Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 31, 2024

Navy Special Forces Detains Two Armed Men In Los Mochis; One Is Wounded: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 

MAY 31, 2024 


Los Mochis, Sin.- Two men, who were traveling armed aboard a pickup truck, were detained by elements of the Secretary of the Navy, at the intersection of Ayuntamiento Street and Antonio Rosales Boulevard, south of the city of Los Mochis.
One of the detainees suffered a gunshot wound to his body, which was treated by first responders from the Secretariat of the Navy.

The information that has been released at the scene of the incident indicates that these individuals were being pursued by the members of the Secretariat of the Navy and upon arriving at the aforementioned intersections, both the Marines and the subjects detonated their weapons.

Other information that has transpired indicates that these individuals were carrying long arms, as well as grenade launcher equipment.

The area has been cordoned off by the military forces, awaiting the competent authorities who will carry out the corresponding procedures.


Body Of 'Cheyo Antrax' Remains In SEMEFO; Awaiting DEA Certification

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE

MAY 31, 2024

The body of Eliseo Imperial Castro, El Cheyo Ántrax, remains in the Forensic Medical Service, as authorities are waiting for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to certify his identity.

El Cheyo Ántrax, nephew of Ismael el Mayo Zambada, had an open indictment in the Southern District of California in the United States, where a reward of 5 million dollars was offered for anyone who provided information leading to his capture.

Official sources confirmed that due to the fact that Imperial Castro had open litigation in the neighboring country, the U.S. government must validate his identity before his body is handed over to his relatives.

In 2016, the U.S. government reported Cheyo and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), froze his assets and prohibited U.S. citizens from engaging in financial or commercial transactions with him.

“The Southern District of California has charged Eliseo Imperial Castro and Alfonso Lira Sotelo with various narcotics trafficking violations involving methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana and money laundering. OFAC is designating Eliseo Imperial Castro for materially assisting, supporting, providing services to, and/or acting on behalf of his uncle, Ismael Zambada Garcia, and/or the Sinaloa Cartel,” the 2016 OFAC report reads.

El Cheyo Ántrax was shot to death yesterday, Thursday, on Mexico International Highway 15, near the Jardines del Humaya cemetery, south of Culiacán.

Mayo Zambada's nephew was driving a Chervolet Colorado pickup truck when he was shot at and died at the scene.

Imperial Castro was the founder of the Anthrax cell along with José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, “El Chino Anthrax. This group served as Mayo Zambada's armed wing and provided protection to his family.

El Cheyo was a cousin and bodyguard of Ismael Zambada Imperial, El Mayito Gordo, one of Mayo Zambada's sons.


Mexico’s Drug Cartels And Gangs Appear To Be Playing A Wider Role In Sunday’s Elections Than Before

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico’s drug cartels and gangs appear to be playing a wider role in Sunday’s elections that will determine the presidency, nine governorships and about 19,000 mayorships and other local posts.

The country’s powerful drug cartels have long staged targeted assassinations of mayoral and other local candidates who threaten their control. Gangs in Mexico depend on controlling local police chiefs, and taking a share of municipal budgets; national politics appear to interest them less.

But in the runup to Sunday’s vote, gangs have increasingly taken to spraying whole campaign rallies with gunfire, burning ballots or preventing the setting up of polling stations — even putting up banners seeking to influence voters.

Security analyst David Saucedo says it’s likely some drug gangs will try to force voters to cast ballots for their favored candidates.

“It it is reasonable to assume that the cartels will mobilize their support bases during Sunday’s elections,” Saucedo said. “They have loyal voters who they have won over through the distribution of food packages, cash, medicine and infrastructure projects. They will use them to support narco-candidates.”

In some places, it appears the gangs are encouraging people to vote while discouraging voting in areas controlled by their rivals.

On Friday, electoral authorities reported that assailants burned a house where ballots were being stored ahead of Sunday in the violence-wracked town of Chicomuselo, in the southern state of Chiapas. While they did not say who was behind the attack, the town is completely dominated by two warring drug cartels, Jalisco and Sinaloa.

On May 14, gunmen apparently linked to a cartel shot and killed 11 people in a single day in Chicomuselo. On May 17, five people were killed along with a mayoral candidate when gunmen opened fire on a crowd in the town of La Concordia, Chiapas, about 45 miles (75 kilometers) east of Chicomuselo.

Targeted assassinations of local candidates continued. On Wednesday, dramatic video images showed a mayoral candidate in the southern state of Guerrero being shot in the head at point-blank rage with a pistol.

And mass attacks on campaign rallies, once exceedingly rare in Mexico, are becoming common.

Also on Wednesday, the last official day of campaigning, unidentified gunmen opened fire a couple of blocks away from a mayoral candidate’s final campaign rally in the western state of Michoacan, sending hundreds of people scrambling for safety.

“It seemed like a normal evening, like the campaign closers of other candidates,” said Angélica Chávez, a homemaker who was at the rally in Cotija. “Then there were gunshots, several rounds of gunfire very close. And then people started running and diving to the ground, crouching.”

Chávez was hurt in the stampede and had to take refuge in a local church.

In Celaya, a city in Guanajuato, gunmen opened fire on a campaign event in April, killing a mayoral candidate and wounding three of her supporters.

Saucedo, the analyst, sees the shootings as a sign that narco gangs are no longer willing to see their handpicked candidates lose.

“Rather than allow the victory of a candidate who is not in line with their criminal interests, or allow a candidate linked to a rival drug gang to win, they use this tactic,” Saucedo said. “What we’re seeing in the final stretch is pretty desperate strategy on the part of some groups of drug traffickers.”

Saucedo said that such attempts at narco-control of local politics had been seen previously in some particularly violent states, like Tamaulipas. “What was once limited ... is now spreading to include the whole country,” he said.

The National Electoral Institute says it has had to cancel plans for 170 polling places, mostly in Chiapas and Michoacan and mostly because of security problems. In Chiapas, electoral authorities say there are places they can’t even go to.

In the northern border city of Nuevo Laredo, a shadowy group that local media reports link to the dominant Northeast drug cartel has put up posters claiming one mayoral candidate is linked to the rival Gulf drug cartel.

Authorities have not confirmed the origin of the crude poster, which includes a photoshopped image of the candidate waving an assault rifle and wearing a bulletproof vest with the Gulf cartel’s insignia.

In the state of Morelos, just south of Mexico City, residents awoke this week to find a banner strung over a road claiming a gubernatorial candidate was tied to rival drug gangs. The banner was signed by a local drug boss whose name is unknown, “the Commander of the Three Letters.”

Another apparently gang-related banner threatened that anyone trying to buy votes would be “punished severely.” That banner was signed by “Those who have always called the shots here.”

Such events appear to indicate that past calculations by the cartels — take out the strongest candidate you don’t like, and the remaining major-party candidate will win by default — have become more complicated.

In one town in Michoacan, Maravatio, the gangs apparently tried to eliminate any doubts as to who will win this year and killed off three candidates for town mayor who were not to their liking.

News Break

El Nini Cries Inside New York Court

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Good afternoon. My name is Jesús García. Thank you for joining us for this special report from lower Manhattan here in New York. Just behind me is the federal court for the southern district of New York. Where there was a very interesting decision made today.  

Before starting I want to remind you that we are doing this double broadcast for our sister newspapers La Opinión and El Diario in New York. Today was the hearing where the accusations were made known to Néstor Pérez, who is accused of being the leader of the Los Chapitos hitmen, the sons of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán. 

This character known as El Nini was arrested last November in Mexico and was extradited to the United States last Saturday. He was presented in court this week. However, the charges were not read at that time and a hearing was scheduled.

This Thursday's hearing occurred as I indicated, here at the court that you are seeing behind me. He asked that the charges not be read because his lawyer had already presented him with the document containing the accusations. The defendant was handed the paperwork to be read in Spanish because he was asking for a translator and it was read to him in Spanish. 

The judge asked him if she wanted all of the charges read to him and he said no. When the judge asked him how he pleaded, he answered not guilty. He faces several criminal charges. Among them are murder of or the alleged murder of a DEA agent. In addition to the murder of several DEA informants who helped US authorities capture Ovidio Guzmán. 

That is what is related to it as part of the investigations that have been carried out. And part of what we have published on our news portals. If we remember the context, Nini is considered a bloodthirsty hitman, quite harsh in his actions. We didn’t expect anything less from him being a hitman because of his position. 

But I mentioned this for context because at the start of the court hearing he showed himself as an extremely vulnerable person. There were 3 people present who didn’t want to speak even though they were asked for information about who they were. We’re under the understanding that they are family members. 

They were two women and a man. One of the women told him directly, my mom and dad love you. He responded before leaving the court in shackles, I too and he began to cry. That moment of vulnerability due to his position contrasts with how he presented himself or how he acted, as the leader of the Los Chapitos hitmen…

La Opinión

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Breaking News & Live Thread: Eliseo Imperial Castro Aka "Cheyo Antrax" Nephew Of Mayo Zambada Killed In Culiacán: Sinaloa (UpDate: Graphic Images)

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Journalist Luis Alberto Diaz Y Los Noticieristas confirms the following news, 

"Last Hour🚨| It is “Cheyo” Ántrax, nephew of 'Mayo' Zambada, who was killed in the white Colorado truck in Culiacán.




"Eliseo Imperial Castro, Cheyo Antrax, one of the founders of Los Antrax, was shot and killed this afternoon in Culiacán."

The bullet-ridden corpse of Eliseo Imperial Castro Aka "El Cheyo" "El 2" "El Cheyo Antrax" "El Lobo Guardian" 

El Rojo, Alleged Murderer Of Former Vigilante Leader Hipólito Mora, Is Sent To Trial

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

He was also ordered to be remanded in custody after he was captured last week while driving a stolen vehicle.

Another person has been arrested involved in the murder of Hipólito Mora, the leader of the Michoacán self-defense groups. 

Rogelio del Ángel N, alias “El Rojo”, alleged murderer of the founder of the self-defense groups, Hipólito Mora, and his four bodyguards were linked to trial and informal preventive detention.

“El Rojo” was arrested last week when he was traveling aboard a vehicle reported stolen.

According to the Investigation Folder, on June 29, 2023, an armed group perpetrated an attack against the former leader of the self-defense groups, who died at the scene, as well as his bodyguards: Saulo Gamaliel A., Roberto N., Manuel G., and Calixto A.

The State Attorney General's Office announced that as a result of the investigation tasks, evidence was obtained that links Bryan “N” and Rogelio del Ángel “N” "El Rojo" in the events, therefore, at the time , the respective arrest warrant was requested.

Bryan “N” was arrested last December and is already linked to the process, while Rogelio del Ángel “N” was arrested during an inter-institutional action in which personnel from the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA), National Guard (GN) and Civil Guard (GC) also participated. 

Rogelio del Ángel "N" was handed over to the court, which ordered him to stand trial, remanded him in custody and set a three-month deadline for the completion of the complementary investigation.

Morelia, Michoacán

El Sol de Morelia  Borderland Beat Archives

That One Round That Equates Lights Out

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The vitality of a man’s existence is no more. Assassins from the Grupo Escorpiones, armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo, have successfully removed him from the land of the living. 

It appears that a high velocity round to the front of his head is what took him out of the fight all at once. 

For the dead gunman from the Los Metros organization. This is how he will be remembered by his criminal counterparts. 

As a fallen operative with blood and brain matter spilled onto the ground under a pitch black Mexican sky. 

Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas 

El Blog de Los Guachos

Throwback Thursday: Welcome To The City Of Lost Children: Tamaulipas. 10/03/2019

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

By: "Sol Prendido" 

This is a video that shows just how far the narco culture has extended in one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico. 

Where children aspire to be hitmen for the Gulf Cartel. 

This broadcast serves to demonstrate the lack of values and intelligence that their parents possess.

Video translation is as follows:

Interviewer: Children what are your names?

Erick: Erick and Manuel. 

Interviewer: Erick and Manuel where are you originally from?

Erick: From Reynosa, Tamaulipas. 

Interviewer: What do you plan to do?

Erick: We plan to be a part of the Gulf Cartel. 

Interviewer: The Gulf Cartel? Don’t you want to study young man?

Erick: No, that’s just for little kids.
Interviewer: You don’t care about school?

Erick: No, not at all. 

Interviewer: That firearm that you carry is a toy, right? But you really want a real one?

Erick: Yes. I’m Angel Verde from the Gulf Cartel...

Interviewer: But what do you plan to do to the people that you capture? 

Erick: We’re going to paddle them. 

Interviewer: You’re going to paddle them, and what else young man?

Manuel: Even if the police see us. We don’t care. 

Erick: We will also paddle the police. 

Interviewer: You’re going to paddle the police? Will you also behead them or not?

Erick: Yes. 

Manuel: Yes. 

Erick: We’re going to throw them into the woods. 

Interviewer: You’re going to throw them where?

Erick: Into the woods. 

Interviewer: Into the woods, ok. 

Manuel: All the naked ones. 

Interviewer: As you can all see here in this video these are young men from Reynosa. From Reynosa, Tamaulipas. One is 8 years old and how old are you...

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

AMLO Says He Wants To Finish His Term Free Of Repression, Massacres And Missing Persons

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated, on May 29, 2024, that he wanted to finish what remained of his Government, without acts of repression, massacres and missing people, after going through, according to him, “difficult circumstances.”

Likewise, during his morning press conference, held from the Treasury Room of the National Palace, the Tabasco politician took the opportunity to criticize that his opponents were seeking, according to him, to resolve the problems of violence with the use of force and more prisons. 

“We live in a free country and I want to, of course we’re going to achieve it because we have already gone through enough time and difficult circumstances, and we have never fallen into a provocation and I want to end my term without a single act of repression, without a massacre, without missing persons, with peace, with tranquility, but at the same time without authoritarianism,” indicated the national leader.

“People understand me, because when our people talk about violence, they don’t think in the same manner as those in leadership, those at the top, who want to resolve everything with the use of force, with prisons, with threats of a strong hand, with more severe laws.” "That's how the conservative thinks, he always thinks that way, we tend to think the way citizens think," said the head of the Federal Executive Branch.

Likewise, the President of the Republic said that man by nature isn’t evil and that violence in the country was unleashed, according to him, by the abandonment of the people and the collusion of authorities with organized crime.

“Even conservatives forget that human beings, we are all born good, and that it is the circumstances that lead some to take the path of antisocial behavior, we are not bad individuals by nature,” insisted the Tabasco politician.

“But that, even if they go to the temples, even if they go to the Church, they cannot internalize that and also understand that the violence in Mexico was unleashed due to the abandonment of the people and also because of the collusion of authorities with organized crime,” added the national leader.

U.S. Acusses 'El Nini' 'El 19' Of Assassinating A DEA Informant In 2023

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

MAY 28, 2024

Nestor Isidro Perez Salas, el Nini, the alleged security chief of the Chapitos, was accused of murdering an informant infiltrated into the Sinaloa Cartel by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2023 in retaliation for collaborating in criminal cases against him.

“According to court documents, Perez Salas, from at least 2012 through February 2021, allegedly conspired to distribute and manufacture cocaine and methamphetamine for illegal importation into the United States, used a firearm in furtherance of the alleged drug trafficking crime, and killed, attempted to kill, threatened, and caused bodily injury to another person to intimidate a government witness and informant,” a statement reads.

According to the indictment filed in December 2023, but made public on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice charges Nini with a total of 10 criminal counts, ranging from trafficking fentanyl to murdering the confidential informant weeks before he was captured on Nov. 22, 2023.

Perez Salas is charged in the District of Columbia with conspiracy to import cocaine and methamphetamine into the United States, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison; using, carrying and possessing machine guns and destructive devices in connection with the cocaine and methamphetamine conspiracy, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years imprisonment and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment; and conspiracy to obstruct justice by retaliating against a witness and an informant by murder, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of life imprisonment.

Fentanyl Addiction Increases In Women: Its Being Mixed With Other Drugs

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Over the course of this year 2024, an increase in fentanyl use among women has been noted, according to the Posada del Buen Samaritano rehabilitation center.

They were transporting 150,000 fentanyl pills

Addiction to fentanyl can occur even if one does not seek to consume it. In Sonora, there have been cases where this synthetic opioid is mixed with other drugs to "hook" people who are looking for other types of substances, indicated psychotherapist Paola de la Re.

The operational coordinator of the Posada del Buen Samaritano, a rehabilitation center exclusively for women, mentioned that during the course of this year 2024 there has been an increase in the consumption of fentanyl, which can come indirectly, although there are cases where there is already a direct addiction to this synthetic drug.

"Previous years we had had very sporadic cases of fentanyl, but this year, since the beginning of 2024 to now, it has been much more present; either people who come directly saying that they consume the M-30 as they call it in the streets, synthetic heroin or fentanyl directly," he said.

However, there are cases in which, when hospitalized for the use of other drugs, such as methamphetamines, laboratory studies, as well as withdrawal symptoms, revealed a dependence on fentanyl.

"Normally they come saying that their consumption is directly from crystal meth, but after three or four days we realize that there are behaviors out of the ordinary and there are certain anomalies, following a certain period they begin to present tremors, nausea, tingling sensations or the feeling that they are burning, something very common in periods of withdrawal from fentanyl," he added.

More cases of fentanyl addiction detected in women this year

For her part, Flor Garza, director of the rehabilitation center, commented that it is a highly addictive substance and the patients who are hospitalized due to dependence on the synthetic opioid are between 25 and 40 years old, many times there was already an experience prior with other drugs, although hardly anything comparable to fentanyl.

“Obviously it’s to addict them, since they don’t know that in the meth, or what they are consuming in pills, they placed fentanyl in there, what this causes is that from the initial intake they begin to create an addiction and the level of dependency that it generates is impressive,” he noted.

She explained that the detoxification and therapy process for other drugs can take between 2 and 4 months, however, with fentanyl the first month is focused on medical stabilization and later work is done on the psychological area, since dependence on the substance can lead to severe physiological effects, which are generated more quickly compared to other substances, which prolongs treatment.

Sonora, key state for fentanyl trafficking

Due to its border status, Sonora is a key state for the transfer of drugs to the United States, just last Thursday, May 16, the customs authorities at the border port between Nogales, Sonora, and Nogales, Arizona, seized around of 700 thousand fentanyl pills hidden in cans and cardboard containers of different everyday essential products, transported in the trunk of a vehicle that was inspected.

According to data from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), so far in the United States fiscal year, which began in October 2023 and ends in September 2024 Border ports in the Tucson, Arizona area have seized a total of 6,506 pounds, equal to 2,951 kilos, of fentanyl.

CBP Drug Seizure Statistics indicate that, during the last fiscal year, between October 2022 and September 2023, 12,680 pounds of fentanyl were seized, equal to 5,751 kilos, in the seven months of the current fiscal year the equivalent of 51.3% has been insured compared to the entire previous period.

It should be noted that the CBP reported that, to date, in the current fiscal year, a total of seven thousand 278 pounds, equal to three thousand 301 kilos, of methamphetamines have been seized, while two cocaine shipments have been seized at border ports. 1,729 pounds, equivalent to 1,237 kilos.

Hermosillo, Sonora

CBP Officers Seized $233K In Meth At World Trade Bridge

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seize more than $233,000 in meth at the World Trade Bridge.

On May 24, a CBP officer referred an express consignment truck hauling various boxes of commercial merchandise for secondary inspection.

Further physical examination of an electric boiler resulted in the discovery of 22 packages containing a total of 26 pounds of meth within the commodity.

The narcotics had an estimated street value of $233,342. authorities said.

“Our frontline officers continue to maintain their vigilance while examining express consignment goods and uncovered a significant methamphetamine load,” said Port Director Albert Flores, Laredo Port of Entry.

“The use of non-intrusive inspection technology coupled with officer experience contributed to this seizure.”

CBP seized the meth. Homeland Security Investigations special agents took over the investigation.

Laredo, Texas

Laredo Morning Times

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Another 'Pirate' Gas Station Secured In Tlaquepaque; There Were More Than 3 Thousand Liters Of Huachicol: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

Two dispensing pumps with two hoses and a metal tank were seized at the site.

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

In a search of a property located in the municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque, personnel from the Attorney General's Office of the Republic secured a “pirate” gas station and huachicol.

The federal agency informed shortly before noon on Monday, that an anonymous complaint was received, informing that hydrocarbons were being stored in a property located at the intersection of Patria and Lázaro Cárdenas avenues.

For this reason, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) requested a search warrant, which was executed by the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM) of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), with the support of specialized experts of the institution.

Two fuel pumps with two hoses and a metal tank with approximately 3,500 liters of hydrocarbons whose legal origin could not be proven and was therefore seized.

The property and the seized items were handed over to the ministerial agent, who will continue with the corresponding investigation for the crime of illegal storage of hydrocarbons and whatever else may result.

Since March, when one of the maneuvering yards of Mi Macro was secured, at least three premises have been secured in which there was illegal storage of hydrocarbons and fake gas stations.

The FGR in Jalisco invites citizens to anonymously report federal crimes by calling 33 39423345, 33 39423365, 800 00 85 400 or sending an e-mail to and

UpDate: Alleged Suspect In The Murder Of Two Women And A Man In Culiacán Arrested: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

May 28, 2024

The alleged perpetrator of the murder of two women and a man in the San Fermin subdivision in the city of Culiacan was arrested early Tuesday morning. 

“Today in the early hours of this morning the Apprehension Order was executed against a subject allegedly related to the deprivation of life of two women and a man in the Fraccionamiento San Fermin,” reported the Attorney General's Office of the State of Sinaloa.

Today in the early morning the arrest warrant was executed against a subject allegedly related to the deprivation of life of two women and a man in the Fraccionamiento San Fermin. Pending time for the initial hearing of criminal case 520/2024.#fiscaliaSinaloa

- Fiscalía Sinaloa (@FiscaliaSinaloa) May 28, 2024

The triple murder occurred last Tuesday, May 21, on the second floor of a house in the San Fermín subdivision of the Loma de Rodriguera sector.

The authorities found Nohemí, 23, Dulce, 18, and Alejandro, 23, dead and shot.

The detainee will be brought before a control judge in the next few hours.


Minerva Perez Orozco Is Accused Of Having Ties To Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

My name is Carlos Ivan Luna aka El Tocino. I’m a worker for El Toro or El Cachis. It was El Cachis who sent for pastor Octavio Valdez to be killed off. Mrs. Minerva Perez Orozco is the wife of Victor, brother of El Toro. 

She is the owner of Atenea En El Mar. She’s also the president of Canainpesca. And with the support of her brother in law wants to control all the seafood in Baja California. 

In addition, she in turn went to the weekly Zeta news portal to throw dirt on the Sinaloa Cartel because of the relationships that she has. El Toro sent us to kill Mr. Muro even though that was his business partner. 

* At the conclusion of this video El Tocino was turned into a human package. His corpse was disposed of on a street in Ensenada.

Minerva Pérez Castro presides Canainpesca in Baja California  She is the first woman at the head of the fishing and aquaculture chamber in the state. 

Ensenada, Baja California

Eco 1 LVM  El Imparcial

Armed Attack Against Director And Police Elements In Valle de Zaragoza; An Agent Died

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat


The events in the municipal command; A BOI (Interinstitutional Operating Base) has been deployed in the municipality to provide security and search for the attackers

The director of Municipal Public Security of Valle de Zaragoza, whose identity and several elements of the corporation are currently unknown, suffered an armed attack in the municipal command, presenting injuries, as confirmed by Mayor Homero Márquez and the Secretariat of Public Security State, events due to which an element lost their life; An Interinstitutional Operations Base has been deployed to the town to provide security and begin the search for the aggressors.

During the night of this Monday, a violent incident was reported to the emergency system in the municipality of Valle de Zaragoza, the director of the police corporation and several elements were targets of an attack by heavily armed individuals who unloaded their weapons against them. .

As a result of the events, an agent lost his life in the municipal facilities, the director and other agents were left with serious injuries. However, they themselves were the ones who requested the help.

The municipal president Homero Márquez confirmed the event that occurred during the night of this Monday in the town, he said that at the moment this was all he could say as the first authority of the municipality of Valle de Zaragoza.

For its part, the State Public Security Secretariat, through its spokesperson Jorge Armendáriz, said that the events occurred around 8:50 p.m., when the call to the emergency system was generated, elements of the SSPE moved to the command, in addition to the BOI Cell.

He reported that it was initially known that there are several injured, including all the elements of the Municipal Public Security Directorate, and investigations are continuing to find out the escape route of the aggressors. Above all, to attend to the integrity and life of the police officers who were victims of the event.

An Interinstitutional Operations Base has been deployed to the municipal capital to provide security, as well as to begin the search for those responsible for perpetrating the act against the police command and one of the agents.

An Inter-institutional Operations Base has been deployed to the municipal capital to provide security, as well as to begin the search for the perpetrators of the crime against the police commander and one of the officers.

Personnel from the National Guard, the State Public Security Secretariat and the State Attorney General's Office from the Chihuahua, Satevó and Parral detachments are responding to the call for help.

Valle de Zaragoza, Chihuahua

El Heraldo de Chihuahua