Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Outraged Citizens Permanently Branded An Alleged Thief

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A shocking video recorded and shared on social network X (formerly Twitter) shows a chilling act of vigilante justice in Mexico. Outraged citizens took the law into their own hands by branding the back of a suspected criminal with the phrase "Por rata" (Thief).

The video, which has gone viral, is evidence of the population's fury against crime. In the clip, it is observed how citizens take extreme measures to punish the individual pointed out as a criminal. The situation raises questions about the line between social justice and legality, generating an intense debate on social networks.

Authorities are investigating this case of "street justice", while the video continues to circulate and provoke diverse reactions. This shocking incident reflects society's frustration with increasing criminality and raises concerns about security and law enforcement in the community.

Video translation is as follows:

Male #1: Shut the fuck up you fool, shut the fuck up. 

Male #2: That’s what you get for being a pretty boy. Now remember, I’m not going to charge you for this tattoo 

Puebla Línea


  1. I think those are linieros

  2. This should definitely be a thing.

  3. Ꮇi primera chamba
    Ꮇe acuerdo el día que
    ᗪe la chamba yo me enamoré…

  4. I think better to cut off a finger each time caught, no hiding that

  5. This should be done to all the PUTA RATAS 🐀 del los x presidentes de MEXICO

  6. If only the police did this when people steal shit

  7. How long would this hurt for? Would he require hospitalization ?

    1. You can hear the skin sizzling lol 😩

    2. Hurts for weeks, and the infection is what sucks.

    3. Black fraternities brand themselves. Fkn Idiots. Tattoos are stupid too.

    4. Tattoos are tacky gross and ghetto! Asco 🤮

  8. I have never observed a farm animal needing hospitalization after branding….if you want to know how long it hurts, there is one way to find out…

  9. I don’t know what’s worse that or getting a finger chopped off. Either way good to punish those ratas. Para Que aprendan.

    1. Dude i rather get this shit done than lose a finger, stupid comment

    2. So its bad to be thief but its ok if you sadistic degenerate?

    3. Does KOMMANDER know about this?

  10. They already had the branding iron laying around or quickly welded it up just for this guy?

  11. This goes to show you Mexico is one butcher shop place. They brand their people like animal.

  12. But if they got it wrong and he was innocent?

  13. The article says the authorities are investigating LoL,🤣 gag me with a spoon, they don't investigate criminals murdering innocent people, give me a break.

  14. If they did this in the U.S. everyone would start crying

    1. If they branded you, you would be crying, the smell of human burning flesh, smells like bacon.

  15. I see many comments about this type of street justice but is this REALLY what we want do we REALLY want to go down this road?

    I'm all for justice but this isn't the way this is just cruel and sadistic.

  16. this is by los viagras in 2019. not civilians.


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