Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 13, 2024

'CJNG' Cartel Regional Commander 'Audias Flores Silva' Aka 'El Jardinero' Days Of Freedom Appear To Be Numbered

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated from EL OCCIDENTAL 

El Jardinero sentenced to 45 years in prison.

"El Jardinero" was arrested in 2016, and charged with the crimes of aggravated homicide, attempted aggravated homicide, crimes committed against representatives of the authority, and organized crime.


Román Ortega / El Occidental

The State Prosecutor's Office's Prosecution Follow-up Office obtained a second instance conviction against Audias Flores Silva, alias "El Jardinero", considered by US authorities to be the successor of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho", leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, and who had been released in 2019.

"El Jardinero" was arrested in 2016, accused of the crimes of aggravated homicide, attempted aggravated homicide, crimes committed against representatives of the authority and organized crime, in aggravation of the 15 police officers of the extinct Fuerza Única de Jalisco, who lost their lives in the attack committed on April 6, 2015, in the municipality of San Sebastián del Oeste, but in 2019 he was acquitted and released after several appeals filed in court.

The State Prosecutor's Office filed an appeal and succeeded in having the Tenth Court revoke the sentence to impose the defendant 45 years in prison, in addition to the payment of a fine of 314,297 pesos and the payment of damages in the amount of 192,734.50 pesos for each of the victims.

For this reason, the State Prosecutor's Office must search for him and recapture him so that he may comply with his sentence.

The sources consulted indicated that "El Jardinero" is indicated as one of the intellectual authors of the attack against military personnel last Sunday, November 19, 2023, in Teocaltiche, where three soldiers died and three more were wounded.

The US State Department says that "El Jardinero" is considered to be the successor of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho. Meanwhile, the Justice Department of the neighboring country is offering 5 million dollars for information leading to his capture.

Last November, the Secretariat of the Navy carried out an operation to try to capture "El Jardinero" in the luxurious Cima Park complex, but he managed to escape and they only arrested a subject identified as "El Mini Toy", alleged financial operator of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG).

He is also in charge of the criminal group's illicit activities in Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas. He is also in charge of operating methamphetamine laboratories in Jalisco and southern Zacatecas.


  1. Nice but now we need someone holding a gun to the head of alfarao so he gives up his buddy.

  2. I just mentioned in another article .. that before election time Elmo will Gift a CJNG big pescado to the alphabet gabachos in the good ol US of A.. to keep the DeA from speaking on Elmo

    1. Connor se rumora que gente de El 💐 le dieron bajé a Rodolfo Sierra Santana y sus escoltas allá por El Infierno. Haz sabido algo?

    2. Now that you say it i think that is a big possibility also

    3. Connor your a gabacho as well

  3. This guy is projected to be next in line after Mencho? I thought Double R was next in line? If Jardinero gets captured I am willing to bet that he too will snitch. He will be singing like a canary. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Double r is nowhere near close to being next in line...

    2. Menchas succesor wld have to be a relative by blood or marriage. An oseguera or a velencia for sure.

    3. Chill snitchloas

    4. That's koo foo
      The real nuff said!!

  4. Investigate the judge who released him, check his bank records and lock him up.

    1. Your a rookie Hearst needs to teach you the many methods judges work.
      I thought the same as you until more information was put into my brain.

  5. Its a bold statement to say his days are numbered. How many narcos are free despite having arrest warrants? They have to catch him first.

  6. All cjng snitches get released because they are protected by mx government. While mz are in his state of Nayarit slowly trickling in

    1. both sides taking blows 1124. from an outsider looking in your just upset because you home states cartel is in decline and know has a legitimate enemy. Times are changing CDS is no longer the dominant cartel it once was. Dont worry once you grow up and get a job you will realize how dumb you sound. Peace little buddy

  7. MZ is pushing into Nayarit. San Blas is already MZ

  8. All of Nayarit will be CDS again and finally push into southern Jalisco to get rid of cjng once and for all. CDS is not only winning the battle but this 10 year war now

    1. Quit capping and admit it… now that state split half. Sinaloa will never take over

    2. Incorrect 751

  9. Pelón,el 3 is next in line

  10. Gardiner is Finished

  11. If they catch him nothing will change, maybe even a more blood thristy sicario might evrn take over


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