The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration now believes that Joaquìn Guzmàn, the notorious Mexican outlaw known as El Chapo, or shorty, has become the biggest drug lord ever.
“Chapo has a vast criminal enterprise and he has become the leading drug trafficker of all time,” says a senior U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration official who regularly travels to Mexico and requested anonymity because of security concerns. “He is the godfather of the drug world.”
The DEA has come to believe that Guzmàn’s power now surpasses the influence and reach of Pablo Escobar, the Colombian drug lord who in the 1980s headed the Medellin Cartel, which was at the time responsible for much of the cocaine imported into the U.S. “Pablo’s business in Columbia was based on the exportation of cocaine,” says the senior DEA official. “With Chapo, he not only has the importation of cocaine, but marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine, and he is exporting them not only to the U.S. but to Asia and Europe.”
With the death of Osama Bin Laden, Guzmàn is now the most wanted man in the world, topping Forbes’ Most Wanted Fugitives list. He is believed to be hiding in the Sierra Madre mountains in the state of Durango. He leads the Sinaloa cartel and has evaded capture since 2001, when he escaped from a Mexican prison in a laundry cart after Mexican courts ruled he could be extradited to the U.S.
Guzmàn has extended his control over corridors in Mexico used to smuggle cocaine and marijuana into the U.S. during the bloody battle being waged by the Mexican army against the drug cartels. Mexican President Felipe Calderòn called in the army to directly crack down on the drug cartels when he took office in 2006, resulting in violence that has killed 34,000. Many of Guzmàn’s rivals have been weakened in the more than four-year battle and now concern is mounting in the U.S. government that whoever replaces Calderòn won’t keep up the vigorous fight, leaving Guzmàn even more powerful. “Chapo is going to get stronger if he is not arrested in the next year and a half,” said the senior DEA official, who added that Guzmàn is more powerful today than he was two or three years ago.
The U.S. government has indicted Guzmàn and placed a $5 million bounty on his head, but Guzmàn protects himself by bribing top Mexican officials and using generous donations to win the battle for the hearts and minds of the people who live in areas in which he operates. Musicians in Mexico sing folk songs about him.
The arrest in March of the father-in-law of Guzmàn’s son gives an indication of the kind of cash at Guzmàn’s disposal. Victor Manuel Felix, a Sinaloa cartel moneyman, was captured in an operation in Mexico and Ecuador with a half a ton of cocaine and $500,000 of cash. In 2008 Mexican soldiers found $26 million in cash stashed in carton boxes that is believed to have belonged to Guzmàn’s Sinaloa cartel. Forbes estimates that Guzmàn is a billionaire. He is said to live lavishly and enjoys collecting expensive toys like motorcycles and even small planes.
Guzmàn has long relied on a network of sophisticated tunnels to move his product into the U.S. The latest of these tunnels to be revealed ran between Tijuana and Otay Mesa, Calif. It was six football fields long and the Sinaloa cartel built it with rail and air condition at a price of some $3 million.
Pablo Escobar was killed in a gun battle in 1992 by Colombian police. But in Mexico there are doubts that Chapo Guzmàn will suffer a similar fate. A big Mexican news magazine recently dubbed him “The Untouchable.”
What a stud hope he is safe and never gets arrested.
ReplyDeleteMexico is going to have to deal with this guy if they are ever going to progress into the first world. Dude has the country by the balls.
ReplyDeleteIts kinda funny that a little 3ft 6 inch monkey would have the intellegence to put that together. This dwarfs days are very numbered and his date with the grim reaper is real close.
ReplyDeleteHe is a worthless little frog who endangers all who surround him. Juaquin is the perfect example of a Traitor to his country. He terrorizes his countrymen, murders men , women , children, police, soliders and anyone that pleases his blood thristy appetite!!
He thinks and acts lkie hes above the law.
Hes a common criminal no different than a child rapist or a car theif- hes a filty rotton piece of Gorilla shit!! His corspe will soon pollute the hole that it will be thrown into!!!
If you happen to see this asshole don`t get to close because the bullets may hit you that were aimed at his baseball sized head!!
Juaqin Guzman is gonna burn in Hell and suffer more pain and misery than hes ever caused- Hes a Puto Motherf##ker!!!
Don't hate. On him just cuz u a big pussy wit no$ I say long live el chapo guzman do yo thang chapo give dem hell.!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHes 3ft 6inches and your right he won`t be arrested he will be shot or blown to little pieces!!!LOLOLOL!!!!
What a prick, death and destruction, worse than Hitler.
ReplyDeleteDavid P. Johnson, Albq NM
Who will be the next Sinaloa Cartel leader to fall? El Chapo, El Mayo, El Azul, or El Peinado? My bets are on El Azul or El Peinado? His network is so vast that I am sure he has unknown socios that are major players in the Asian, European, South American, and African networks that are more than capable to take over if the North American players fall!
ReplyDelete@5:40 that pic was taken a long ass time ago he is old and wrinkly now
ReplyDeleteIt's only a matter of time before he gets what's coming to him. This little piece of dirt killed so many, the clock is ticking. All the money in the world won't be able to save him in the end. Satan is waiting for him in hell.
And you're right he isn't gonna get arrested cuz the Mexican governments got his back, that why their special groups they set up to fight the traffickers have a history of focusing on all the cartels except El Chapos.
ReplyDeletepic was taken in 2002, not that long ago, and I agree he is not a stud, but a sadistic sociopath.
ReplyDeleteAmado Carrillio is the biggest all time. Making at peak 200million adu week. With his fleet of 747's he got the name el señor de los cielos. Died with an estimated 25billion dollars. Back when buisness was run by men; not low life idiots like zetas and pretty much everyone else. I don't think el chapos close to his level yet.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to watch the killing of el chapo on national geographic, it's going to be a good show.
how hard can it be
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Felipe Calderon has done a really good job in stopping what has become an overwhelming wave of ever growing corruption that has been the staple of Mexican politics since Mexico became a legitimate world player and before. The shit was and is hitting the fan, you cannot have thugs like El Chapo running the country and Mexico has a gut feeling about this thus the violence in Mexico, the ultimate power struggle between what is right for a society.
ReplyDelete7:26 Who is el peinado?iv just hear about him but don't really no much about him
ReplyDeleteBen Laden of Mexico the only way to get him is to send in a USA hit team and NEVER TELL THE MEXICANS,because just like Pakistan, they are all corrupt liars and will compromise any operation. The Good people of Mexico are Helpless because of corruption,no guns, no govt., unethical culture,intimidation, no support, On and On Don't think I will ever admire or praise a Narco or Criminal THEY TAKE FROM US ALL
ReplyDeleteBelive this when I tell you the US or Mexico are ever catch him Felipe Calderon needs him so does Obama... That's y he keeps sending him a arsenal of weapons so he can stay well secured!!!
ReplyDeleteBOSSMAN will live forever......He is the true president of mexico...PURO SINALOA:)
ReplyDeleteel chapo > amada carillo
ReplyDeleteI wonder what El Chapo's IQ is. Clearly this guy is one of the most brilliant business men ever to walk the earth. Most people cant amount anywhere near his wealth, and they dont have to live in hiding to do it. I know its not the popular opinion, but I for one am super fascinated by this guy, how he got to be so powerful, at a time where the average life span of a cartel boss is shorter than ever.
ReplyDeleteI've read several narco blogs in Spanish and they all say he's hiding out in central America
ReplyDeleteI think the Zeta's will somehow get a hold of this guy then he will wish he never went into this business.
ReplyDeleteDa ztas will never get chapo he is da boss of all bosses dats dat chapo maschingon el mero mero with no filero..........go chapo go get all da $ den run for president.of mex and usa.fuc it
DeleteI agree with June 15, 2011 9:03 PM saying to send a special team like with Bin Laden to blast this sonnofabitch and not telling any Mexicans due to the fact none of them can shut their mouths to anyone.
ReplyDeleteI think they already have a good idea where he is so I don't know whats stopping them just sending some guys in to do it. If he rolls with a shit load of security it should not matter all you need is 1 expert sniper to hit this guy omungst his gorilla bodygaurds.
The picture above was taken in 1993 after he was arrested in Guatemala. He was 36 yrs. old back then. He's now 54!
ReplyDeleteI have news for you..no one is untouchable! It's impossible to hide from the intelligence service of the United States. The only reason why this midget has yet been brought to justice because the Mexican Gov't does'n't want it to happen yet! I willing to bet the delay is clearly political..look for "Chapo" to be killed or captured just prior to the next presidential election..for a much needed publicity victory for the PRI. Understand "covert"...just because the gov't (Mexican or US) is not broadcasting its plan of action to capture "Chapo" doesn't mean nothing is being done or they don't have a clue.. that's what they want you to believe!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above post. Amado carillo is the biggest drug lord of all time. He ran his business like a real men. Not like little kids like el chapo killing and starting wars. El chapos fortune doesn't even come close to el senor de los cielos. If amado was still around he would of kicked all chapos ass no doubt....
ReplyDeleteAlthough I feel El Shorty Guzman is powerful, it's more the Sinaloa Cartel is possibly the most influential Crime orginization in the world.
ReplyDeleteEmpresa MZ Don Mayo Zambada flies under the radar for a reason but don't understimate his influence. Between his efforts and Shortys they have built the empires of the Sinaloa Cartel. As the saying goes nobody is " untouchable " and that has been proven. It will and has taken effort to catch the big fish but once the US and Mexico say enough....Anyone can be caught under fire. I would say that El botas Blancas thought he was untouchable and he went down, he is the last true capo thas went down. The last guys were small fish compared to him. But Chapo and Don Mayo have a ton of influence and folks truely admire these guys, may it be right or wrong or indifferent. La vida for most of these Narcos, is living as a Narco they don't know anything else.
Authorities failed to capture JGL since he escaped 10 years go. Osama bin Ladden was found and killed before he was going to mark his 10th year anniversary of WTC. Very intelligent and smartass, JGL is.
ReplyDeleteEl Chapo is as smart or smarter than the president, has near limitless resources, and loads of public support. Don't see why he would be caught anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteHe's not as smart as he is ruthless, it doesn't take a genius to throw large amounts of money at your problems. The "midget" is safe and alive because of the millions of dollars he spends on bribes and payoffs, along with the violence his cartel carrys out against their rivals. He's successful because he is a lifetime criminal and the drug trade is all he knows. His down fall will come because he is somehow catching headlines (drawing attention).
ReplyDeleteYou wanna know the difference between "El Chapo" and "Z3-Lazcano"? You almost never hear anything about Lazcano..shit they don't even have a recent picture of the guy, except an old military photo. Point being Lazcano isn't as rich as Chapo but I guarantee Chapo will be caught or killed first! I'd be more worried about Lazcano simply because he's been off the radar for awhile. The same could be said for that other asshole "Z40."
ReplyDeleteJUNE16 12:12
Amado Carillo is one of satans bitches now. As you read this hopefully hes sceaming in extreme pain and misery as his flesh burns and as hes "dying" of thrist as demons bite him and rip at his body with thier claws. All this while being raped by satans fire D##k. LOLOL!!
Its a never ending eternal hell for that filty worthless piece of shit. On this earth he got in the end what he deserved, a painful death, a taste of what was in store for him...unimaginable horrors and misery!!LOLOLOL!!
I think el locazno z 40 will go down before el chapo or el mayo .....el mayo says he fears for his life everyday i wonder if it was true or was he just saying it
ReplyDeleteDFL I swear everytime yu post you get a little crazier. If I wanted to have a discussion with you I couldn't because I would be worried that you're crazier than the cartel fuckers. I would love to sit down with you and see what you're about.
ReplyDeleteLasca might be low key but the 1 thing that fucks his "image" is that the cartel the gang his goonies the Z are too crazy. He can't control every cell every city and that's his downfall. I hate to admit it and as ignorant as it is Kingpins n drugs are part of our culture. But this new wave of violence we ain't used to it.
ReplyDeletekeep in mind "Z3-Lazcano" along with "Z40-Trevino" both are original Zeta members..ex-GAFE soldiers, who served back when "Z1-Guzman Decena" was running the show. They have far superior tactical/intelligence/combat training then "El Chapo." After all they were originally trained to combat the cartels before they were lured to the dark side. Also, the fact that "El Chapo" has been moved into the #1 most wanted spot...is a clear indication his days are numbered!
ReplyDeleteEl Nayaloense
To bones,, "the fascinated one" you wouldnt be to fascinated to see him take down children and families as if they were bugs, or who knows maybe you would.
ReplyDeleteIve watched every narco execution video on this site so far, and been fascinated by all of them. I wouldnt watch a video of something happening to a child or innocent woman. But show me a video of a 16 year old sicario getting beheaded & sure it'll fascinate me. for 2 minutes til its over, then ill go back to my normal life. El Chapo fascinated me, the narco culture fascinates me, but im not obsessed. I check this site every night, and I find it interesting as hell. Im not saying I want Chapo to kill innocent people. Im just saying hell, teh guy fascinates me.
ReplyDeletejune17 10:41
get a Life!!
Arriva El Chapo. That Dumbass Who Said He Was Worse Then Hitler Should Just Get Beaheaded... SINALOA !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day we will get a president who will line the border with well armed soldiers and blast the narco traffickers back to hell.
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day congress will get rid of NAFTA and bring all the factory jobs back to the US.
They will never cach him Sinaloa se la sege rifando
ReplyDeleteEl chapo runs Mexico, he will never get caught until Mexico gets a president that is not corrupted. I pray for that beautiful country that gave birth to both my parents, may Mexico one day soon find a good president with good values and one that has a good vision for Mexico only then will Mexico truly be prosperous.
He was caught and executed this year. You can watch his execution on YNC.com along with other cartel leaders. just type in their names or cartel names
ReplyDeleteSend in a couple of Apaches, or AC130 gunships to do the job. If he travels around in security details, it should be so easy to spot and an easy target for the Apaches. I don't believe he hides all his luxurious mansions underground. The predators drones probably already know where he is and they are waiting for the right moment. Maybe the US should carpet bomb the entire mountain or release biological agents to eradicate all these rats. The sooner they are send to hell the better because their appointment with Satan is long overdue. And believe in HELL because there is a very special place for these people. Amen.
ReplyDeleteBiggest drug lord ever? El Senor De Los Cielos had alot more cash and contolled a bigger area than el chapo. The reason nobody remembers him is becuase he didnt do senseless killings, only those who had it coming.
ReplyDeleteFk all u haters. Dis is brilliant an its goin dwn n da books. So catch up on ur history an get over it. If it wernt for da corrupted government dis genius wuldnt have succeeded so extremely well.
ReplyDeleteif the white people did not end in hell but glorie because of slave trade why drugs dealer like el chapo will end in hell. think good bout matter before you guys open your mouth. think about the crime european people commit against african people and then think about hell and who will end there.