Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman proclaimed his presence in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas and said to be cleaning the region of Zetas when he displayed 14 dismembered bodies of alleged Zeta members.
El Chapo, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, demonstrated in this brutal action his presence in this border city along with other criminal groups that fall within the domain of his organization who are said to be working in keeping the area clean of Zetas and sent a message to Zeta leaders by displaying the horrific dismember bodies of several men alleged to have affilliation to Los Zetas.
El Chapo Guzman also left a picture to show evidence of their presence in Nuevo Laredo where a large number of members belonging to the Sinaloa cartel pose next to a narco banner (all pictures credit to BDN).
In the narco banner, left next to a pile of dismembered bodies belonging to Los Zetas, El Chapo calls into question the lack of courage of Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, alias El Z-40, for being afraid to face him personally and sent a message by throwing the bodies of his group in his own turf.
The banner appears next to at least fourteen dismembered bodies where El Chapo promises the public that he will continue to cleanup of the area of Los Zetas, so that the people of Nuevo Laredo can live free and in peace.
He also assures the people that his groups will teach Los Zetas how to work like the Sinaloa cartel without kidnappings, extortions or quotas.
Pictures Source: Blog del Narco
A BB loyal reader sent the translation from El Chapo narco manta (narco banner)
To the citizens:
We have started to rid Nuevo Laredo of the Zetas because we want a city that is free and because we want the citizens to live in peace. We are Drug traffickers and we don’t mess with honest, hardworking people or local businesses. We do not want anybody to pay protection money to these scums. Therefore we consider anybody who pays extortion money traitors because they help finance the Zetas. I am going to show these filthy zetas how it’s done Sinaloa style; without kidnapping and without, extortion.
And this goes to el 40. You don’t scare me. I know you sent el H to dump those heads here on my turf (Sinaloa) because you don’t have the balls to do it yourself.
Don't forget that I'm your daddy
Y a comenzamos a limpiar a Nuevo Laredo de Zetas porque queremos una ciudad libre y para que vivan en paz. Nosotros somos narcotraficantes y no nos metemos con la gente honesta, trabajadora o el comercio.Queremos que nadie pague cuotas a estas lacras. Por lo tanto, todo aquel que pague cuota,es considerado un traidor por financiar a Los Zetas..Le voy a enseñar a estos mugrosos a trabajar al estilo Sinaloa, sin secuestrar, sin costos, ni extorsionesY en referencia a ti 40, te digo que no me espantas. Sé que mandaste al H a tirar las cabezas aquí en mi tierra, porque no tienes los huevos ni la gente para venir a hacerlo tu.
No se te olvide que soy tu mero padre.
Pretty good translation
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to be from Sinaloa and Jalisco!!!!! I would gladly volunteer to join the Matazetas to make sure my family in Jalisco can live freely.........y desde Tijuana asta Jalisco pariente!!!
DeleteESOS weyes del chapo siempre trTando de actuar Como si son Los buenos y son Los peores y Los que empesaron todo El pedo en El q esta Mexico. Pinches mamones
DeleteEL CHAPUTO es puro propaganda!!..No puede con Los Aretes, Beltran-Leyva, y Carrillo-Fuentes en Sinaloa..
DeletePuro sinaloa pendejo se van a morir todos esos vale verga guevones ke no saven aser bisnes ala verga pinches lacras
DeleteIt's sad that El chap was caught it wasn't his fault he was a bad person it was his dad's fault because he was the one who showed El chap to do all this bad stuff and the sad part is that he wont be able to be realesed because if he was to be he would keep doing bad stuff because he is used to being bad even tho he is not a bad person he was just taught to be bad
DeleteThe banner with the sicarios is photoshopped
ReplyDeleteAt first I tought the the same but if you scale it up, it clearly is a legit photo.
Deletethis is the real deal this isnt fake like rap videos you watch
DeleteAnother 8 zetas left today
ReplyDeleteVery well done by the sinaloa cartel get rids of these evil bastards that have terrorized mexico for a long time since the mexican government cant do it let another cartel do it ,do you see the irony if the government was smart they,d say let the cartel wipe out the other cartel and whos ever left standing well go after peace to all honest hardworking mexicans living in turmoil i pray for you .
ReplyDeleteThe world has been waiting for EL CHAPO to ride in like a knight in shining armor on a white stallion to save the people of Mexico.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am a fair skin Canadian female who stumbled across the horrors of the drug cartels about two years ago...and couldn't believe and couldn't fathom the violence and suffering of the Mexican people -- many of which have little opportunity to advance economically, go hungry, no schooling---I must say that El Chapo has (he class, gentlemanliness and TRUST of the decent people.
El Chapo and his Sinaloa Cartle even look poised and clean and have no choice but to fight fire with fire.
God Bless the people of Mexico and I hope someday you will share the democratic rights and freedoms we do in Canada. Go El Chapo Go...lead your people.
El mundo ha estado esperando por EL CHAPO de viajar en como un caballero de brillante armadura en un caballo blanco para salvar al pueblo de México.
DeleteAunque soy una mujer de piel blanca canadiense que tropezó con los horrores de los cárteles de la droga hace dos años ... y no podía creer y no podía comprender la violencia y el sufrimiento de los mexicanos - muchos de los cuales tienen pocas oportunidades para avanzar económicamente, pasar hambre, sin educación --- Tengo que decir que el Chapo tiene clase, caballerosidad y la confianza de la gente decente.
El Chapo de Sinaloa y su Cartle siquiera mirar a punto y limpieza y no tienen más remedio que combatir fuego con fuego.
Dios bendiga al pueblo de México y espero que algún día usted va a compartir los derechos y libertades democráticas que hacemos en Canadá. Ir El Chapo ... Ir guiar a su pueblo.
I agree
Deletewow americans listen to this canadian you may learn a thing or two
DeleteWtf? CDS in Nuevo Laredo??
ReplyDeletethese cartels are nothing but savages.
ReplyDeleteSorry zetas but your time is up chapos people chasing you all over the country now
ReplyDeleteAny one defending these zeta scum should get shot onsite, good job chapo, when u catch lacra and 40 dunk him in acid alive
ReplyDeleteHell yea
DeleteOMG! OMG! OMG! Lord have mercy, it has started!
ReplyDeletefor all we know these can be some people they picked off the street, remember the other people they found dismembered not to long ago in nuevo laredo, it turned out that the men were just poor men looking for jobs who got tricked into thinking they were goin to work for some carpenter job. theres defintaly something sketchy goin on down there.
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me is the dictator like prose regarding those who pay extortions, you are a traitor if you pay Zeta's, so you're family isn't hurt, or you pay to continue to be able to provide for yourself and loved ones? You are a traitor, and not an innocent victim of circumstances, abused and neglected, exploited by on cartel and then another?
ReplyDeleteWOW it seems like the Mexican Government and Military tolerate Mass murders, I mean what if it was 100 or 1000 zetas bodies, no crimes against humanity for any cartels leaders just the foot solders, really show what type of country mexico truly is
ReplyDeleteAre the men in the picture the Mata Zetas or is this a different group?
ReplyDeleteThats my boy Chapo, i like wut he said, that they r only drug-traffickers and they dont mess w/ the honest hard workin people and thats the way it should b......CDS CLEAN THAT SHIT UP....
ReplyDeleteThey are all dirtbags. Chapo is a little scumball so is Herberito Lazcano
ReplyDeleteThe Banner is Photo shopped and they did a Bad job of it. Probably a teenage punk who made the fake picture of the Gangbangers outside of that building
ReplyDeletewhy dont you go to mexico and ask random people if that photo is photodhoped.
DeleteOh snap yo! Shit just got real lol.
ReplyDeletePublicity stunt to get the gvt Get off his back
ReplyDeletethe cartel members posing with the banner does look photoshopped!!!... things are gonna get muy spicy hombre!.. baker company get ready boys my knifes sharp and im ready to scalp me some insurgants... these dogs are worse than the taliban and hezbollah sympathizers.. when i did my stint in iraq i mean the shit was bad but nothing like this.. may god forgive them when they invade and launch there attack against America cuz i wont
ReplyDelete-Pvt. 1st class Mcclindon-Diaz
Iraq was a piece of cake. Did you make it to Afghanistan or did you make your first ets and didn't re-enlist? 1st Lt. Gomez. 82nd Abn Div.
DeleteBad boy bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna when chapo comes for you
ReplyDeleteaAhahah I'm no zeta fan but those dudes are savages and make serial killers look like kids the sinaloa cartel is afraid to fight half the time AND los zetas have more territory than them and have done it with out the help of the corrupt gov
ReplyDeletecould there be a group of serial killers or is this become somekind of ritual this shit is getting out of control but oh well we do deserve a better nuevo laredo
ReplyDeleteBBB, is it possible to post ny translated comments below with my English version above 09:16pm? Thank you.
El mundo ha estado esperando CHAPO EL-para montar en parecido a un caballero en la armadura brillante sobre un semental blanco para salvar(ahorrar) a la gente de México.
Aunque yo sea una hembra de canadiense de piel clara que tropezó a través de los horrores de los cárteles de medicina(droga) hace aproximadamente dos años ... y no podía creer y no podía comprender la violencia y el sufrimiento de los mexicanos - mucho de cual no tienen poca oportunidad de avanzar económicamente, pasar el hambre, ninguna educación---debo decir que Chapo el-tiene (él clasifica, caballeroso y DE CONFIANZA de la gente decente.
Chapo el-y su Sinaloa Cartle aún parecen serenos y limpian y no tienen ninguna otro opción, sólo luchar el fuego con el fuego.
Dios Bendice a la gente de México y espero un día que usted compartirá los derechos democráticos y libertades que hacemos en Canadá. Vaya Chapo el-Va ... conduce a su gente.
scary Spanish,good intentions.leave it to others to translate,but keep trying!best wishes...
DeleteGood work the world needs less z zetas
ReplyDeleteThey need to die every day every hour
Every second
You guys are fucking stupid if you think the Sinaloa cartel is any less brutal or bloodthirsty than Los Zetas. They are very similar organizations, one happens to be making waves because Z's came up quick through lots of violence, but El Chapo is responsible for many deaths as well, many mass graves, etc. In the end, this is all competition to supply cocaine and weed to the United States.
ReplyDeleteI don't support any cartel but El
DeleteChaputo kill some z that just makes
My day and I don't believe El chaputo
When it says we don't kidnapp
People then how did you get those guys I don't suppose they volunteered well as long as they Don't kidnapp little kids and don't
kill the wrong Guy's/innocent people
and if these Guy's were really z then
Good riddens but seriously Jesus
Mexico needs you to end this madness
One is just lessor level of scum then the other. They are all scum.
ReplyDeleteIf the Zeta scumbags where to leave, do you think Mexico will get better? I am guessing it will only feel better until time passes and mr Chapo scumbag starts to show his level of evil by furthering corruption.
He will grow and take his drugs to temps others in other countries and get more people addicted. Destroying more family. Men, women, children, all ruined because Chapo wants more money.
Greed greed greed...
I can only hope something changes for the better in Mexico and around the world because all of the scumbags who sell chemical/synthetic drugs are killing people carelessly through through their drugs.
Seriously! All of us has experienced a large amount of grief and sadness that we would never want to have that pain ever again. Right? So why should we be so inhuman that we would help anyone go through such an event. And considering your worst pain ever experienced, I am sure if you are honest with yourself that you would agree that the emotional pain can always be worse.
Fucking stupid.... People care for your neighbors. That is all you have to do. Worry about helping those near you. Soon everyone is helped.
I wish I could slap sense into every single person out there some common decency. You might think I am wrong or not... But one thing is for sure, ultimately I am on every single persons side. Everyone. It's just sad because even those poor scumbags of the Zetas are probably nice people if you got a chance to know them on a personal level. Know what path they walked in life.
My head is kind of spinning with the thoughts of what we are doing as a race and what we are missing. I wish everyone the ability to just live and be happy. Take care folks
how come these banners only mention z4o and not lazcano? maybe the rumors are true that he is dead.
ReplyDeleteThe picture is not photoshopped. Take a look at the sicarios standing under the banner. There is 6 of them crouching with little room between them. Then look at the banner with the dead bodies. There are 7 of them kind of squished side by side. The banner is the exact length as the other. Unless there were copies made and the picture with the sicarios was taken somewhere else or cds has entered nuevo laredo with the intensions of cleaning it out of zetas.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I really do hope those are actual "Zs". It would be tragic if they were random people picked off the street like the last slaughter. That means we should be expecting an immediate response by the "Zs", like they did previously. What I want to know is where is the Gulf Cartel in all of this.
ReplyDeleteno fucking comment....
ReplyDeleteGood for Chapo, but he should be the bigger man and not mutilate anymore bodies. That's how the Zetas work, you have no reason to show your teeth like those assholes El Chapo. Kill em all, just don't cause mental health problems among your ranks while doing so...
ReplyDeleteGreat point. Don't sink down to there level. Matalos como perros rabiosos. Un tiro en la cabeza y ya! Fuck them don't tarnish your dignity for these scum they're not worth it. Just exterminate them honorably.
DeleteTHE PICTURE OF THE GROUP STANDING, PHOTOSHOP: AT ITS FINEST..how are C.D.S going to take a group picture with the emblem BlogDelNarco in background.
ReplyDeleteDude are you serious? The "blog de narco" was added to the photo by "blog de narco" after the fact (after bdn purchased the file photo from the source). Its commom practice for media sources to superimpose their logo onto "source photos" as a way of showing "they" own or they are the "source" from which the photos came from...basically bdn is taking credit for the photos..
DeleteWere can I sign up to chop sum people up in pieces????
ReplyDeleteNice little unit looks like three squads each with its own saw ( squad automatic weapon) operater if these guys. Are trained I mean really train we're they know maneuvers and can stand there ground when in a firefight not get shoot in the back while running u always see these punks getting shoot while tuning and number be like marine kill ten z 0 one wounded marine cuz shrapnel or something so just imagine what these guys can do quality over quantity any. Day of. The week
ReplyDeleteThis kind of sucks for the innocent people who have been forced to pay protection money to the Zeta's as now if they don't pay the money the Zeta's kill them and if they do pay it then the Sinaloa cartel kills them! the best thing the people in this situation can do is hightail it out of there. Hell I would!!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the banner is authentic. When have you ever seen Chapo rant and rave on a Kinkos style Narco banner?
ReplyDeleteApril 18, 2012 10:03 PM
ReplyDeleteur right thats photoshopped
now pretending to be brave have balls do this and talking about el H do all in sinaloa while cjng doing this for chapo why dont chapo send his own pic with this bodies if he really want to show he do this bt without edit or photosopped
Oh, praise the Lord, finally this midget comes and makes you NL people free, happy and safe!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, citizen!
April 18, 2012 10:34 PM
ReplyDeleteur a chapo sicario shooting people on bb? lol
i do not know who did this shit but chapo didnt he knows he cant take nuevo laredo nor tamaulipas
ReplyDelete@11:01 PM i think its Heriberto not Herberito
ReplyDelete@ April 19, 2012 1:20 AM - There is no such thing as a typical socialist Canadian like that stupid woman. You are probably the typical ignorant bigot american judging by what you wrote. Get your head out of your ass ignorant fool. And to that woman from Canada, you are a total retard. Stupid woman.
ReplyDeleteDon't be fooled.the sinaloa cartel doesn't care about the people of nuevo laredo.they just want more money and they trick simple minded people byusing stupid banners like this one. remember that cities like nuevo laredo and juarez were peaceful until sinaloa cartel got greedy and wanted these plazas all for themselves. They used to share the city of juarezwith the juarez cartel and now look what happened.. sinaloa is backed up by the mexican government and the dea so they get no respect!! Its all about the money and everybody wants a piece of the pie. Eliminate the sinaloa cartel and peace will return..open your eyes people
ReplyDeleteMan's inhumanity to man! If this is what any country is coming to we can hope the calendar is correct.
ReplyDeleteThe same shits gonna happen again the zetas are gonna send back the Sinaloa cartel back home in body bags just watch! Just like in 97' if you remember.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Zetas were around in 97....you stupid fool!!!!
DeleteI looked at the picture through a filter. If it was a fake, it would look like Obama's birth certificate, which lights up as if a teenager put it together. That looks like the same packing tape they use to wrap bundles that goes all the way around it. I'm sure that if the DEA watched large purchases of that brown tape, they could find some of these guys.
ReplyDeleteYou people really think one cartel is better than the other? These guys are all the same. You look at the worst of the worst serial killers in the US. Dohmer, BTK, Zodiac, J W Gasey.... These guys didn't even do as much carnage as this one photo. Mexico really has a problem and they are fighting without the willingness to use the same brutality. This shit is beyond the scope of almost any violence in history. Over what? Drug money? It's so retarded. And for every one of these chumps who took the easy money, there is another from the same background and life as a poor kid who has made something without the easy money. These drug cartel guys are like hookers. They do all the work, they take all the risk, and some other guy gets all the money.
Just another excuse for that piece of dog shit el chapo to set on fire another plaza... We want to cleanse nuevo laredo of zetas... What bull shit.. Dont get me wrong im from tamps and I hate los zetas but this dog el chapo is just as bad. Word in tamps is that these other idiots r pissed and gonna do some crazy shit in culiacan.. The only thing good bout all this is chapero is bout to feel the heat in his own turff now.. God be with all the civilians and inecont
ReplyDeleteim just tired of these lazy ass cartel people killing each other for nothing. looks like they cut their legs off while they where still alive ewwww sickos
ReplyDeletesadly the picture is photo shopped and i can prove it
ReplyDeletewhen you enlarge it look at the wall near the mens feet you can see the cinder block lines like in prison or military buildings
but the picture with the men on the ground the wall is smooth
~~~el spaceio~~~
and its taped different around the edge
ReplyDelete~~~el spaceio~~~
Retard the blog de narco sign is in the pic with the squad to show its theirs just like u see in the other pics
ReplyDeleteThis summer should be very interesting. Word on the street is people are being called into mexico to speak with the bosses and are being given jobs down there. Seems like they are stockpiling there men incase of something big. Just in L.A. A.Z. and up north like washington and oregon. Been like 80 men that had to leave there family and go back south. And no ones allowed to come back for the moment. And this is just the people I know of.
ReplyDeleteThey are leaving most of there men who are legal, besides the couple ones that run stockpiling ranches. And they are U.S. citizens but still mexican nationals. (To keep business running.) But there's men running all around town trying to find work with other people. Especially in SFV
And what ive noticed is that it isn't our Sinaloa or jalisco men running like roaches because of lack of work. They all seem to be from Michoacan. Anyone???
1) If someone knows anything similar happening in there state let me know.
2) Expect drug prices not to go up. But your dealer to tell you that he is still waiting on his shit.
FYI- if your in any way in this business. Careful of your associates. Especially african americans. Remember its not the same code.
**and regarding this post. Dam looks like they had a nice warm blanket before they were chopped. By far worst way to go. Just an opinion :)
con permiso del Senor,
I haven't seen or heard anything around here (Washington) or in Oregon. I know dealers that are here are from Michoacan though.
DeleteYeah all the black is on stand by at the border supposedly I've heard the. Same that y I fuck with them from Nayarit w hills nice area what next to the Warner center am in sf the city or close to there
DeleteThat manta behind the squad Is real!!!!!
ReplyDeletewho's yo daddy?..
ReplyDeleteZ to the left ..Z to the right..Z up north... Z down south...
piles and piles of Z's
Z retirement program..chopped and dropped
its funny how many people in here are rooting for chapo, the same ones who call zeta supporters cheerleaders lol bunch of fucking idiots who know very little what really goes on out there
ReplyDeleteIt kinda ridiculous some people's mentality on here. Like Chapo is some sorta hero or person to be admired! What you guys blind or just dumb? Since, when are any DTO's credible? All I see are 14 butchered humans, who the fuck knows wether they were innocent or criminals..let alone Zetas. How can one view this macabre scene, and think CDS are any better than the Zetas! Also, if you don't think the CDS is involved in extortion of legit business' or theft from innocent people..than you are truely ignorant! This is nothing more than CDS trying to take a lucrative plaza from another DTO..justice and peace/freedom has absolutely nothing to do with it..replacing one evil with another is all this is..
ReplyDeleteJust like anything else, the Zetas will respond with a large disturbing murder scene of their own, in the upcoming days..will the victims be CDS or more poor ass victims, who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! It seems DTO's manage to find their enemy/rivals with ease these days, when it suits their purpose!
something not right about this, Doesn't seem like its a way Chapo would get a message across. Its more like some renegade faction of either cartel trying to stir up a fight between both zetas and sinalo. corpses look authentic but sicario squad with banner on background doesn't seem right.There are many benefits to anonymous reporting,but it is also a problem since a story such as this could also be a total fabrication just to fill up space on this blog.
ReplyDeleteProps to the nice professional narco manta. Better made than those funky ones scribbled by nacos. And they did a nice job of stacking the bodies neatly in rows. I always appreciate a job well done. Neatness counts. jajajajajajaja
ReplyDeleteman.. shit is real down there... when I was in mazatlan 2 years ago I was two blocks away from two police officers being gun downed.. shit was real. YOu just don't see that is the USA much. I'm sad I can never go back to Mazatlan, which is such a beautiful city and the most of the people are so caring and amazing.... just very sad...
ReplyDeleteEntiendan putos chillones que el CDS es el numero uno, siempre lo e sido putos ardidos, de a qui son los meros meros del narcotraffico, I siempre lo sera. Se dice por donde quiera que los grupos de la muerte que andan limpiando las plazas de lacras estan dispuestos a todo y no pararan aste que todos los lacras zzz esten en el infierno. Esto es solo el comienso perros ardidos.
ReplyDeleteSexenio is about to be over, time to clean up their mess, just like every sexenio about to end. You people don’t even seems to understand how it works down in Mexico. Historically it’s like that now, was like that before, and would continue to be like that forever and ever. President Calderon made good money, mucho more that other stupid presidents. Just one last thing: Mr.'s Presidente party wins: Chapo will continue free, his party don't win and before given up Los Pinos they "are going to arrest" him. Old Mexican story.
ReplyDeletebola de pendejos
ReplyDeleteItz a war... Take no prisoners... To fight the demon u must become the devil... Thats the law in war.. Fight fire with fire...
ReplyDeleteThe last time CDS tried for this plaza was in 05/06.. But in that time CDG was backing the Zetas they was one whole unit now its them on they own ...
Haaaaaaaa ...
Even if this is the work of the Sinaloa cartel (something i take with suspicion) one sad aspect of it which really gets me is the "traitors" bit.. The consequences for the poor regular bastards who do pay extortion "quotas" to the Zetas, they really are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
ReplyDeleteI mean sure, supposedly the Sinaloa cartel will protect you from the extortionist Z, but when the latter bastards come knocking for their money, what do you do? Tell them to fuck off? Hope the Sinaloa people will come and "protect" you before you simply get kidnapped and tortured?
Yeah right, they (Chapo's people) can't even keep their own people in their own territory safe from murder by enemies.... And later, when the Sinaloa people ask you why you're a traitor who keeps paying Z extortion fees, what do you tell them? The above? Good recipe for getting fucked by both sides if you're just an honest business owner trying to make a buck and feed his family in Nuevo Laredo...
Well looks like Chapo is a true gentleman and hero. He has just placed the citizens of NL in a real tight spot:
ReplyDelete1. Refuse to pay zeta extortion, expect to be tortured and butchered and wife raped by zetas.
2. Pay zeta extortion, expect to be tortured and butchered and wife raped by cds
If this trend continues and everyone is forced to pick sides, mexico is going to fall into a brutal civil war.
It should go Down! la gente esta enfadada! Sub Comandante Marcos and the Zapatistas should lead the way! Que Viva Mexico Cabrones! Mexico Libre!
Deletewhen the Mexican American US militares descend on the narcos ,it is gonna be no muthafucka,we aint Mexicans,we are Americans,and we have come to straighten this shit out for real
ReplyDeleteI think it is mentally retarded. Or politically correct it is mentally challenged.
DeleteI don't agree with you Mr.Call of Duty. We as americans can't afford another war, wee got enough in the agenda North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela. Mexico is not in the near future at least not this century. If you want to go and represent us Americans go ahead lets see how long you last with your call of duty tactics. Moron!
man i live in nuevo laredo and these dudes are pushing dope on the corners at the puntos like nothing happened so it makes me wonder if they were really zetas . 2 choppers flew over my house a while ago they were red and white wonder whats up with that .but really its sad this is becoming something you get use to. and its all buisness. like in congo for diamonds have you ever looked into the price those people pay so you americans can be bling bling. yall just talk shit but look it up all killings andwhat they to little girls . but do yall care no because its suppling the demand and never had the shit smelling to home .
ReplyDeleteRed and white are the colors of US coast guard choppers. They intecept the majority of shipments by air and sea. Please keep us updated anonymous! - US Navy vet
DeleteDamn! You straight up put a lot of Americans in their place! Ur comments are dead on! What happens to children in africa for diamonds and gems is the same what is happening to innocent people in mexico, all for fuken drugs by americans. Its crazy how people go crazy (especially bitches including my own) for a fuken rock that sparkles! What the fuck is the value of a diamond? Fuken stupid.
DeleteI agree, but Mexico still needs to take some (if not MOST) of the responsibility for what's going on. Drug smuggling and killing rivals is one thing but TORTURE,MUTALATION,EXTORTION OF LEGITIIMATE BUSINESS PEOPLE AND VICTIMIZING UNARMED DEFENSELESS INNOCENT PEOPLE. IS Mexico's FAULT! Pinches Narcos no tienen madre! eso no es culpa de los ESTADOS UNIDOS! Esto va para todos lo Mexicanos honestos, Unense y chingase a los putos NARCOS traidores y Malinchistas! VIVA MEXICO!
DeleteI THOUGHT THE 14bodies WERE FOUND IN A MINI VAN. NOW THEY R DISPLAYED? i feel safe anyways cause my wife said she was going to a nuevo laredo doctor, and i told her not to worry cause chapos are protecting the people so, that reduces random violence acts..
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be something like chapo is in the pic, where's waldo style.
ReplyDeleteamerica is not getting involved ass wipe and who cares that your american do your part and try stoping the dope there go to the projects and tell the blacks and white trash to stop smoking all that crack. it trips me out how ppl can bump thier lips and make bulshit ass noise
ReplyDeleteLast time I checked people paying extortion fees are also innocent hardworking people. I mean its not like they say "ok Zetas I'm going to help finance your cartel today" they can pay the fee or have their families chopped into little pieces. Business owners in mexico are pretty much f*cked no matter what. No matter what they do someone wants to kill them.
ReplyDeletethese aren't dismembered ! the legs have cut off only ! ! ! !
ReplyDelete@April 19, 2012 10:09 AM
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right!
Pest or cholera? Those citizens have the choice!
But whatever they choose, the risk is on their side.
The question, wich cartel would be the most human one, is a bad joke. They seem to be all the same ****** shit ....
ReplyDeleteHoly Fuck!!!!!! That is some Brutal shit there, these guy's are absolute phsycopaths!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo The Fools that keep saying that the picture of the Sicario's is "Photo Shopped" that Blog Del narco image in for foreground is their "Water Mark" to prove that they get Credit for the Picture FOOL...! Don't you people live in the Real World or are you such wannabees that you sit all day on your ass and critique everything
ReplyDeleteon BB that you read..? Especially since you lost your minimim wage job. Most of the comments
in this Blog are from people that didn't even know where Mexico was a year ago. You have some real pistoleros that read BB but by and large the majority are Full of Shit dead beats that wouldn't last two minutes south of the Border.
@10:42 im pretty sure he meant gulf cartel
ReplyDeleteIs this the new trend: Are they chopping off their legs and letting them bleed out while the others watch and wait their turn? What in the world are they going to do to the next batch?
ReplyDeletewhat really sucks is that the slaugther bodies our of innocent people that have nothing to do with organized crime!they are random victims that are at to wrong place at the wrong time! we read this crap and crowm chapo as a hero. he's just as dirty as the zetas... is not that easy to catch your enemy sleeping so next best thing is to heat up the plaza! and that is the only thing he did does our not zetas with out legs they are missing people that have ben reported!
ReplyDeleteI dont agree on what big daddy said to 40 ounce. He said the 40 sent H to dump heads on his turf cuz 40 dont have balls to do it himself. Did big daddy ( chapo) go himself to tamalipas and dump them bodies there? no i dont think so.
ReplyDeleteDid u go to NL personally to see who dumped the bodies,I don't think so!!...u fuckin morron...don't know why they would approve a stupid comment like this to get through,from a pendejo!!!!
DeleteIn the Narcomanta Chapo said that Z40 sent H to dump heads in his turf since z40 doesnt have the balls or the people to do it himself.
DeleteChapo is questioning z40s power??
Who knows??
Wheres Lascano in all of this.
Anon April 19,2012 6:52 AM,The same shits gonna happen again the zetas are gonna send back the Sinaloa cartel back home in body bags just watch! Just like in 97' if you remember.Drum roll please!!We have an award for this one!!Dude,you just got idiot & moron of the month...the Zs were still confined to Tamaulipas in 97...& to be honest I dont think they were around yet...Guzman was still in prison...there was no all out war with Sinaloa & Zs...eres un pendejo wey...seriously!!
ReplyDeleteI think he is referring to the war when chapo and blo were still together and gulf and zetas were together chapo and arturo sent barbie and some guys to try and make inroads but were seriously setback due to the original Zs still being around and in control. Chapos people were sent back running for there lives its no myth or rumor its the truth check the dead peoples pics most of the dead were from Sinaloa and durango
DeleteOmg things are bad my husband wants to go to guanajuato next month but i dont kno wat to do we would have to drive thru coahuila and san luis to get there and im afraid because of my kids ive heard people going and coming back safe but it just gets to me wat if we get stopped by the wrong ppl.any suggestions
ReplyDeleteBuy a uzi just in case.
DeleteBanner are real,corpses are real the armed group its real. ...
ReplyDeleteThey had to add those pictures in that way
1. To show the bodies where dropped where the banner appeared.
2. To show chapos man are in N.L b.c anyone can say yeah we did it we here, yet with proof as such there no denying nor objection to its statement.
Ps i donot allow nor support any cartel,but if you Mexican you know why people love Chapo, and why they hate zetas.
Chapo was poorstarted from the bottom and became top dog. He smart and looked out after his people when the govt. Didn't. If you hear or read a interview when he got capture in Guatemala before he said the following
" i wouldn't be trafficker if the govt provided people with food,and regular life essentials ,just like the footstamps program in the us". Take. Minute and rationalize those words coming from the biggest drug trafficker world wide.
Maybe it'll give y a insight on that person. Yet if Marijuana was legal in us as well as in the world ,more then 50 % of their income would be cut off. Some people would say that's BS and it won't work ,well it would work howmany people youknow that smoke weed? And how many people you know do coke,crack,meth? There is your answer
You a correct. Making marijuana legal would make any cartel like the zetas that is scum. Because real cartel live from drugs not like the zetas they live from cuotas extertion and kidnapping
Deletei highly doubt Z-40 will just sit there among the laughs of the Sinaloa Cartel. They will most likely make an incursion to Sinaloa state as they did before when El Chapo went into the kitchen in Nuevo Laredo in March 2012.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, we do not even know how solid El Chapo's presence is in Nuevo Laredo. Who knows, but if they do, then we're in for some action. It's a matter of time, but let's not call it a loss for Los Zetas yet.
chapo is a bitch and all zetas are bitches. thats why we pay for pay per view fights to see the real deal. esos vatos aint about shit without their guns and bodyguards. the above comment is right, chapo didnt go dumped them bodies to NL! he wont dare come out of his cave. samething with 40. all narco jefes should take some classes from ramon arellano.....
ReplyDeleteThere is no z's in Sinaloa its all Beltran-Leyva associates who carry out retaliatory attacks on CDS. Sinaloans talk with a unique accent and any outsiders are quickly identified if they don't blend in. The rift-raft z's from other states know this. So people please stop saying there are z's in Sinaloa.
ReplyDeleteThose are not mata z's not a single gun has a grenade launcher like the video back some months ago.! That's military and heat.! Let's fish him them out into the open. They will catch all the big boys at one time. Just a matter a time.
ReplyDelete5:02PM. You are a jackass if you don't think they can track something as simple as tape. Not all tape is the same, in fact, the polymer used is usually singular to one brand and is usual patented. Even the small tape companies can be tracked because they usually buy rebranded tape from the big guys, like 3M. And these drug guys aren't buying a roll here and a roll there. These guys, in the states too, must be going and buying cases of the stuff. If they find a ton of coke wrapped in a particular tape, they find the people who made it. The company (usually 3M or any other ISO compliant company) will have samples of runs that will have variations. You track a time frame when it was made, you see who it was shipped too, and even if it was shipped to Mexico they can have an idea where and when it went. If you think I'm full of shit, I can show you many cases where they found a killer (harder than a cartel of retards) because of slight variations if plastic trash bags. YOU, are the retard for thinking that if they want to back track something as simple as a shipping container worth of tape, they can't. Hell, they track us online when you put in certain combinations of search words. They track certain books in libraries. And while your starting to comprehend how far the DEA will go to prove a case (when it suits them), read "Body Farm". These guys have caught people for stuff far less obvious than tape, which is made by only a hand full of people. If I were going to track tape (for instance) it would work like this. Find bodies with tape. Match tape to a bust in the general area. Find tape brand and maybe even date and lot number. Back track it to last known shipment in area. Investigate a little and find what few stores have it. Ask who bought it, being a sale of tape at that level would raise a few flags if they weren't in the shipping game.... Ta-da!! Never under estimate how far an agency will go if they think it will make them look like they are getting something done.
ReplyDeleteHey z40 is in Guerrero coahuila
ReplyDeleteApoko el es el jefe de piedras negras? :o yo pense k era ya del chapo...
DeleteNew video chapo is saying with his own words he didn't do it!!!!! Fuking idiots!
ReplyDeleteWait you actually believe that shit video is real that it is Chapo G? Lol!!!
DeleteIt's just sad because even those poor scumbags of the Zetas are probably nice people if you got a chance to know them on a personal level. Know what path they walked in life. - End of quote
ReplyDeleteI understand that many of the foot soldiers of the drug organisations are nowadays reluctant conscripts who were coerced into joining them because of the constant depletion of their ranks by the Mexican government.
So, rightly, those at the top who caused all these problems and suffering should be the ones eliminated, not these poor souls.
i think the cutting of the legs itself is a message. and the photo of them being here basically adding to the message . it is saying you cant run now im in your neck of the woods what you wanna do .if its they are camping out somewhere thats why the choppers are out.and yes it does suck ass being stuck in the middle, but its not the first time.
ReplyDeleteDont do it
ReplyDeleteDont go to guanajuato.Things are really bad right now.
Chapo can't bust a grape in Nuevo Laredo. He tried with everything he had to take Juarez. He had the military and federal police and guess who still has Juarez and it has become peaceful because he was run out of town. The Juarez Cartel is firmly in command there. He has exhausted his people and he still doesn't understand a peaceful Mexico is a profitable Mexico. Those guys were Zetas. The were innocent people just like all those incidents in Juarez that the media always blamed on CDJ. It was chicken shit Chapo clowns killing innocent people to slander the CDJ. He is worse than the Zetas. Much worse. He can be your hero, none of them are mine. My hero will be the man that legalizes this shit so that the nightmare will end. And he did try to take Nuevo Laredo with the assistance of the BLO and they were run out like little girls.
ReplyDeleteCds operates in juarez still. They still own parral.
Delete@ computerJA,
ReplyDelete#1 "They will most likely make an incursion to Sinaloa state as they did before when El Chapo went into the kitchen in Nuevo Laredo in March 2012"
This is what Chapo is talking about neither did 40 nor zetas it was Beltranes that did it.
#2. " It's a matter of time, but let's not call it a loss for Los Zetas yet".
It is a loss 14 of em 14 in a truck plus a poster said 8 more a few days ago.
@ April 19, 2012 3:33 PM
ReplyDeleteChapo is talking about how beltranes did that body dump and how 40 did not have his men do it instead he had H do it and he tried to take credit.
In 1980 three hundred thousand men were in prison here in the USA. Now over two million are thanks to the "drug war".
ReplyDeleteLook at the murder and mayhem now rampant in Mexico with no end in sight.
I wouldn't want my brain surgeon smoking dope just before surgery, but how can any honest cop support the drug war and look himself in the mirror?
Dude they are never gonna legaiize it to much money would be lost.....
DeleteFor sure the sale of drugs will continue no matter who wins...i am personally rooting for el chapo he seems a little less violent and more business like than the zetas .it seems to me that the drug wars and govt crackdown should teach the cartels to go back to doing what they do best and sell drugs stop with the kidnappings and extortion of the people who actually work for a living.why did everybody love John gotti ? He only messed with guys who were criminals and he didn't let anybody screw old ladies or kids .he helped the poor .the dude was like a Guido robin hood.el chapo give them hell give the people a reason to trust you clean up their neighborhoods make it safe the govt cant/wont so be the Mexican macho man we know u can
ReplyDeleteSinaloa it's been trying to own in n.laredo forever. I don't think 14 bodies wil make difference.
ReplyDeleteNext is Piedras Negras and the small towns along the way...last stop ACUÑA to sew up the loop and connect the territory along the border. From the border they will work inwards. The border is the key, the rest is just for bragging rights.
ReplyDeleteXxCDGxX= Tamaulipas, Zs=Tamaulipas? CDS=helping CDG in Tamaulipas. the trailers Zs live in are getting tighter. Come to Matamoros its very peaceful from Point to point. bet you theyre doing attack from front & back like Zs attack CDS & CDG comes from behind & takes thm like hayinas or however you spell it. Oh & US is involved DEA agent working With Chapo turned himself in & Border Patrol crossing guns like a saying & theres more like a saying "Con dinero baila el perro"
ReplyDeleteMexico needs a revolution!
i dont understand U.S. they sent real soldiers to places where they didnt have business or werent wanted except Iraq but they send 10 soldiers in this Mexican drug war really?!? this actually affects us Americans & they dont take it seriously. YEARS OF WAR!!!! TO SEND SOME 10 soldiers!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! send more actual soldiers & perhaps some tanks
ReplyDelete@u.s. navy vet did not see them anymore but they flying southwest i am fairly close to the river but have not seen them return there words of shootings around 2 or 3 in the boulevard which is a block away from the river but other than that its pretty quiet
ReplyDeletewhere is that video of chapo claiming he didnt do it
ReplyDeleteI bet the ones that do the mutilations are mexican soldiers, ex-military soldiers, payed butchers, Z, a person turn to a vengful person, a narco that is drug-up that is doing doing his job without feeling the affect or effect, or just a insane pyscho path.
ReplyDeleteNoboby believes that these pieces of the 14 are really Z's. If this chaparro is actually in NL how come no actual members of the Z have been identified in the pile of flesh and vise versa for the pile left behind in response. Let these sub humans chop each other to last leech but leave the bystanders alone. Let Mexico go back to the regular mordida. It will never be honest not after the new depth of feces that these narcos have plunged the people into. This is a sad time for the country, it has bred a new parvovirus and they can't honestly blame some one else. This is all internal and its been brewing for years.
ReplyDeleteThe drug cartels got Mexico in deep shit because they're trying to control the United States drug supply because the American citizens doesn't seem to get enough drugs for their daily doses.
DeleteWhy is this stuff never in the main stream news, others than maybe as a blip? If this had happened in any middle eastern country, we'd hear about it day and night. The victims look like very young men, with their slender boyish built. People that are cheering this as some sort of victory for the "good side" are sick. The Sinaloa cartel (if they did this) are just as bad as the Zetas. Any gruesome displays of human barbarity are acts of terrorism in a civil society. I don't care if they were nazi-baby-eaters. No one but the sickest of minds sees these photos and thinks "justice". It's always the youngest, poorest, disposable members that are used like tissue. When will things change for Mexico? Sad. Sick.
ReplyDeleteThis something that we need to give the many thanks to Calderon , Cleaning the Laredo plaza with Army forces(SEDENA /SEMAR) , But when you see the SEMAR is when they are cleaning the Plaza for el Chapo like this is. Many ignorant people stated that they were Zetas , How do we know that this true?. Chapo is the man that early or late will be died. Thanks Fox for release to Chapo & Thanks Calderon to grow up the Chapo’s business.
ReplyDeleteLet's be real, the people that end up on the end of the knife are the ones who have little protection. These dudes are " Halcones " people who know Halcones are associated with them or just there at the wrong time and place. Low lever dealers that work for scabs and most likely can't even afford a gun. You think an armed commando of Z's is just going to allow themselves to be kidnapped by CDS? The same being said about CDS or any other armed contra (por decir) Until CDS and his people (CDG associates) actually take out people of significance this mutilated murders mean very little. Not degrading the value of these peoples lives, but looking at the broader scope. As these lower lever ranking members are disposable, sadly people will line up to take their places watching out and dealing 20's. I question why Chapo would announce himself in Nuevo Laredo knowing the heat is on him for his capture. He holds immense power, but no one is untouchable. We have seen that in the Narco world time and time again.
April 19, 2012 1:29 PM .
ReplyDeleteAnd your one of them.And your talking all tough?
Who's the deadbeat?You fuckin clown.
Sounds like you are,if its so distasteful to your sensibilities,you know what to do...
And quit whining.
Chapo Guzman captured right after the cabos incident!!
ReplyDeletekilled by suffocation.. legs cut off for nothing more than show.
ReplyDeleteAmerican military could care less about Mexicans butchering Mexicans. They probably look at at as one less scumbag trying to find his way north.
Mexican military could care less if some drugs get by the border north. They probably look at it as some more gringos getting addicted and sucking dick for there next high, lol. Works both ways.
DeleteVery good response.
DeleteJuarez doesn't control Juarez. Look at the guy that was pushing drugs in New Mexico, he was working for CDS not CDJ.. Why are Aztecas asking for protection money in El Paso If CDJ controlled Juarez? Think about it? "CDJ killing cops", the same munipal police they controlled 2 yrs ago? They lost control of the Juarez police, of the streets, of the bridges, of everything. Losing Diego was the last blow.
ReplyDeleteThat's what the Indians said about u birdshits! Lol
ReplyDeleteNone of this shit smells right,i think this is another way to heat the square,whatever.I wonder if CDG are involved in any way with any of this shit.All of a sudden Guzman starts getting publicity hungry?It don't make no sense.We know for sure,that Anthrax sics,were getting murked,probably by Isidro/Los Ms.But how do we know who these people were,14 random people who if Z were dealers,hawks,whatever.Point is,Los Ms take out players for real.Where are the players here? Anyway,something shady about this.
ReplyDeleteXxx=m3 .
ReplyDeleteJust lookin at your clave tells us what a bell you are.XXX=Metro Tres.
Did i get it right,is that the code?Are you with Commandante H-7,X-20,fuckin clown,this bitch talkin out his ass.
Bitch,this a blog for opinions on the Mexican drug violence.Do you have to be Mexican to be entitled to an opinion?Dayummm boy,you is estúpido.
I don't agree with you Mr.Call of Duty. We as americans can't afford another war, wee got enough in the agenda North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela. Mexico is not in the near future at least not this century. If you want to go and represent us Americans go ahead lets see how long you last with your call of duty tactics. Moron!
ReplyDeletethis is the message of obama
Son of obama? lol why do you attack me like that? Does it bother you what I said.............? Don't worry Captain America I forgive you.
People go to nuevolaredoenvivo.es.tl
ReplyDeletethere you have comments of people there at ground zero stating that they were zetas. I know it hurts the groupies, cheerleaders, pom pom ruffeling zetilla sack smushers but it did happen.
Here people make police reports and leave other comments and heads up to others. check it out
Who are you? The Nuevo Laredo en Vivo blog was closed When the lady in.charged.of.that blog was decapitated by the Z cartel, and her remains dumped in front of the city mayor's office.
DeleteWrong! Taped up then decapitated!!! Feel the horror and pain!!!
ReplyDeleteSo they have had Chapo under lock and key for a few weeks,and they will release the facts at an opportune moment to do the most damage to the PRI?C,mon man,this stuff is getting crazier by the hour.
ReplyDeleteI think this incident here,is another false flag from who knows who,to stir up as much trouble as possible.I can't help feel that CDG are in this some-where.Guzman has never resorted to tactics like this before,so why now?The bodies and manta,shady shit goin on.
FINALLY someone is cleaning up Nuevo Laredo of the filth. A whole lot more killing needs to be done. Let the blood flow!!!
ReplyDelete@ 12:27 PM I don't live that far from Juarez. My information comes from those involved first hand, they know. Barrio Aztecas are on both sides of the border and actually started in the Texas Prison System. They as all the Texas Prison Gangs charges fees for protection in their districts. That has nothing to do with what is going on in Juarez. Juarez is now run by CDJ totally. They own the city again. That is why it is peaceful. A player like Diego is replaced the next day with someone already in place to take over. The cops being killed are a cleansing process to finalize Chapo's exit. You cannot take a plaza from a city with a criminal culture as deeply rooted as they are through multiple generation. Chapo is all but out of Juarez. He will have the same result in Nuevo Laredo. He is desperate and grasping for straws. There were 19 people killed in Juarez everyday for 5 years. This incident has no impact on Z what so ever. It is a desperate statement by a cartel that wants a northern plaza but doesn't understand you can run one long distance. 14 Halcones, LOL, what the fuck. How desperate can he be to even act like this is one hair off Lasca's head because it is not. They are laughing their heads off. Sounds to me like he is begging for a truce and they want to take him out.
ReplyDeleteYes, it has an impact on the Z's because if their halcones, ventanas or.chiefs of neighborhoods are getting killed nobody will want to work for them.
Deletewell lazcano and z40 are alive and doing thier thing . just today a person i know 2 weeks went to work for them ''z's'' and i saw him today and his hads are broken and burnt why .for charging a quota that wasnt supposed to be charged and gues who was present and forgave the mistake .so quit bumping shit u have no idea.come to nuevo laredo and see whats going on for yourself
ReplyDeleteThat some nasty shit....well fight fire with fire.
ReplyDeleteHoly shit...
ReplyDeleteWhat goes around comes around zetas you should know that is in the bible and it is a big true time is up for you guys its time to pay all of you have done to innocent people
ReplyDeleteDid you read all or did someone tell you that? When is your time?
DeleteI hope all those beautiful people like whitney see this photo and realize what their money is contributing to.
ReplyDeleteG(-)057 where u from?
ReplyDeleteG(-)057 im really very sorry bro last night im high and made a mistake
to the John Gotti lover
ReplyDeleteyou should name a true gangsta people respected like Carlo Gambino or many others
John Gotti was a half russian chump who killed his Boss without sanction because the Boss was under indictments and Gotti knew when the Boss got the court paperwork he would find out Gotti was selling coke and kill Gotti so Gotti killed the Boss without permission from The Commission and was a target of Boss Vito Genovese the fbi even warned Gotti because they heard of a hit plan on wiretap and are obligated.
John Gotti was a degenerate gambler who not only ruined the Gambino crime family by making all his Capo's check in weekly to his club and pay tribute to his ego. he also wasn't no nice guy his kid was riding the bike and went out in front of one of his neighbors and was hit and the guy disappeared.
fuck John Gotti
~~~el spaceio~~~
Vincent the " Chin " Gigante is who wanted a hit on Gotti, Genovese was dead by then bro.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about? The nuevolaredoenvivo blog is alive and well! Try google next time:
i was wrong on name it was vincent the chin giganti Boss of the genovese
ReplyDeleteread about his hit on gotti here
~~~el spaceio~~~
does anyone kno wat happen in laredo today .over by the amry headquaters big boom sound around 8pm its saturday mamy ambulances and headed that way
ReplyDeletecan omeone translate this:
ReplyDeleteMensaje para el Pueblo:
Pueblo, no nos tenga miedo, Nuestra gente esta completamente identificada.
Por eso decidimos rotular las trokas. Traen la leyenda de “C.D.G.” y “XXX M3 ”
XXX M3 = X CGD, X Gente del Chapito, X La Familia Mich., M3= M.P. al Servicio.
Están Rotuladas para que el ejército no nos cofunda y no confundirnos. ya que habido rencillas. en diferentes puntos.
Las trokas que no estén rotuladas o con una Z . son guarros o setillas. Nomás no se atraviese si ve balaceras, déjenos trabajar para erradicar esta basura.
La prensa esta callada por parte del acuerdo., le damos los aplausos al Grupo Reforma por este espacio no hay de otra. es la única forma.
Gente todo este pedo es por la nueva alianza entre el Chapo, CDG y la Familia. La gota que derramo el agua fue la presión de la sociedad por la muerte de los chavitos de la fiesta de Juárez y tantas otras chingaderas.
El protegido del gob. El chapito en conjunto con la nueva alianza se levantaron en armas para ching.. a los Z por que estos últimos han desvirtuado el negocio del trasiego de la droga. Con sus Levantones, Cobro de piso. etc. Últimamente con sus pendejadas, valiéndole madre la libertad y tranquilidad del pueblo mexicano.
El Chapito, CDG y la familia, en este acuerdo se va a respetar las plazas, no se van a cobrar mas cuotas, van a estar prohibido los secuestros entre otras ching.
Todo esto es por la alianza, en este acuerdo el Gob. Fed. Se comprometió a dar retirada al EJM (Ejercito Mexicano) en menos de 3 años. Siempre y cuando existan las condiciones y este controlado este pedo. Para así dar paso libre al negocio. sin violencia. ya que esto nos a pegado a todos. en cualquier forma.
Gente de Reynosa: NO Manden a sus hijos a la escuela. eviten salir, si no es importante. hasta nuevo aviso, ya saben lo que esta pasando en las calles.
Gente de Monterrey: Sigan sus vidas normalmente, pero estén al pendiente de cualquier situación no entren en paranoia.
Si la gente les quita la troka déjesela no exponga su vida de cualquier forma la recupera.
Gente quiten los vidrios polarizados, no se pasen, no ande quemando llanta por que se confunde.
Papas verifiquen a sus chiquillos. Jr. Cuiden que no se crean narcos. por que se confunde con la gente y le dan piso.
El Gob. y la prensa no están hablando o están virando las atenciones. esto esta acordado.
Estamos en “guerra” pronto pasara.
Si eres Z correle porque hay viene el monstruo.
Para los Guarros los granadazos son para que se alineen con la nueva.
Guera Barbie después sigues tu.
“Gente no se preocupe si esta “alineado” no hay pedo, pero si no Correle.”
Y Zetillas como ustedes dicen pónganse bien pilas por que la compañía ya valió.
Y no chillen con sus mantas, por que ya nadie los pela.
ReplyDeleteIf they all kill each other, wont it be a safer place to live?
ReplyDeleteFather God we plead the Blood of Jesus over these fallen men and over the cartels and leaders and the whole country / God make the violence stop / save these people/s soul's in Jesus name amen
ReplyDeleteThe World has lost the true meaning and value for life. I am a farther of 2 and love my family as well as my planet and its people. But I pray to GOD that he wipes out Humanity completley QUICK. MAN does not deserve this Planet. Even Animals live better than us. Animal kill to surive. We kill because we can. GOD has given us something that no other life form can compare to and that is our brain and sitll we choose to kill innocent MEN,WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Now ask yourself this quistion, WHAT IS YOU EXCUSE TO KILL???
ReplyDeleteRishen Pillay (South Africa)
Deveria de hacer lo mismo con todos Los politicos !! Chapo para presidente !!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree Chapo should do the same to all those Mexican politicians shiit
ReplyDeleteEl chapo is doing the right thing, why mes with the honest and hard working people!
ReplyDeleteEl Chapo Gusman Lead Your People!
Fuck the Zetas i hope "Chapo" kills all these bastards!
ReplyDeleteDisgusting, may God have mercy on these monsters. May God have mercy on all of you who say this was justified.
ReplyDeletePinches zetas hijos de puta gracias a ustedes no puedo ir a ver a mi familia por proteccion propia ya nisiquiera de su casa pudo salir mi abuela cuamdo estava enferma ustedes dejense de chingaderas y no maten a los que no tienen nada que ver mejor todos los carteles vayanse a un pinche serro y aya se balacean y el ke gane pues gano sin matar a inocentes como a niños y familias pinches putos pero si ke ojala ke el chapo y su cartel se desaga de todos esos pinches cochinos asquerosos d los zetas que tambien han matado a dos personas en mi familia y uno de ellos inocente!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many people have been forced into this crazy shit with the threat of "if you dont we`ll kill you and your entire family right now" only to be killed by a rival cartel becasue they `worked` for the wrong people.
ReplyDeleteThe retarded Mexican government can't control criminal organizations within their borders, so another cartel is taking care of it. At least the Zetas are loosing ground with Z 40's brother being arrested in the US. These cowards terrorized people. I hope innocent hardworking people who lost a child, spouse and/or parent could band together one day, and torture the living hell out of corrupt Mexican government officials such as the military, local politician and police members.
ReplyDelete@6:00 AM that doesnt mean shit, he was just a money launderer not a kilo pusher, to make things more accurate..he was dedicated to horses
ReplyDelete"Hey z40 is in Guerrero coahuila" tell him i said whats up
ReplyDeleteAll that people who said its photo shopp go to mexico and see what happens in the streets so you can see one of your family member with the head off just for $10 dollars. JUST BROWS IN THE INTERNET -EL BLOG DEL NARCO- AND LOOK IN THAT SITE FOR ZETAS DECAPITADOS If all you ignorants say its video shopped lol.
ReplyDeletei dont agree with most of the posted im a exdrug user and dont think there is no ont to blame for any bodys adiction but the user him self
ReplyDeleteAnonimo: Hay Contradicciones, los que estan muriendo hoy en morelos, son gente que no quiso pagar derecho de piso. Y los que no se dejan secuestrar. El gobierno no esta haciendo nada por la inseguridad.
ReplyDeleteif there's no supply demand doesn't matter
DeleteIf the west would just legalize cocaine, pot and heroin like all the other drugs they give out like candy: Prozac, Riddlen, Anti-Depressants, and 10 000 more. Than the drug violence would stop, more people could have better paying jobs, and the government could use the tax money to pay off the debt, treat addictions in all forms and feed the hungry.
ReplyDeleteDo you know why cocaine, pot and heroin are illegal?
-People working in the western government is bribed by the largest drug dealer on the planet by the name of Pharmaceutical INC, BULLET’s incorporated, JAILS INC, LAWYERS AND JUDGES INC, and KEEP THE PEOPLE AFRIED incorporated.
and yes I am born and raised American
I'd say about 99% of north americans (from usa and canada) have no idea this is going on. It's good to see the Zetas meet the hand of justice, but I fear the cost the Mexican people will pay, not tomorrow, but 20 years from now when these details are forgotten. We never sell our souls, we sell our childrens childrens souls.