Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

CJNG Sicarios Behead Three Pajaros Sierra Gunmen

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Several enforcers from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel have appeared in a recently released video online. Three condemned Pájaros Sierra gunmen find themselves kneeling down before them in daylight hours. 

A right handed assassin wearing a neck gaiter to conceal his face is holding what appears to be a seven inch knife in his palm. The doomed captive’s beheading begins thirteen seconds after this film commences. His pained groans can be heard loud and clear as his head is being removed. 

Enslaved male number two is bowing down with his head as low as possible to the ground with clear regret for having been captured. As the execution is happening he falls over on his left side in total defeat and anguish. 

The third Pájaros Sierra man is on his knees in complete silence awaiting his turn. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: We are the absolute 4 letters cartel. And this will be the fate of every Pájaros Sierra bitch. You sons of bitches we’re coming after you Chaparro, Paya, and Viejon. 

Sicario #2: We have your men here. Help hold him down, help hold him down, help hold him down. Grab his hand from behind.  No, no. Just pull him back with his hand. Pull him back with just his hand. Pull him back, pull him back for leverage. Have you turned him around with his hand? Show no fear on your way towards success. Ok, now place him right there. It’s best if you place the head next to his corpse so that it doesn’t roll away. 

Sicario #1: We are the absolute 4 letters cartel. 

El Blog de Los Guachos     La Masakr3


  1. Whether or not you are an ALMO nuthugger, Sinaloa dickrider, CJNG fangirl, or SIR's boyfriend... can we all agree that nobody should ever steal Senor Mencho's coke. It's just bad for bizness.

    1. Everyone steals his coke el abuleo now these guy's 😂

    2. Mencho can't enjoy life , he has been dead. Someone else is running the show of cjng.

    3. El marro is in prison getting tortured, El cholo is dead after congress tortured him and later killed him, the guy from colima la vaca got captured and scared in jail, El abuelo is paying big money 💰 to governor to save him from congress and now this Pajaro guy.
      I would say anybody that crossed Mencjo is not to smart

    4. Pajarro didn't steal Menchos coke. Did he?

    5. Mocosas por favor.

    6. Muchachas, pajarito aqui!!!

    7. They didn't steal his coke. And when did La Vaca get caught?

    8. Pajaros sierra are probably the only cartel in michoacan that somewhat has morals

  2. The video has been removed from Twitter. Those slow ass algorithms have finally awakened.

  3. These are the stupidest of the stupid.

    1. It's common knowledge that sicarios are fucking retards. Have you seen those mugs after they have been captured? IQ of a monkey.


    1. 1:32 Arriba de un hormiguero te vas a quedar sentada...

    2. It's spelled C A L I F OR N I A

    3. Go as them for one chapete.

    4. I have no idea what that means SALINAS KALI4RNIA, but damn you sound excited. So excited you did a massive shit on your car seat and sent 4 emojis to prove it.

    5. @7.47.Its a white supremacy thing. Its like shitting in your own garden to mark your territory, only this is done with language, using a K instead of a C as a KKK tribute. As in ''Me dumb Kunt, you Kruel AzteK.'' Or maybe he's just been reading too much James Ellroy.

    6. @ BREAK MY LEGS:: UMM what do you mean you don't understand what Salinas California means? Because that means exactly what it spells out. Some place in California called Salinas lol.

      Hope it helps.

  5. A nation living under siege with a government unwilling and incapable of restoring law and order. Maybe its time for the USA to make drug testing in the workplace compulsory to destroy demand(wont happen) and send in the army and marines to restore order and then impose USA generals as governors to run the country until all criminal mexican politicians are tried and locked up and free and fair elections can be held with lie detector tests for anyone and everyone who works for the government. Only solution and it wont happen. But as it is Mexico is not capable of ruling itself. The political class and government are too hopelessly corrupt and incompetent

    1. Are those the current standards required of the politicians of your country?

    2. 4:28 most US ginirals are too busy contemplating a retirement job with some private mercenary corporation, even lowly seals and future ex congressmen and senators like Tom Cotton are right now lining their pockets from selling out to the moneyed...
      but there is hope, ANTIFA will win, without assault weapons.

    3. 4:28
      Curuption is rampant in Mexico for many years. Anytime another country wants to help in violence, the presidents are quick to say they need no help, always using the Magic word sovereign country. USA has their own business to worry. Mexico keeps going down the tube. Obradors government to fight cartels is at 12%, at one time they were more loyal to Sinaloa have big Bribes to curupt officials, now the one the government likes more is cjng for good bribes coming in, while Sinaloa labs and criminals are taken in.

    4. America going into Mexico would be a reminder of Afghanistan and Iraq, failed mission. America needs to focus on its own mess, watch the January 6th hearings. The country is diseased with people like Trump and his chumps. #Traitors

    5. Go after the money, its so easy, no need to move one soldier. Just take the money.

    6. Its hard to see how America could do a worse job than the current government of Mexico. And if the Mexican people were to show cooperation and gratitude for an earned intervention to fix their country and rid it of corruption and cartels it would be very successful. Afghanistan and Iraq failed because of the shitty attitude of those people and their crazy extremists. Germany and japan and Korea did very well from US occupation. US generals would be way better than the current idiots working as governors and the US army would be far better at getting rid of these village idiots who work as sicarios than the current corrupt policemen. But hey if the Mexicans think their country is well run then stick at it

    7. Yes America is so badly run compared to Mexico that half of Mexico wants to smuggle themselves illegally into the USA to escape the living hell that Mexico has become and have given up any hope of making a success of life in Mexico. US army generals would struggle to do a worse job then the Mexican government. The sooner Mexicans own up to the fact that their country is a failure the sooner they can work together to fix it. And if being run by a country that is the most successful on the planet is what is needed to fix it then so be it. But it would never happen. Britain gave up on its colonies and most of them failed but they think they are free and successful

    8. 4:28 Bird Watcher
      107,000 died in 2021 in USA to drug overdoses, thanks to the introduction of fentanyl in the Market coming from Mexico. Just yesterday president Biden sat with Lopez Obrador to do something on his side to stop the flow.
      Do you really think Obrador is going to get on the ball?

    9. Bird Watcher
      You live in the good old USA, yet you hate it.

    10. U.S is the reason mexico is full of cartels in the first place haha

    11. @8.43. Go after the money? It would and should be easy, and it would be incredibly effective if the right people were given total power to follow wherever it lead, but it would expose the hypocrisy of the entire war. Banks would fail, well known politicians and businessmen would be putting their guns in their mouths, and with Billions of dollars of Mexican border trade at stake it would be quietly shelved. They don't want the war on drugs to be THAT effective.

    12. 10:31 par de viejillos pedorros, se las tronaron antes de arrejuntarse pa echarse unas linias de pura cocaina, no chingaderas, hubieran invitado a Maduro y a los Iraniuses por ell petrolio, pero prefieren besarle el jundillo al "principe coronado de arabia" descuartizador de periodistas...
      VIVA BIDEN!!!
      pero que no mame.

    13. Silly kunts bangin on about america while mexico pours out video like this,stay the fuck in mexico if its so great and save our ears

  6. CJNG had made claims on banners they come to clean the house of extortion, rape, drug sales, yet they do the same crimes even worse beheading other people.

    1. Every cartel does the exact same thing

    2. Here's another one coming from the Hippocratic CJNG. On today's daily news.

      CJNG tells it's rivals not to interfere with Catholic priests. They kill and behead and the oddasity to dictate who not to touch.
      Give me a break

    3. I believe they said leave innocents alone and keep the fighting between cartels! Which is what they just did! Let them behead eachother, as long as it stays between the!

  7. Mencho is Dead... Their trying to do major pushh right now. Because even they know the CDS has brokered a deal with the DEA to continue operating freely... Only to go shut down the competition for them. Nothing New

    1. 1:33 CDS has never brokered any deals with the DEA. Chapo tired to snitch CAF and Zetas to the DEA because they couldn't handle them. so CDS tried to tell on CAF and Zetas instead.

  8. the title and the information is wrong as always, I personally knew 2 of the “pajaros cierra” in this video, and I can assure you that they were not hit men or had anything to do with “pajaros cierra”, it is sad to see innocent people die like this

    1. CJNG is garbage

    2. What were they? Friends or relatives of Pajarros Sierra? Or just useful to them? (I always hate the bullshit distinctions made between the 'guilty' or the 'innocent' in this war- like they deserved to be decapitated alive if they were ''involved'', that bullshit catch-all phrase the government uses to allay fears and abdicate all responsibility) I'm genuinely curious.

    3. 1:36 i want to believe you, what where their names? Nobody knows you anyways, so you can post their names

    4. It makes sense why they are calm not putting up a fight. they have no idea whats going on and think they will be set free since they probably didn’t do anything, the real ones wouldnt be captured alive by the enemy. So what area did they go missing in?

    5. i don't want to discuss who deserve to die and how, that may be is gods works, im just saying that is so fucking sad to see people that have a "normal" life, they work in legal things, they dont kill anybody, they dont sell drugs or any shit like that, dying in hands of a cartel that way, heartless cartel guys knows they are not what they say "traitors" or "pajaros cierra" and kill them any fucking way, just to give a message? is what people's lives are worth now? Cjng say that they respect the population and that they do not mess with innocents, and then this.

  9. Cjng is making a lot of mistakes

  10. Cing makes CDSnitches look like schol girls

    1. Oh reddit kid, shivers my timbers

    2. At least schoolgirls can string a coherent sentence together.

    3. 4:07 your statement sounds suspicious, have you been hanging too much with school girls???

  11. All this has happened because of the treaties imposed on Mexico over the years specially after Mexican American war

  12. No pasa nada ! Un cartel desaparece y luego sale otro comandado por el gobierno mexicano y el del usa ! Pura lacra


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