Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

UPDATE: They Charge An Individual For His Probable Responsibility In The Death Of His Son In Ameca: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

He was charged with the crime of patricide to the detriment of his son Ángel Gabriel


Roman Ortega / El Occidental

Agents from the State Prosecutor's Office captured and presented before a control judge a subject accused of having stabbed his own son to death in the municipality of Ameca.

The State Prosecutor's Office reported that this is José de Jesús J, who was charged with the crime of patricide to the detriment of his son Ángel Gabriel, whom he attacked and took his life on the night of March 24.

On the day of the events, the victim's father reported that he and his son were traveling in a car on the Guadalajara – Ameca highway, and when passing over the El Quelite ranch, they were intercepted by some hooded individuals, who attacked them with a weapon. white and escaped in a car.

In the investigations, the agents of the State Prosecutor's Office detected inconsistencies and contradictions in the version of the accused. The investigations established said individual as the probable person responsible for the death of his son.

The defense of the accused requested the extension of the constitutional term of 144 hours, to gather more evidence in favor of the accused. The judge imposed informal preventive detention, in which the legal situation of the accused is resolved.


  1. I saw the son of Dominican politician “ Alfredo Pacheco” was executed in Huston by 3 men. It looks like an Ambush . Does anyone know if Alfredo Pacheco has any narco connections? I’m not sure if this is BB worthy but it was interesting and The first thing I thought was cartel execution because the father was involved in bad business

    1. Interesting. I’m going to ask my two cousins that are in the Dominican Republic senate. They are actually great guys that love our country. One is seeking to go for the presidency at some point.
      Is bad enough the shit my people are doing here in NYC.

      Rubio NYC

    2. Como dicen en mi tierra, este Rubio es una yucca! en todo se acomoda lol

    3. If Rubio's cousin gets cheated out of the presidency, patriotic BB readers should storm the Dominican statehouse and unleash havoc.
      Stop The Steal!

    4. lol. You guys are funny. And yucas taste great. That’s not something g that my cousin is doing now. It’s going to take a while. He just got into the senate I think like 2 years ago. And right now I think he’s working on building a following. Helping whatever sector he ran in. Also I would like to see something good happening in my country. I grew up in this little town called higuey. Which is next to Punta Cana. And I recently found out that even though the town is huge now. And plagued by gangs. I’m not ignorant I dont pretend that change won’t happen. But dang when I was there it was so innocent. Very religious place. And well I found out my grandparent sold their land. And things are not even close to what they used to be.

      Rubio NYC

  2. I knew there was something fishy about this homicide from the get go. The son gets stabbed but dad is left alone. It didn't make sense. Dad is a piece of shit.
    I've never said that cartels or criminals don't target the innocent but for the most part, the homicides occurring in Mexico are cartel related. The large majority can be attributed to criminals killing rival criminals or clashes with the government. Those thinking that 35k homicides a year were all innocent are naive or ignorant.

    1. Hi back to sleep BB will be here in the morning.

    2. Puerto Rican Rubio 🤣

    3. 221 what ya doing late up at night.
      Homicides that happen in Mexico are mixed in with criminals and innocent victims. Cops get murdered, journalist get murdered, ladies get murdered. Cartels torture and kill kidnapped victims that don't pay the ransom, they also kill people that don't pay piso.

      Viva Michoacan!
      Are u related to the guy that has some Downs syndrome 😭.

    4. It never made sense that they were pulled over/stopped by a cartel checkpoint and the son was stabbed.

  3. The kid was probably being a big pain in the butt and had to be taught a lesson. Dad took it to far. Kid looks like El Pirata de Culiacan. We all remember how annoying he was. Nuff said!!!

    1. Hi's "enough said".

    2. Damn I hope you don’t have kids. “He took it too far?!” Really?! Taking punishment on your kid too far is like spanking him too many times, timeout for way too long, or even smashing his gaming crap and his phone. Stabbing and murdering your son isn’t in the same universe as taking it too far you idiot! And, where is the idiot Mexico violence apologist when this kid was murdered. The punk said it’s probably some gringos who snuck into Mexico and that they do it all the time to commit crime in Mexico? Where is that apologist?

    3. 8:04
      'nuff said..
      According to Nina Simone and Ike and Tina Turner 🎙️🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹

    4. 4:12; I nominate your comment “Nuff” for the most ridiculous comment of the day

    5. Nuffy 4:12
      Congratulations on the ridiculous comment award.
      Nuffy you are #1 😭🤣😆

  4. Well, there go all the crazy comments and conspiracies from original post, 🤣 😂


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