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He received $1,500 pesos (~$113) from every templar of La Ruana in order to let them roam freely in his group in Buenavista |
group of 400 people today laid siege to the municipality of La Ruana, Michoacán,
allegedly demanding that the self-defense spokesperson, Hipólito Mora, be
removed from his position.
versions indicate that they are members of the Knights Templar who are
besieging the municipality.
to press reports, the protesters are led by Luis Torres “El Americano”, one of
the leading advocates of the armed movement in the municipality of Felipe
Carrillo Puerto, along with Hipólito Mora and Estanislao Beltrán.
would mean that there is a movement of dissatisfaction within the self-defense movement. A few other groups have enough
weapons: with them they have faced against organized crime.
an interview with Denise Maerker, Mora said that “El Americano” has placed
roadblocks at the entrance and in the center of La Ruana where he arrived with
about 50-60 trucks.
explained that when the movement started, that guy, “El Americano”, wanted his
village, about 15 minutes from La Ruana, to rise up in arms, “then…I don’t know
what happened to the Templarios, he came and was here behind us, he lasted for
about two months, after one or two months we liberated Buenavista, and I told
him, if you want to go over there then go, and he went, he stayed as the leader
of Buenavista.”
indicates that “the problem that’s occurring now is that he’s surrounded by
pure Templarios”.
Mora also mentioned that “El Americano” intends to disarm them but they won’t
let him, “there are only a few of us right now, we won’t let him. The reason for him to take over La Ruana is
because he is supported by all his drug trafficking friends: “El Chayo” and “La
said that those who made up the self-defense movement didn’t run them off, they
went with the ‘Templarios’, “they cooperated in order to attack us, to kill us;
they couldn’t, now they have time to get into the village but the village
rejects them”.
noted that some have joined with “El Americano”; they even have credentials of
being self-defense members and are armed; they are the ones who want to kill us
in order for it to be calm like it was before.
also mentioned that they (Americano) took away three ranches from them (Mora) that
were previously taken from the Templarios.
“but that doesn’t interest me, I didn’t do it for economic reasons, they
came and entered and we didn’t want to provoke a confrontation between us,
anyway the ranches aren’t ours”.
authorities are aware of this situation and the self-defense groups of
Tepalcatepec are with La Ruana.
social networks, La Ruana was declared to be on high alert.
“#AlertaMáximaLARUANA. All of the hitmen of “El Americano” are
arriving to La Ruana, all of them are armed, there’s going to be clashes, be on
high alert”
the Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio confirmed that a tense
situation is prevailing in the municipality of La Ruana, where he said that the
Federation is already intervening in order to prevent any violent events.
a press conference, held at the Hospital Rural de Buenavista, Osorio Chong said
“The acts of violence between the self-defense groups are a lost cause so I express
that they should seek dialogue in order for them to achieve tranquility in the
turn, the news agency Quadratín reported that clashes have already been
reported. They also reported that Hipólito
Mora has called for his followers to concentrate on their base of operations; while
the leader of La Huacana, “El Americano”, also called on his followers to come
together at the center of this location.
Americano” has taken off his mask, he doesn’t care if the people see him with
the Templarios and “I’m aware of these statements that I’m making, that maybe
they’ll tell him, maybe right now they’ll come here but we are here fighting for
the good and the fight is always clean with us, with the movement; I’m with the
people seeking freedom from the Caballeros Templarios.”
Sources: Radio Formula, Sin Embargo
El americano was kidnapped by narcos several times. Why in the he'll would he ally himself with those pigs???
ReplyDeleteHe's been with those pigs from the beginning! His name should be El Desgraciado!
DeleteIt's only a matter of time before the AD start fighting each other everybody wants the power. I hope I'm wrong but I think eventually the AD movement is going to die. What it all comes down to is money as we can see with this guy "el Americano" who got bribed with 113 us dollars to let the CT roam free. The problem is the AD are letting "ex-Templars" join the movement that's their biggest mistake because these infiltrators are there to create fighting and disagreement between the group and it's leaders.
ReplyDeleteIt's 113 per person that's allllloooooott of money
DeleteYou know eventually Mexicans will fookup a good thing!
ReplyDeleteThey just can not help themselves.
Fookup? C'mon it inly takes a few bad apples. It was expected that there was going to be infiltrators. Hopefully they kick them out and expose them in time. Don't Generalize most Mexicans are good people who just want peace and a just living.
DeleteThis shit is already scripted cartel n rebels fight to the death. The marina comes in to do clean up work on both there asses problem solved. This shit is chess n not checkers!
DeleteI never trusted that nigga el americano. When I first read about him i thought he was suspect. Evidence was when he said he travel back and forth from the states to ochan. And when the nigga said he had to release several thousands of dollars because he was kidnap; ''The first time it was for clarification [of who I was]. The second was because they weren't satisfied, so they took 300,000 pesos [USD $22,580]. The third time it was 2 million pesos [USD $150,535]. In order to be able to pay it, I had to sell property.''
ReplyDeleteWho can afford that much cash money on the fly, a used car dealer; ya right. He's a gangster and they knew it.
How do you know?
DeletePlease dont pay attention to queadratin agency they are with cts
ReplyDeleteI just watched this video of La Tuta giving out money. This shows how conniving this SOB really is...
BB posted it months ago, yeah these guys brainwashed the people.
DeleteOoooh I was hoping this wouldn't happen...
ReplyDeleteLike Osorio Chong cares...
Lets hope Osorio Chong cares long enough to help clean up the mess in Michuacan. With the Auto Defensas and Government troops hopefully these thugs get exterminated, they would be worthless as prisoners. They should just be taken out for a better Michuacan and Mexico.
DeletePeople have cried out for 2 mos for AD to rid themselves of these thugs, especially Americano and Abuelo. they were playing with fire.. Hipolito is not a strong leader, he is going to need backup for this fight.
ReplyDeleteHipolito is who he is and that is, an upstanding person. Hopefully the people have the courage to fend off these thugs with the help of the federal government. Lets hope these Generals are not on the take like in the past. It would be nice to at least have a region in Mexico with no corruption. Unbelievable!
DeleteEl Americano just signed his death warrant like Chayo, Tuta, and Kiki. The only chance they got is if the turn themselves in!
DeleteEl americano=corrupt dog feces
ReplyDeleteBut wasn´t this already known? It was already known El Americano was scum, just like KT.
ReplyDeleteHope they get rid of all the bad elements, at least Chayo is gone(or so it seems)
Pinche puto desgraciado. That motherfucker trash. Being a car dealer should have gave that Shit away. All those fucks are snakes trying to get one over on everybody and their mommas
ReplyDeleteYea a lot of them michocunos are snakes…
Deletebut the few good ones are finally taking over their state which is good
el americano is a fucking cartel scum sent in to infiltrate autodefensas and destroy it from within which is precisely what is happening now.
ReplyDeletesad situation what they are doing to hiplito.
What a fuckin scumbag. Hopefully the other AD groups wipe americanos group out. Leave it to mexicans to fuck up a goood thing. Fuckin idiots
ReplyDeleteEl americano fucking shit up lol not el mexicano
DeleteJust the fact that el American was a used car sales dealer is more than enough to know he is a crook!
ReplyDeleteyou are correct Hipolito is an upstanding guy, but goes with the flow. same as when smurf "fired" Dr Mireles and made himself spokesman, all without the federation council vote.
ReplyDeleteHipolito said "I don't know who made the appointment, I did not vote, but I respect Smurf."
These thugs should have been long gone.
One thisng Dr Mireles told me he is not prepared to confirm the death of Chayo, until he can see the DNA studies.
So El Americano is with CT. Is Papa Pitufo with AD? Thought he was helping Los Viagras. Can someone clarify please?
ReplyDeleteIf you consider yourself a templario then consider yourself dead.
ReplyDeletethis is just a diversion created by La Puta, cuz they must have been getting close to him-gives him a little more time to try and escape, the ADs must have been hit n his trail, so for a few bucks this scumbag creates a racket to draw away attenton
ReplyDeleteIts just sad but criminal minds are the ones who are attracted to guns and violence. Its gonna take some guts amd perseverance to see this through! We have already seen what Zetas, LaFamilia, C.T. and neighboring cartels have brought to this region. Hopefully the people are smarter amd don't get fooled by a corupt charismatic leader once again! We all know how that went (El Chayo)!!!
ReplyDeletePicked up by a helicopter? Damn I wonder who hooked that up?
ReplyDeleteHe is a mole.
ReplyDeleteAmerican is former CT, but has former his own group of former CT to overthrow AD, Los Viagras are allied with the Americano group and were a part of yesterdays surge.
Why are Los Viagras even around! I thought that the AD goal was to rid Michuacan of not only CT but all cartels!!!!!
DeleteThis is why people shouldn't get there hopes up.
ReplyDeleteMaybe thats why they want to stop hipolito , they ( el americano and theothers ) claimed that hipolito ordered the killing of el pollo and his friend whom it is said they belonged to cts before maybe just maybe since el americano and los viagras were former cts now they feared they are the next ones to be killed.
ReplyDeleteThe fear of being exposed, well it's too late for that they are next! JUST LIKE EL CHAYO!
DeleteThese infiltrators need to be dealt with immediately, just like cancer! You don't wait for cancer to progress to the point where it consumes the whole body. The A.D. movement is salvageable with some major Chemotherapy. Sorry but all of these guys on the fringes need to go! You can't turn a hoe into a housewife!!!!
DeleteI don't know how these things actually work. Nearly every report is by nature after-the-fact. What I think is happening with Americano is good in a way. The whole bunch of former CTs swarmed. The can be observed in a pack from the air, and territorially surrounded. Sort of like fishing with a seine. Little by little the net is tightened and like a zit, the head gets popped and out comes the pus. As long as the Feds/SEMAR/guachos continue working together the zits will all get popped. dicho... poco a poco.
ReplyDeleteThe more the former CTs LFM show themselves the more they'll get picked off. This is just my opinion but based on how this seems to be progressing.
Good, let them get exposed!!! This movement is being watched worldwide and the Mexican Government can't just sweep it under the rug like in the past. Examples will be made. One thug at a time!!! These cruminals better run if the want to survive because they are about to get hunted down like rats!
DeleteMarch 10, 2014 at 7:50 PM
ReplyDelete"That motherfucker trash. Being a car dealer should have gave that Shit away. All those fucks are snakes trying to get one over on everybody and their mommas"
Dude,fuckin tellin ye,they are a rung just above lawyers and politicians,or maybe the same shit?
Hipolito may not be a strong leader but he is a strong fighter. And old fart CT dared him to a duel and el americano hates him. He must be doing a good job.
ReplyDeleteThats phase Two Divide and Cobquer ,now that Templars are Out. Its time for diving the groups ,leading to a possible civil war ib michoacan .hopefully not.if jt does ,it opens up the doors to cartels again.which is whag preciesly El Americano wants. If the civil war starts it will open up the whole country to total cartel control ,leading yo exterbal powers entering Mexico ,this has been a plan for a long time,read history of latin america and ghe same shig is happening over and over agaib.
ReplyDeleteEl Americano wanted to operate under the radar! What he didn't realize is that he has been exposed. It only a matter of time that he ends up like El Chayo!
ReplyDeletewith chayos fall and tuta lacking a strong support, he probably sees his opportunity to do his own thing now, he wants the power. hes probably even underestimating other cartels like sinaloa with chapos fall he probably thinks he can rise up without interference. maybe he wants to start his own criminal group same templarios under a new name like lfm to ct now to whatever name he gives them, or probavly he wants to open the doors to another outside cartel like cjng. who knows its just a maybe
ReplyDeleteEl Americano must be shitting bricks, he has brought heat on himself!
ReplyDeleteSo he sold cars in the USA, whats he selling the people of Tierra Caliente?
ReplyDeletejudas, like el americano, went for the coins, the rest is history...
ReplyDelete@9:32 not all hoes are the same, i know of a few that became perfect housewives, of course it took some real men to cooperate and help, and they have never been sorry, on the other hand, i know of a few wives that nothing would set them straight, they'd rather go and look in the garbage than put up with the old fart anymore, let's don't put everybody in the same category, especially women we don't know or we can't or won't help, one could even be somebody very close and very dear to you, all we can do is try and be our very best, and wish others the same...
Wers my comments this is an anti Americano blog. Please tell the truth. Stop putting this negative feeds. The truth is hipolito mora is keeping lots of cash an property for him self . And the people here en la ruana are tired of his corruption. . So we kicked him out.
ReplyDelete9:32 hey henry ese pinche americano, he is not THE LAW.he could have addressed his concerns to the leadership of the AD, and not have taken upon himself to lead a movement against a fellow AD.
DeleteTheir movement is not to replace the ct but to fix corruption and crime not to get some new caciques young or old...
Hey Delia,i don't forget our happiest night, I hope you are happy now somewhere in michoacan, also coco, and liliana. sorry if my heart is such a condominium
March 11, 2014 at 7:50 AM
ReplyDelete"He is a mole" no,,,,hes a vole.look at his hooter .
" The truth is hipolito mora is keeping lots of cash an property for him self "
ReplyDeleteLets not blindly believe in Mora because he is AD,as we all know the people usually know first about these things,so speak some on it?
A good friend of mine, that retired 20 years ago in San Blas, Nayarit, told me about a people's movement spontaneously organized against the destruction of the second largest mangrove forest in North America (The first is the Everglades). Outside interests, mostly wealthy Mexican from D.F. and Guadalara, wanted to carve up 2000 hectares of mangroves for a huge shrimp farm. There was demonstrations, marches and protests in front of the mayor's office. It was a real people's movement. The leader a man by the name of Juan "Bananas" , sold out. He received so much money and free property to pacify the people. There is now less than
ReplyDelete5% of the original mangrove forest left since the early sixties. Most has been converted into farm land and shrimp farms.
It's terribly easy to corrupt even the most honorable people. Everyone has a price. Lets hope that the Self defense movement can right itself quickly.
There's a nick name for used car salesmen: "Floor Whore".
ReplyDeleteOn a car show floor. The salesmen "whore" themselves to sell the junks that they have. Pressure tactics and lies so they can make their commissions.
Zorras r done every body knows that