Stepping up its involvement in Mexico’s drug war, the Obama administration has begun sending drones deep into Mexican territory to gather intelligence that helps locate major traffickers and follow their networks, according to American and Mexican officials.
The Pentagon began flying high-altitude, unarmed drones over Mexican skies last month, American military officials said, in hopes of collecting information to turn over to Mexican law enforcement agencies. Other administration officials said a Homeland Security drone helped Mexican authorities find several suspects linked to the Feb. 15 killing of Jaime Zapata, a United States Immigration and Customs EnforcementImmigration agent.
President Obama and his Mexican counterpart, Felipe Calderón, formally agreed to continue the surveillance flights during a White House meeting on March 3. The American assistance has been kept secret because of legal restrictions in Mexico and the heated political sensitivities there about sovereignty, the officials said.
Before the outbreak of drug violence in Mexico that has left more than 34,000 dead in the past four years, such an agreement would have been all but unthinkable, they said.
Pentagon, State Department, Homeland Security and Mexican officials declined to comment publicly about the introduction of drones in Mexico’s counternarcotics efforts. But some officials, speaking only on the condition of anonymity, said the move was evidence of the two countries’ deepening cooperation in efforts to prevail over a common threat.
In addition to expanding the use of drones, the two leaders agreed to open a counternarcotics “fusion” center, the second such facility in Mexico, where Mexican and American agencies would work together, the officials said.
In recent years, the United States has steadily stepped up its role in fighting Mexican drug trafficking, though officials offer few details of the cooperation. The greatest growth involves intelligence gathering, with Homeland Security and the American military flying manned aircraft and drones along the United States’ southern border — and now over Mexican territory — that are capable of peering deep into Mexico and tracking criminals’ communications and movements, officials said.
In addition, the United States trains thousands of Mexican troops and police officers, collaborates with specially vetted Mexican security units, conducts eavesdropping in Mexico and upgrades Mexican security equipment and intelligence technology, according to American law enforcement and intelligence officials.
“It wasn’t that long ago when there was no way the D.E.A. could conduct the kinds of activities they are doing now,” said Mike Vigil, a retired chief of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration. “And the only way they’re going to be able to keep doing them is by allowing Mexico to have plausible deniability.”
In addition to wariness by Mr. Calderón’s government about how the American intervention might be perceived at home, the Mexican Constitution prohibits foreign military and law enforcement agents from operating in Mexico except under extremely limited conditions, Mexican officials said, so the legal foundation for such activity may be shaky. In the United States, lawmakers have expressed doubts that Mexico, whose security agencies are rife with corruption, is a reliable partner.
Before Mr. Obama met with Mr. Calderón at the White House, diplomatic tensions threatened to weaken the cooperation between their governments. State Department cables obtained by WikiLeaks had reported criticism of the Mexican government by American diplomats, setting off a firestorm of resentment in Mexico. Then in February, outrage in Washington over Mr. Zapata’s murder prompted Mexican officials to complain that the United States government paid attention to drug violence only when it took the life of an American citizen.
In the end, however, mutual interests prevailed in the March 3 meeting after a frank exchange of grievances, Mexican and American officials said.
Mr. Calderón told Mr. Obama that his country had borne the brunt of a scourge driven by American guns and drug consumption, and urged the United States to do more to help. Mr. Obama, worried about Mexico falling into chaos and about violence spilling over the border, said his administration was eager to play a more central role, the officials said.
The leaders emphasized “the value of information sharing,” a senior Mexican official said, adding that they recognized “the responsibilities shared by both governments in the fight against criminal organizations on both sides of the border.”
A senior American administration official noted that all “counternarcotics activities were conducted at the request and direction of the Mexican government.
Mr. Calderón is “intensely nationalistic, but he’s also very pragmatic,” said Andrew Selee, director of the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. “He’s not really a fan of the United States, but he knows he needs their help, so he’s willing to push the political boundaries.”
Mexican and American officials said that their cooperative efforts had been crucial to helping Mexico capture and kill at least 20 high-profile drug traffickers, including 12 in the last year alone. All those traffickers, Mexican officials said, had been apprehended thanks to intelligence provided by the United States.
Still, much of the cooperation is shrouded in secrecy. Mexican and American authorities, for example, initially denied that the first fusion center, established over a year ago in Mexico City, shared and analyzed intelligence. Some officials now say that Mexican and American law enforcement agencies work together around the clock, while others characterize it more as an operational outpost staffed almost entirely by Americans.
Mexican and American officials say Mexico turns a blind eye to American wiretapping of the telephone lines of drug-trafficking suspects, and similarly to American law enforcement officials carrying weapons in violation of longstanding Mexican restrictions.
Officials on both sides of the border also said that Mexico asked the United States to use its drones to help track suspects’ movements. The officials said that while Mexico had its own unmanned aerial vehicles, they did not have the range or high-resolution capabilities necessary for certain surveillance activities.
One American military official said the Pentagon had flown a number of flights over the past month using the Global Hawk drones — a spy plane that can fly higher than 60,000 feet and survey about 40,000 square miles of territory in a day. They cannot be readily seen by drug traffickers — or ordinary Mexicans — on the ground.
But no one would say exactly how many drone flights had been conducted by the United States, or how many were anticipated under the new agreement. The officials cited the secrecy of drug investigations, and concerns that airing such details might endanger American and Mexican officials on the ground.
Lt. Col. Robert L. Ditchey, a Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday that “the Department of Defense, in coordination with the State Department, is working closely with the Mexican military and supports their efforts to counter transnational criminal organizations,” but did not comment specifically on the American drone flights.
Similarly, Matt Chandler, a Homeland Security spokesman, said it would be “inappropriate to comment” on the use of drones in the Zapata case, citing the continuing investigation.
Though cooperation with Mexico had significantly improved, the officials said, it was still far from perfect. And American officials acknowledged there were still internal lapses of coordination, with the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration at times unaware of one another’s operations.
More than anything, though, officials expressed concern about reigniting longstanding Mexican concerns about the United States’ usurping Mexico’s authority.
“I think most Mexicans, especially in areas of conflict, would be fine about how much the United States is involved in the drug war, because things have gotten so scary they just want to see the bad guys get caught,” said Mr. Selee of the Wilson Center. “But the Mexican government is afraid of the more nationalistic elements in the political elite, so they tend to hide it."
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/world/americas/16drug.html?hp=&pagewanted=print
It's not a secret to those who can see behind the curtains. CIA operates all over the world. Whether it be the middle east, south America, or anywhere else the CIA has eyes all over the world. This war on drugs is a something that will soon quiet down and disappear. The question is how long though? or has the worst even been seen?
ReplyDeleteHave faith and stay strong my Mexican friends.
So what's the next step for the Pentagon in the US 'drug war'? Will it be precision work such as this? ...except this time it will be inside Mexico?
ReplyDeleteNATO Strike Kills Two Children in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province
Kids Were Watering Crops During Attack
by Jason Ditz, March 15, 2011
Adding to the already embarrassingly long list of recent civilian killings in the Kunar Province, Afghan officials confirmed that a NATO air strike on Monday night killed two children who were working on irrigation channels for their family’s farm.
NATO initially confirmed the strike, saying it killed two “suspected insurgents,” but the insurgents were later revealed to be a 9-year-old and a 15-year-old. NATO has yet to reverse its claim that the two were “placing an IED,” despite the Afghan reports to the contrary.
I hope this help us
ReplyDeleteWow let the games begin the us finally realizes mexico needs serious serious help stay strong mexicanos ay van los gringos ahuaaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteWell the drug war has been going on for 41 years now and nothing has changed except for more violence in Latin American countries and millions of people incarcerated in the U.S.
These U.S drones need to go to ZACATECAS,that is were Ivan Velasquez Caballero aka Zeta50 has been since 2007 living "freely and comfortably" for a long time,murdering hard working business men and soldiers.He is wanted by the U.S for $5 million
ReplyDeleteNo way has the worst yet been seen, its just beginning on the U.S. side of the border;
ReplyDeleteThe New Mexican Mafia Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyq_G3rvtvo
The New Mexican Mafia Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHDOwRvb6AA
I think that things will intensify greatly in the near future. They still need to deal with Chapo, Coss, Lazcano, Z40 when we see there heads on stcks then we will know that its almost over...
yay i like satellite guided drones that will systematically photograph every square inch of Mexico for a Pentagon think tank to look over and pass "places of interest" up the chain of command
if cartels ever did a dramatic attack on US soil like stormtrooper a police station or start dumping chopped up bodies. every Mexican/Centeral-South American atleast along the border states would be tossed into FEMA prison camps(under marshal law) if not all 15 million of them. and you best believe they got the prisoncamps already built to do more then that
~~~El Swankador~~~
I've read in the past where US officials provided picked up intelligence to Mexican senior authority only to have it ignored. I reckon the same will happen here.
ReplyDeleteThis will have a three pronged effect:
ReplyDelete1) Violence will raise with more drug seizures. (cartels get mad when their goods get tampered with)
2) Cartels will target US-connected interests in Mexico. Consulates, consulate employees, tourists....
3) Kidnapping will increase to supplement Casartel income due to the crackdown on drug operations.
In a place where revenge rules, one must be very careful what obvious assistance is offered.
"In addition, the United States trains thousands of Mexican troops and police officers..."
Haven't we learned our lesson from this yet? The government in Mexico is so fully corrupt that this is just training future cartel members. So stupid. I'm not saying all Mex law enforcement is bad but the corruption exists at all levels so the cards are stacked against this working.
@March 16, 2011 10:00 AM
ReplyDeleteYour so stupid and negative. NOT EVERYONE IS CORRUPT. U.S training in Mexico has had some success like the killing of some capos for example, Arturo Beltran Leyva and etc. If this is so "stacked against this working." Then what would be your approached? Just give up? Freakin Pussy...prob the same people who would throw the white flag as soon as things got though.
They should carry missiles to attack the convoys
ReplyDeleteFor Ardent:
ReplyDeleteHow many 9 and 15 year olds have the cartels killed...while at birthday parties and playing soccer? In a war there is sometimes killing of innocents by those who are trying to prevent evil from winning. It's a sad fact.
But you cannot equate the inadvertant killing of innocents to the systematic slaughter of children(and all innocents) by these cartels. They do not discreminate. They will shoot a 9 year old boy and leave him laying near his father in the road so as not to leave a witness. They will walk into a wake and murder a few more. They will shoot a baby in the head. They will gundown a young 19 year old female in Monterrey walking along a sidewalk in the plaza.
And they will do it over and over until they are stopped. They are no different than serial killers. They have no morals and no boundaries.
Do they deserve your human rights forum?
I agree that this perversion of the meanimg of human rights has become protection and sanction for the guilty instead of the innocent.
To 10:23, check this link up. A massacre happened last night, the intended target was someone that was going to testify about the Maricela Escobedo case. Guess who sold him out? Mexican politicians and authorities are so corrupt and dirty that they cannot be trusted with anything, all they care about is finding someone that wants to buy their information.
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to the Escobedo family is disgusting and atrocious. Yet the government keeps dropping the ball again and again.
http://www.blogdelnarco.com/2011/03/realizan-nueva-masacre-en-chihuahua.html# sorry, forgot the link
ReplyDelete@March 16, 2011 10:23 AM
ReplyDeleteNice, maybe you can read the post again. I did say not everyone is corrupt but the levels of corruption are so high it is stupid to train people in our tactics because at some point we will be fighting against them. The solution is to not train them and say Mex gets our help on our terms, cooperation and info sharing but I'm not interested in training another Zeta gang that troubles us 10 years from now. Get real.
"The Pentagon began flying high-altitude, unarmed drones "
ReplyDeleteI wish you would have used a picture of an UNARMED drone. Thanks for the anti american propaganda!
I'm not the one who posted march16 10am, but for march 16 10:23am....Apparently you don't know how to read because the annon poster clearly said, he knows not all Mex Law enforcement is corrupt so why are you twisting his words and calling him stupid?? He's actually right and not negative for the sake of being negative.....It's called realistic!!! Just look at Zetas....They were mex elite forces trained by Americans!!!! I also agree that cartels will target US interests including tourists.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11:11am thinks that it is a big difference between unarmed and armed drones being used by the Pentagon. Yes, perhaps?, but don't you think that the drone use in Afghanistan and Pakistan first began with unarmed drones? It's one small step and then they start with the armed drones, too, and the subsequent killing of innocents as well as combatants.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Anonymous, why don't you stop with your Right Wing whining about the poor US government having critics that you accuse idiotically of something you call 'anti american propaganda'. It is anti American government propaganda if it is any such thing, and the people doing it are just as much American as you are! Get over having people who don't like the government we have and its constant militarism in other countries.
Sucking up to the constant US corporate government shills can get us all killed. We need critics of things like the Pentagon, nuclear power proliferation, unemployment, the super rich banker kleptocrats, etc. If we were all nothing more than flag waving idiot shills for our government we would certainly doom ourselves in the future.
Hey there...everyone relax and quit the name calling! What several have missed are the words "specially vetted". There are lots of ways to "vet" military and police these days. Tracers on bank accounts of them, their family and friends. Technology is a wonderful thing these days.
ReplyDeleteThings are different now and I think all have learned lessons from the experience training the Zetas.
As for Afghanistan, it is sad that civilians are killed, but these people also need to take a stand. They need to stand up to the terrorists and not protect them. If you don't stand up for what is right, unfortunately you might get hurt in the process.
This same statement can apply to Mexico. All the churches, poor families, the halcones who alert the cartels, the people who just remain quiet. You are all guilty and responsible for your country's problems. Ignoring the problem and benefiting from the proceeds of crime are disgraceful.
If your kid is a sicario for one gang and rivals show up at a funeral guns blazing to take him out, why are you so surprised? If you continue to include them in family activities, or take their money, you are condoning their actions.
Politicians with lifestyles beyond their means should be the first target. And cops and military. It isn't hard to figure out if a politician lives in a mansion and doesn't have some long-standing money trail, then it is a safe bet that they are on the take.
Starting at the top is the best way to get a handle on this. And special sentences for any public official who betrays the public trust.
Corruption has been endemic in Mexico for so long that people have become numb and feel there will never be change. I see it here in Monterrey. Everyone I know is a vocal activist at dinner, in private homes. But they never act.
I despair for my adoptive country...
Mexico Senators from PRI, PRD, and PT are already accusing President Calderon of violating the constitution for allowing unmanned U.S. drones to fly over national airspace.
ReplyDelete"Me parece que si ese fue el acuerdo que salió de la entrevista entre ambos Presidentes (Felipe Calderón y Barack Obama), que se mantuvo secreto, me parece una barbaridad, porque hay disposiciones constitucionales efectivamente que tienen que ver con el espacio aéreo mexicano, y porque si no hay nada qué ocultar, por qué no debatirlo entonces con el Congreso, que a final de cuentas, tiene muchísimo que ver con el mantenimiento de la soberanía nacional, de manera particular el Senado de la República", dijo.
En entrevista, la ex Canciller acusó al Mandatario mexicano de someter al País a intereses extranjeros.
"¿Qué falta que haga el Presidente Calderón para entregar el mando del País? Me parece muy preocupante", manifestó.
"Por supuesto (es una violación a la soberanía), de confirmarse lo que dice el New York Times habría una clara violación de la soberanía de México en estos dos terrenos, en este centro conjunto del que no estamos enterados en el Senado y en estos vuelos".
@March 16, 2011 11:02 AM
ReplyDeleteWhere in the article did it mention that the politicians and authorities sold them out? No where. Maybe you should learn how to read. So stop speculating shit and provide proof.
@March 16, 2011 11:04 AM
And what tactics would you prefer to train them with? "The solution is to not train them." Do you realized how stupid you sound right now? If we don't train them, then one day our soldiers are going to be the ones fighting them regardless?? And I got news for you, out of the 34 zetas that deserted only 11 are still alive the others are dead or in jail. The Zetas are nothing but lil punks who get high and kill people nothing more. They don't have special training. Get real!!
@March 16, 2011 11:51 AM
Like I told your the other moron. He is actually wrong. If you look at the Zetas now in days they are basically diminished, reduced to exhorting and kidnapping illegal immigrants from Central America!! They are lil punks who get high. There not the "elite forces trained by Americans"...and this called being realistic!!! Just look at Zetas now...
And the U.S. has trained thousands of soldiers from Mexico, you didn't see them desert and turn into narcos did you? The answer is no. Do not generalize what 34 traitors did on everyone.
get nervous assholes..killed too many gringos...now you are gonna pay...and that
ReplyDelete'collateral damage".... that will be your friends and family...
where you gonna run? big time, arrogant, evil face narcoculero
wonder if your gun has a tracker chip in it ..that cell phone has a gps chip...maybe even in your clothes there is a chip...
ReplyDeleteGood response to ArVent....seems that is all he contributes...negativity and no solutions to anything.
@March 16, 2011 2:51 PM
ReplyDeleteQue Pendejo...I'm the ignorant one but yet you throw numbers out there without a shred of fact. And if you knew how to read I was talking about the original ZETAS which is 34 (those special forces everyone is talking about hahaha)!!!! Unlike you I back my shit up with facts and with articles too, CAN YOU? You say not all of them went to the cartels "BUT A LOT OF THEM DID." Well Sherlock then show me the evidence? All I hear is hearsay and word of mouth. You know why many sicarios are so violent now these days? Because they hire young guns, no discipline, just shoot everything in sight. Kids without a future like el Ponchis. And thats the truth...get real pendejo!!
The last member of the Army that was trained by the US and went to organized crime was Rogelio López Villafana, que fue entrenado por Estados Unidos, fue reclutado posteriormente por el grupo delictivo Los Zetas y estuvo implicado en un plan para asesinar al ex subprocurador de la PGR, José Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, señala un cable de WikiLeaks publicado este domingo.
Santiago Vasconcelos fue titular de la Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada (SIEDO), durante el gobierno de Vicente Fox, y fue amenazado en distintas ocasiones por miembros del crimen organizado, incluidos Los Zetas.
El funcionario murió el 4 de noviembre de 2008 en un accidente aéreo, junto al entonces secretario de Gobernación, Juan Camilo Mouriño, en la Ciudad de México. En ese entonces, Vasconcelos era subprocurador de Asuntos Jurídicos y Relaciones Internacionales de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).
El ex militar recibió adiestramiento contra el narcotráfico en Fort Bragg, y el Ejército mexicano comunicó a la Embajada que López se retiró de sus filas en el año 2007, después de 20 años y ocho meses de servicio, indica el cable.
Hope you know how to read Spanish a**hole cuz I'm not translating that for you!!
WOW! Like an eye in the sky is going to put a dent in the Drug War! What a joke. Big $$$ to be made by those who are waging this war. Why not get to the root of the problem, but of course that is not a priority, nor is it possible or probable. As long as there is a strong demand (millions of drug addicts in the USA), Weapons and $$$ flowing from the U.S. to Mexico, & those who satisfy this demand for drugs(Corporate Cartels in Mexico & elsewhere)the "problem" will persist. lets face it, Drugs do work, but the downside far outweighs the upside. So on & on it goes; the demand for drugs will never end & the suppliers will always be there. Capitalism & greed at its worst. This is the reality of the situation. Score: Cartels 40; Addicts 39; Mexican & USA Governments 3. Like Huey Lewis said, "I want a new Drug" that doesn't have negative side effects. Any really smart chemists out there?
ReplyDelete@RAM and Layla2, your apologisms for US war making and how it fits in comparison with drug traffickers is astoundingly crude and illogical. Let's look at what Layla2 had to say...
ReplyDelete'How many 9 and 15 year olds have the cartels killed...while at birthday parties and playing soccer? In a war there is sometimes killing of innocents by those who are trying to prevent evil from winning. It's a sad fact.'
First all, the cartels do kill some kids and I am not going to say that their crimes are insignificant because they aren't. However the US government has literally killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan kids through its multiple wars in those 2 countries over the last 3 and 1/2 decades. So let's not sugarcoat this reality with this banal line about 'sometimes there is killing of innocents by those who are trying to prevent evil', in which is Layla2's ridiculous description of the US governments motives that have carried out these horrible invasions, occupations, and proxy fights in the 2 countries.
The US government has alternately supported Osama and Saddam and then turned around and opposed these 2 creatures. Our government is not a group of saintly do-gooders anymore than the cartel thugs are, and their motives have been thoroughly disgusting..
What is a sad fact, Layla2, is simply that the killing of innocents has been an integral part of Pentagon gangster activity every bit as much as it has been integral to the drug cartels gangsterism. It is not a byproduct, as you say it is. So shame on both you US citizens for supporting such thuggery by your own government, instead of you opposing it.
The US government's motives in entering into battles in Mexico and Colombia, Peru and previously in Central America are not benign and are not just about drugs and control of their distribution. It is about D.C's desire to control the US government's nearest 'plaza', the entire hemisphere of the Americas. And to do that, they would and will easily kill more hundreds of thousands of kids through out Latin America,same as they have done in Afghanistan and Iraq, Lebanon and Iran, Vietnam and Korea, and in a blink of an eye if we allow them to do so unopposed. The cartels are small potatoes in comparison.
Born and raised in Mexico and all for this help.
ReplyDeleteDrones can look at you from 20,000 feet and not only identify you but tell if you shaved today. They can fly over your training camp and count the fried eggs on your plate. And they can fly a missile up your ass and be done with you.
ReplyDeleteAll undetected because they fly at high altitude.
Because of Obama the US is sharing more intel with Mexican authorities. The problem is and always has been that the Mexican authorities are very unreliable in their use (or non-use) of the intel.
Ovemex - if the constitution is a problem for Calderon and/or the Mexican legislators we can just not use the drones. Not a problem, we'll just use them on the US side. I think the legislators just want to give Calderon hell but if they figure they have it under control...
Mexico has always been super-sensitive to any real or perceived US "intervention" but they don't mind sending their poor to the US for work, medical care, etc. and they don't mind the money the illegals send home. But hey it's their country, they run it and they call the tune. So if they would rather we butt out - adios.
@March 16, 2011 4:38 PM,
ReplyDeleteActually, there is a supporting article on here (BB) with regards to, "Nearly 1700 Special Forces Troops desert the Mexican Army." (dated March 8, 2011). The article reads, in the last ten years, and the Mexican Gov't cannot account for their whereabouts. Now, we are talking "Special Forces" not just regular army...IMO, that's way to many. I think it's a no brainer, where these specialized soldiers defected/deserted to..I mean out of the nearly 1700...I highly doubt it was only 34, who formed the Zetas and went work for the drug cartels, and the rest just went home. Plus, I maybe speculating.. but I'm sure there are soldiers (regular) serving in the Mexican Army, who are corrupt or working for the drug cartels. This is evident, in another BB article which reads, "Mexican Military charges 13 soldiers with transporting drugs..."
@March 17, 2011 1:10 PM
ReplyDelete"I maybe speculating." You're speculating about the whole thing. Just because 1700 deserted does not mean they went to cartels. Just shows you are ignorant and stupid. I some facts, since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the US military have deserted, can I say "I think it's a no brainier, where these soldiers defected/deserted to." No! they all have their reasons for leaving, some personal or some couldn't get use to the lifestyle. And Do you not know how to read?? I said out of the all the forces that were trained in the United States only 34 went to los Zetas that were created in 1990s. The 1700 Special forces you are talking about occurred in the last ten years which is in the 2000 way after the Zetas. The last member of the Army that was trained by the US and went to organized crime was Rogelio López Villafana and that was in 07. Freakin moron!!
@March 17, 2011 3:36PM,
ReplyDeleteWow! You sure think you have all the answers, you should try and use some common sense...We were talking about "Special Forces." You should check your facts, NO AMERICAN, WHO IS OR WAS A SPECIAL FORCES SOLDIER HAS EVER DEFECTED OR DESERTED FROM THE AMERICAN MILITARY..PERIOD! Regular army (American)sure happens all the time...but we are not talking about the American military, we are talking about the Mexican Military. Plus, we are talking Mexican Military soldiers, who are classified as "Special Forces." I can read just fine, appearently you can't! Ignorant and stupid...that would be you...soldiers, who are selected/qualify for "Special Forces" are not your average soldier..they are few and hardcore.."cream of the crop." So, your theory about personal reasons and not liking the lifestyle is horse shit...we are talking Mexico asshole, they left because they were enticed by big money offered by Drug Cartels..The Zetas grabbed the headlines because they left as a group from the same unit, plus "shit for brains"..we are not even talking about the soldiers, who are still in the Mexican Military that are providing intel, protection, etc...for the Drugs Cartels...but of course, in your "fairy tale world" that's not possible either because I forgot you have all the answers!
@March 18, 2011 9:57 AM,
ReplyDeleteI agree, that one dude seems to be hiding behind his ability to grab media clippings to support his opinions. I would'nt label any information coming from the Mexican gov't or the U.S. gov't for that matter as %100 accurate. The Mexican gov't tends to increase or decrease statistical numbers, when it benefits them...some people don't realize that what people call "facts" are really cleverly disguised opinions.
@March 18, 2011 9:57 AM
With that said, your obviously a moron with "no common sense" who is living in "fairy tale world." You illiterate dumba** read my post again and you will see I said, about "40,000 troops from all branches of the US military have deserted" key words "ALL BRANCHES OF THE US MILITARY" US SPECIAL FORCES INCLUDED but then again keep thinking the way you do, moron. I end it here, since you and I agree "I have all the answers" hahaha
@March 17, 2011, 3:36PM,
ReplyDeleteHow do you know, the last (U.S. trained) Mexican Army soldier to defect to organized crime was back in 2007. What? did the other missing 1700 special forces soldiers check in with you to tell you they're okay and they are not working for organized crime, promise. Gimme me a beak guy, instead of coming on here and dumping on other people's post and opinions with your name calling maybe you should address your obvious anger management problems. Nobody is going to be open to your views or take you seriously, when you pepper your views with insults to people with a difference of opinion.
@March 18, 2011 11:41 AM
ReplyDelete"How do you know, the last (U.S. trained) Mexican Army soldier to defect to organized crime was back in 2007."
Its called information gained from the US embassy who did a background check on previous members and it got published during Wiki-leaks that's how I know.
Here is the part of the article:
Rogelio López Villafana, que fue entrenado por Estados Unidos, fue reclutado posteriormente por el grupo delictivo Los Zetas y estuvo implicado en un plan para asesinar al ex subprocurador de la PGR, José Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, señala un cable de WikiLeaks publicado este domingo.
Santiago Vasconcelos fue titular de la Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada (SIEDO), durante el gobierno de Vicente Fox, y fue amenazado en distintas ocasiones por miembros del crimen organizado, incluidos Los Zetas.
El funcionario murió el 4 de noviembre de 2008 en un accidente aéreo, junto al entonces secretario de Gobernación, Juan Camilo Mouriño, en la Ciudad de México. En ese entonces, Vasconcelos era subprocurador de Asuntos Jurídicos y Relaciones Internacionales de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).
El ex militar recibió adiestramiento contra el narcotráfico en Fort Bragg, y el Ejército mexicano comunicó a la Embajada que López se retiró de sus filas en el año 2007, después de 20 años y ocho meses de servicio, indica el cable.
Maybe you should actually do something called research before you open your mouth!!
It is completely understandable that Mexico is sensitive to any hint of foreign involvement i.e. Spain, France, US have all made very negative contributions. Mexican politicians have always made points by accusing each other of pandering to foreign interests and by talking tough to the gringos. However, it's 2011 and to effectively manage the country they have to get over it and find new and better ways of dealing with the gringos. The old ways are not helping Mexico. For example, Mexico is rich in natural resources and yet (except for narco money) is still a very poor country.
ReplyDeleteWhoever is at fault, corruption and impunity keep Mexico from moving forward and taking her place among the top tier countries of the world.
Enough of the personal insults ! YOUR ACTING LIKE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILDREN PARTICIPATING IN ONE UPMANSHIP!!! As I said before on another post...it's about time that governments around the world realize their immense power of their resources to hunt down these criminals who deserve nothing but elimination from the planet post haste. Every advanced country has technological capability to step up to the plate to assist Mexico and put a stop to the terror immediately! We must all work together to assist Mexico and rebuild her potential as the beauty she can become.
ReplyDelete@March 18, 2011 12:34 PM,
ReplyDeleteLOL..your just another "internet ranger", who doesn't know shit...believe everything you read? Research? is that what you call it reading shit off of "Wiki-leaks"...your pretty pathetic...like the gov't has never gotten it wrong. Do yourself a favor, and work on getting that "chip off your shoulder." No one is impressed with your bi-lingual written bullshit.
@March 18, 2011 2:20 PM
ReplyDeleteSince I'm this "internet ranger who doesn't know shit?" What evidence or proof do you have? Oh wait, That's right you have none!!! All you do is spew this BS without even some basic facts!!! Yet you try to discredit me when I provide you the proof and evidence..now that is truly pathetic!! I end my case couch commando!!
and somewhere way up high is a drone flying around and around ..taking pictures...and next will be the missle strikes...
ReplyDeletethere you are , riding along with your buddys ..joking about the last guys you chopped up..and then kaboom...your guts all over the road...
so what are you gonna you do about it big time malo hombre ..invade the USA...jajaja...
please ..i just bought another 20 guage slug gun...shoots cut shells real nice ...real nasty mess to get hit by one...
i would fell real good about a new hat and a new pair of expensive boots...would love to take them off of a dead big time narcoculero..and oh yeah i need that silver belt buckle too asshole..sure hope i can get a nice engraved 45 like that little cocksucker singer waves around in his videos
you stupid pinche madres better get your shit together...better take a lesson from what is happening in libya..you ready for sub launched, drone targeted cruise missles?...killing defenseless people or half trained coke heads in Mexico is way differen't than fighting the war machine..
better get nervous fuckwads ...the eye is turning your way...