Written by Carmen M. Llona (Fox News Latino)
In a shocking claim, the lawyer for Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman
said he has proof the Mexican drug lord is being tortured in prison.
Jose Refugio Rodriguez, Guzman’s lawyer, told Fox News
Latino on Monday that he handed Guzman’s psychiatric evaluation to a judge to
prove that his client is suffering from acute isolation – which he claims is a
form of torture.
"Cruel and unusual treatment is torture," Rodriguez
Guzman, who is currently being held in a federal prison on
the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez ,
presents symptoms of “generalized anxiety disorder and mild neurocognitive
impairment” which “prove that he is being submitted to mistreatment during his
incarceration,” the medical report obtained by Fox News Latino said.

Guzman’s legal team is fighting for its notorious client to
be moved back to the maximum security El Altiplano prison in Central
Mexico . The cartel king famously escaped from El Altiplano through
a mile-long tunnel in July of 2015. He was recaptured in January.
“We requested this evaluation by an expert so steps can be
taken so that he is not isolated anymore,” the lawyer said.
The two-hour evaluation was conducted by Dr. Julio Cesar Ayuzo Gonzales on Aug. 24.
In the report, Ayuzo said Guzman is taking medication for
his anxiety but believes the drug kingpin should be seen by mental health
“I found the evaluated male seemingly older than his
chronological age, fit, well preserved, clean, wearing clean clothes provided
by the institution," Ayuzo wrote.
"He was oriented as for place and circumstance, but not
so when it came to the date; he was sitting on a chair, he could not stay in
the same position during the interview, he did little eye contact with his
interviewer; his language was coherent; he speaks fast, in low volume and
quantity; his affects appeared flat and incongruous, describe as 'I am not
well'; his train of thought is linear, logical, with a tendency to
perseverance; he denied the presence of suicidal or death ideation."
The doctor said Guzman is also having “auditory
Guzman's lawyers have complained in the past that guards are
so concerned about the drug lord escaping that they wake him up every hour to
make sure he’s in his cell. They also have complained that he’s being kept in
The government insists
special security measures are needed following Guzman's escape last year
– his second prison break.
Lawyers have filed appeals seeking to prevent Guzman's
extradition to the United States ,
where he faces drug-trafficking, money-laundering, weapons and murder charges.
This is bullshit we all know chapo is being treated like a king in a 5 star hotel who are they trying to fool ,send him to the usa then we will all belived his being tortured 23 hours in a maxim security cell one 1hr sun if he is lucky
ReplyDeleteThis just strategy by his lawyers so he gets send back to altiplano
DeleteDid the lawyer say anything about his victims
ReplyDeleteHow about Dr. Mireles
surprised this lawyer hasn't got taken out like they did to pablo escobar's lawyer
DeleteHahaha just like Chapo was able to cover things up, let's see how good the prison guards are in covering things up.
ReplyDeleteFree Chapo!!! Let him retire honorably en la sierra de Baridaguato...tierra de hombres valientes casi cuna de alacranes donde pelean los Guzman con esos famosos Beltranes...
ReplyDeleteStfu! Your Chaputo is a RATA!
DeleteI agree compa. Atte. El morroñis de la palma navolato sinaloa.. ajuua.
DeleteYeha let him retire full of lead haha
DeleteLos corridos dicen que chinolas son los mas chingones asi es que yo estoi seguro que van a ganar ellos!!
ReplyDeletetanto te pesan los sinaloenses ??
DeleteRegenerensen, odiosas, el licenciado javier duarte de ochoa, also known as "el señor gobernador de veracruz" wants no street fights with crooks stabbing each other on the backs of their behinds just because of revenge or hate or personal preferences, learn from the great estetician, I mean statesman friend of epn..."La Marrana Ojos de Toro Loco"
Delete--NOW EPN SAYS (wisely) "everyone will be responsible for their dirty deeds" because his "feaderation" is facking running out of gas, epn will be lucky if he doesn't end hanging from the highest flag post in el Zocalo, no pinchis mamen, primero que le pongan una putiza al güey y lo despellejen vivo...
This is a guy who had children dismembered alive in front of their parents. El Chapo is a sissy coward.
ReplyDelete@7:48 Wrong cartel. I think you mean Zetas enforcer Marciano Millan Vasquez aka El CHANO...Not El Chapo. He was the guy that forced parents of a 6 yr old to watch as he dismembered her alive,then threw parts of her body onto a fire before he killed the girl's mom and dad.
DeleteHe is correct chapo did that in cd juarez
Delete2:35 thanks, I swear I didn't know what this hijo de la chingada @7:48 was trying to talk about...
Delete@ 12:40. No worries. It's hard to keep up with all these capos. I need a scorecard.
Delete@5:47 I don't remember that. Chapo is no santo obviously, but when did CHAPO order or himself dismember children alive in front of the their parents? Do have any links? I'd like to read them if true. Thanks.
How many lives has this man ruined to keep his business running? All those deaths on his hands, hopefully somega will come to haunt him from the afterlife so he knows.
ReplyDeleteNobody forces u to use drugs
DeleteHaha all got to say is cd juarez 2009 every body and thing was being killed because of this rat
DeleteCesar Duarte, presidente de la camara de diputados, federal, on el DF 2008 to 2p09 was making a clean up of the border on his way to the governorship, not "el chapo", el chapo did not send the army and policia judicial to clear the way for him el borrachin fecal did, they belonged to epn.
DeleteCrime doesn't pay kids.
ReplyDelete8:29 Pero ahi andan de calientes.
DeleteIt must be torture that Chapo has no friends in Juarez that he can pay off so that he can escape. It must be torture that he is supervised day and night. It is torture that there are no hookers allowed into the room when his wife is not around. It is torture that he cannot run every aspect of his cartel from the inside like he expected to.
ReplyDeleteI hope that they really are torturing his pussy ass so that at least he is really crying about something meaningful for once in his life!
Of course this torture shit is the most improbable of all scenarios given that he is feared all over Mexico by enemies and authorities alike. So basically it is just BULSHIT legal mombo jumbo from his lawers so he can be released and or transfered to a prison closer to his friends!
Aww poor chapo being forchered, that's cruel. I hope they sentence El Señor Guzman to death soon. Then he can finally rest.
ReplyDeleteNo death penalty in Mexico.
DeleteHopfully he gets sent to the usa
Delete9:51 there is death penalty in mexico, but it is reserved for other PRIorities like formal opposers of epn and el PRI... and nobody will see it applied...
DeleteWell then somebody should man up and shot him in his cell repeatedly. Do it for Mexico. Do it for the embarrassment he has brought to the country. For setting the beautiful country on fire. For changing the way the world looks at Mexico. For exposing , what has been happening since the beginning. So I say just shoot him in the face like 3 or 4 times.
Delete6:32 el chapo is more popular all over the world than epn,
Delete--El chapo is the hero of many disenfranchized in mexico and s
Around the world, and of even some of his enemies, and he spent NO MONEY FROM THE MEXICAN TREASURY IN THE PROPAGANDA...
who gives a flying fuck. torture his ass in every way possible for the rest of his miserable life.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit , torture his ass till he dues slowing just like he did to other people, he wasn't saying shit when he was doing it...
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Guzman just isn't used to being held in a prison where he cannot use his influence to payoff the guards and the administration. He doesn't have his usual bevy of women/prostitutes, a cell with his own furnishings and meals that he can have delivered to him. His complaints of isolation are humorous. Just wait until he is held in a U.S. maximum security prison where he is held in a cell 23 hours a day and won't be able to talk to anyone for days on end. The prison he is in now will seem like Disneyland compared to FCI Florence in Colorado. Someone should advise him to enjoy his time in Ciudad Juarez because hell on earth awaits him in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteNaw i can live in isolation I'm a bit anti-social so a book and a TV and I'm good
Deletewell said !
Delete"The prison he is in now will seem like Disneyland compared to FCI Florence in Colorado. Someone should advise him to enjoy his time in Ciudad Juarez"
Real shit playa
DeleteNarcos, only prefer US Super Max if they are convinced that it's either that or be assassinated.
Delete4:34 y un jabon ese, en la carcel no hay paraiso sin un pinchi jabon, aunque sea una rebanadita que me prestes...
DeleteY no le hace que murmuren.
The problem is nobody cares if he is not being treated well
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that? All you people come here is talk and invent shit without even knowing shit. How does this article make you believe what they are saying it's true because it says his lawyer said it? C'mon man you got to be smarter than that this man has enough enough money to pay every single idiot in government in Mexico as well as in the U.S stay up pendejo.
ReplyDeleteAnother escape is lurking
ReplyDeleteNow now . You folks seem to be enjoying his misery . SO AM I!
ReplyDeleteNo one cares!!!!
ReplyDelete@6:50 except everyone who read this and commented on it. Oh, especially you care because you responded.
DeleteSR Chapo Guzman saldra libre muy pronto ,Junto con el Commandante Cholo Vago
ReplyDeleteAtte : El 71 de la Gente Nueva ,el 007 de los Acme ,y el 5.7 de los Antrax
Bring him to La Tia Juana para hacerlo birria al estupido RATA!!!!
ReplyDeleteLa Cafetera sigue activo!!!
Ctng y caf mas unidos que nunca
DeleteIt's Karma for starting the bloody war in Juarez. Suck it up buttercup it will be ok. The big and bad Chapo reduced to begging for better treatment. Why is he the only capo crying at every chance he gets?
ReplyDeleteThe supreme justices are with you on this one @9/28-7:33
DeleteWe told him to leave plazas to their owners as they were back then and chapo decided to have them all under his command.
The result is, fake coke sold on streets, more meth cooked by his enemies and Chapo losing his freedom and territory.
¿Was it worth all the money he donated to govt officials, the plazas losses and lives of thousands each day for the presidency?
Free meals, room accomodations, and 24 hour security. Hardly seems like hell to me.
ReplyDeleteTrue that
Deleteya, homes, us will be real hard time!
ReplyDeleteAnything that happens to El Chapo, he deserves. This dog shouldn't have any rights. Torture him to death.
ReplyDeleteHey mac, how about slow death to the presidential pardoned? Just to make it even you know? or you'd rather play possum no know?
DeleteSend him up here to the u.s! Maybe he can join mochomo at casa del whacko with the rest of the lunatics! I do not feel bad for this man!
ReplyDeleteWith all his billions. And there Chapo stands with his haute couture jumpsuit inside that mugshot. - El Sol Perdido
ReplyDeleteI call it KARMA! It's a bitch when you have to answer for all your dirty deeds!
ReplyDelete10:57 going down is no problem, what hurts is that the worst of the mexican drug trafficking mofos (epn) got your ass...
DeleteToughin' up buttercup!! Lol we all know ur calling bullshit chapo, quit trying to delay your extradition...how about a 5 star prison in Colorado, they can help you with all your 23 hours of torture...time to pay up you piece of shit!
ReplyDeleteWIKIPEDIA...IN 2016 The Obama administration provided a 1 billones no bid contract to Corrections Corporation of America to hold south American immigrants/refugees...
DeleteI knew there was gold there and conflict of interest, in inventing and displacing refugees, more to come from Syria...
i thought he was moved back to altiplano? in other news, i saw a video were they took this guys face off and try to behead him with a box cutter. it was brutal
ReplyDeleteLa chapa won his amparo to be returned to el Altiplano, but he gets extorted better in cd juaaareez, just matter of internal affairs; la chapa is called "Amparo" in prison in juarez now.
DeleteDanm i saw the video its the worst on he trys to bite the knife and scream but felt sorry for him he had no hope and no hands:(
DeleteSee the guys cut in prison and the one with 100 knives all over his body and panza? Todos los pinchis cebolleros le metieron.
DeleteI came here to see if there was info on what faction was responsible for that. There is no God.
ReplyDelete5:15 aaaight, goodbye!
DeleteSorry that was supposed to be a reply to the post that was talking about a video that's out there of a poor soul being butcherd
DeleteGod bless joaquin archivaldo guzman loera.
ReplyDeleteGood. Let him suffer for all the people he killed and back stabbed. Karma is a rule that no one escapes and I have no doubts Chapo will one day die a very cruel death.