Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Navy Special Forces Secure A Drug Laboratory After A Strong Operation And Searches In The Choix Mountain Range: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS  

The convoy is made up of at least 30 elements in 7 trucks and a Black Hawk helicopter from the Armed Forces.


A mega operation surprised the inhabitants of the municipality of Choix, in the northern mountains of Sinaloa, since mid-morning this Tuesday, when at least 30 elements aboard 7 gunned pickup trucks from the Secretariat of the Navy-Navy of Mexico arrived at the zone; There they broke into some homes where they carried out searches.

The deployment began in the El Vado area, near the municipal seat, and then headed towards Agua Caliente de Baca, where it is presumed that a clandestine synthetic drug laboratory was located, according to reports from several residents.

This operation was joined by elements who arrived in a Black Hawk helicopter of the Armed Forces, around 10:00 a.m., and shortly after landing, they allegedly deployed to several areas. A couple of hours later, the agents carrying out the search received reinforcements and security support.

To date, the type of drugs found at the site is unknown, as well as whether weapons or other chemical substances used in the production of synthetic drugs were found.

This operation was joined by elements who arrived in a Black Hawk helicopter of the Armed Forces, around 10:00 a.m., and shortly after landing, they allegedly deployed to several areas. A couple of hours later, the agents carrying out the search received reinforcements and security support.

To date, the type of drugs found at the site is unknown, as well as whether weapons or other chemical substances used in the production of synthetic drugs were found.

Sources from the Eighth Naval Zone in the Topolobampo sector reported unofficially that they were not aware of any operation by the Secretary of the Navy in that area, which suggests that it could be a special operation or elements from another state, possibly from Sonora, which operates in the mountain area due to its proximity to Choix.

The mega-operation has caused astonishment among the residents, who remain attentive to any information that may be made known about this important security in the region; They even feared some type of confrontation although they commented that the municipality has remained calm.


  1. Choix is Mayo territory?…

    1. Chapo Isidro

    2. Adelmo nunez aka don lemo’s territory. Old school BLO

    3. El siérreno is also there gente del chuta

  2. Mayo's been getting hit hard since Ovidio's extradition to the U.S. Coincidence?

  3. Cds canaries singing Sol lol 705am


  4. char,mira las jaliskas como dice el dicho calladitas se ven mas bonitas,muchos canarios en una sola jaula se pelean de a madre.........como la ves........

  5. Someone must of forgot to pay off government cut.

  6. Ovidio might as well give up Mayo cause it makes no sense to throw his life away for that old man. And just cut his losses with Adriana once and for all. I can almost guarantee you that she never stopped going out after his capture. There’s really no telling how many times she’s been dicked down by now from that revolving door of men in her life either. So, why even bother kidding himself on what his spouse is doing at these parties by herself that she constantly finds herself in. Unless of course he’s that sort of masochist who loves that type of abusive and problematic woman in his life.

  7. Don lemos 01 turf?

  8. Chapitos have stepped away. Nini was delivered, garibays taken out and pelones refusal to work for gigios and rusos. Paredes, salazar all remain cds. Chapitos have been disbanded

  9. They have the DEA out there in Sinaloa. Running. With some of the best people the military has. Trucha with the carrucha.

    1. @09:18 yep the DEA got kicked out more than a year ago. Check your facts, must be the brace and honorable DEA agents who were eating ecstasy, smoking meth, and banging chics on the clock

    2. 9:18
      DEA is still working in Mexico, they limited the amount of personal, thanks to older military higher ups and Obrador, because they got butt- hurt when Cienpedos got arrested at the LAX airport, Mexico got him back, but they were still butt- hurt.

  10. Alcones aka snitches on Code Red.

  11. I'm surprised this operation occurred. I have a video where ELMO said he wouldn't confront the criminals.

    1. ELMO Chayotero with Down's Syndrome:
      There are videos all over the internet of your boy ELMO having the GN and INM rounding up thousands of immigrants and sending them south. While the cartels are enjoying their impunity the NG is chasing after women and children trying to make it to the U.S. due to pressure from Biden in this election year.

    2. 1041, LOL! Riiiight. Now tell me more about how you want ELMO to apologize to the families of the 10 criminals killed in Nuevo Leon. I'm pretty sure you want AMLO to apologize to Zambada for taking his drugs in that warehouse the other day. Should he apologize to the criminals in this article for dismantling their drug lab also. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. The guy with Downs syndrome, now loves to cover use emojis lol.
      He loves Elmo.

    4. He doesn't luv ELMO as much as I luv ELMO.
      I LUV MY ELMO!!!

    5. 113 oh no it's Detroits Belizean boyfriend to his rescue. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    6. 1:49:
      Don't worry, no one will replace you.

    7. You see that Kevin, Detroit loves you more than you love ELMO🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. I luv ELMO and I can prove it. I luv you too 2:13. Stop by my place and I'll give you some serious luven.

    9. The mexican president is fucking dumb and crooked.

    10. Mexico is no longer for sale. Mexico es de Mexico now. Thanks to the greatest Mexican President in the last 100 years AMLO. You’re just a hatin ass Central American pasito tun tun ass boy!

    11. 11:20 LMAO. You got broken off huh. Straight cloud 9 golosa.

  12. I seriously wish that either Ismael Zambada García, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, or the remaining Chapitos are finally arrested.

    1. wont make a difference bud. trafficking will continue, and more blood would be shed all over mexico.

  13. Hey Sol… maybe Ovidio got permission Adriana to get in the game…? Chapo seemed to have his rucas running everything for him tambien… lotta mandilones running around these days…

    -Holden D. Cash

  14. First chapo wasn't the real Sinaloa leader now it's his wife's running things you guy's hating on chapo 😂

  15. This Chapo Isidro’s land. Mayonessa or chapitos ain’t encroaching there anytime soon lol

    1. El siérrenos también está en Choix gente del chuta

    2. Quien bergas es el sierreños?? Choix es mio, Mexico lindo

  16. Was is not written in the letter from chapo to his kids, "The lawyers have a list with friends so give up to reduce pressure from the Americans"?

  17. bro,es cuestion de tiempo,el pez grande se come al pequeno,mucha competencia.......................

  18. Chapitos weak ass fuck

  19. Rest assured that DEA and SEDENA are tightly watching these operations, they have to… elections are coming and Mexico is a war zone that doesn’t let the gabachos sleep at night (politicians that is). AMLO is also cutting ties, and the top players are making their moves. To hit Choix takes an act of surprise or big earning for anyone getting involved. Special forces are no joke, when they want you, you’re done.


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