Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, December 3, 2018

El Chapo Trial: Update on Emma's Cell-Gate and How Borderland Beat "enters the trial"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat 


Cell-Gate began on November 20th, when two court security guards witnessed the wife of El Chapo, Emma Coronel, using a cell phone.  Electronics of any type are strictly prohibited by court room observers.  Attorneys in the case are allowed to use electronics including cell phones.

The courthouse is has installed a video surveillance system which provides footage of numerous locations throughout the premises including courtrooms, common areas, and certain restricted areas.
Camera footage of the 20th did not capture Emma using a cell phone, but did record her using one on the 19th

Government contentions are that Emma was using the cell to send messages to Chapo. 

The attorney directly involved with the name “Lambert” explained what was transpiring.

Atty Donoghue filed for sanctions
Emma, who does not speak English, was asking Lambert what was going on in the trial.  Lambert, who does not speak Spanish, took out his cell and used the google translation app to communicate with Emma.  It was a brief exchange.  But it was against SAMs the special security measures imposed against Chapo.

There was a side bar conference.  An explanation was given to and accepted by Judge Cogan as reasonable.  Emma assured it would not happen again and apologized to the court.

A week later, on November 27th the prosecution filed a requests for sanctions to the court for this violation.  They not only want sanctions imposed on the attorney involved but on the entire defense team.

Over the weekend attorneys filed a flurry of responses.  Including Lambert’s which you can read at the bottom of this post along with the governments filing.

It is expected to hear the judges ruling on this important event today…..stay tuned. [click on image to enlarge]


The prosecution filed a complaint against Eduardo Balarezo’s tweeting.

On November 29th I wrote an Op-Ed about the government not liking the Tweets of Eduardo Balarezo, defense attorney of El Chapo.  The title; “El Chapo Trial: Prosecution not liking defense tweets and facial expressions” it was cathartic to vent.  Venting about a few bristling moves in  the case specifically but in general about our government trials and the overall ineffective trials, deals for cooperative witnesses, overkill, tax waste to claim victory in a drug war that has been long lost.

Balarezo tweets mostly about President Trump, but had posted a handful of obscure innocuous about the trial or Mexico including one about his former client El H death. He did say he “was told” the heart attack occurred after being told he was being extradited and would testify against El Chapo. 

The government says that H was never considered as a witness.  The tweet flew over the head of the prosecution.  Balarezo was not saying this was reality, he said he was told by a source that El H [Hector Beltran Leyva]  was told that.  The government did not actually  deny he was being extradited. 

Balarezo filed a response addressing the accusations ending with my complete article.

Commenting;  “Perhaps an O-Ed from the website Borderland Beat says it best”.

And posts my Op-Ed. 

I am not sure what will transpire…maybe Cogan will simply say to knock it off.  Something that could easily be accomplished at a private side bar conference. I am sure now the government advertised Balarezo’s twitter page so many more folks are checking it out.

The filing below.

Government request for sanctions:

Lambert's reply:


  1. Gone for the day! I will catch up later in the day

    1. I just seen a video in which they caught two men in Culiacán one was identified the other wasn’t but they say it might be el Chavo Félix he had his pistol

    2. Any news if that was in fact chavo felix?

    3. 1238 link to the video

  2. Chapo betrayed everyone.

  3. Now this blog is part of the world's history : )

  4. Chivis snitched. Lmao.

  5. I miss u chivis. Where did u go

  6. "Government contentions are that Emma was using the cell to send messages to Chapo."
    How does this work???!!!

    1. Chapo still running the show

    2. Emma to lawyer, lawyer to chapo.

  7. Hey congratulations Chivis.

    your article was spot on, too many 'narco monsters' given deals. to put another one away. with 100 waiting to take all of their places.

  8. A telenovela in the makings for this queen.

    Just convict the bastard already.

  9. El Senor will be back in Culiacan for spring break enjoying fine shrimp and beef.

  10. hey cheeves don't be gone long waiting for updates, mica is gone you are gone, we need our trial fix.

    are you worried about the government going in on a pay back?

  11. El Chapo will die in prison.

  12. I wonder how much the HSBC debacle has to play in this soap opera. He will for sure go down but I wonder what the future holds for someone who is able to show how the system works. I also wonder if anyone will be listening. My guess is that change will only come when people have truly had enough. Let’s hope it happens soon.

  13. He has cell phone up his prison wallet. But more likely, she has one of the defense team's cell numbers and communicates with them to pass messages to Chapo.

  14. Congratulations for the shout out. Maybe now BB will hit it big, and will no longer have time for us lowly armchair warriors.

    1. I just don't want BB saturated with Netflix narcos

  15. Wonder why there was no coverage of the chapo trial I know on here there is but no where else. Hmmmmmm????

    1. oh jeeze capt conspiracy is all over, can't get away from it.

  16. wow Chivis congratulations… Getting props and kudos from the defense for your work… It’s well overdue!

  17. Al momento confirma Fiscalia Jalisco seis elementos de la Fuerza Única fallecidos y uno lesionado, tras agresión en La Huerta Jalisco por parte de sujetos armados que viajaban en tres camionetas.

  18. They ought to put her in cuffs too, make her understand the consequences of drug addiction and being in prison instead of being patronized as a queen. Make her understand what means to work for a living...

  19. Those cell phones are definitely being monitored by the FBI by this point

  20. Emma no cell phones por favor, Sicario 006 no weapons in courtroom gracias.

  21. B.B. are a bunch of snitches

  22. Well what is it ? Is she sly and cunning or just a dumb bimbo that really didn't have anything figured out ?

  23. So is every narco on the planet. They all rat eachother out. Some may not testify in court, but everyone of them have dropped dimes on their competition. The cops they pay off, aren't just to look the other way when loads go through. They arrest, and or disappear the "contras", the boss pays them to. The only guys who don't rat, are low level street thugs, with their sacred codes. Codes imbedded in them by the very bosses who will rat you out, turn you in, or kill you if they even think you betrayed them. Just like the military....brainwash, and control the troops aka cannon fodder. There is no honor among criminals. The Godfather is almost 50 yrs old. It was fiction.

  24. While cds is busy snitching on each other mencho is taking onother plaza. Crazy how the michoacanos are stronger than chinolas now in the drug game.. before the fan boys start I want to add that I'm not a fan of either but it's interesting. I wonder if mencho will go out blazing or end up on the stand like chapo pointing fingers. just saying

  25. Woohoo Chivis!!! Ur word stood strong in the high federal court of law !!!! 😄


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