Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Zacatecas: The Cartel Jalisco Gunmen Slowly Move Unchallenged

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The bottled up puke is spreading, safely moving under the cover of pitch black night. A caravan of armed criminals is advancing slowly, methodically, and with motherfucking ease towards their lair. 

Mutterings from thousands of discontent civilians filled with loathing for these cartel members are being heard everywhere. And yet not too many actual brave individuals are willing to risk their lives so that they can confront and crack that vial open. 

For the time being the cancerous evil of men who willingly sell poison to the masses disperses wherever it so pleases. 

El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. Cjng lost zacatecas- Cuernavaca

    Michoacangos going down- anonymous

  2. They pay Obrador bribes, they can do anything without out being challenged.
    The townspeople have no weapons to defend themselves, therefore they too can do nothing.

    1. And you forget to mention they whoopin CDs

    2. Bribes & payoffs yes, to have proceeded. Under the cover of darkness compared to townspeople seeing and possibly exposing them. Pretty sure date & time from public officials were given.
      With all the satellite technologies available and drones, this war on drugs never had true intentions of winning.

    3. 3:47
      Bribes and payoffs mean the same thing, please delete one of them.
      Gracias Mijo.

    4. Unkown no sabe lo que escribe.

  3. Jaliscas four letters are joto like their boss.

  4. That's a big convoy MZ got his hands full for sure.

  5. Thanks bro. Can’t say I’m always getting it right. But yeah sometimes it works. Plus it breaks from the monotony of repetitive facts.

  6. Do you think they would pick up a hitch hiker?

    1. Yes to practice thier torturing and slicing skills.

    2. Yeah and toss his body out five minutes later...

    3. What if I was wearing my Chapo shirt with my black hat

    4. 5:50 why don’t you hitch hike with your chap shirt. Let me us know how to ride goes. 😂

  7. Ánimo CJNG, Échenle putazo y acáben con esas ratas asquerosas de sinaloa.

  8. Looks like a fucking dick parade to me On its way to a much larger gay parade where Im sure most of you mother fuckers will be waiting with your smarmy comments to party down like it 1999. Well good for you have fun .

  9. En tiempos de guerrA entre menos informaciĂłn tenga el enemigo muchismo megor.

  10. Well and sometimes your little nuts flame truther.


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