Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

It Is 16 Years Since The Murder Of Edgar Guzman, El Chapo's Son, As Every Year His Cenotaph Was decorated With Red And White Roses In Culiacán, Sinaloa.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

It has been 16 years since the murder of Edgar Guzman, son of El Chapo, and as every year his cenotaph was decorated with red and white roses.

Located in the parking lot of a commercial plaza in the 6 de Enero neighborhood in Culiacan, the space dedicated to the son of the drug trafficker imprisoned in the United States and sentenced to life imprisonment, sports a simple arrangement with red and white roses, and two huge letters E and G.

The cross was decorated with white roses and red flowers in the center.
With a red base of different flowers and red and white foliage.

The drug trafficker's son lost his life after being attacked by armed men while he was in a shopping center in the Tres Ríos Urban Development. His widow, Frida Muñoz Román, identified the body.

The cause of the attack was attributed to the struggle between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Beltrán Leyva Cartel.



  1. It was macho prietos crew on the order from Vicente zambada

    1. El puma guacho de los Beltrán le dio piso

    2. me imajino que el mini Lic sabe más que nosotros y eso dijo el además en Culiacán es bien sabido que fue macho prieto por eso lo sacaron de Culiacán y se fue a puerto peñasco

    3. Some say Vicente was there as well.. all I know is we will never hear the truth

    4. No digan mamadas

    5. 1221 who cares about the truth its not like he was innocent man he was trash

    6. Como dice el dicho one man's trash is your mother's treasure.

    7. It was the canadian, american governments simulating with amazon and the other groups in america also a communication system set up with the royal families in the middle east also the taliban, isis, al qaida and mafias of the world also an ancestry based system that the governments lied about to see where people’s brain activities stayed and where they could use people also other people impersonating other people in the system to empower themselves it there was people there from montreal quebec canada also ireland who weren’t supposed to be there neurally from the west end gang shane maloney also people who married into the salazar family morris/ oshea family because of the quin family in hollywood simulating with the wilson family also elon musk, bill gates, jeffrey epstein, bill clinton, jeff bezos, the kissinger family , mark zuckerberg, ari emanuel, mark wahlberg and there friends along with the american and canadian governments also the royal families in the middle east and certain people from the mafia and organized crime groups who were used as a communication system to empower certain people and hurt certain people based on a system 🌎🛰️👩🏻‍🚀👨‍⚕️🎬👨🏻‍💻👻🪶🗣️🧠👽

  2. En el inferno no ay decoraciones para asesinos!

  3. Un buen gallo, de corazón y alma

  4. I go to Culiacán every year and it’s crazy to literally see this every time. Fresh plants and well maintained.

  5. Kill two birds with one stone..
    Pay your respects to the dearly departed, and buy some new radial tires to trick out your F-150..

    1. But don’t end up like the surfers killed for tires. Dude outfitted his girls’ truck with said tires.

  6. The intended target was Koki Cazares who El Niño Zambada had a problem with because he was not part of that crew mass producing Meth.

    1. I just can’t believe nobody knew that Edgar was with them… don’t these guys have security detail 24x7??

    2. Edgar Guzman siempre ah estado en phoénix.

  7. For someone that lives in the UK this is quite strange to see a centopath in the middle of a parking lot. Is it there all year round I assume? Do cars still park in the parking lot?

    1. It’s been there ever since his passing. It’s the location of where he was killed. It’s a common thing to do both in the US and Mexico to leave some type of memorial where the person has passed.

    2. U most not be from the ends fam

  8. Char
    I can't wait to see some Throw back Thursday articles 😁.

    1. If I can vote for one… the 40 something bodies that Loco dumped in the middle of the city

  9. I read, can't recall where, that Chapo actually ordered the hit but, of course, not on his own son but on someone else; his son was a mistaken hit.

    1. You didn't read it, you watched it on the Chapo series.

    2. I actually read it. I don't watch TV or any series.

  10. Little rich kid got smoked.
    Who cares.
    Nuff said!

    1. Hey you just copied me. Your not real Nuffy. I am. Nuff Said!!!

    2. The original Nuffy is married to Buffy the vampire slayer.

    3. The nuff brothers want to conquer Mexico.🤗

    4. You are correct my friend. I used to fight cartels before. I was called Nuffy. My wife Buffy fought vampires. We are both now in retirement. Nuff Said!!!

    5. Nuffy why are some copy cats what to use you name? They must find it exciting.

    6. 10:16am you are correct. These copy cats do find it exciting. Everybody wants to be Nuffy. Unfortunately there is only one true original Nuffy and it's me! Nuff Said!!!

    7. If I was married to Buffy I would have better things to do in the evening than post here.

      Nuff said Nuffy

    8. Fluffy is my favorite

    9. Tough tittie said the kitty

  11. No amount of flowers or santos will bring you peace for one instant in eternal hells punishment. Member that... Hes burning a horrific and unspeakable torture in hell for selling drugs womanizing torture murder egotistical self love to name a few. His torment has no end.

  12. Los zetas los tenian tan paniquiados que mataron a su propia gente los pendejos. Por mierdas metiendose en plazas que no tenian que meterse.

    1. Que se pudran en el infierno los zetas

  13. Fuera kien fuera se lo llego El chamuco

  14. El chapo isidro si le dio guerra maziza al chapo alv

    1. El cholo no pudo contra el Isidro y el Isidro no pudo contra el cholo

    2. Cholo Vago was a frontline gunner, Chapo Isidro would send The Mazatlecos/Gonzalez bros ect. Uncle use to spot cholo vago in Mocorito 2010-2014.

    3. Mazatlecos gave them the business countless times. Pal Pacifico Sur también hay gallos mi apa.

  15. If I recall correctly, ML himself said that it was an accidental hit from MPs crew. They were carrying out orders from VZ. Chapo had discussions with Lic to kill/get revenge on VZ but decided against it as it would be war with MZ. The drug wars and cartels have crazy, unpredictable events happen. This can be one.

    1. Wrong place at the wrong time. Mini said Chapo was literally rolling in the dirt crying hysterically “No mi rey”

  16. I wonder what would happen if I had too many beers. I was driving drunk and I accidentally drove over Edgar's cenotaph. The Real Nuff Said!!!

    1. In a probability you'd get snitched out. That's what these morons are known for

    2. Hey Sol I just had a great idea. We should team up here in BB and deliver articles together. Just like in the comics when superheroes team up. How does the title of "Written By Nuffy And Sol" sound? You can focus on the serious things and I can give it a lighter touch to it. Nuff Said!!!

    3. We could use some more humor in here 😆

    4. "Written by Nuffy and Sol"?
      Howzabout "Written by Sol and Nuffy"?
      The big dawg gets top billing, and his sidekick has to play second banana, yes-man to the star..
      You gotta work your way up from the bottom, these are the unwritten laws of comedy, Nuffs..

    5. 10:03am Yes you are correct my friend. I stand corrected. No disrespect to my man Sol. He should be first. Sorry. Nuff Said!!!

    6. @sol 6:53 - de acuerdo. yes we need some more meme-type humor here and maybe a few payasos y pendejos

  17. pobre plebe le dieron plomo,su jefe en florence,sus carnales huyendo como ratas,pa que tanto billete si no lo puedes disfrutar no necesitas ser rico ba vivir y comer bien en culiacan,o en guasave...........

  18. Had he not been accidentally killed by his own people, he’d probably be the main leader of the Chapitos cell. He was more involved in the drug trade then all his other brothers when he got killed.

  19. That makes me sick. Where's the cenotaphs for all of the innocent victims that got killed over this bullshit war. The fact that all 3 levels of government leave it be speaks to who controls things in MX. Drop some bodies and mantas there in keeping with the narco spirit..

  20. This site has gone way down hill I've been a follower since 2011 it's seems to be too political pretty much full of trumpers who pretty much come here to fuel their hate for Mexico not so much a reporting site for the drug war like original most articles and just posted from other sites or reporters wtf happened smfh

    1. Not a Trump supporter.. but you can suck it!!!!!! go to reddit good riddance.

    2. 6:08pm Nobody is forcing you to stay here. If you don't like this forum the go beat it. Don't let the door hit you in the butt! Nuff Said!!!

    3. I’m a “ TRUMPER” , and this was & is still a great site . How about you get your whiny ass to put some work in and help make this site better . Wuss!

    4. Lol the typical call someone a Trumper just because they criticize mexico. I don't like any politician and am mexican and i can tell you that mexico is even more corrupt than u.s and what we do to each other is plain embarrassing over there.

    5. You know what, I BECAME a Trumper. I hated that C0k Suckah like no other in 2016. 2017 I catch a Fed Case, Get over sentenced to 101 months with zero priors for a whole 🐔 from da 🏝️. I had Zero criminal history points. Anywho, After Da Vid hit, guess who got me TF outta prison 3 years early? Bih, you guessed it. IDGAF who’s in office. It’s always gonna be, what have you done for me lately?

    6. 6:30
      I'm voting for someone who will keep you criminals locked up, where you can't interfere in the lives of law-abiding normies..

    7. "too political pretty much full of trumpers"
      I would have said the opposite ? Anyhow bro you seem to obsessing on bullshit WE ALL should thank these contributors who keep BB going for nothing,because they choose to,we should laud them not deride them..Anyone does not like it leave,it really is that simple

  21. What a waste of a perfectly good parking spot.

  22. Burn in hell for what you cartel scum did to your own country and people just to feed the gringos their drugs

    1. "feed the gringos their drugs"
      Your the guy complaining about BB and trumpers arent you ? The hater who is whining about BB and its content? Fuck off then ?


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