Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Cartels Operating In Tennessee

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A Tennessee couple linked to a Mexican drug cartel died after a big rig chase and shootout with officers. Now the feds confirm the cartels are working in Tennessee as well as every other state. 

Donley County

WKRN News 2


  1. Of course they in every state but this ain’t Mexico. You will get caught.
    You will go to prison.
    You will not bribe your way out of this one you dusty fools.
    We aren’t a failed country like Mexico.

    1. But, but, but... They've been in the US since the late 70s, not all get caught or go to prison. Regardless, the "system" of the cartels NEVER gets caught and stays in place. Naive gun advocates have said this would never happen - it has. And they didn't do shit.

    2. Sorry to break it to you, not everybody gets caught. The money just keeps on flowing. The younger generations will always fill in any void. Drugs are a big part of society, whether you choose to be blind to that fact is all up to you my friend.

    3. They get caught but replaced by a new guy, thats why the money still flows.

    4. You let Italian mobsters extort and hurt innocent civilians for nearly a century

    5. @7:44pm you’re 100% right just like El Chapo became reckless the US government only catches the dumb ones.

  2. Stupid tweakers

  3. Son, you ain't got a chance on Sunday if you think you're gonna pull that shit in Texas. They will light yo ass up quick!

    1. There is plenty of cartel drugs in texas

    2. Tennessee did give us Davey Crockett , fought along side of us at The Alamo sir !

    3. 10:47
      Not saying Davy Crockett was stupid, but it's said he came home one time after kickin' it for 2 years in the wilderness to find his rosy-cheeked missus with a newborn baby at her breast..
      He was SO surprised and excited to be a proud new papa!
      I guess math wasn't his strong suite, jaja ..

  4. Amen
    Texas don’t play

  5. Definition of a Tennessee virgin:
    A girl who runs faster than her brother..
    I woke up a-feelin mean
    Went down to play the slot machine
    The wheels turned 'round and the letters said:
    "Better head back to Tennessee, Jed"
    .. Grateful Dead

    1. "Got a wife in Chino county, and one in Tennessee
      The first one says she's got my child
      But it don't look like me"

    2. Got two reasons why I cry away each lonely night
      First ones named sweet ann Marie and she's my heart's delight
      The second one is prison baby, the sherrifs on my trail
      And if he catçhes up with me I'll spend my life in jail

  6. Cartels dont operate in America like they do in Mexico. They are more scared to commit a crime in the U.S..they use city gangbangers to push the product.

    1. Oh, so they do operate in the US.

    2. You said it, City bangers ain’t scared at all. RICO couldn’t take down Mexican American gangs but it took down the mob go figure

    3. Part of the decline of the mob is that most italian american kids dont want to end up in jail but street gangs got a steady supply of dumbass gangbangers

    4. The decline of the Italian mob is because the new Italians want 2 be more like gangbangers and thugs

  7. The cartels sell wholesale and the locals figth for corners and west,east,south and north sides areas just like in mexico there's murders and robberies related to it all over the usa is just shoved under the rug by the media but believe it folks there's lots of sketchy $h/t happening in the great American soil

  8. They could come to California. Nobody seems to give a shit about anything anymore.

    1. Only the nihilistas give a shit about anything anymore.

    2. @10:22 PM 🤣😂🤣😂👍

  9. Here is an article on the event:

    The article does not clearly state whether they were going east or west on I-40 (unless I missed it).

    It is likely that these US citizens picked up the drugs in California and were driving them back to distributors in Nashville.

    While there are no doubt low level cartel members in every state, those members just have to get the trafficked products into the US - humans or drugs - and then there are sufficient numbers of citizens to transport and distribute. There is a huge illegal alien population around Nashville, so actual cartel operations could exist under the cover of all of the IAs already there.

    1. Yeah I'm sure all the native criminals will cede that business to those who are trying to not have any contact with law enforcement whatsoever but are dumb enough to post up on fucked up corners and be strapped up ready to fight for their slanging turf. You are absolutely Fing brilliant!

    2. Nashville cats play cool as country water
      Nashville cats play wild as mountain dew
      Nashville cats been playing since they's babies
      Nashville cats get work before they're two
      ..John Sebastian

    3. That shit makes no fucking sense

  10. Ask el chapo how he likes the usa. It will be the same fate of any narcos who think they can run the same circus there they run in mexico.

    1. Off Topic
      Parts of Texas are getting flooded, hope Sols office doesn't get flooded I am addicted to reading articles everyday heaven forbid.👌

    2. Sol's Plymouth hatchback has been towed to higher ground 🤠

    3. 10:19
      LoL 🤣
      In Mexico the criminal Cartels will kidnap you, kill you

      In Texas the weather will get you if it's not raining hard, then it's the hot dry sun.

    4. Sol's wheels was an AMC Gremlin, but it got towed for unpaid parking tickets.
      Now he takes the bus,or his mama give him a ride.

    5. I'm surprised you guys didn't, mention the Ford Pinto. That's one vehicle that should never have been released to the public. 😂

    6. "Pinto bombs", a big deal back in 1978..
      If you got rear-ended in one, that was all she wrote, brother..

    7. Who was the stuck on stupid engineer who thought it would be wise to mount the gas tank on the rear end?


    8. I was always under the impression that the Ford corporation purposely designed that car as birth control on wheels for all the poor people 😀

  11. You can steal more with a pencil than with a gun..
    .. Vito Corleone

    1. Godfather ain't got shit on these mexican capos

    2. And you do way less time…

  12. The cartels came here originally to attend the knee slappin' hoedown. They heard that the jug band was the best in the state and OG depression era moonshine was served at high class hoedowns. They stayed when they realized the local hillbillies had a penchant for fine cocaine, meth and blue pills.

    It's a symbiotic relationship. I heard all this in the Tennessee corridos, and everyone knows the corridos never lie.


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