By Miguel Angel Vega, reporting for Riodoce
The Guzman supremacy positioned itself through the war they were waging since June from this year against the Beltran Leyva Cartel, due to the operations conducted by Aureliano Guzman Loera "El Guano" and his gunman. After a firefight that lasted hours, Guano's gunman were able to take control of the town.

Huixiopa welcome sign
Huixiopa is the land where notorious drug trafficker Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno "El Azul" was born, and it was from there where the commandos that took control over la Tuna and stormed the house of doña Consuelo Loera, mother of Joaquin el Chapo Guzman, were dispatched, resulting in the beginning of the new war.
According to persons interviewed by Riodoce, not only was the town that was considered the operations center of the Beltran Leyva taken by Guanos gunman, but the site was also completely secured and surrounded and the number of casualties remains unknown, not even the municipal government or the Procudaruria General Del Estado (PGJE), have reported deaths in Badiraguato.
"There has to be corpses laying around everywhere" stated a resident from La Tuna, who from mid June was forced to abandon la Tuna because of fears of becoming a victim from the firefights between the two armed commandos.
Once the town was taken over by Guano's gunman they spray painted Huixiopa's welcome sign with legends such as "Pura Gente de Guzman" and "#701" which makes a reference to el Chapo Guzman.
The roads are empty
In order to make it to La Tuna, land of Joaquin el Chapo Guzman, is necessary to make it through Badiraguato, then Santiago los Caballeros, Temeapa, all the way to where the asphalt ends in Bocacoragua. From there the dirt road begins.
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map taken from google maps |
There were rumors that in the next town, Huixiopa, the clashes between the Guzman and Beltran Leyva continue to happen, and the order to visit the area to confirm the information was given to Riodoce news.
After three hours traveling, and just before making it into Huixiopa an armed commando of 12 man armed with automatic rifles, stopped the SUV where the journalists were traveling.
An while the armed sicarios pointed their rifles at the SUV, supposedly to prevent any surprises, other two gunman approach the driver and asked who was in the SUV and where they were heading.
"We are Riodoce reporters", stated the passengers.
The gunman doubted the passengers for a couple of minutes, then they proceeded to ask for their press ID cards to confirm that they were in fact journalists, after observing the pictures, one of them stepped away to request instructions through their radio frequencies.
The other gunman that stayed with the driver ask him how far we were trying to go and the driver responded; to Huixiopa, to which the gunman responded with an expression of indifference.
A few minutes later, the gunman that stepped away to request instructions came back and requested the journalist to step down of the vehicle, and order them to wait under a tree on the side of the road.
Armed to the teeth
They were carrying AK47s, the famous "cuernos de chivos", with drum magazines, body armor, grenades, handguns tucked into their waist, magazines, and wearing ball caps with the #701 emblem which make a reference to el Chapo.
With the intent to confirm, the journalist dared to ask the gunman if they were "people of Guzman or the Beltran Leyva".
The gunman stepped away, in order to avoid the question, but at the end he stated that all of them were Guzman's people, and that they were fighting la plaza. Then, the one in charge of the gunman told the journalist:
"Its dangerous to be here because this is a war zone, and the "Cohetazos"(gunshots) can start at any moment. You shouldn't be here".
"The thing is that this is a war zone, and we cannot be responsible for you".
Suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of an engine coming towards us and the gunman quickly took defensive positions while ordering us to do the same, it was possible that it could be gunman from the enemy faction and the order was to attack.
After a few seconds, a 4 cylinder ford truck appeared with a couple on board. They were detained and questioned, however the couple explained that they were Arroyo Seco residents, and were allowed to proceed.
"The war is not against civilians or the government, its against the Beltran Leyva; those are going to get shot whenever we see them", claimed the gunman.
— How many casualties have been registered during the firefights?, he was asked.
— A lot
—How many are a lot?
—Hundreds. This is a war, and where war happens there's casualties.
—Their casualties (Beltran Leyva) or yours?
—Both sides have lost man.
—Who's winning the war?
—We have taken control over the whole main zone. We have also taken control of the town they were controlling. That's all I can say.
—Did you guys know we were coming?
—Since you guys made it through Bacacoragua we were told that a black SUV with a woman and a man on board, was heading towards us. Since then we were given an status on you every 5 minutes.
—Are there any civilians left on the town?
—All of them left. The war is not against the people.
In that moment a white Toyota Tacoma, with no car plates arrived at scene; one of the passengers stepped down, and order the journalist to come back from where they came from, "the area is hot and you guys could run into danger. We still have Beltran Leyva people around here and its dangerous to be here".—Stated the gunman.
—We just want to take pictures of the burned houses that people are talking about and we leave.
—Forgive us but that will not be possible. For your security, we ask you to leave immediately—stated the passenger of the white Tacoma.
And that was everything that could be negotiated. The white Tacoma escorted us all the way to the exit of the town, to make sure that we leave without incidents.
The Hysteria
Reports from the residents that ran away from the town many days ago, suggest that the clashes have occurred daily, and that the armed conflict seems to go in favor of the Guzman Loera family.
"Its our territory, and its difficult for the Beltran Leyva to finance a war during a long period of time", stated a Guzman Loera family member, who ask Riodoce to not reveal his identity.
Others claim that Ismael el Mayo Zambada decided to become involved and asked Alfredito Beltran, to calm down, and that is the reason as to why the situation deescalated.
The truth is that the residents of the area are still not able to go back to their homes for fear that the clashes continue, even though General Moises Melo Garcia, coordinator of the state security, claimed that a military base will be installed in Huixiopa for the "security of the residents".
"The problem is that we do not believe in the government; but we could use them for something", said Armida Alvarez, a former resident of Huixiopa who moved to Culiacan to escape the violence in Huixiopa.
At the moment, or at least during last week, there was no presence of government in the area. Throughout the route traveled by Riodoce on their way to Huixiopa, we did not find a single element that represented the government. At any level.
guys, i sent email the other day, do you prefer english or why i don't have an answer? Chivetin.
ReplyDeleteDid you send to me? try again but I am very behind, so i may not answer for a couple days...
Deletecjng is about to go down now the feds are focusing on cjng instead of sinaloa and other cartels. play chess not checkers!
ReplyDeleteHaha cjng controls jalisco they can have any body killed when they feel like it. They could make all of the feds disapear in a day unless they hide that state is full of members of cjng they know every move the feds make
Deletethey can make all the feds disapear you sound worser then a cds cheerleader 5:57 pm
DeleteOn the other side of the country you ha e have tamaulipas with the same situation except with dead innocent people
ReplyDeleteSo is Sinaloa, why do they shoot and burn down those houses? To kill who ever is in there dumie. Don't give me that Sinaloas sicarios are angels bs lol it's getting old
DeleteWhat you talking about i go to matamoros every weekend and its been peacfull like it should be..... The only people that get picked up (levanton) are the ones involved, working, or asking questions that are none of their buisness... Brave reporters but i could not be doing their jobs to dangerous..... When in mexico mind your buisness drive during the day along the border,... And dont get involved with the drug buisness you will not last.... Damn even chapo ran out of favors.... What makes you different.... Visit mexico its beautiful.... See you guys in queretaro in about two months sierra gorda mountain bike race..... Beautifulllll......
DeleteSo every one that dies in tamaulipas is innocent
Delete6:36 Those that "ambush" the ejército or the marinelos, or the feaderal poolice, in trampalipass, but never hurt any of them, the children and the women are innocent 100% others are innocent 75%
Delete--the government forces/crooks are never innocent.
701 baseball hats for Guzman people .do Beltran leyvas wear hats with Beltran name??
ReplyDeleteAre Mayo and El Lic Damaso taking sides?
No other cartels no son payasos chapo has never been 701th richest man in the world
DeleteMy theory is Los Damaso have turned on Chapo/CDS because they were expecting Chapo to leave them some territory or people but he instead left every thing to Ivan. I heard on here that Ivan was clashing constantly with mayo, but that seems false now.
DeleteBatallón 601 was taken...
DeleteWrong people from all 3 side switched side to cjng in tj but Sinaloa it's strictly Beltran leyevas vs damaso mayo chapo
DeleteSep 29 5:59, of course not Forbes mag makes up the rankings of the Philty rich
Delete5:59 so now we going to invalidate Forbes which is legit as they come ranking on chapo but everything that's said about menso and CJNG as true just because chivis posted it on here? Gtfoh
DeleteForbes slips in one little lie here, another there, all the time, because it is business, and because it is personal, they are rich people's magazine about the rich people and their business, not about poor people unless they are welfare queens or drug traffickers with money the rich wants.
Delete--You would never hear about the US businessmen and the cuban Castro brothers drug trafficking to the US there in "forbes mag", but cuban General Arnoldo Ochoa got the fire squad for it and he went "to save la revolucion cubana"
Brave and lucky journalists.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update.
Pinche Beltranes pendejos. Vayan ayuden a la Linea en Chihuas a terminar con los Chapos aya y despues con la ayuda de la Linea regresan a tomar control de esas areas de Sinaloa. Para todo hay tiempo.
ReplyDeleteHaha pa que en juarez ya mero acaban con los payasos
DeletePrimero sepa de que se trata esta guerra.... Este es nomas el tito y el guano con sus gentes Los dos por la muerte del abuelito de tito esto no es de plazas
DeleteCaiese idiota nunca van a tomar control de Sinaloa
DeleteAre the Old School Z or is it the CDN allied with them?
DeleteLo qué pasa es que la gente de los B no tienen un buen líder como antes. Están enojados por lo que le pasó al abuelo del morrillo y pelan por parte del pero estrategia no ay más que dar chingasos. Sé metieron con gente del 701 y no se la van acabar.
DeleteSe los llevó la verga a los beltranuses, hagan las paces, y a trabajar en paz chingao...
Deletela chapa no esta sola, hasta epn y la mencha se le empinan...
5:05 la linia and cesar duarte are epn's local mafia, epn is the enemy of the beltranuses, how are you proposing they get married now?
Deletechapito isidro anda dandoles con todo y tito tambien agarense
Delete@5:22 so how would you know EPN backs up? You're just a spectator hearing rumors.
Delete3:43 Snow White told me, if the rumors stink there must be a lot of poop there, scratch it.
DeleteMore than 6 000 million pesos epn gave to cesar duarte as a parting gift to chihuahua's new panista governor Javier Corral who will not have money to operate "his estado" while epn is presidente, 2 more years or for many years after, chihuahua will be paying with the people's ass for electing a panista.
DeleteIt is like Chris Christie closing the bridge...
Sinaloas tontos, mejor que we preocupen por Tijuana. Cjng les esta dando Una calentada
ReplyDelete"It's difficult for beltran to finance a war against us for a long time" , that's the type of BS chapos people are being fed , Beltran Leyva will attack and continue the war just wait and see , there's a reason why Chapo and Mayo never took Northern Sinaloa from them because they can hang with anyone . CDS came with everything and couldn't , the army came with everything and couldn't , the Mexican Marines came with everything but couldn't , now BLO controls Southern Sinaloa as well , Mayo is too old to get involved Guanos an idiot.
ReplyDeleteTrue facts at 6:07
DeleteSinaloa went for juarez and couldnt they went to nuevo laredo and also fails they also like barking in veracruz and guerrero but are to scared to actually come out and fight
DeleteI agree with everything you said excerpt for the part about mayo. That old man may be a snitch and his family a bunch of rats but he's one smart person. CDS will be dismantled when he's dead.
DeleteMayo dont want to have problems whit BLO. this figth is between beltran(and to many powerfull narc families supporters BLO) vs Guano Guzman and his sicarios.
DeleteNobody wants problemo with el mayo, because they will get to know fear of God and their mero padre.
DeleteDid El Azul, team up with BLO?
DeleteAzul is dead
DeleteAzuls sons did team up with BLO
DeleteAzul vs sons need no life of crime, do they?
DeleteBesides, the children of geniuses usually do not have what it takes, not even with a miracle, well epn's son likes his "miracle whip", it is not a crime he says...
Arriba el #701.
ReplyDeleteCayate Estupido!
DeletePuro Arete!
Saludos a La Mochomera!
@6:38. #701, ya esta como al #70000000001!
DeleteRumores es que La gende del CDN y CJNG ya va de ayuda a los beltrans. Se va poner gacho en Sinaloa.
ReplyDeleteNo seas mamon si el cjng esta financiando a los z vieja escuela.. ya para de mover la mamadora wey tas peor k una prosti
DeleteCjng would never work with any zeta or anybody who works with them
DeleteCDN got enough problems of its own,and if Kiki Trevino gone down its just got worse,they aint sending nothing to no one.Zetas went down with Lazcano the last of them..As long as they hold Nuevo Laredo they can still play
DeleteEl gobierno trai a todos los narcos de la cola como a unas perras, menos a los del americano, cjng, h3, los miagras, los socios de vicente fox y otros que son pá mañana...
DeletePero ahi andan de calientes
Wow Chapos minions take over one small town and they act like they just secured a monopoly on the global drug trade. Funny.
ReplyDeleteAlfredito has his balls up high, soon that will change!!!
ReplyDeleteGuzman And his people will fight to death for their land!
His dad mochomo will be out soon watch n see
DeleteMochomo will be in jail all of his life sadly.
DeleteMorning, chiva loca... 💋 💋 💋
ReplyDeleteKiko Trevino arrested in Houston yesterday? Any info
ReplyDeletewe cannot find a secondary source. We have been checking arrests, Pacer, courts etc also houston chron...nothing.
Deleteif you see something please send in a link.
the story posted has Jose kiko is Juan also that is a foto of El Arabe (the arab) not kiko
but we will keep checking-supposedly the story says he was to be in court today, if that happen the story should begin breaking in mainstream media especially Texas and Mex
Let us know if you hear anything new
I knew you would ID el arabe chivis.
DeleteBest wishes...
Yo soy Iván
ReplyDeleteYo soy Iván Archivaldo Salazar también por mis venas corre el apeido Guzmán soy hijo del general el es mi apa no ahí nada que demostrar pues soy el vivo retrato y ahí chapitos para rato y se lo voy a comprobar♪
Soy el mayor y mi tierra es culiacan y para ser mas exacto quiero que chequen el dato soy el que piso el penal no hubo razón por estar en la prisión pues por ser hijo del chapo me agarraron en guanatos sin tener una razón
Han de pensar los que no me han de tratar y a donde me les presento mi estampa se hace notar para mi eso ya es normal saben quien soy y de donde vengo yo pero si me aprecian mucho no es por lo que han de mirar la humildad mi cualidad
Me e de cuidar con buena seguridad también con mi 38 super del águila real que en cintura e de cargar me gusta portar una hembra pa bailar todita la noche entera y las cachas de pantera aveces han de brillar
Hay que tomar cerveza whisky y champain con el pano con el trébol dos compadres muy sinceros y el yimi no a de faltar con mi hermano alf siempre estaré asta el final mi apoyo siempre han tenido somos los hijos del tío hay nomas para aclarar
Yo soy Iván Archivaldo Salazar también por mis venas corre el apeido Guzmán soy hijo del general el es mi apa no ahí nada que demostrar pues soy el vivo retrato y ahí chapitos para rato y se lo voy a comprobar
9:53 Usté es puro cabrón, oiga,
Deletesuena como que es hijo de juan grabiel, oiga, no será?
So the rumors about it being ciclones from Tamaulipas aint true then after all
ReplyDeleteCJNG vs CDG in Southern Zacatecas & Northern Jalisco about to wage war.
ReplyDeleteEn Colotlan, Jalisco CJNG making arrangements with Zacatecas state government officials so they have CDG align with CJNG or they will start the war on northern part of Jalisco (Colotlan, Santa Maria de Los Angeles and Villa Guerrero). They plan on invading southern of Zacatecas (Momax, J Amaro, Tabasco, Jalpa, Juchipila)
As a result CDG gunmen patrol day and night counties Tabasco, Jalpa, Joaquin Amaro, Momax through the sierra on J Amaro to avoid having punteros start taking positions in Zacatecas state.
SEDENA from 11ava Zona militar, policia estatal de Jalisco y Zacatecas know not to show up between Tabasco, Joaquin Amaro or Colotlan communities to allow the taking of the state.
Zacatecas will soon belong to Mencho.
La guerra comienza por Tabasco, Jalpa, Momax, El Plateado y Villanueva para sacar o aliniear la gente del CdG de Zacatecas en dos meses a mas tardar asi como andan las cosas.
We'll see what goes down.
Does anyone have the link to the first part ?
ReplyDeleteBB approves stupid ass comments, but dont approve mine, for talking real. Smh, this site is full of internet nuthuggers, and ive been on BB since 2008.
ReplyDelete8:08 you got posted bro! Kongratlations.
Keep trying please, you have one fan here!
@8:08 you take it so personal but staff always seem fair on posting to me. i dont know but maybe they thought you was someone else or maybe you was saying something wrong but you shoulkd tag all your posts so they dont confuse you with a troll like i tag all mine ~~~el spaceio~~~ you should tag your
Deletethank you for your time
~~~el spaceio~~~
seven is one of God's numbers Maybe he thinks he is God himself sorry to inform you Chapo God rules the heaven and the Earth see you at judgement along with anyone else that wants to try and step in God's shoes. God bless! You are going to need it.