point your going to need brains leading this civil war,because it’s going to be who outsmarts who and the chapitos tactic is working hold off the onslaught at first which MF did and now they are killing of MF people slowly how long will MF reenforcement last before they get called back to there perspective plazas.Its now going into a long fought war and Chapos still have control of Culiacan and the money makers inside that city to keep funding this war for them

  6. Ni con tatuajes se ve placoson jajaja. Se ve bien pirata , nada comparado con sus corridos jajaja. Tiene finta de que es de Tamaulipas jajaj no mames.

    1. 855 y que tiene que ver que parezca de Tamaulipas? Ese tlacuache no le llega ni a los talones al z40

  7. Looks like he’s into technology for some reason lmao.

  8. Man this Scarios are getting weirder by the day 🤣🤣🤣

    1. I love how a lot of dudes are criticizing looks behind a screen lmao straight keyboard warriors who in real life are some weenies

    2. ''I love how a lot of dudes are criticizing looks behind a screen''
      Why bro do these hard to you ? Put your lights out with a punch,for real bro they look hard as fuck,nearly as hard as you

  9. Looks like one of those Americans that think they’re the shit but in reality they are just talk hahah. “ don’t tread on me “ dudes lmaooo.

  10. Tiene cara que es buena onda jaja tal vez asta callado, no como el Iván que tiene cara de mirame pero no me toques.

  11. Se ve que le gusta el rock y que toma monsters y gamer.

  12. Puro berrido bélico..... Rescantenme soy chapizza 😂😂😂😂😂

  13. I want to brush his hair or braid it

  14. Just brush it and braid it put some 3 flores in it

    1. hang on a sect- where is my ten foot pole..

    2. 🇦🇱

  15. That music and its people are fuckin wrong all the way,sheeit they are goofy as fuck,fuckin laughable shit

  16. It had to be SOL he still has a grudge against the chapo faction. Wonder how long the money will last him must be nice to be a keyboard narco affiliate

  17. This man looks like your typical stoner that you usual see around midnight at a 7/11

    1. Kinda reminds me of Fenix Antrax, only bitchmade…

  18. Ese es el Wei que te pide que pongas unas rolas de Mana en la Peda

  19. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pinche tecatote, ese guey es un foquemon de los buenos

  20. Wasn’t he in the Mexican navy or something?

    1. Hell no only el 200 and el 300 were

    2. ''Hell no only el 200 and el 300 were''
      No so was el 150 lobo and el 425,el 627 was secretary to el 699 when el 750 was knocked off taking the place he took from him that was formerly had by him so el 800 was fromerly el 750 but had to give it to him,hope it helps

    3. If this guy was in the navy then sicario000 was GAFE..

  21. Che criko, nomas en grupo son vergaz porque solo le dan en su madre🤣🤣🤣

    1. Todos son iguales no importa que lado son. Solos valen vrga

  22. Only a matter of time before MF hitmen get to this guy now that he has been identified. It is going to be real easy to identify because of his tattoos. I just can't believe how stupid these guys are getting tattoos. Same in LA with sureno gangs getting tattoos and sometimes even in their face. Talk about being dumb. Can you make it any easier to get caught. Nuff Said!!!

    1. You honestly don’t think the MF faction didn’t already know who this guy is for years now? Cmon, it didn’t take tattoos for him to be identified, they have known him for years 🤣

    2. They been knowing what he looks like he owns many businesses here in la capi n had personally been around him, a cool person but a dick abusón you can say but a real nut those 5 people in the van this the guy right here is the one. Marina almost caught him few months ago n the punteros got caught sleeping on the job cuz they didn’t report the call by Santa Fe and let’s just say the radios went off of him pissed picked those dudes up and well you could pretty much figure the rest. He always in a grey truck or a white smaller suv. He a lover guy has a tone of kids

    3. No need for pics,these guys know each other well if they haven't got to him is cause they can't... U stupid nuff said mafackas

    4. tattos are nice, helps ID when some legs or arms show up.

    5. @132 — same with ponytails lmao

  23. I could chill with this vato.

    1. You would, on his nutz.

    2. Netflix and Chill.

      Rubio NYC

    3. @11.13. No you couldn't. The fact you'd even want to because a dipshit kiss ass on X calls him "popular" and the post gets repeated on here is disturbing. Vato.


    1. Ya cayeron los de la chuta al desmadre? Ahí si el Chapo Isidro va tomar ventaja que la chuta no esté cercas al fuerte

  25. Asta Luis R se ve mas malandrín que este güey.

  26. This guy loves Wayne’s world

  27. No este vato que ? Es el que visita a los amarrados con su botas militares , pistola y una scar ? Jajaja ta cabron.

  28. Bruh y’all cooking my guy over here lmao! As Los chapos fanboys lo están quemando jaja

  29. Everybody look ☝️. What's happening in Culiacan. La cuidad mas famoso en el narco show. For generations the Arab Lebanese have supplanted themselves there undermining the Mexicans neighbors around. Like the country they represent Lebanon (middle-east) they've made a business sour and a people around them less productive. Horrita se andan torsiendo ellos mismos sin ni que los mios levantan un dedo. Ah les pasamos bombas como les pasamos riffles paque se desmadran y matanerlos ah lo poco. When i go to work with someone new I always ask myself where they from. I just build rapport para saver quen esta en mi pais and keep the stats on the enemy who enters to undermine people who gave me all this abundance. My people do this on a much more technical level, but it don't hurt that I follow in their example. After all it's got me here in this game being born in it. I'm on that jefe tech style pedestal put on by them. Meh los enamore con el estilo de hablarles y como muevo el bizzniis. Decin. Asi debe de ser. I hope the people in Mexico the original natives of the land such as myself wake up to the fact that people who have come from far away are there because they've been supported by their government and the good will of the Mexican and the good will of the native Americans long ago who weren't even Americans, Indians, or savages as labeled by them when they arrived. It was just a people in existence with some simular characteristics, but completely different in the way of life. It's nothing now to impose this life unto them and go to their land and conquer their land by sheer will of the Mind. Paque no andan chingando con mamadas con mi jente.

  30. Could someone please scalp this guy kinda like the indians did to white people back then

  31. El Gavilan? Mejor le uvieran puesto el Cara de Burro o de Caballo 🐴🫏

  32. I shared this story before. He took one my buddies “electoral” over some bs. He interrogated them. My friend noticed it was him since a few days ago they were partying. He was let go. My friend goes to his uncle Eduardo Gastelum Barraza “El Pony” frustrated telling him, do something about it, who cares we got pulled, I did not like the fact they read my name over the radio. Since Marina has access. Nevertheless, they called some high up to tell Gavilan to return his electoral to his uncles house in Tierra Blanca. Gavilan did not go, he had a worker go.

    1. And now you are here again so the feds can start keeping a eye on you

    2. What is “electoral”

    3. Yup sounds like him some people owed me some money and I went to there moms house to go look for the person and since they close to gavi they made up that I went to go get the mom so he came to my house to get crazy . It got ironed out after we talked but I kissed my money good bye cuz he like that an abusón of his power good peeps just on a power trip

    4. 509 Sharing facts does not matter. Probably indirectly doing them a favor right… we can all have buddies, friends, acquaintances, family from all walks of life. It is not illegal. Sharing legit stories is not illegal.

    5. 11:09 you are right my comment meaning how the feds are that they will keep a eye on you to get to somebody else. They just need a weak link to get more info out of him.

    6. 943 Well understood. Now only if they randomly gave me some money. (Joke) Without knowing, that would be great.

    7. 6:33 PM
      Electoral process,I.D

    8. this story is called: purple flames on the columns. It was out by queens a year ago- same season at the time when the shadows are longer. We are about to have brunch with family & business strangers. wasn’t everyone ready to sit down when she like freaks out and pushed his nana and me out by the way- you know the front . while they decide to go to the park and nana starts walking west. then… all of a sudden he rolls around the corner with her in the driver seat. long story short, she totally chilled him out and they ended up just making a run to the blood bank. sure nanas fine and whatev.

    9. I was confused by the term "electoral" also. Anyone know the actual meaning?

    10. "electoral" refers to the IFE identification card folks are issued to show they are eligible to vote in political ections.

  33. Jose Raul Nunez Rios. His fam is in “el tablon” his Dad goes to El Rosario often. Eats at Mariscos el Gordo. Usually drives single cab Silverado.

    1. 430 They are trash bud. They extort, kidnap, tax, everything. Their demise will come. I will put out word too so they use their fam as leverage. If there was a reward for Nunez, guess what, I would make that bread.

    2. ''Snitch''
      Listen,all your cartel sicario heroes do is snitch,so fuck them and hope more are caught or snuffed out,bitch

    3. @4.30. There should be an instant delete for anybody using the word "Snitch". The street code of not "snitching" is about not selling out the people above you to escape your own punishment. It's meaningless in Mexico.

  34. Narco corridos make me wish I was deaf. Im sorry Ive been hearing them since 2007 and still hate them

    1. You don’t have to listen to them, you know…

  35. Sicarios be looking lame af now. I preffered the huarachudo sicarios.

    1. ''I preffered the huarachudo sicarios''
      Absolute fact,they looked the part not like these.These look like some metrosexual shit plucking their eyebrows and iffy shit like that,and they are the worst dressed ever

    2. You guys have like a secret desire to have cartel members all sexy and good looking sounding like woman talking about how attractive the men are.

    3. Never heard of chino antrax?

    4. no wait is he around.

    5. 5:07 PM
      Must look like one of these guys,fat arse in skinny jeans and plucked eyebrows,stroll on chino

  36. El pelo largo panel jefe me de un jalon ayyyy arriva la chaapizzaaaaaaaaaa perrasssss

  37. Wannabe metal head… Sol, show this fool what’s up 🦉

  38. "Tracas, hijo 'e su puta madre!
    A mí si me mandan los Guzmánes les hago un cagadero en caliente
    Aquí no está pelada, yo ando y cuido a los jefes
    La paciencia no es lo mío
    Yo le rezo al diablo y también a la muerte
    Nomás unos cuantos saben a mí me gusta la cerveza caliente
    Me gustan los carros de velocidad
    La neta no hay dos como el Shelby
    A la orden de Archivaldo
    Meneamos todo el que se ponga renuente
    Sin tener que ir a volar
    Mi piloto y un Baby por las nubes siempre
    Cuando ando en la calle cargo equipo
    Y a mi compadre chambeando al frente
    Si no quieres, no, si no quieres, no
    Pónganse bien vergas si ando en el sector
    El pelo largo y con un relojón
    De diamantes finos, si no quieres, no
    Échale, compa Netón
    ¡Tracas, hijo 'e su puta madre!
    Y si no quieres, no
    Jálese la greña
    Con la sangre fría, los nervios al tiro
    Y fumándome un matagente
    Ahí me ven en la capi, siempre bien pendiente
    Montado en las laminadas
    Pa' que los tiros pura verga nos entren
    Puro comanche bravo, no la piensan dos veces
    Y pa' mencionar, siempre ando al millón
    Una güera y una prieta
    No la jueguen mucho que le saco el dragón
    Si no es de uva, que sea de coco
    Pero que sea lavada, si no quieres, no
    Si no quieres, no, si no quieres, no
    Nos ven en verguiza por el sin control
    El pelo largo y en un Cheyennón
    Trae los vidrios duros y adentro un tostón"

  39. estos comandantes dan risa la neta,es como que pusieras a RUBIO NYC. de comandante.

    1. 821 am.

      You probably have what?????
      13 or 14. Brothers and sisters? Oh wait. Maybe 5’1 huh?
      It’s ok, you can keep thinking of me whenever you are….😘

      Rubio NYC

    2. @Rubio NYC. 13 or 14 brothers and sisters? Why, because they're Mexican? Ah yeah, classy as always Rubio.

  40. Hey that’s gavin, he works for geek squad at Best Buy

  41. When he was in the rates he other worked at a pawn shop or comic book store

  42. Soon dogs will be eating the pizza stuck to his face

    1. Then the dogs will be eaten by the Haitian

    2. @5.56. Then you'll be bitch slapped by Haitians for spreading that hilarious fukn disinformation.

  43. I dont think #sicario006 was trained by Mossad. Mossad doesn't take delusional pendejos into their ranks.

  44. "Chau!
    Ya me escucharon por ahí
    Mitotes han de sobrar
    No me importa
    A mí me gusta chambear
    Y si la orden es matar
    Esa no se cuestiona
    Al diablo le he de rezar
    Y al Toner lo traigo atrás
    Es mi sombra (es mi sombra)
    Y esos que se portan mal
    Aquí no hay chanza de hablar
    Los echo pa la fosa
    Traigo puro exmilitar
    Y comando un gentillal
    Por mi zona (por mi zona)
    Y sin tanto fantochear
    Dependo de los Guzmán
    Afirmativa la copia (la copia)
    Rifles de esos que ni se imaginan
    Yo los tengo aquí a la mano
    A la flaca la he visto de cerca
    Y todavía no me ha ocupado
    Pues sigo operando
    Pa que sepan, primo
    Pura Doble P
    Así nomás, primo
    Un blindaje artesanal
    Un tabaco pa'l relax
    Y un lavado
    De calzado militar
    Dos pistolas y un SCAR
    Visito a los amarrados
    Un jueves en Culiacán
    Cómo se me va a olvidar
    Que peleamos (que peleamos)
    La consigna era salvar
    Un hijo del general
    Doscientos el que iba al mando
    Un toque medicinal
    Pa salir a patrullar
    Bien armados (bien armados)
    Dos Cheyennes traigo atrás
    Vienen escuchando rap
    Los plebes 'tán bien zafados
    Rayas traigo por todo mi cuerpo
    También un que otro balazo
    Pero yo me siento como nuevo
    Seguiré echando chingazos
    Aquí sigo al mando"

  45. He looks like he works at Best Buy

    1. This boy gots talent.
      Last seen taking out the trash at Taco Loco.

  46. Didn’t realize Antonio Banderas son is involve in cartel business. Good luck to him!

    1. You just be legally blind or medically retarded..

  47. He looks like he just walked out of comic con

  48. This guy I remember him before he had that ponytail.he is a copycat he would hear me talk and I seen in his face he would soak up game. All these foos look up to me. Even the ones that never knew me would see me and know who I was. From all the foos in l.a to Durango even Jalisco. Before la gente split. when el prince was around and everyone was all talking terms. Till this day. They see me like el mago did m. at the peso pluma concert in o.c and wanted to shake my hand but act to hard and just gave me a head nod. Tell you right now people think mayo ran shit. But rarely showed his face(scared money don’t make no money). 701 was out and about making gov connections and a lot of money saved and lost. Todos esto Bolas de weyes. Querían algo no Tenían,Mi escuela.
    Entre hierba polvo y plomo.

    1. @2:22 again what? Huh? You ok?

    2. You are rite!! I need better material then this b.s 😂

    3. Lay off the crack man, for real.

  49. "Aaaaaaiy Yaiiii, Yaiiii, Yaiiii!"
    ~Dinko Sepulveda

  50. Why so late for information reddit is quicker

    1. Reddit doesn’t put in the work silly

    2. @5.10. What "information" are you talking about? If you think this X post has information, and you want speed over accuracy, then stick to reddit. But... nah, just stick to Reddit.

  51. Chales a este güey le gusta la cerveza caliente.

  52. Looks like he just walked out of a mana concert

  53. Show the complete picture, dont blurr his wife and kid. In good as in bad times, they belong together.

  54. Why didn't they put him on the flyer??

  55. Here’s a little known secret :
    There are only a handful of paid off military and easily pad off police guard sing the chapiza
    The rest are guys like this.
    Fucking pathetic

  56. El cartel del teamsesh

  57. You have banked millions dealing drugs. Its all laundered. And you choose to live and die in a shithole like Culiacan chasing jumbo thigh mexican birds. What fucking idiots

    1. ''Culiacan chasing jumbo thigh mexican birds'' Killer that one and its true

    2. @5:01 sir these is real life not Netflix or the movies while he on top of the food chain he is not the big boss yet so he gets millions at the max not billions. And also sir that is his job to be around the shit hole and keep order.

    3. @5.01 and 3.46. Who are you talking about? Some imaginary cartoon CARTEL character? They don't bank millions, it isn't "all laundered", and you sound like envious incels.

  58. This muthafucker wears lugz! And loves fat woman

  59. Damn crazy shit he fixed my MacBook last week, whole time dude is a commander while also working for the geek squad??

  60. Que no viene del grupo los caifanes? 🤣

  61. I swear within a year I could get half the kids on here to volunteer to one of these mobs if I called myself Char/Sol.
    "I could hang with this Vato"....
    "Koo Foo"
    Jesus Christ lol. You know what "gunmen" do Char? Aren't you embarrassed by the comments?

    1. It's the new normal.

    2. You must be fun at parties.

    3. @6.06. I've been to 3 day parties with men way worse than this in Mexico, and those parties were admittedly fun. But this isn't a party, it's a site about Cartel violence. If u come here for fun then I'm sorry I popped your balloon.

  62. Mayitos using their full power of snitching lol que lacras se ven.


    1. 7:55 Mijo I don't read comments with all capitals.

    2. If the real guy is supposed to be ex-military then I believe it..

    3. 7:55 why is Luiz Chaparro snitching?

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Pinche tacuache

    Asi como mata se va morir el perro

  66. Ndrangheta aura, trained by Ionian sea


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