Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 5, 2024

Independent Operator Killed In Attack In The La Arrocera Town Of Culiacán, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

"Obscuro" on X shared the following Information.


"Cesar Bueno Martínez, an Independent Operator, was killed on February 3rd when he was intercepted by gunmen while traveling with his son along the Culiacán - Eldorado road in the La Arrocera town of Culiacán, Sinaloa.
Martínez, who formerly operated alongside the Dámaso family of the Sinaloa Cartel, was involved in the trafficking of methamphetamine in the State of Washington, where two presumed family members were sentenced alongside 14 other suspects.
According to James A. McDevitt, the former United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, Jesus Guillermo Bueno-Martinez had been sentenced to 210 months in prison for possession of 500 grams of methamphetamine with intent to distribute, with Jesus Rogelia Bueno-Fuentes receiving a 9-month prison sentence for falsifying a social security number. In the press release, McDevitt identified the family above members and 12 other suspects as belonging to the Zazueta-Bueno/Vaal-Lopez criminal organization, which has maintained a presence in Spokane, Washington since the late 1990s. No confirmation has been made regarding the motive behind the killing of Martínez, or the current status of the son seen at the scene."



  1. According to reports his kid was riding with him and got spared

    1. Not sure if you know Spanish but that guy laying down with the dead man is his son so not a kid

    2. 6:08 not to brag but I actually know 3 languages

    3. 7:16
      Not to brag but I know karate.😂

  2. Why does the kid look calm

    1. 4:34 being realistic probably grew up seeing the narco game .

    2. Accepted the situation. Nothing else you can do other than cry or take it.

    3. 4:34 Adrenaline. It will sink in a little bit

  3. Independents in Culiacan? I thought CDS had that town on lock.

    1. theirs prob more independent ppl here in cln working than their is cds

    2. Camilo Ochoa said there’s many independent traffickers in Sinaloa

    3. Independents that either buy shipments from CDS or pay a quota/tax to CDS. Both routes still provide money and power to the CDS

  4. The son is still in shock, notice how the lady started telling him to leave and his eyes change and the pucker effect takes place. “Fuck, they’re right… they can get me too.” Sadly, these narco kids know the game too well, and he’s in the shoot to be the next in the game… it’s a family affair.

  5. 5:08 there is a lot of independents in Sinaloa. But they are usually close to a big player from CDS

    1. 523 so if they don't bend the knee and they operate independently in Culiacan....CDS is not as strong as I thought. Where do I turn in my nuthugger card?

    2. 5:58 it's usually the other way around . If the independents wouldn't have the protection of said CDS heavyweight their cool with they would be easier to hit .

    3. Think of it as associates in the mob a lot of the times those guys are huge cash cows top earners they get the protection from made guys to operate.

    4. If independents don’t know someone connected then they will get robbed or worse not just anyone can go set up shop and operate with out authorization either way this dude is dead

    5. CDS is basically not a cartel anymore it's a federation.

    6. It has been a federation

    7. 07.22 a cartel is a federation, do you know basic economics?

    8. @722: It's been called that for many years already..

  6. Dep cesar fusites a toda madre loco gracias por el apoyo

  7. Video is unavailable

  8. Chapos cant stand other mfs ballin

    1. This dude ran with Damasos they were probably just waiting for a reason to kill him

    2. Indeed.. Los Menores have deep hate for everything Damaso.

  9. Boy is going to raise up and take revenge, give em hell…

  10. Killed in their Audi RS5

  11. They get their product from cds. They are wholesale buyers cds is the manufacturer, business 101. Only 2 reasons they would kill their own buyer. Either he owed a huge debt for product, or he could have been cooperating with DEA for the cases in Washington. Maybe he gave up product to the Feds or gave up people , info. Mini Lic is out of prison could have been communicating since both hail from el dorado.

  12. This is why you gotta find firme business partners and not punk kids

  13. Whatever else its sad shit,lying there with his dad

  14. They didn’t work with the damasos the damasos didn’t like them because they moved way more weight then the damasos ever did. They also didn’t like the fact that they got their product from Los mayos and Avendaño that was the reason they killed the younger brother German he was the real head of that organization

    1. I herd the damasos took G out so I doubt they ran with them since in 2016 they were still actives what else do you know about the buenos ?

  15. Sad to see a son leaning over his bullet ridden body of his late father. In narco trafficking families, death is all part of the business. I'm sure the young man has prepared himself for this day. In shock, he just looks deflated


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