"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
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García Luna tried to bribe fellow inmates into making false statements to support his bid for a new trial in a U.S. drug case, a judge found Wednesday in rejecting Genaro García Luna ‘s request.
García Luna, who once held a cabinet-level position as Mexico’s top public safety official, was convicted last year of taking payoffs to protect the drug cartels he was supposed to go after. He is awaiting sentencing and denies the charges.
Prosecutors discovered his alleged jailhouse bribery efforts and disclosed them in a court filing earlier this year, citing such evidence as a former cellmate’s handwritten notes and covert recording of a conversation with García Luna. His lawyers said the allegations were bogus and the recording was ambiguous.
But U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan found them believable. Judge Cogan also oversaw the trial of "El Chapo" and likely will as well for the future trial of Isamel "El May" Zambada Garcia.
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He also turned down defense lawyers’ other arguments for a new trial, including assertions that some prosecution witness gave false testimony at trial and that the defense wasn’t given some potentially helpful information that prosecutors were obliged to turn over.
After the verdict, defense attorneys submitted a sworn statement from an inmate who said he got to know a prosecution witness at a Brooklyn federal jail before García Luna’s trial.
The inmate said that the witness vowed he was “going to screw” García Luna by testifying against him, and that the witness talked on a contraband cellphone to a second government witness.
Defense lawyers said the alleged comments buttressed their claim that García Luna was framed by cartel members and corrupt officials seeking leniency for themselves. The purported cellphone conversations also could have contradicted prosecutors’ argument that the witnesses were credible because they hadn’t talked in years, so couldn’t have coordinated their stories.
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But prosecutors said in a March court filing that the inmate who gave the sworn statement has a psychotic disorder with hallucinations. In government interviews, the witnesses denied the alleged communications, according to prosecutors.
And, they said, García Luna, who’s at the same Brooklyn lockup, offered other inmates as much as $2 million to make similar claims about communications among the witnesses. He also asked one of the inmates to persuade yet another to say he’d overheard a cellphone conversation involving the second government witness about concocting a false claim of having bribed García Luna, according to prosecutors.
The intermediary, whom defense lawyers identified as a former García Luna cellmate, made the notes and recording.
The judge concluded that García Luna’s lawyers didn’t know about his endeavors.
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García Luna, 56, was convicted on charges that include engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise. He faces at least 20 years and as much as life in prison at his sentencing Oct. 9.
“We are extremely disappointed with the Court’s decision. We respect, but disagree with, the decision and are especially concerned that the court failed to address fundamental problems with this process, such as the statement of a witness who claimed to have been with Mr. García Luna in a facility that had not yet been built to demonstrate software that had not yet been created,” reads the beginning of César de Castro’s statement.
“[There was] no documentation provided to the Court establishing that Mr. García Luna was not kidnapped by the cartel. García Luna will appeal [the decision],” the lawyer anticipated.
Sources AP News, Keegan Hamilton, Infobae
All the Mexican presidents he served under gets a free get out of jail pass. Luna is the patsy. He did take money but so did everyone else.
ReplyDeleteSe lo pusierion muy claro, te calmas o "ahi te va con todo y aguacates".
DeleteEl de Las Botas Blancas is laughing real hard rn 🤣 😂 😭
ReplyDeleteEl Ayudante
DeleteNo he is not, he is dead.
DeleteQue alucin tan mas pendejete
DeleteIt's hard.
DeleteWhat's hard?
DeleteGarcia is a POS human being who should spend time in jail just like every other Sinaloa bastard he use to protect.
ReplyDeleteEl de Los lenstes es de Michoacán.
DeleteNew pics of Emma emerge.. she has more plastic than a beach ball by now.
ReplyDeleteA MAN talking about a WOMENS body …. Woah that’s a new low. Preocúpate de tu vida mijo, tienes bastante biles que pagar y deja las viejas en paz.
DeletePareces vieja hablando de otras viejas jajaj déjate de metiche cabron.
DeleteSo what big fkn deal.
DeleteThat's Koo foo
DeleteYou better be a chick to talk about another chicks body.
DeleteEl chapos son snitched
DeleteTried to down talk on a woman and it backfired on you lol what a way to start the weekend
DeleteFunny how everyone or most want to show off how Don vergas y’all can be in the comment section . But I bet que no saben ni agarrar una pala lmao y’all ain’t caca .
DeleteAhi si, no le digan nada a la mujer de plastico 🤣 como si les fuera a soltar las nalgas, que seria lo mismo que agarrar dos galones de leche, calentarlos y poner su microscopico pene entre esos dos galones de plastico 😂😂
DeleteHis only way out and possibly keep some of his money and get to live a life with his family. Is to cooperate with the US of A. All the gilbertonas are doing it.
ReplyDeleteRIP Gilbertona
In the end they all do, cause they all snitches ... They hard under they go to prison then they break real quick from g s to spinderellas
DeleteHe will not keep his life if he did that.
DeleteAh, pero queria andar bien billetudo con dinero sucio.
ReplyDeleteGenaro Garcia Luna was jumping on the laps on big fish from CARTEL DE SONALOA, first with Arturo Beltran Leyva & then he sided with El Chapo and El Mayo to defeat the Beltran Leyva cartel cell.
ReplyDeleteThey were jumping on his lap. They only survived because he let them.
DeleteLuna is the big fish.
Mejor se lo uviera quebrado Arturo. Ese mismo camarada fue el que lo traicionó.
ReplyDeleteMe vale madre el par de lacras.
DeleteA pero que ricas pedas se puso.
DeleteHe was always likely to get a life sentence, but the obstruction scheme just guaranteed it. Judges take more issue with attempts to corrupt the judicial process than almost anything else.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right, politicians got away to easy.
DeleteTrump obscured the prosecution in his cases and got nothing. So did Giuliani.
DeleteIt doesn’t mean shit if you’re connected
Trump and Giuliani weren’t charged with drug trafficking and they weren’t caught offering bribes for false testimony. Also the fact that they are American politicians means they would never face as much punishment as a Mexican politician.
DeleteWTF you on drugs, they never trafficked. Can't wait to see what you going to make up next.🤣
DeleteMy bad I made it up.
These dude got cook should have stay in mexico
ReplyDeleteFor reals, no period.
DeleteAMLO wouldn’t have protected him. AMLO has no love for Calderon or anyone in his cabinet.
DeleteHaving no full-stop is better than having no point. What IS your point? You've never had a single fukn thing to say, except for something about periods? Now's your chance kid. Let it all out!
DeleteChapo snitched on this guy
ReplyDeleteChapos son snitched
DeleteThis is accurate
DeleteSol calm down
DeleteMochomo got his revenge and Arturo is probably laughing at his traidor.
ReplyDeleteStfu alucin arturo is not laughing guaranteed. moon is joining the other pos beltran in prison
DeleteWho’s moon ? Lol
DeleteAll these guys from the government and CDS are telling on everyone including their own mothers. These guys got no integrity or scruples. They’re the true cartel of Sapos.
ReplyDeleteGive him a life sentence or hang him on busiest border crossing with a banner that reads this happen to me for being a rat on both sides of the law
ReplyDeleteThat would be great.
DeleteOff Topic came out in the news.
ReplyDeletePutin the Russian Dictator has been invited by Mexico, to attend the inauguration of the new incoming President.
Now ask yourself..who is behind that innovation?
Did Claudia S. agree to that, or somebody already puppetizing her?
Mexico can invite anyone they please to the inauguration.
DeletePutin ain't gonna show.
He won’t be able to come. Or he’ll decline for safety reasons. Watch some excuse will come up. United States won’t stand for that. Come on Mexico hasn’t got that much autonomy. It’s horrible optics and Poppa Sam USA won’t stand for that. Mexico knows it.
Delete7:27 Excellent Logic think about it, AMLO always likes to do something of the oppisite to, antaganize USA. We all know USA has no good relations with Russia, and here comes AMLO to rattle the cage. KInd of like a little kid, looking for anything to cause drama.
DeleteHe bluntly also had said no Fenty is produced in Mexico, when we all know he is lying.
7:27 yooo if US of A tryed anything on Puttin a massive war would start, just like if Rusia wouldnt try any thing on the USA president, its only logic buddy, none of this two countrys would try anything on eachother to start a world war, remember both this countries got nukes pointing at each other
DeleteNimodo, a puro jalarsela en la carcel.
ReplyDelete@8:40 es joto el wey, va estar muy feliz el compa
DeleteArturo should’ve smoked this dude cuando se lo toparon.
ReplyDeleteKinda sucks ,when biggers capors got better deals
ReplyDeleteNah, it doesn't suck. He was the most powerful security figure in Mexico, like a cross between head of the FBI and head of NSA. He wasn't just taking bribes to let traffickers operate, his networks were operating actively as Sinaloas intelligence chiefs. Capos only get deals when they co-operate.
DeleteStupid moniker..breakmylegs.
Delete@9.55. You think I wanted a "moniker"? "Anonymous" wasn't an option for 2 weeks in loads of countries, so I chose the name I chose out of sheer fukn frustration, when kids were spreading bullshit about innocents being murdered, and laughing that they must have been guilty, cos they got tortured and murdered on film. I'm 48, I worked for years in Mexico and I was asked whether I wanted my arm or leg broken by people you gossip about.
DeleteThis guy was a public servant, cartel figures where not. He needs to pay for all the wrong he did. Period!
ReplyDeleteYOU KNOW ... I JUST DON'T KNOW ...
ReplyDeleteEse vato si es chingon keeps a low profile no corridos
DeleteChapo Isidro has alot of corridos
DeleteWhat is it about that fat little greedy man that gets you all so worked up? I think it's like 85, not enough information so people can fill in the gaps themselves. I remember Chivis years ago saying that Chapo Isidro was a fascinating, enigmatic tactical genius, because he led/masterminded an attack on that Sinaloan convoy. He gave an order, and the men who knew the terrain carried it out, while he ate.
DeleteIt really doesn't mean the guy was a servant NIMODO, it was possible that juan , el chacaloso and cueta exchanged words about a la mejgan, did you know that the seafood mariscosthey operate are with MR. SALAZAR AND GORDON
ReplyDeleteSince trooper and elite. It was the way her stood crucial
ReplyDeleteArturo Beltrán Leyva made a big mistake not smoking this guy when he had the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Chivis n rise makaveli?
ReplyDeleteUp your nostrils.
DeleteChivis was a the #1 fan of Michoacan autodefensas & Cartel de Sinaloa
DeleteUp my nostrils huh. Keep on
DeleteThe key words are cabinet member. I know you know what's going on. The problem is the focus you take away from people you have to serve. It has become unforgivable. Nevermind the debauchery you entertained yourself in delusion. It's the generation after generation after generation as that public servant you wasted in time and souls. Apoco creas que te la vas a remediar? Ice cold sera la cuajada. No va ver arreglo.
ReplyDeletePero todo politico se vende incluyendo los gabachos dicen los Mexicanos.
ReplyDeleteSe venderan los peones que trabajan en la frontera y tal ves los de las tres letras tambien pero las cortes y federales mas arriba necesitan mas que dos milloncitos de dolares para que apenas concideren dejar salir a gueyes como este mecco de Garcia Luna.
Por avaro mierda ayudando a el cartel de Sinaloa y indirectamente cuasando miles de muertes en todo Mexico ahora no tiene nada este penedejo.
Que se pudra en la carcel junto a sus camotes Chapo y Mayo tambien mientras uno aca afuera en libertad echando unas heladas haciendo una carnita asada con sus papitas y cebollitas y pico de gallo y salsitas roja y verde y limon tambien este fin de semana pasandola bien agusto sin preocupacion alguna gracias a Dios!
Así es compa. 🍻
DeleteHe’s got 100 m in. Cash buried somewhere
ReplyDeleteToo bad he wont be able to use is for shit unless he were to be let out say twenty years from on.
DeleteEven then he'll be a fuckin old man with money with useless d.i.c.k. wont be able to enjoy it.
Juan Garcia Abrego is the only Cartel Boss who didn’t talk. He was the last real Mexican gangster.
DeleteYep, he was old school for reals!
I think there's a video out there of Obrego being physically forced onto a plane for the flight to the States, fighting tooth and nail, right up to the bitter end..
At one time, his wanted poster was plastered on the wall in every U.S. Post Office..
Moved mega weight without the needless drama, I think he's been cooling his heels for over 40 years in federal custody..
10:47 according to the Gilbertonas mayo is .
DeleteRIP Gilbertona
If he wasn't offered a deal he couldn't talk even if he wanted to.
DeleteReally he’s the only one? I can think of a few others. How about Mochomo,
Delete2 period 🦎 lizard what up.
DeleteMochomo wasn't offered a deal so he couldn't talk even if he wanted to (and he wanted to talk).
DeleteJuan Garcia Abrego was top of the tree. Who could he trade up and turn on for a lighter sentence, Santa Muerte? You need something to trade to negotiate an official deal. It doesn't mean he didn't talk about the way his organisation operated, just that the conditions were about his comfort instead of the length of his sentence. It's about old school drug policy, not honourable old school Narcos.
Delete@4.23. Sorry dude, but there isn't a video of him "fighting tooth and nail to the bitter end". There's a video of an overweight man being bundled up into a plane as quickly as possible, handcuffed and stumbling.
DeleteAbrego must have been struggling a little bit, you can see his fat shaking like jelly on the video😆
Deletecogan is on a war-path none of these mx politicos or narcos are safe. might have to wait til he retires before appealing the courts decision
ReplyDeleteEstá página está atrasada en muchas cosa
ReplyDeleteEstá página está atrasada en muchas cosas
ReplyDeleteSe me antoja una caguama bien helada y un gansito helado.
ReplyDeleteTodavia me acuerdo de la primera vez que comi pato en naranja, fue cuando me comi un ganzito con una fanta 🤣
DeleteSupposedly Ivan went out on a date with pop singer Belinda
2 FEM sicarios gave themselves up to R5 hitmen after a shootout.
I know it's paltry at best, a feeble attempt at justice being able to skewer Garcia Luna, but deep down....Im happy he will die in jail