Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 13, 2024

López Obrador Rejects The Latest Findings Of The DEA On Drug Trafficking: “It Is Very Easy For Them To Blame Mexico”

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The president assures that the presence of the cartels throughout the territory of the United States “is not new” and dismisses criticism of his security policy

López Obrador shows an interview with Mike Vigil, former DEA agent, at the morning conference on May 13, in Mexico City.

The latest DEA report is at the center of new tensions between the anti-drug agency and the Mexican Government. Andrés Manuel López Obrador rejected the findings about the presence of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the 50 states of the United States. “It is not new, it is a rehash,” said the president of Mexico in his conference press this Monday. The president pointed out that Washington “has not addressed the causes” of the crisis due to fentanyl consumption and that the document supports the narrative that culprits must be sought outside the United States. “It makes it very easy for them to blame Mexico,” he commented.

The DEA dedicated more than half of its latest annual report, published last week, to detailing the progress of the Sinaloa Cartel and the CJNG, whom it points out as the main responsible for the synthetic drug epidemic that claims dozens of lives each year in US territory. According to health authorities. “They are behind the worst drug crisis in the history of the United States,” the agency maintains.

In the 57-page document, the DEA maintains that the profits of criminal groups from the sale of fentanyl are in the order of billions of dollars each year and that both cartels already have a presence in at least 40 countries. Among other controversial revelations, the report indicates that Los Chapitos, the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel led by the sons of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, are waging an internal war for control of the organization with the cell commanded by Ismael El Mayo Zambada, former associate of El Chapo and who, according to the DEA, is in poor health. The business model of both groups and their collusion with the Mexican authorities to operate “freely” are also detailed.

During his morning briefing, López Obrador screened the video of an interview with Mike Vigil, a former Mexican-American DEA agent, who maintains that the published information had been known for at least five years. In the recording, Vigil also questions the security model of the Mexican Government, ensuring that the policy known as “hugs, not bullets” is not working. The president dismissed the criticism and said the strategy “takes time.” “There are those who maintain, and I respect them, that what needs to be done is to use force or that the problem is going to be solved with coercive measures. I think that evil cannot be confronted with evil,” he commented.

“Our duty is to guarantee peace and tranquility in Mexico,” said López Obrador, “they must do their homework.” In the president's opinion, the drug crisis facing the United States is the product of a lack of attention to young people and the deterioration of the social fabric due to a “material-centered” lifestyle. The publication of the DEA's annual report occurred in a tense week for the bilateral relationship, after Anne Milgram, its director, complained before the House of Representatives that the Mexican Government had not granted work visas to 13 of its agents. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the accusations were “unfounded” and noted that the permits had been granted since April. López Obrador considered that Milgram's statements were “exaggerated” and commented that perhaps they were based on a “misunderstanding.” This Monday he joked about it and said that he proposed to his counterpart Joe Biden that the country was going to be “more rigorous” with the delivery of visas to Americans.

The relationship between the anti-drug agency and Mexican authorities has been rocky in recent months. López Obrador accuses the DEA of being behind several journalistic investigations that have pointed out alleged links between his inner circle and criminal organizations. The works are based on statements by bosses who claim to have given money to finance the political activities of the current president. The president has denied the allegations and has questioned whether the anti-drug agency has investigated him.

Mexico elects a new president in June of this year and the United States in November. Despite the friction with the DEA and the constant questions about the role of the Mexican authorities in issues such as migration and the fight against drug trafficking in the US campaigns, López Obrador was optimistic about the future of diplomatic relations between both countries. “There are many ties of friendship, of coexistence,” he said.


  1. I mean AMLO’s not wrong. Cartels operating in the U.S. is not anything new, and when was the last time you heard politicians talk about ways to lower drug addiction in America. When was the last time you heard politicians talk about ways to make it easier for drug addicts to get help or go to rehab. Their answer is always let’s go to war with the cartels. Let’s send our military across the border. If so many Americans weren’t addicted to drugs in the first place, you wouldn’t be having so many drug overdose deaths in the U.S.

    1. 8:22:
      Mexico has a duty to control criminality in it's own borders that affects other countries. Mexico is paying for ELMO's incompetence in that drug use and violence has spread significantly since he took office. ELMO says that his policies "take time". He has had over five years and all his policies have done is led to death and destruction on a massive scale in Mexico. 36,000 homicides per year plus 10,000+ disappearances per year with Mexico's population is unacceptable.
      No one has ever won the Super Bowl by sticking to failed strategies. When what you're doing is working, you always go back to the basics because the basics always works. In law enforcement arresting and imprisoning criminals has always worked. Look at what Bukele has done in El Salvador. ELMO is stuck with his failed strategy. Fortunately, his failed strategy is coming to an end with a new president in just a few months.

    2. "...36,000 homicides per year plus 10,000+ disappearances per year with Mexico's population is unacceptable."

      The death toll has actually lowered between 1000 and 2000 every year. And although that may not seem to a pessimist like yourself, that's actually a lot of people if place them all in one place at the same time.

      "No one has ever won the Super Bowl by sticking to failed strategies..."

      The U.S war on drugs wasn't working and hasn't worked and that's been going on for what, 35-40 years?

      "..In law enforcement arresting and imprisoning criminals has always worked..."

      Detroit,let me remind you. Theres been more high profile captures under AMLO than the last 4 administrations combined. Those include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa to name a few..

      "...Look at what Bukele has done in El Salvador..."
      Look at the size of El Salvador in comparison to Mexico. Bukele can pull that off in his country which is a fraction of the size of California and a fraction of California's population. Let's see Bukele pull that off in Mexico...

      "...Fortunately, his failed strategy is coming to an end with a new president in just a few months..."
      Well if all goes as planned and Claufia Sheinbach becomes president, then you might have a continuation of AMLO's "failed strategy" and six more years of your whining 🤣🤣🤪.

    3. "...36,000 homicides per year plus 10,000+ disappearances per year with Mexico's population is unacceptable."

      The death toll has actually lowered between 1000 and 2000 every year. And although that may not seem to a pessimist like yourself, that's actually a lot of people if place them all in one place at the same time.

      "No one has ever won the Super Bowl by sticking to failed strategies..."

      The U.S war on drugs wasn't working and hasn't worked and that's been going on for what, 35-40 years?

      "..In law enforcement arresting and imprisoning criminals has always worked..."

      Detroit,let me remind you. Theres been more high profile captures under AMLO than the last 4 administrations combined. Those include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa to name a few..

      "...Look at what Bukele has done in El Salvador..."
      Look at the size of El Salvador in comparison to Mexico. Bukele can pull that off in his country which is a fraction of the size of California and a fraction of California's population. Let's see Bukele pull that off in Mexico...

      "...Fortunately, his failed strategy is coming to an end with a new president in just a few months..."
      Well if all goes as planned and Claudia Sheinbach becomes president, then you might have a continuation of AMLO's "failed strategy" and six more years of your whining 🤣🤣🤪.

    4. 8:27 you're 1st sentence shows your defending ALMO and I too say hogwash with what you're saying.
      There's a lot of negatives in ALMO s
      Speech. If drug s did not make it into USA illegally we would not have they drug epidemic. Junkies don't want help, don't want rehao

    5. The U.S. has no intention of lowering drug addiction as long as they continue funding MAT clinics. Medical Assisted Treatment are privately owned, funded by federal and state governments, and have no structured program to ever wean anyone off the methadone, or whatever replacement drug they're getting. They have become the place to go to help with withdrawals until they can find their next hit. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    6. 10:28 stellar logic mate lmao. Junkies have faulty genes who crave drugs, they would sniff glue to get their high or get on opioids remember those? Stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems.

    7. He's right. Biden et al should spend more money helping addicts instead of gaslighting Mexico and China. How are they responsible for the American junkies? Americans never take responsibility, it's always someone's else's fault; European hillbillies.

    8. 10:00 I supposed your the one bonehead that wants to hide all the bad AMLO has caused to the country, under the carpet. ALMO continues to make a clown of himself as he says nonsense.
      On the other hand Detroit has valid points about that lazy ass president no one cares about the innocent victims that die on the hands of Cartels of kidnapping, extortion etc. Nuff said!!!

    9. @8:11, AMLO has done more for Mexico than you and Detroit combined. How's this for a "lazy ass president". Remember, ranked number 2 in the world leader index with a 70% approval rating throughout his presidency.

      Captures under AMLO include, El Nini, RCQ, his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa...

      6 national dam projects
      12 national road projects
      4 wind farms
      1 solar energy farm
      6 Iberdola power plants
      Built 1 new oil refinery modernized 6 and bought one in Texas
      Nationalized the Lithium deposits
      Building the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway that will create an import/export route which equals more jobs.
      Construction of the Tren Maya which has created direct and indirect jobs and will attract tourism to that region.
      Built 3 new airports along the tren Maya route and remodeled 2
      AMLO scrapped the retarded idea of building an airport on top of Lake Texcoco and instead turned the lake into a national park.
      Rather than a flooded airport on top of a lake, AMLO opted to build the Felipe Angeles Airport for half the cost. All because he made use of his resources and used the military to build it. The construction of the Felipe Angeles Airport also includes an added museum and a new highway to get there.
      AMLO finally sold the presidential aircraft that cost over 200 million dollars and is using the funds to build 2 new state of the art hospitals in Oaxaca and Guerrero.
      Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there should be close to 600 military stations throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology.

      Now unlike his predecessors, AMLO has reclaimed Mexico's national sovereignty. He's limited the DEA's power on Mexican soil, he renegotiated the Merida Initiative with the Bicentennial agreement along with nationalizing and subsidizing Mexicos energy and natural resources. This still doesn't include his contributions to the health sector, the education sector and all of the social programs that the elderly, indigenous and disadvantaged youth have benefitted from. His world leader approval is over 70%, number 2 in the world behind the Indian president.

    10. 9:33 look you bonehead I have been reading articles and comments in here, I wasn't born yesterday. You seem to be in love with him, nothing that we see about him do you mention. I'm sorry dude you can't hide how he let his citizens go to death at the hands of Cartels. Now I know who you are a what they call a cayotero. You went against Detroit and you lost you ain't going to brain wash me. Nuff said!!!!

    11. 10:00pm interesting

    12. 1047 I can confidently name the majority of AMLO's positive impact on the mexican community. I gaurantee you the positive outweighs the negative. Can YOU name "all the bad" that I supposedly hide? You know you can't cause you're dumber than a bag of rocks. You think you're smarter than AMLO, Lets see what you're really about. Show us your list of all the bad that I hide CHAYOTERO. I'll throw in the first one for good measure.

      -More or less 36,000 deaths a year.

      Now finish your list...

    13. 10:47
      Orale ese nuffy tiene huevos si savie
      Muncho de Hablador.
      Nuffy don't let the Cayoteros harass you.

    14. 11.40 don't forget to throw in the bad he has been for Mexico you one sided a-hole


    15. While more could be done on crime,these Trumptards and their like don't want reality only hate. With hate you don't have to think.

    16. 9:33
      I off work and come in and it's the Cayotero trying to convince Nuff said, with your 2 page manifesto manipulation. What happened why are you not bickering with Detroit? Last I heard he won the boxing match.
      As an interest influencer for Elmo, hope he is paying you good. Last I heard, it was tortas del jamon con orchanta.

    17. 203, I compiled a list of nothing but positive contributions AMLO has made. Between you, Detroit, 1144, 811, and 1028 you guys should be able to compile your own list of all the negative stuff you say hes done. It shouldn't be that difficult,I mean after all, he is lazy and the worst México has ever seen, right? I take it he's done a lot worst than the previous presidents. Stop beating around the bush and bust out your list bonehead.

    18. 7:55:
      The ELMO Chayotero is being paid in confiscated product. This is why the ELMO Chayotero doesn't have any teeth. They need to slow down seizing meth labs so the Chayotero has less to smoke.

    19. 8;06 cayotero you're the 🦴 bonehead, that's what Nuffy calls you.

    20. LOL. Detroit, all you have is insults. Come through with your list of all the negative things you guys say I omit about AMLO. Between you, your Belizean boyfriend and his multiple personalities, it shouldn't be that difficult.

    21. NSSM 200. It's not AMLO's fault for y'all impotency Obrador is no saint but atleast see that he loves he's country no matter how many bad actors at work

    22. LoL cayotero new name El Bonehead
      Nuffy that's a good 👍 one.

    23. 9:33:
      ELMO Chayotero: It's hard for me to respond when BB doesn't post my comments. Adolph Hitler had a higher approval rating than ELMO. Does that make him better than ELMO.
      You post the same thing over and over. I' m not going to keep repeating myself because you copy and paste the same comment over and over. You need to get off of welfare and foodstamps and get a job rather than spending your days hanging on ELMO's nuts and trying to justify his incompetence.

    24. Then why doesn’t Canada have this problem? Their border is wide open yet no Narcos. Mexican government is the most corrupt I have ever experienced, and I know because I spent a decade living in Mexico. It’s the Mexican people I feel bad for, they don’t want this either but a lot of Mexican politicians are making good money on this “trade”.

    25. 7:55:
      Borderlandbeat didn't post my comment in response to ELMO's Chayotero. My responses can't be read if Borderlandbeat doesn't post them.

    26. Detroit man thanks for the heads up
      That Bonehead sure is copy and paste and pasting the same thing, but no fukn bribes he got nothing about the innocent victims to murder.
      Then some one else in here says the president hides things understand the mat. Nuff said!!!!!!!

    27. Detroit, if BB didn't post your comment, I'm sure it's because you're not sticking to the guidelines. Stay on topic and refrain from insults. Trust me, its happened to all of us...
      I don't even know why you would compare AMLO to Hitler. For one, you're talking about different times. A time when racism and prejudice was widely accepted. Hitler was directly responsible for the extermination of 4 million people and invading several countries. When do you see AMLO doing that? If anything he's fighting for social justice for Mexico's marginalized indigenous communities. As far as the list I've compiled, we'll, its effective its factual and it's not based on my opinion. I'm sure you would love for me to omit the facts i present but I've decided to leave that up to you. As long as AMLO continues to produce positive results then I'll continue to add to the list and use it when necessary.

      So back to the topic on hand. Name all of the negative things AMLO has managed to accomplish. I'll throw in the first one:
      -Mexico's homicide have been at 36k a year....

      Detroit, time to fill us in on the rest.

    28. 10:12
      A lot of innocent victims have died on AMLO s watch. 5 years average 35,000 comes out to approximately 175,000
      He is more like in bed with the Cartels.

    29. Detroit, good thing I'm not holding my breath. What are all the bad things you can blame AMLO for?
      We already said 35k homicides a year. What else?

    30. 8"49, 10:12 and 3:56:
      ELMO Chayotero: You are fee to post as many times as you want on any single comment. Occasionally you post using the moniker "Detroit" in order to confuse the readers. I didn't post the 8:52 comment. You posted the 8:52 comment using "Detroit" as a moniker in order to confuse everyone.
      First, I didn't compare Hitler to ELMO. You used ELMO's questionable popularity ratings in order to make a point. ELMO never had the level of support that Hitler had. I was raised in the post World War II generation, so I have the newsreels of the war seared into my memory. In many of these news reels you will see thousands of people adulating Hitler. You don't see throngs of people enthusiastically adulating ELMO. The point being, these polls only reflect a politician's popularity, not a politicians effectiveness at addressing a nation's problems, but your tiny brain can't comprehend this. ELMO may be popular if these polls are correct. However, that doesn't prove that his policies are effective. You drone on and on about all of the bridges and infrastructure he has built, but you neglect to research the vast infrastructure that was built by previous presidents.
      I'm not going to keep responding to what you copy and paste. You might be living off of food stamps and welfare, but I'm not, so I don't have the time that you do.
      The bottom line is that organized crime is waging war on the peace loving citizens of Mexico. Mexico needs a war president, not a peace president. ELMO needs to put away his love beads, Byrds and Cheech and Chong records and other groovy 60's paraphernalia and put down his bong and directly confront organized crime.

    31. At 3.56 Amlo is good at collecting bribes.

    32. 658 so you got nothing and you're using the "I'm not going to keep responding to what you copy and paste." as a cop out. Gotcha. 🫡😉...

      Maybe in your imagination you once responded to my copied and pasted compilation of AMLO achievements but in reality it's never happened. It's never happened because the only thing you can cling on to is the 35k homicides a year. That's your list. LOL.

      "..these polls only reflect a politician's popularity, not a politicians effectiveness at addressing a nation's problems, but your tiny brain can't comprehend this..."

      No no no Detroit! On the contrary, your tiny brain doesn't appear to understand how a president can consistently maintain their approval rating throughout their whole time in office. You see Vicente Fox's approval rating started at 80% but by the end of his term he was at 35% and it's because he did not deliver on his campaign promises. You may not agree with AMLO because he is not your "war president" but he's maintained his nation wide approval because he has delivered and exceeded on his campaign promises. See how that works? It's a case of "Actions speak louder than words" while Vicente Fox talked about it, AMLO has been about it. He's "walked the talk".

      I don't want to bore you with another list of facts but you mention the infrastructure projects of past presidents. Let me remind you why Mexicans lost hope in politics and callled them crooks and thieves. It was because the previous presidents sold off Mexicos lucrative industries like Mining of precious metals, the railways, energy and petroleum to the highest bidder. AMLO has attempted to reverse that trend. Refer back to my "facts list" ( not opinion) and cross reference anything I mentioned as proof.
      Anyway keep dancing around the question. We both know you can't compile a list so you come at me with your dumb excuses and accusations. I'm not out here posing as you to confuse anyone. I don't need to do that. I'm not on welfare so I don't have the amount of time a washed up retiree has. Like I said in the past, "tienes mas salidas que un cerco viejo"

    33. 7:38
      Detroit won the boxing match again
      Good work.

    34. @10:47
      Hell nah he didn't. Detroit got his ass handed to him! Nuff said!

      St. Louis Missouri

    35. I took say Detroit won the boxing 🥊.
      That guy that loves Obradors chorizo kept using copy and paste that he saved up and used before.
      Hooray for Detroit????
      Nuff said!!!!!!!

    36. They have 🦎 in Missouri now?
      What a great country!

  2. The Mexican Joe Biden!🤣

    1. Jaja at least ALMO has more living brain cells than dementia Biden. Its crazy the Americans voted for that tonto. He should be in the hospital no running USA.

    2. Not even close. AMLO can carry a coherent conversation.

    3. That funny because ELMO was know as the "Mexican Trump" when he got elected.

    4. Then how come I never once heard ALMO say he would build a wall to keep the gringos out because they come to Mexico to rape the women.

    5. Biden's spit is smarter than toddler conman Trump.

  3. That president of Mexico making senile unrealistic remarks.
    He is leaving in June he should stay quiet otherwise he is looking like a clown.

  4. Elmo will gift a big fish from CJNG to the alphabet boyz in the USA as a trophy so the dea can keep hush

    1. He better get on with it. He won't be there forever.

  5. They need someone other than Mike Vigil to explain what is going on. Mike Vigil always looks like he's stoned out of his mind.

  6. ELMO is right, it's very easy to blame Mexico but he forgot to add that's where the blame lies.

  7. If you expect someone else (president) to raise your children, teach them to be productive, mentally healthy humans, you yourself weren't raised in a educated family. So you blame others for the problems. The majority of the world doesn't know the basics of parenting skills to raise a mentality healthy human, which means more drug use.

  8. Amlo is part of the cartel don't let him fool u people ... He is their puppet

  9. I sometimes get the feeling that all the different people saying “send in the military” are the same person. Has intensified a lot recently. They’re just trying to start shit. It seems improbable that multiple people could care enough about what’s happening to post about it all the time, while simultaneously not understanding the situation at all. Or maybe quien sabe

  10. AM LAME is right, fenty is china's fault, mex cartel guns are usa pecados, mex political corruption is learned from other countries, cartels only kill ambulance workers n teachers bc of the usa, mex is an almost pure country- too bad it's so close to the usa (a bad influence on these pobrecitos w their dull machetes)

    1. Amlo is the mommy saying "not my little boy!" Mexico is held back by that kind of thinking "it's the usa's fault!".

  11. Dam right he always looks stoned

  12. He rejected the findings about CJNG & CDS being in the U.S.... I don't know, the 770 kilos of methamphetamine seized from 2 warehouses (1 for each cartel) in the last month seems pretty convincing. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. Did you read the article or do you lack reading comprehension? He said the DEA's report is not exposing anything that we didn't already know. We've all known both cartels have had a presence in all 50 states. That's not a new finding.

  13. After he gets out of office, the CIA should target him for termination.

  14. este tipo obrador miente como respira,el sabe que los gringos le conocen de que pata cojea....y te digo algo yo fuera lopez se me ocuriria ir de compras a san diego.........esta bien chistoso este tipo yo pienso que la dea,algo le tiene preparado..................

  15. El cacas obrador

  16. "Young people...and their material-centered lives" as the culprits. LAMO can say that in Mexico and get away with it. Let's Go Brandon couldn't say that in the USA

  17. Its easy to blame mexico because all kinds of corrupt shit happens in mexico. Corrupt government corrupt armed forces corrupt justice system if you can call it that and ubber corrupt local governments almost in every state.

    1. Mijo it's true.
      Wake up and smell the coffee ☕.

  18. What truly are the negatives of AMLO in political and economic terms for Mexico? Not in consequence to the USA? One comment here posted his successes and that was very interesting to read.

    1. Sure enough he is a Narco President.
      He is the puppet of the old school generals and cartels like someone posted in here.

    2. 11:17:
      Do you include the 36,000 homicides per year and 10,000+ people disappeared per year in Mexico on your list of ELMO's "successes"?

  19. 600 national guard stations? dang! it's like having 600 Papa Noels giving out hugs all year long.

    1. I feel safer walking on the streets knowing that the national guard is prowling around..

  20. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had accepted bribes for his campaign did any of his cheerleaders bother to put that in. How about him making fun of the mothers looking everywhere for their sons.

  21. Amlo best president of Mexico hands down gortari, zedillo, foc,calderon y el joto de peňa nieto together measure to amlos ankles poor corrupted ex-president and why didn't the usa complained about those ex-president? Think about that beaches

    1. Elmo servi de Hablador.

    2. AMLO's giving old folks $6,000 pesos every 2 months, a hundred varos a day to help survive.
      It ain't much, but the common folks support Morena, and upcoming elections should produce a landslide victory for his girl Claudia.
      Nothing more to be said!!!

  22. AMLO and the DEA are full of shit. How does Hunter Biden get drugs? How are shipments of fentanyl getting into the US? It’s easy. The Chinese government and their proxies are moving the fentanyl through Mexico, Canada , China, and even the US via Shipment containers destined to every major port. The Chinese have people in High level of the US and Mexico. That’s why they gave Chinese spies 2 measly years while other spies get life sentences. Amigos our beloved countries are being taken over by the Chinese and their proxies. Ruskies are there too. They want Mexicans to go against the US. Vicente Zambada knows where they launder the money he knows key places and is waiting for the collapse so he could return to Mexico.

    1. I am glad today is Friday.
      I will be washing down my car.
      Party time tonight.
      Say yes to 🍺 beer, say no to drugs.

    2. 12.03 well I will be celebrating with some ladies, no corridos we don't want our party shot up. Say hello to vodka and Heineken! NuffSaid!!!!!!

  23. How about stopping Americans who are helping arm and resupply the cartels


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