Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, June 15, 2023

7 Dead Bodies Found in California Pickup Truck in Tijuana

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

Police discovered that an abandoned pickup truck, with a California license plate, had seven dead bodies inside. The vehicle was found at a gas station in the border city of Tijuana. 

The two detainees brought in for the crime were just publicly cleared by the Attorney General, who says the men were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. The actual perpetrators are reportedly still at large.

The Discovery of the Seven Dead 

On June 12, 2023, the Tijuana municipal police sent out a press release giving information on the recent discovery of seven dead bodies inside a white pickup truck. It read as follows: 

"During the early hours of today, after a chase on TerĂĄn TerĂĄn Boulevard, Municipal Police officers arrested two people who are being investigated for their possible involvement with a Ford F150 pick up which was found to have a number of lifeless bodies inside. 

The discovery occurred while municipal agents were on the Alamar expressway, when they observed the driver of a pick up that immediately made an illegal turn upon spotting the patrol car. Subsequently, a chase ensued. 

The chase ended in the Ejido Chilpancingo neighborhood, in the parking lot of the Gasko gas station. When municipal officers arrived, they found the pickup truck with its doors open and two men who were standing just a few meters away. 

After inspecting the vehicle, the officers found human remains, covered with tires and pieces of wood, and a fuel can inside the pickup. 

The two men were identified as Juan ‘N’, 60 years old, originally from the state of Sinaloa, and Jonathan 'N', 32 years old, originally from Tijuana."

Many news outlets covered the information given in this press release. A number of US outlets, such as NBC News and the San Diego Tribune, covered the story, picking up on the fact that the pickup truck had a license plate from the US state of California - a detail which was omitted from the press releases. 

The weekly magazine Zeta Tijuana gave additional details on the discovery, writing that “the policemen saw that inside there was a corpse wrapped in a blue blanket. In the bed of the pickup truck, there were several wooden boards and tires, which - when lifted - revealed the dead bodies of six people, apparently all male.”

Zeta also added that "it is believed, they intended to burn the corpses" based on the fuel found inside. 

Images of the Crime Scene

Below are some of the photos published of the pickup truck.

The Coverage and Reactions 

As covered by SoCalj yesterday, the mayor of Tijuana Montserrat Caballero announced that she would be moving onto a local Army base in Tijuana due to security concerns related to threats she received from cartel groups, as well as a previous attempted attack which targeted her in May 2023. 

The announcement of her move came on the same day as the discovery of the pickup truck however it is believed to be unrelated. The coincidental timing, however, led to the two stories being grouped together by various media outlets

Francisco GarcĂ­a Burgos, the president of the Educating for Peace foundation, spoke to reporters about the discovery on June 12, shortly after it happened, saying "Tijuana needs 7,000 police officers and we only have 2,000. Last year only 43 new police officers graduated from the [state police] academy so at this rate we are not going to make up the difference.”

He went on to suggest improving the working conditions of police officers, saying “we need to offer police officers better working conditions, a much better salary, the possibility of having a mortgage, and social security for themselves and their families, in order to attract better candidates who are more experienced to join the police."

The Detainees Were Not Involved

On June 14, 2023, Ricardo IvĂĄn Carpio, the State Attorney General, commented further on the incident at a press event, saying "the municipal police detained some men because of the specific time and place they were spotted."

"And, officers, who were trying not to omit any line of investigation and establish the facts of the case, were trying to determine if the men were responsible for the incident or not.” 

"And I can say objectively now that these people are innocent and have no involvement in this whatsoever. The technical and scientific data - the legal and genetic evidence establishes that they are not responsible for having been involved in this case," he said.

According to an article by PSN, Attorney General Carpio clarified that the people driving the vehicle were presumed to have fled the area before police arrived on scene. 

Rafael Orozco, a prosecutor from the Attorney General's Office, added that "the police presented the men before the Attorney General's Office as suspects.  They were not spotted while doing a criminal act or in the vehicle and they did not have a very strong reason to suspect them outside of this." 

The Attorney General told Zeta Tijuana that the only line of investigation they are pursuing is related to “narcomenudeo”, or street-level drug dealing.

He also said the fingerprints of the victims did not match with anyone in their criminal database system.

Carpio said the victims had been preliminarily identified by neighbors, however, they cannot release the names of the victims until family members confirm the identities of the deceased.


  1. CDS work. It’s obvious how the media handles the story when Sinaloa is involved in mass murders. They always forget to mention the Cartel de Sinaloa or try to rebrand them Carte de Pacifico

    1. ''Pacific Cartel'' is not rebranding, anymore than referring to the Jalisco Cartel is trying to dodge the fact it was CJNG. Maybe you never heard it before, but it's a relevant designation, in the same way they used to call it The Federation was a way to be more specific about who they are including. It tends to be what the old military still call it. Nothing to do with branding.

  2. This isn’t newsworthy anymore. It’s normal for Mexican standard or maybe less worthy. We are expecting 20 to 100 getting killed per day in Mehico

    1. For reals no period kid.đŸ‘¶

    2. Grammar correction dude, it seems that, all the beheadings killings and murders, you're f****** hang up seems to be grammar and periods do you think about anything else I want to be teacher guy..

    3. 12:35 hey hey deja empas a la maestra Canuta ella esta aqui para enseñarnos donde va el punto final y lla, aunque yo todavia no aprendo

    4. Would like to see 238 translated so us no period using rednecks can understand

    5. 4:48
      Here goes my white boy translation:
      He's saying to leave "Canuta" (a fictional schoolteacher played by a famous TV comedienne) "in peace"..
      ("empas" en vez de "en paz", thanks for making it easy for español SL)..
      Leave her alone cuz she's trying to teach her students where to put the period at the end of the sentence..
      The commenter admits he's not the brightest crayon in the box, cuz he STILL can't figure it out!

  3. Damn someone fkd up big time

    1. These little small fries put their self out there sorry to say. They know what’s going on in them TJ streets. You should protect yourself. Hate to say it and sound hard and coke , but it’s just bad hombres taking out bad hombres.

  4. Troca vieja, cartón y llantas viejas en la caja para pasar desapercibidos, moviéndose de noche me imagino? Definitivamente no la primera vez que hacían esto, alguien dio el pitazo!

  5. Rare to get a look at this, the gas cans, the bodies hidden

    they were trying to keep this quiet

    most of those guys are so high on meth, no wonder this went wrong.

    1. With the wood and tires and fuel they were about to torch it and run off. That’s why it’s strange they let those guys go.

  6. What is the story with the Mayor? Is it really because she can't be corrupted that the narcos are angry with her (as my fanatical AMLO supporting wife says) or is there something else going on?

    1. There had been enough killings of brave women who took office and got killed just hours ors days after. Lets assume she is innocent until further messages show up.

  7. Wondering where the victims came from and what the common thread is....hasn't been published anywhere. Co-workers like the recent call center murders? Gang members not playing by the rules? Innocent kidnapping victims? There are so many possibilities in these types of Mexico murders there is no use in speculating until more info is released (and no guarantee it will be).

    1. They said street level dealing

    2. Could be even their own man. Not sure if they return the bodies to their families, bury them somewhere in the tierra or just burn them with their enemies.

  8. A de ver sido la revancha por lo del cochinero del trebol y la masacre wn San Vicente .. tal vez el flakito huerta detras de esto

  9. So 2 dudes by truck were let go? Wrong place wrong time or cds pays off the policia to let their guys go?

    1. Just to further clarify, yes, the two detainees were released according to Rafael Orozco, a prosecutor from the Attorney General's Office.

    2. That’s nuts. That’s the only connection anyone has to that seen and they let ‘em walk. Sound like a pay off

    3. they were just near the truck, that doesn't make them guilty of anything..

    4. CCTV everywhere, they watched the recording and let the 2 ppl go

  10. I buy gas at that gasolinera. Just saying it hits close to home. That trash being said that TJ is safe if you stay in your own lane is BS. It's the 2n most dangerous city in the world. 9 out of 10 of the most dangerous cities in the world are in Mexico. Its stupid and dangerous to say it's safe anywhere and at any time. Gun shots in the night. Vans carrying illegals to the border so that the polleros can cross them. Nobody knows who they are or who they're a part of. Kids can't even ride their bikes in the street for fear of being kidnapped and their body parts being harvested by sickos. Don't tell me TJ is safe if you stay in your own lane. You just better stay in your own lane.

    1. 5:57
      You go to that gasolinera because they serve up litros completos, they don't short-shot you like pemex, jaja..
      Some years back, I was riding shotgun with a mexican pal out Cerro Colorado way, a wee bit off limits for me, a Mr. Peabody-looking wero in the heart of non-tourist mexico..
      We were trying to pull in off the street into a pemex station to get gas, a vehicle was blocking us, my friend tapped his horn ever so slightly, at which point a crazed motherfucker with what I guess was an AK cuz of the banana clip, jumped out of the vehicle and loundly impeached my driver for his rude behavior..
      My pal tried to apologise, but his saliva had dried up in a new york minute, and his voice could only squawk as he smoothly popped it into reverse without making any sudden moves..
      It almost seemed like we would survive, until the drunk, up-for-three-days crazy man noticed me, too blondhaired and blue-eyed NOT to be DEA..
      We burned rubber, but could hear the guy howling a half block away..
      Later my friend, who was sorta hooked up through family ties, speculated that the dude probably was a bottom level foot soldier for El Teo who at the time was at the peak of his powers..

    2. Tj hasn’t been safe since the early 90s after that all hell has been broken loose down there.

    3. @557 lol u panicking chief... stop living in fear and stay in your lane I have family en la sanchez and playas and they live comfortably..the media and people like your self exaggerate like a mf nightlife in TJ is lit I recommend el alebrije night club sheesh fire señoritas. By the way no need to call someone else trash pri that makes u trash tbh

    4. It's not as dangerous as many make it sound, but far more dangerous than others make it out to be. If you only get your info from BB, you'll think the entire country is a lawless hellhole, but it's not. Odds are that if you don't flash wealth, mind your own business, be polite and respectful, don't drink too much and stay away from drugs, you'll be fine. That having been said, sold our house just outside Guaymas not too long ago primarily due to the deteriorating security situation. Uncomfortable times when we were at a beach bar with our personal watercraft nearby when someone who was clearly a narco really pressured us to let him and his friends use it. We very politely and respectfully refused, but it was a little scary.

  11. Ya vieron que no estĂĄ pelada la cosa

  12. Caf taking out trash


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