Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Shelter in Place: Code Red in Piedras Negras on Christmas Eve

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Vanguardia
Shooting of Christmas Eve in Piedras Negras: Element of Fuerza Coahuila and a lawyer are killed

Subjects on board four vehicles fired at the police unit in which the uniformed men were traveling in 
Piedras Negras.  Around 9:00 at night, the red code was activated in the Piedras Negras metropolitan area , after elements of Fuerza Coahuila were attacked and  after several trucks were detected with armed persons inside.

Through the WhatsApp groups of the state corporation the maximum alert was broadcast, mentioning that the subjects wore hoods of skulls, aboard at least six trucks, including a black Chevrolet Tahoe.

It was indicated that they circulated on the Republic Boulevard, in the direction of the Las Haciendas neighborhood, and later entered the gap known as the  Camino Viejo de Mortalidad, ie "old road to mortality", where the attack against the police forces began.

The State Security Commission indicated that the action to fight crime was carried out in a coordinated manner, between Fuerza Coahuila and Municipal Police, which are still in search of those responsible for the combat that left two dead and one injured.

After the report of detonations in the sector of Las Haciendas, a patrol of the state corporation went in with  support, and its occupants were greeted with bullets, causing the death of one of them that was unofficially identified as "El Panda", belonging to the "Condor" reaction group .
The gunmen later moved to the height of the Ford dealership, where they intended to strip a subject of his truck, however he resisted and caused the subjects to shoot at him, taking his life instantly; the deceased was identified as Armando Valdés, who was a lawyer.

In addition, a stray bullet, during the confrontation, injured a minor of 16 years identified as Claudia Lorena , who was immediately transferred to clinic number 11 of the IMSS , where she is reported out of danger, with a wound in one of her legs.

Currently various police forces are in search of those responsible for the events, for its part the Municipal Police recommended citizens to take shelter in their homes, and not leave if it is not necessary.   


  1. They were not able to set up a perimeter in time, to catch the bad guys, what a pity, the quick reaction response force, needs more training.

  2. It says "Camino a la mortalidad" !! Puro de la ultima letra en En el otro lado del aguila.

  3. Small translation error:
    Mortalidad = death
    Moralidad = morality

  4. What kind of police force do they have in Piedras? Send over some real lawmen from US side and these little chicken shit raids would end.

  5. Christmas eve! Don't these people hold anything sacred? Maniacs! No rest for the wicked I guess. Santa muerte worshippers I suppose.

  6. I wanted to clarify a couple of things. It was in front of the Chevrolet dealership and Armando was shot because he saw them coming from in front of Claudio Bres (new Mayor) house. He tried to flea going in reverse and was shot several times.
    Armandos 15 year old daughter was in the car but was not hurt. Wrong place at the wrong time for a good man.
    Things are getting bad again here in Piedras Negras. Very Sad!


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