Note: I may write a follow up article, I am allowing Ann Devert to orchestrate if , how much ,or what is shared, with respect to further information. I know readers will understand, it is the least that I can do for my friend. If you are moved to send a message to Ann and her mother, please do so via comments or email, I will be sure she receives them.
Earlier DNA results were positive, but not as conclusive to the protocol standard required. The forensics results that Ann was given last night was of a comprehensive 24 match DNA testing which resulted in a 99.9963% match.
Ann Devert's search ends in Mexico City where Harry's remains were transferred from Guerrero.
Her words today:
"There is no doubt this is Harry, my beloved son, Harry whose life was filled with delight, Harry whose boundless joy grew from the good times he shared with you, his friends, his companions, his allies, his heart. Harry carried each of us in his vast heart. And because there is a place for Harry in each of our own hearts, because that place is Harry's still, Harry is alive because YOU are alive. "ALIVE!, Ma!!!" he would say to me. "How great is that?!!"
"I ache from missing my son who was Life's great gift to me......"
Harry disappeared on January 25th of this year after leaving the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in Morelia, while traveling to Zihuatanejo, on the Costa Grande of Guerrero.
Her words today:
"There is no doubt this is Harry, my beloved son, Harry whose life was filled with delight, Harry whose boundless joy grew from the good times he shared with you, his friends, his companions, his allies, his heart. Harry carried each of us in his vast heart. And because there is a place for Harry in each of our own hearts, because that place is Harry's still, Harry is alive because YOU are alive. "ALIVE!, Ma!!!" he would say to me. "How great is that?!!"
"I ache from missing my son who was Life's great gift to me......"
Harry disappeared on January 25th of this year after leaving the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in Morelia, while traveling to Zihuatanejo, on the Costa Grande of Guerrero.
Zihuatanejo was a planned stop for Harry on his excursion to Brasil for the 2014 World Cup.
His visit to Zihuatanejo was prompted by the movie "Shawshank Redemption". In the movie the character Red, played by Morgan Freeman, endsup in Zihuatanejo to live out his days. Many tourist flock to the beach because of the movie and Shawshank Beach has become the beach's second name. The final scene of the movie is supposed to be Zihuatanejo but in reality was the Caribbean.
His visit to Zihuatanejo was prompted by the movie "Shawshank Redemption". In the movie the character Red, played by Morgan Freeman, endsup in Zihuatanejo to live out his days. Many tourist flock to the beach because of the movie and Shawshank Beach has become the beach's second name. The final scene of the movie is supposed to be Zihuatanejo but in reality was the Caribbean.
Harry's mother Ann traveled to Mexico in search for her son. Staying an extended period of time, pounding the pavements, meeting with the US, and French embassy's (Harry had dual citizenship), agencies of Mexico and US, interviews with Mexican press, handed out flyers and erected a large billboard in the place where people reported "sightings".
Shortly after her return to New York, she was notified that remains were found, in La Union Guerrero, along with a green Yamaha motor bike which they thought to belong to Harry. She returned to Mexico where she has been since, first in Guerrero, then to DF where the case was transferred.
Shortly after her return to New York, she was notified that remains were found, in La Union Guerrero, along with a green Yamaha motor bike which they thought to belong to Harry. She returned to Mexico where she has been since, first in Guerrero, then to DF where the case was transferred.
It is my belief that it is because of Ann's tenacity in her search, is what resulted in her knowing for certainty that her son was dead, and gave her the ability to take his remains back to New York.
I have not known of a case that culminated with these results. It is a fact that when Ann arrived in Guerrero, it was not easy to forget there was a mother searching for her son Harry who disappeared riding his Yamaha.
I have not known of a case that culminated with these results. It is a fact that when Ann arrived in Guerrero, it was not easy to forget there was a mother searching for her son Harry who disappeared riding his Yamaha.
An anonymous caller directed authorities to the remains which were exhumed elsewhere and redeposited. Among the belongings with Harry's remains, were fabric bracelets which he was wearing.
Ann now is wearing Harry's bracelets.
![]() |
James Stacy with his sister Ann's twins |
James Stacy
There is another Ann waiting for answers in the disappearance of her brother, James Stacy, who also disappeared on January 25th , 2014. He was driving his truck back to the states, after visiting his long time girlfriend in San Luis Potosi.
After a late start he was between Victoria and Matamoros when a SLP friend named Carlos, says James called him saying he was fearful as men in two white trucks were following him, the friend heard gunshots before the call dropped. Carlos supposedly tried calling James cell with no answer until 11:00PM when a man answered identifying himself as a Mexican Navy element. The"sailor" said not to worry his friend is ok and would be released. Carlos asked to speak to James, the speaker was activated on the cell so he could speak to James. Carlos said he asked James if he was alright, he said he was but Carlos reports James sounded frighten.
James' bank accounts were drained and he was never heard from again. His GMA Black Sierra was never found.
Ann reports that her mother's health has dramatically declined over James' disappearance. James mother wanted to travel to Tamaulipas in search of her son. I discouraged the trip at this time due to the spike in violence outbreaks occurring at this time.
His truck license plates are Kentucky plate Number: 398KMR
The James Stacy case triggered the memories of my brother's murder, no doubt because I was communicating with a sister who has lost a brother, I could relate personally.
If you have any information regarding James Stacy disappearance please notify authorities below, or an American Embassy, alternatively, forward to me at the email address aforementioned. Your information sent to me will remain completely anonymous.
The James Stacy case triggered the memories of my brother's murder, no doubt because I was communicating with a sister who has lost a brother, I could relate personally.
If you have any information regarding James Stacy disappearance please notify authorities below, or an American Embassy, alternatively, forward to me at the email address aforementioned. Your information sent to me will remain completely anonymous.
SLP Police Report (click on any image to enlarge)
There has not been evidence found to support the story in the report or any other theory,. so I ask that readers in SLP, or connected with family or friends there, please spread the word and if they spot the truck to notify authorities. Nothing is ruled out, in my opinion the "facts" are suspect and if I were investigating the case I would began taking a hard look at those closest to James, beginning with Carlos.
If you want to be sure to remain anonymous, send information to my email address and I will forward to the family. This is the police report translated into English:
Great article chivis. Poor families :(...yet people still say nothing happens in mexico.
ReplyDeleteAnyone going to Mexico is either nuts or crazy! You are playing Russian Roulette! I used to go to Mexico, travel the country. But now NEVER AGAIN! Big F for the Sheet-hole country!
ReplyDeleteHundreds of Americans have been murdered or simply disappeared, never to be heard from again.
The Gvt remains silent and impotent and apathetic...of course, except if it is a gvt official then all Hell breaks loose!
And this is why Mexico is shit. Psychos everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted to what Mexico has become, and I am even more disgusted with all of the Mexican celebrities that are isolated from this mayhem are not speaking up for the corruption to end!
ReplyDeleteWhat was the outcome of all the packages of cocaine and marijuana alongside his body? Or it is thought that it was planted there by Mexican authorities to make him look like a bad guy and present less focus on an investigation?
ReplyDeleteWhat investigation?
DeleteThank you Chivis for sharing this story. I think it's important for readers to read these personal stories of individual families, to get the deeper scope of the drug war.
ReplyDeleteI have dual US/Mex citizenship, and I want to point out something important about many Mexican citizens, that I believe most Americans do not realize. Many people assume that everyone would feel sad and sympathetic toward story like this, that the citizens of Morelia/Zihuatanejo would feel angered about this, and that it is only the criminals who don't care. How then, is it possible to have such regular crime like this in a society in which everyone hates it? The reason is that most people genuinely do NOT care. Their communities are violent enough that they adopt the attitude that "I need to look out for my own family, this happens all the time and I'm used to hearing about it". At the end of the day, most Mexican citizens are not thinking about the longterm wellbeing of their communities, they are looking for sustainable solutions to violence in the country. They know they need to worry about their OWN family day to day, and that keeps them so preoccupied that they don't have time to care about others. They are looking for how to keep their children alive another day, make whatever money they can, and make sure their daughters get married as young as possible. They do not think about men like Harry.
You are exactly correct. Citizens in Mexico are taught to look the other way. Also to not get involved in business that doesn't concern you. That same attitude is brought with them when they immigrate to the US too. It's hard as hell to solve crimes in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods. If you get involved you could end up like the victim.
DeleteMorelia is a wonderful city in many respects, but the police there are completely incompetent and corrupt. They wouldn't lift a finger if they knew a man were being murdered, and would jump at the opportunity to carry out the hit themselves if they were offered money.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it is difficult it is good that Ann has a definitive conclusion to her son's death. She can now move on with a purpose and no longer needing to be dedicated to only finding him. I lost my adult son and know the pain although the pain she has had to endure, including so many insults in the process, is much much greater. FYI, there is a group of travelers who post their thoughts in a Facebook group. Many brush this event off as being no different than everyday happenings north of the border. And there are even a few who are deniers all together believing such things are fabricated by NOB press to scare Americans away from Mexico. Folks may find the thinking of others who deny these things interesting like I do. People have no idea of the dangers like Harry encountered.
ReplyDeleteFound a website that has a thread that just bashes Harry and how he "boasted" of being an adventurer. When Harry first went missing the same thread they were saying he "faked" his disappearance to make a book deal. These are supposed to be fellow caring and compassionate motorcyclists instead they talk filth about a deceased man whom has no voice . I remember when motorcyclists cared about each other.
ReplyDeleteRIP Harry and Peace/condolences to all his family and friends and those touched by his story. And Stacy's story thanks for adding it too. Peace
Thanks Chivis again for shedding the light.
You mentioned previously that you wanted Ann to be out of Mexico before you wrote on this story because you wanted her to be safe, AND YOU HAD PLENTY TO SAY. Well I hope this isn't the information you planned on giving us. I'm not being inconsiderate. We come here for information on whats going on and to get the truth. I felt you could write this story with out being so emotionally involved. So my question to you Chivis is: Can you write an informative article on the events that have been reported as to happening without allowing your friendship to hinder what the people come here for? Which is truth. However sad it may be. We have all heard the worst of the details.
ReplyDeleteStfu,you donkey.this is not a novella part 1 and you want part to for your entertainment.and don't pretend you are concerned,you are not.u just want to get your curiosity rocks off.
DeleteThe truth is this....Are you ready for this??? Mexico is a dangerous place for foreigners. If you go there and you plan to travel outside the resorts expect to be a victim. Don't ever ever ever step foot off the resort property. If you do it only do it during the day. IMO the safest city for tourist is Cabo San Lucas. That is the only place in Mexico I would ever travel to.
ReplyDeleteand ann is still in mexico
if you have reading comprehension read my note at top. I am not a journalist, never claimed to be, never aspire to be. I am a humanitarian who was tired of the horror and the ignorance of the outside world, and tried to bring truth across the border.
Do you really need details as to what happened to Harry? You saw there is multiple bags. take a guess.
that said, whatever Ann decides I will write about Harry or will write about how the dynamics in mich/gro has changed. I will write a report on Viagras, the sierra santana clan, gavilan, tigre, cjng, ct and how they fit into this crime and similar. I am not sure I even want to spend the days it will require. I am frankly fed up with readers like you. That is what happens to reporters. We give up much of our lives and sometimes people like you, the vile personal attacker and the grammar police becomes too much, and we vanish.
For normal people they would have respected my explanation. Ann wanted the public to know certain things, but has changed her mind for now, the information is hers, not mine, she asked for confidentiality, I am giving it to her.
You do an awesome job Chivis. People like me who live in the US really appreciate what you do. We readers tend to forget the amount time it takes to author an article like this. Don't let the "cyber warriors" and grammar police deter you from informing the public. How many of them could actually read, write and speak both languages? You are a very caring individual who wants to speak the truth. I will commend you for your efforts. Keep up the good work. I truly respect you for your daily sacrifice.
DeleteI am a humanitarian who was tired of the horror and the ignorance of the outside world, and tried to bring truth across the border.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully Heart spoken
the planted drugs were not talked about again. I am researching that and have many questions. It is ludicrous to think Narcos would not leave drugs and take his laptop and cell, but also exhume the drug and redeposit them else where. Authorities wanted to have less outrage by tainting his character. IMO
ReplyDeletelet me know which fb and website links are bashing Harry, I will blok them, I have received quite a few "tries" from a specific site, but was warned what they have said, it may be the same.
ReplyDeleteChivis.. Thay killed el flounder here.. He's one of the original zetas
ReplyDeleteSo her son and brother were kidnaped and they didn't ask for a ransom ...... I think they were involved in something
ReplyDeleteI have commented on here before,regarding this case and thousands more,one of the most serious problems Mexico has is apathy and indifference.Its almost like no one down there gives a damned,who knows maybe because the people feel helpless and just decided to throw the towel in and have opted to become slaves to the cartels(PRI,PENA NIETO,DEGORTARI,TELEVISA,ETC.,ETC)Its very sad but what do you expect when a large segment of the population glorifies their oppresors and look to them as heroes instead of seeing the cartels for who they truly are,which is ruthless evil murderers....
ReplyDeletefor 12:58 don't rely on photos only, read the text.
See Spot Run
Run Spot Run
Mexico still has a very low murder rate compared too most Latin America countries
ReplyDeleteThat is because if you are missing they don't consider you murdered even though they know the obvious. Plus they don't count the migrants killed in Mexico as part of the numbers. There is more than 27,000 people that have gone missing between 2006-2012.
DeleteAre you on crack or meth? There were only 415 confirmed homicides in Chicago in 2013. That's with a population of over 2.7 million. I would bet that Matamoros is at three times that many.
Deletejajaja see spot about a blast from the past.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you chivis for being fed up, but I am going to miss you, I don't know what hell BB will be, if at all,. You are leaving at the end of summer? or fall? I can't remember. you have been the hardest working reporter BB has ever had and endured longer than anyone.
@4:07 said:
ReplyDelete"Mexico still has a very low murder rate compared too most Latin America countries."
It may seem that way because the government conceals it or does not want it reported.
@ 1:02 said:
"Its almost like no one down there gives a damned, who knows maybe because the people feel helpless."
I believe people do care, they just prefer not to get involved for their safety and that of their family and also because they don['t trust their local authorities.
If we had more people with big huevos like Dr. Mireles, there would be less crime in Mexico. ******FREE DR. MIRIELES.*****
@July 27, 2014 at 4:07 PM These so called "rates" are based on size sq. miles , population and so on. So the actual numbers could be greater in Mexico but the qxP= % keeps the $$$ coming in to the beach. Too bad Ukraine doesn't have a tropical beach with margaritas or it would not make the light of day. Remember the missing in Mexico are missing so they do not get counted.
ReplyDeleteChicago is more dangerous than Tamps. But I don't go to tamps. r chicago
ReplyDeleteA dream Dr. Mireles for president od Mexico
ReplyDeleteOnce president he will be corrupt.
Deleteamazing how pendejos never miss a chance to show off their pendejo championship capabilities.
ReplyDeleteharry devert's body was moved the location where it was found, very probably because of orders "from above", to send ann back home, pa' que ya no este chingando... to get ann to stop bothering the "authorities" and giving mexico bad publicity, because mexico needs more tourism and less bad propaganda, the caller who reported harry devert's location should be found asap, as james stacy's friend who received his calls, cameras at the banks, stacy's phone, all can be tracked...
--the mexican police are very able, they can find on every city on the route, one dozen gulty parties who abducted robbed and killed both guys.
--from genaro garcia luna to enrique francisco galindo ceballos with their specialized training on colombia and spain, with the fbi, their partnerships with france's police academies, hell i think they can even find my murderer.
--best thing to do, both ann's need to get the word out and maybe help save other people from having to cry for their beloved ones too, because in mexico, the government is not safe at any speed, and the mexicans are guilty of not having been able to choose better their neighbors, their neighborhoods or their economic status before they were born, mexicans...
I was appalled when I read the 11:42 comment. How dare you question the emotions that were put into this article?? That is precisely what keeps me coming back here every night - and it absolutely devastates me that we will be losing chivas. Although, I can totally understand how being let down over and over by your country and sometimes your viewers, would drag you down and control your life. All I can say is that with your passion, you are destined for greatness right along with Dr. Mireles. Bless you
ReplyDeleteThank you 10:21
ReplyDeleteand to the reader who sent in the comment about avrider blog. that's the one. people hate them, refer to them in pretty bad terms. they have tried to break through here if I catch them, they are spammed. I guess Harry went to the extreme to fake his kidnapping. They probably never guessed his body would not be found.
I enjoyed seeing the picture of Harry and his Mom as well as the caption contained therein. It made me realize that my Mom is my best friend as well. Harry's Mom has shown the tenasity that I am sure he would show for her. Anyone would be blessed to have these people in their lives. I wish we had more people in the world like them.
ReplyDelete9:29 it is possible to have crime like this, by SHOCK AND AWING the population for an extended period of time, and the deliberate trading of weapons by the US to no other than the mexican gangs of narco-sicarios to pocket some more of that naro-money, under the watchful eye of the US government, for the benefit of global sociopaths who want pemex, now cheaper, "because of all the crime and insecurity" and who are not just US citizens, but global vulture capitalistas
ReplyDelete11:42 the agenda of BB or chivis is none of your business, 99% of us are with chivis and you don't count in this matter, at least she is doing a favour for all of us with her dedication which believe it or not, does not have a compromise with you, even if you are buggs, the owner of this site...
ReplyDelete--i understand that the rosy picture is more satisfying, whyntyou stick to reading the socials section on some newspapers? weddings births and quinceañeras all day for you, plus telenovelas...
--real people need to know, the suppression of news like these have gone on for too long already, and is a direct cause that we are just waking up and smelling the horse's ass, like wet babies, and we can't find the door now, if anything, we need more news like this, at least until the killed resuscitate...
8:21 from chicago, it is dangerous because the forces of privatization of everything even remotely related to governmental services have been marked for privatization by republican related vulture capitalistas, like detroit and wisconsin, the mark must fall, if little by little, by the customary shock and awing of the people, preceeded by the corruption of anybody working government,
ReplyDelete--fron junior highs to corrections it all must be privatized, for twice the money and half or less the services, somebody needs to kick corporate welfare contractors in the nuts, really...
It is not that the Mexican people don't care. It is because they can not do a dammed thing about it. Speak up and disappear.
ReplyDeleteThe average law abiding citizens need to be able to buy and possess real GUNS and BULLETS.
what year was mr staceys truck? wonder if thats why they went after him to begin with....chivis?
ReplyDeleteChivis, you've done an amazing job of informing us of the terrible events and how corrupt the government is in Mexico. I'm sad to hear you are going to stop reporting for borderland beat.
ReplyDeleteI respect Ann's wish if she does not want the public to know all the details of Harry's death. However, I'd hope she will reconsider and will allow you to publish it before your departure. If it wasn't for Harry, I wouldn't be on this website. RIP Harry.
Ironically Zihuantanejo Is the Most Polluted Beach In Mexico
That's where Andy went after he escaped prison.
DeleteThat's why it is polluted.
DeleteLast year a drug addict in santamonica california stole a car an ran over 10 people in venice beach 2 of the people killed were on a honeymoon from france, 2 weeks ago a begger killed a tourist when he refuse to give him change, face it the usa kills more foreign people than mexico FACT! I have 1 brother and 4 cousins already killed here in the usa,they came from mexico and are easy targets for all the drug addicted people from the USA
ReplyDeleteYou are so right! 10k central american migrants go missing each year and is not a part of any tally.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. But maybe Ann could think about writing a book at some point. It would serve a great purpose and give other families a roadmap for answers.
ReplyDeleteJames truck is 2009
ReplyDeletecheck out the Help Find James facebook page for a photo
Were there any other updates on James Stacy from his family? I read an old bb forum from April that his gf may know more than she's saying? Have anyone in James' family met her before or have gone to speak with her since he's been missing?