Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 18, 2024

Judge Orders Reinstatement Of "El Güero" Palma's Homicide Trial

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted by RÍODOCE 

A district judge annulled the formal arrest warrant against Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Héctor Palma Salazar, alias "El Güero" Palma, for the crime of aggravated homicide, and ordered a new trial so that the judicial authority responsible complies with due process, as it failed to hear testimony, questioning and confrontation between witnesses to the facts, reported the newspaper El Universal.

Conrado Alcalá Romo, third district judge, granted an injunction to the Sinaloa native, after considering that the second criminal judge of the first judicial district of the state of Jalisco did not comply with the essential formalities of the procedure when he decided to prosecute "El Güero" Palma, in May 2023, for his alleged responsibility in the murder of the deputy director of the prison of Puente Grande, Jalisco.

This accusation prevented the drug lord from being released from the maximum security prison of Altiplano, in the State of Mexico, after an appeals court ordered his release from prison because the Attorney General's Office did not have sufficient evidence to prosecute him for the crime of organized crime.

In his warrant ruling, Alcalá Romo determined that the criminal judge did not take the necessary steps to notify the witnesses who would testify in the proceedings in favor of the Sinaloa drug lord, even though they were offered in due time and form, thus violating the guarantee of hearing and defense of the former partner of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.
"He left the burden of proof to the plaintiff regarding the addresses or telephone numbers where the witnesses could be notified, ignoring the fact that the plaintiff requested him to make arrangements for their presentation, without having done so," the judge ruled.
When giving his preparatory statement before the judge of the case, on May 19, 2023, Palma Salazar requested the extension of the constitutional term to offer testimonies and inspection evidence, among them the testimony of the people who worked as guard and custody at the time of the facts, in the Centro Federal de Readaptación Social Número Dos "Occidente", as well as the inspection in said prison to certify the distribution, access and security diamonds of modules 2, 3 and 4, which the Sinaloan referred to in his statement and which prevented him from communicating with the other prisoners.

In spite of this, Alcalá Romo pointed out, the Second Criminal Judge of the First Judicial District of the State of Jalisco issued a formal order of imprisonment against Héctor Palma Salazar for his probable responsibility in the crime of aggravated homicide, in its modality of premeditation, advantage and malice aforethought, without carrying out the corresponding legal steps for the disclosure of the referred evidence offered.

"The responsible judicial authority did not comply with the essential formalities of the procedure in the period immediately prior to the trial, which violated Article 14 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, because even though it was in the extended pre-trial stage, it failed to ensure that the testimonial and interrogation of the witnesses was carried out.
Therefore, Conrado Alcalá Romo, Third District Judge, determined to grant the amparo and the protection of federal justice to Palma Salazar so that "the order of formal imprisonment of May 24, 2023 is rendered null and void, and the proceeding is reinstated, so that during the extended constitutional term, which must be granted again to the petitioner of the warrant, he orders the hearing of the testimonies and interrogation of the witnesses".


  1. Este pinche pedofilo al igual que todos los de Sinaloa se le hubiera dado cuello desde cuando.

    1. I like it that he is still in prison wasting his money on lawyers and bribes.

  2. Palma doing more time than Caro Quintero & Fonseca, and he did less evil crimes.

    1. 523 just because you watched narcos mexico doesn't mean its true.

    2. 5:23; I’m not sure about that

    3. 5:23 both names you mentioned were bosses, but Palma was a hit man who’s soul job was to kill.

    4. Palma was not a hitman stop watching narcos 95% is real

    5. 17:23
      Tu juras

    6. Murdering people is not lesser crime. Doesn’t deserve to get out after the shit he inflicted

  3. Just a good old shake down to see what else he can cough up.

  4. someone does not want him out.

    1. That’s standard practice on the Mex gov. Same thing was done to JT, el Doctor Arellano and countless others. Not cool Double jeopardy

    2. Pues JT y Arellano
      No quebraron los vidrios de una casa jugando fútbol, por eso estaban tras ellos.
      No es práctica estándar, defiendes lo indefendible.
      Y no se les hace, se fundamenta

    3. Capturar a alguien fincarle condena, si es que la tiene en Mexico asignarle su condena y que la cumpla completamente primero que nada. Si el gobierno gabacho también lo pide, primero que cumpla su CONDENA COMPLETA condenada por la justicia Mexicana al cumplirse Mexico lo puede extraditar al gabacho o a cualquier país que lo exija para cumplir cualquier cargos pendiente. Pero si México simplemente lo está capturando por presión de los gabachos, sin tener cuentas pendiente en Mexico que por cierto es el caso con muchos. Los capturan para colectar recompensas los extraditan y al regresar a México ‘ ahora si los quieren arrestar y fincarle cargos’ los cuales no existían previamente o no condenaron previamente. cuestionó la práctica de la ley no al individuo. 9:37.

  5. From what I hear this guy did some really heinous shit after his wife and kids got murdered. They said he’s the most violent out of all the Sinaloa founders.

    1. Naa the most violent in Sinaloa is Gilbertona

  6. El de la Noria Mocorito

  7. Out of all the things ive read here. I have to say that Mr Palma has some horrible luck. I don’t know if any other narco that has his fucked up luck. I’m not saying he deserves anything good. But wow. Every time he seems to be getting a chance, it’s 10 steps back.

    Huge shout to Char, Big Sol , Hearst.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Yup it seems like every shot he shoots to try to get out of jail or even have reduced time they shut him down

    2. Can't imagine the pain he got knowing his wife cheated on him and not only that she got killed along with their children. Palma a strong man cause if I was in his shoes I would've hanged that rope way long ago

    3. Hahaha tienes razón.

    4. 7:36
      "If it wasn't for bad kuck, I wouldn't have any luck at all"
      .. Ray Charles

    5. 10:28 amen 🍻

  8. This fellow was a wicked SOB back in his prime alv


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