Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cartel Del Noreste Official Statement On Violent Events Of February 3, 2025, That Took Place In Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. C.D.N. Distance Themselves From Threats Made Against DEA In Laredo, Texas.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

February 4, 2025 


The hyperviolent Cartel Del Noreste, or Cartel of the Northeast, published a video making an official statement about the violent events that occurred early Monday, February 4, 2025. The capture of Ricardo Gonzalez Sauceda, "Mando Ricky" regional chief of C.D.N. with influence in Nuevo Laredo, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila, led to violent clashes with C.D.N. forces attacking military personnel including an attempted shooting down an army helicopter. 


The Cartel Del Noreste is currently led by Juan Cisneros Treviño, "La Sombra" nephew of Miguel Angel Treviño Morales "40" and Oscar Omar Treviño Morales "42" founders of the C.D.N. criminal organization. 

C.D.N. FEBRUARY 4, 2025 


This communique goes out to the citizens and authorities of Nuevo Laredo. The Northeast Cartel informs the public that it is completely false that there is a curfew in the city, as has been reported on social media. 

We also categorically deny any threat to the DEA in Laredo, Texas, federal and state authorities in Mexico, or the US. The recent events in the city are the result of clashes resulting from operations carried out by the authorities. 

They don’t represent premeditated attacks against them. We call on the population to remain calm and to continue with their daily activities as usual. It is essential to avoid spreading false information that only seeks to sow fear and confusion in the community. 

We reiterate to the population that they can continue with their daily lives with peace of mind. We urge everyone not to fall for rumors that only seek to generate confusion and panic in our society. 

Sincerely, The Northeast Cartel


  1. (Verse 1) En Sinaloa, la fiesta está que arde, Con Los Chapizos, los dueños del barrio, Haciendo ruido con su CDS, Cartel del Golfo y CJNG, todos en la misma onda, GAFE y Arellano Félix, trayendo la artillería pesada, Esos carnales de Mazatlán y Cabritos, la fiesta en Lomas de Chapu' es mi puta jam.
    (Coro 1) ¡Viva El Mencho, el Kalískalo Más Loco! ¡Viva los Chapiz, hijos del Payaso Sangriento!
    Con El Payaso Limón, Carlos Slim el jefe, Maestro de la muerte, con risas de demonio y sangre que bebe. ¡A la chingada con el cielo, vamos a quemar!
    (Verse 2) Desde Colom' hasta Haití, Los Rojos y Guerreros Unidos, moviendo el show aquí, Pizzas y envíos rápidos, extorsión y secuestros, Los Zetas y las decapitadas, banda de payasos sin alma.
    (Verse 3) Con la captura de El Muela, pendejo en chancletas, Y El ROLYS escapando, cagando sus pies de mierda, El Bravo Aponte se muere, como un travesti sin tacones ni dignidad, Los mineros de Coahuila, y los michoacanos en Tamaulipas, Todos juntos en este corrido, pa' que nadie se agüite más y se vaya a la mierda.
    (Verse 4) Y en el norte, los gringos están desesperados, Por un poco de droga, venden su alma, inhalan cualquier cosa, si pudieran con la arena de Coahuila, Lo harían, y los mexicanos se la venderían en paquetes de colores, Trump y Sheinbaum se ríen, mientras los cartels se llenan los bolsillos y se cagan en la ley, Y los gringos siguen consumiendo, sin saber que están siendo engañados y robados.
    (Verso 5) Gilbertona y Sicario 006, Cheetos comiendo, sueños de Chapitos, Fantasías de mierda, videojuegos y pistolas de agua, Dos payasitos jugando, mano a mano en el sótano de mami, Jueguito de gatilleros,
    (Verso 6) Gilbertona y Sicario 006, Hablando de carteles y balazos, soñando la mafia, Jugando con fuego, pastelitos mordiendo, Sueñan niños desaparecidos, muerte a sus enemigos. Gansitos muerden, sangre quieren ver, Payasitos dando pasitos, mierda comen, Pero la oscuridad les da miedo, Se creen narcos, se creen mafia, Besitos de lengua, todo el día,
    (Outro) El GAFE Kamakazi y Connor tambien, Todos enredados en esta narco novela de mierda, El corrido termina, pero la locura enferma sin fin.

    1. Lo que falta es que las atoridades sacen a pura bofetada y madrazos a esa bola de guevonazos, orale culeros a chingar a su madre y si se ponen al brinco, otra putiza pero putiza, que les quede la cara destrozada.

    2. Este 3:17 ESTA marijuano, muy pedo.

    3. You must be very brave or very stupid disrespecting el commamdante Sicario006 u

    4. Meth is a hell of a drug

    5. Why? Go to bed😂

  2. Replies
    1. Any alternative threads yet

    2. What do you mean?

    3. Its back up. Anyone that posts gore is banned

    4. 1:27 it's a "page" on Reddit about DTO's that got briefly banned for explicit gore pictures and videos.

    5. Reddit is absolute dogshit now. Used to be able to post anything on there and now you get banned for calling someone a fg

  3. “Sincerely” 😂😂😂😂 these Guys are so dellusional as to the consequences of their actions

  4. Mando Ricky seems to be only half human.
    We all can sleep easier tonight knowing this dickhead is under lock and key.
    Soldier appears to be wearing Guardia Nacionál uniform.

    1. Indeed it's a mystery why he wouldn't get caught sooner just look at that scumbag

  5. So was el ricky turned in? I doubt it since there was retaliation and gun battles all day after his capture.

  6. El Señor Trump has designated Mexican Cartels as terrorist organizations. My sources say that green light was given for "Special Activities" and "Covert Action".The glooves are off.

    A highly trained unit of Tier 1 operators from Delta Force ,DEVGRU Team Six, CIA S.A.C,
    Marine Recon ,FBI HRT is hunting down cartel members. They have access to modified tactical and Teslas ,Space X Weapons and Starlink /NSA 6G encrypted communications .
    Word on the streets is that they are trying to hire Sicario 006 to head the team.

    1. That’s cool. and your point is ??

  7. Narco state. Plain and simple.

  8. Omg.. lol.. this guy has tears in his eyes 😭

    1. And a cross tattooed on his face… I thought they were Satanists?


    1. Uuuyy que orgullo tan rascuache. Lo que es la ingnorancia.

  10. He can prance around prison now and flaunt his tattos like a model on the catwalk.

  11. That’s Really a nice out reach to the community!! What a nice place to live!! Mexico Lindo!!🇲🇽🇲🇽💀🦴☠️

  12. Any news on PP been investigated in the USA for it possible ties to CDS? It would be funny if all the Corridos singers were to be investigated, just look at Roberto Tapia he has talked openly about been compadre with Ivan

  13. Con la DEA no se juega puro cartel de La USA 🇺🇸🗽 y su brazo armado la DEA compa
    🥚 El Gabacho Huevudo 👨‍🌾

    1. That's Koo foo

    2. ''That's Koo foo''
      Bet you watch mr beast videos

    3. Yes mr beast is a Koo foo

  14. lol!
    Scared as fuck!
    You ain’t so bad now that Trump is here are you?

    1. Go say it to their face then chavala. No one is scared of that bad spray tan chomo

  15. “Remain calm let’s just keep it chill like we usually do”
    “Cmon bro… can we just go back to our normal, murdering, raping, extorting lives? We don’t want no trouble”
    Lol you fkn zeta losers are going to be the first crew obliterated by the us government!
    It’s happening!!!

    1. The us government is most likely going to dismantle itself before that happens. This brain dead administration will probably go after each other sooner or later with their fragile egos. Project 2025 will be the end of America. Don’t believe me ask the nazis how trying to take everything over ended up for them.

    2. Project 2025 is not his agenda.

    3. 11:04 of course it's not his, he's too old and slow to have thought of and authored it. But it is being implemented and will cause huge protests and damage to the USA.

  16. The once proud zetas are running with their tail between their legs nowadays. What a bunch of clowns!

  17. Sincerely, one scared ass scared group of losers.

  18. Replies
    1. What do you mean what?
      Did you not read the article?

  19. Good cartel activity! Keep up the good work

  20. Puro puñalon disque muy "riatitas".

  21. They're starting to sound like democrats

  22. Having tattoos on your face is the stupidest thing ever. Not only do you look like an idiot but you allow law enforcement to recognize and identify you very easily. Just dumb. Nuff Said!!!

    1. Depends on the tatto

    2. What kind of face tattoo doesnt make you look not stupid? Same with yoga pants if you wear them outside yoga, you lost control over your life.

    3. Face tattoo=
      "Look at me, I'm SPECIAL!"

  23. My Dearest Cartel Spokesman,

    On behalf of the humble peasant citizenry, I must say—your words are nothing short of poetic. Truly, your reassurances wrap around us like a warm, bulletproof blanket, filling our hearts with an overwhelming sense of security. Who needs government agencies or law enforcement when we have such well-spoken, community-minded gentlemen like yourselves guiding us with your wisdom and...ahem, firm leadership?

    Naturally, we’ve wasted no time in spreading the good word! Our once-cautious family members are booking their return flights as we speak, and hesitant tourists are packing their bags, eager to bask in the serene, law-abiding paradise that you have so graciously curated. The rumors of “danger” were clearly exaggerated—why, the presence of your high-caliber décor (also known as guns), your locally produced armored vehicles, and your state-of-the-art drone surveillance only serve to showcase your deep commitment to public safety.

    I must also take a moment to commend your contributions to technological advancement. Who knew that rocket launchers and automated warfare would be such an integral part of neighborhood watch? Your sheer innovation is truly bringing our nation into the future—one strategically placed checkpoint at a time.

    Oh, how did we ever survive before your benevolent presence? Thank you for your tireless efforts to remind us that we are in the best of hands.

    With eternal gratitude and zero sarcasm whatsoever,

    Your ever-appreciative citizen


    Mi más querido portavoz del cártel:

    En nombre de la humilde ciudadanía campesina, debo decir que sus palabras son nada menos que poéticas. En verdad, tus garantías nos envuelven como un chaleco antibalas, llenando nuestros corazones con una abrumadora sensación de seguridad.
    ¿Quién necesita agencias gubernamentales o fuerzas militares cuando tenemos caballeros tan bien hablados y con mentalidad comunitaria como ustedes que nos guían con su sabiduría (y... ejem, liderazgo firme)?

    ¡Naturalmente, no hemos perdido el tiempo en difundir la buena palabra! Los miembros de nuestra familia, alguna vez desconfiados, están reservando sus vuelos de regreso mientras hablamos, y los turistas están haciendo las maletas, ansiosos por disfrutar del paraíso sereno y respetuoso de la ley que usted ha seleccionado con tanta gentileza. Los rumores de “peligro” eran claramente exagerados: la presencia de su decoración de alto calibre (también conocida como armas), sus vehículos blindados producidos localmente y su vigilancia con drones de última generación solo sirven para mostrar su profundo compromiso con la seguridad pública.

    También debo tomarme un momento para hablar sobre sus contribuciones al avance tecnológico. ¿Quién hubiera pensado que los lanzadores de cohetes y la guerra automatizada serían una parte tan integral de la vigilancia vecinal? Su pura innovación realmente está llevando a nuestra nación hacia el futuro: un punto de control ubicado estratégicamente a la vez.

    Oh, ¿cómo pudimos sobrevivir ante tu benevolente presencia? Gracias por sus incansables esfuerzos para recordarnos que estamos en las mejores manos.

    Con eterna gratitud y cero sarcasmo alguno,

    Tu ciudadano siempre agradecido

    1. 1:22 PM
      Bro,that shit helps trying to learn Espanol seriously,ive captured this to hard drive to learn more words,helps me anyway,thanks

    2. Wtf are you directing your poems?

    3. Come on now, sir or ma’am (8:03 AM)… let’s not downplay my hidden literary talents!

      Poems, as you may know, are meant to artistically convey emotion and meaning. And since our esteemed cartel spokesman delivered such an inspiring and heartwarming speech, I merely felt compelled to match his level of eloquence and comforting reassurances.

      But thanks to you, I’ve had a true epiphany—I am a poet, and I didn’t even know it! Who knew my humble words would spark such literary debate? Perhaps I’ll even start signing my works—"Bard of Borderland Beat.”

      What do you think?

    4. Ain't poems supposed to rhyme? 🤔

  24. Edgars 🤦‍♂️

  25. Great translation Sol.

  26. Sol for the translation thanks

  27. The Force that ended up confronting CDN were special forces groups i read somewhere so CDN were doing a lot of shooting and running which you cant blame them,who wouldn't run from Marina etc

  28. He is either high as fuck off green or hes been crying?

    1. @4:04
      Both smart guesses, or maybe red eyes from lack of sleep 😴 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️

  29. CDN are well entrenched in Nuevo Laredo one of the best plazas to have they go back literally a generation with many police in their ranks as has been proven many times,shit the human rights guy is theirs..N.L is usually calm which also tells you,they have rolling eyes and ears everywhere

  30. That CDN criminal is breathing like he just did a gram of fish scale

  31. This idiot misspelled carcel on his forehead lol

  32. Capturan a "El Rayitas" lider del CDN en Rayones e Iturbide Nuevo León, fue detenido junto a su mama.
    En el marco del Operativo Muralla ayer se informo de la captura de un lider regional del CDN en Nuevo León que fungia como encargado de plaza en los municipios de Rayones e Iturbide, las acciones fueron realizadas por elementos del Ejército Defensa, GN, Fuerza Civil y la Fiscalia del Estado, el lider regional identificado como El Rayitas fue detenido junto a su mama y otra persona mas en poseción de drogas.

  33. Cartel del Maruchan 🍜. Not even a real cartel. Just bunch of poor wild kids that still live with their grandma sharing a bunk bed with their kid brother. Get paid with soup and tortillas!


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