At least seven men have died during an armed confrontation, among them was a person identified as El Polo, considered to be the leader of a cell of sicarios loyal to Edgar Valdez Villarreal, a.k.a. La Barbie, a known drug lord in the area. La Barbie was fighting a bitter war against his former ally, Hector Beltran Leyva alias El H for control of the plaza of Acapulco at the time of his arrest.
Initial reports indicate that around 4:00 pm in Cuidad Renacimiento, a group of men dressed in fatigues similar to those worn by the Mexican Marines pulled up to the safe house where the sicarios had been staying and proceeded to open fire with large caliber weapons. The whole incident lasted twenty minutes.

Four bodies were found in the living room, among them a man who appeared to a former comandante for the
Outside the house a man's body lay in the street riddled with bullets. Two others died en route to the hospital according to officials. Soldiers from the 56th infantry battalion detained four local police officers who were interrogated for not reporting to the crime scene during the firefight, which provoked panic and disorder in the nearby business district. This incident occurred only hours after the headless bodies of two men were found in a car, also in Acapulco. In that incident the victims had been killed for allegedly running guns for Nicazaio Arizendi, El Cacho, known associate of Hector Beltran Leyva.
More bodies found in Sinaloa.
The mutilated bodies and heads of two young men were found in three separate coolers in the state of Sinaloa today. They were discovered with a narco message on a dirt road just outside the town of Las Tatemas, about a kilometer from a municipal police station.
One of the dead men has been identified as Juan Carlos Elizea Leyva, 28 years old and was the son of a local transit officer. The other victim has yet to be identified.
The two large coolers held the bodies and a message that was scrawled on a piece of paper. The message was directed at various people who have previously been found executed in a similar fashion.
The small red cooler next to them contained the heads of the victims. According to the medical examiner's report, there were no bullet wounds to indicate they had died before being dismembered.
Elizea Leyva was kidnapped around 10:00 pm by various men in wearing black army uniforms, heavily armed from inside a small cell phone store he owned in the town of Estacion Naranjo. Around the same time another group is suspected to have carried out the abduction of the second, unidentified victim.
Now I am really confused, I thought El Cacho was allied with El Peinado, not El H? And who killed El Polo and his men? Was it the Mexican Navy or sicarios dressed as them?
ReplyDeleteI don't think these men were associated with La Barbie. I read that none of these men were armed and no weapons found in the house or vehicle. Doesn't make sense. Also, two Sinaloa Cartel associates of El Chapo and El Peinado were killed yesterday in Los Mochis. Rey Castro and Pablo Quintero, what's the story with that? Were they vigilantes or a rival cartel? Castro supposibly had Sergio Vega, the musician killed.
ReplyDeleteI found this description in another article on BDN, which suggests that there was no more than one handgun and that one of the victims had signs of having been kidnapped http://www.blogdelnarco.com/2010/09/balacera-en-chilpancingo-gro-dejo-7.html#more
ReplyDeleteUno de ellos se señala estaba secuestrado.En el interior de la vivienda casi no había muebles y se encontró un cuadro grande de la santa muerte, una parrilla eléctrica, y diversos enceres domésticos para preparar alimentos.
La casa tenía dos cuartos y era de una sola planta, casi en la entrada principal, junto a la puerta quedó tirada una persona, más adentro en el área de la recámara estaban tres más, una de ellas amarrada, al parecer había sido
privada de su libertad.
En la casa y en el vehículo rojo no se encontraron armas, ni siquiera entre las pertenencias del policía ministerial.
Al lugar de los hechos llegaron elementos de la Policía Preventiva Municipal, de la Investigadora Ministerial y efectivos del Ejército Nacional, siendo estos últimos los que se hicieron del control de la zona.
“In the interior of the home there was no furniture and in the living room there was a large portrait of Santa Muerte, an electric stove, and other domestic devices to prepare meals. It was a two bedroom house with one plant by the front door, in front of which lay the body of a man. Further inside in the area of the bedroom were three more bodies, one of them was armed and was deprived of his life.”
Inside the home and in the red vehicle there were no arms found, not even the belongings of the ministerial police. At the scene of the crime arrived elements of the Municipal Preventive Police and the National Army who ultimately took control of the crime scene.
However BDT posted a different account which is the one I translated
I posted a few more pics to give it context. Odd indeed. It seems they are conflicting accounts as to who they were and what they were doing there.
Where they sicarios or kidnapped victims? I really don't know to tell y'all the truth.
El Diaro claims the house was a 'tiendita' or a house were drugs were sold out of.
I had started this story not knowing Smurf had started it at the same time, here is my version:
ReplyDeleteOn Thursday afternoon seven people including an agent of the Ministerial Investigative Police (PIM) were shot in Ciudad Renacimiento, located in the southern sector of the port of Acapulco.
The incident ocurred just past 1600 hours last Thursday on the street "Hermenegildo Galeana" in the community of El PRI within Ciudad Renacimiento.
In the house 310 block of the street authorites found the bodies of four people that had been killed by gunfire, one of the victims had signs of torture and was assumed to have be abducted.
Among those killed was a state police officer by the name of Leopold Candelaria García Carmona, while another victim was his son who's identity and age was not provided.
Neighbors from the neighbrhood said a group heavily armed people arrived atthe safe house and opened fire with high caliber weapons killing the people inside.
The interior of the safe house was unfurnished with the exception of a large picture of la santa muerte, an electric grill, and various kitchen instruments to prepare food.
The house was a single story house with two rooms. On the floor close to the main entrance by the front door was the dead body of a man and further inside, in one of the bedrooms were the bodies of three more men who were also killed.
Eyewitnesses said that there were at least twelve sicarios who arrived aboard several vehicles and fired at the occupants in the house.
On the street near the house was the body of another person inside a red car Nissan Tsuru that was riddled with bullet holes and the person had sustained at least ten gunshot wounds to various part of his body.
Not far from this vehicle was a red Jetta Volkswagen with dark tinted windows that was registered to Juan Ponce Ramírez and had at least four bullet holes from a 7.62mm caliber weapon typically a "cuernos de chivo."
Two more victims that had been transported to the hospital "Donato G. Alarcon located in Renacimiento died from gunshot wounds while being treated in the emergency room.
Police did not locate any weapons while at the scene and it is believed that the sicarios in the attack recovered all weapons before fleeing the scene.
When they arrived on the scene elements Municipal Preventive Police, the Ministerial Research and army troops, the latter being those who took control of the area.
El Proceso is running with the version that the guys who were found dead in and around the house were at the very least associated with La Barbie.
CHILPANCINGO, Gro., 23 de septiembre (apro).- Al menos siete hombres murieron durante un enfrentamiento armado en Acapulco, entre ellos una persona identificada como El Polo, considerado como el jefe de pistoleros de la célula de Édgar Valdez Villarreal La Barbie, que opera en este destino turístico y mantiene una disputa con el grupo de Héctor Beltrán Leyva El H por el control de la plaza.
Reportes preliminares indican que cerca de las 16:00 horas un grupo armado que vestía uniformes similares a los que utiliza la Marina y se desplazaba en camionetas particulares, irrumpieron en Ciudad Renacimiento y atacaron una casa de seguridad sobre la calle Hermenegildo Galeana, desde donde les hicieron frente y se desató una balacera que duró aproximadamente 20 minutos.
Al interior de la vivienda quedaron muertas cuatro personas, entre ellos un hombre que al parecer estaba retenido porque se encontraban amordazado y atado de pies y manos, así como un excomandante de la Policía Ministerial identificado como Leopoldo Candelario Carmona El Polo, quien en julio de este año sustituyó al exlugarteniente de La Barbie en Acapulco, Gamaliel Aguirre Tavira El Güero Huetamo, actualmente preso en el penal de Puente Grande, Jalisco.