Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 1, 2023

Óscar Nava Valencia 'El Lobo' Released From Prison In the U.S.

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

El Lobo' coordinated the shipment and transportation of tons of cocaine from Central and South America to Mexico.

Nava Valencia began his criminal career in the 1990s.

After negotiating with US authorities and ratting out rivals and former allies - including former Secretary of Public Security Genaro Garcia Luna - Oscar Nava Valencia, the former leader of the Los Valencia or Milenio Cartel, was released from prison in the United States after 12 years of incarceration.

Judicial documents to which MILENIO had access reveal that El Lobo left prison on November 27, after having his sentence reduced twice.

In addition, it is likely that Nava Valencia will remain in the United States as part of the protected witness program, along with his wife and children, who are already in that country; according to the agreement signed with the Department of Justice, El Lobo will remain at the disposal of the authorities to cooperate in future cases, as he did with Genaro García Luna and one of Los Cuinis.

El Lobo's path from prison to freedom was based on his ability to put his enemies and former associates in Washington's crosshairs. It was on June 15, 2012 when he signed one of the best deals of his life: he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine, and thus avoided another charge of direct cocaine distribution in the United States. He opened the way to judicial cooperation as a snitch.

As a result, on January 7, 2014, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but then his cooperation began to pay off: he obtained the benefit of a sentence reduction to 200 months, just over 16 years, and the year he spent in prison in Mexico before being extradited was taken into account.

On November 15, MILENIO reported that a new motion for a sentence reduction had been filed, without knowing if it was on behalf of the defense or the prosecution, but the request has already borne fruit. His release, scheduled for April 2024, was brought forward to November 2023.

As MILENIO has been able to confirm, since he was arrested in Mexico, Nava Valencia knew he would become a whistleblower for the U.S. authorities. However, in order not to arouse suspicion among the Milenio Cartel, he tried to avoid extradition without much effort. Thus, in January 2011, he was in the hands of the United States.

"He made the decision while he was in Mexico that he was going to cooperate with the US government as much as possible," El Lobo's lawyers detailed during his 2014 sentencing hearing.

His defense pushed for his two sentence reductions on the grounds that he had been a high-profile and relevant cooperating witness, but also that he was remorseful for what he had done. He even claimed that in prison he had taken all the Bible courses available to him and went to mass.

"All of that he has done with the goal of becoming a better man and assuming that, when he is released, he will assume the role as head of his family, who will help him in improving his life and also to live a good life," his defense assured when he was first sentenced.

The origins of the capo

Originally from Michoacán, he was the leader of Los Valencia or the Milenio Cartel since 2003, following the arrest of his uncle Armando Valencia Cornelio, who founded the organization in the 1990s. He was a close operator of Ignacio Coronel, and remained on Chapo Guzman's side after the breakup of the Sinaloa Federation.

El Lobo coordinated the shipment and transportation of tons of cocaine arriving from Central and South America to Mexico to the port of Manzanillo, Colima, and then to the United States until October 28, 2009, when he was arrested in a federal operation in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

After his fall in 2009, Erick Valencia Salazar, El 85, was left in charge of the cartel, which fractured into two factions, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Resistance. The rest is history. Today, the CJNG disputes control of the trafficking of synthetic drugs such as methamphetamine and fentanyl with the Sinaloa Cartel.

El Lobo was part of high-profile cases as a collaborator. One of them was testifying against former Public Security Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna earlier this year in Brooklyn, New York.

During the trial, in front of the former chief of police of the Calderon era, El Lobo assured that he witnessed at least three meetings between Garcia Luna and criminal leaders. First in 2006 to receive $2.5 million, collected by Arturo Beltran Leyva, El Barbas, during the existence of the Sinaloa Federation, to maintain greater control of the territories.

In 2007, in Cuernavaca, when he was summoned by El Barbas to give explanations for the seizure of a shipment of cocaine belonging to the Beltran Leyvas.

And in 2008, in a car wash in Guadalajara, when El Lobo personally said he paid 3 million pesos to García Luna and his right-hand man, Luis Cárdenas Palomino, head of the Police Intelligence division of the now defunct Federal Police, for protection.

In another case, in Washington, he testified against Gerardo González Valencia, one of the leaders of Los Cuinis. He told how, together with his brothers José and Abigael, they operated the trafficking of tons of cocaine provided by Colombian sources. In addition, as MILENIO has been able to find out, he was part of the construction of a criminal case in Chicago, Illinois, although it is not known precisely which one.

Nava Valencia is free, waiting to collaborate against the many targets he has snitched on since arriving in the United States, where the Justice Department is actively working to build new drug trafficking cases, with the help of El Lobo's howl.



  1. He got a good deal, would loved to see Luna in jail.

    1. Where do you think he's been since he was arrested???

    2. Him Damaso and the Flores twins can go get some lunch together.

    3. Luna is in jail.

  2. May he enjoy his freedom! 🐺🐺

  3. Este wey le va ir hacer compania a su tio Armando y se va ir a vivir en el condado mas rico de Estados Unidos.

    1. Que armando no fue el que se quejó de este blog de publicar información que ya era pública?jaja

  4. Low level drug dealers get life for selling shit and the a main narco leader of their own cartel gets a few years in exchange of working with uncle Sam.

    1. That’s because most low level dealers can’t see that the “ no snitching code” was meant to make sure the indictments never made it up the chain. The bosses have already made up their mind to cooperate, way before the indictment’s finally make it up the ladder. It’s just the truth of life , especially in this business. There is never honor , especially among thieves .

    2. 506 buh buh buh the street code says...

    3. 5:06 spot on ! . Only way to make it out alive from the game is to snitch and cooperate with the authorities

    4. 5:06 " He opened the way to judicial cooperation as a snitch." . Homie snitched on his own distant cousins the cuinis. Just goes to prove your point.

    5. Most low level humans are hired for low level positions for their entire life which is the purpose of the investment in hiring employees I do not understand why readers or listeners of corridos still insist on comparing a cartel sicario with a Sinaloa federation member

    6. Welcome to the drug war.

    7. @5:27 Like the man said, no snitching is for the plebes. Bosses aren't in the streets. They're well insulated. Predominantly by the idiots who follow "Street Code". If you're in the streets, and don't realize you're never gonna be the man, get a job. Only a tiny percentage make real money, and don't end up dead too young, or spend huge stretches in prison. It's taller odds than a guitarist becoming a rock star, or a bum
      winning the lottery. You shouldn't rat. But faced with a long prison sentence of being cut up alive, most all will talk. IMO there's a certain number of idiots who hate life so much, they prefer to be locked up, or die young, so other idiots and losers give them respect and "cred". Easier to just get an education, and a good legit income. JMO.

    8. @9:14 💯Truth

  5. El patron del los torcidos. Este wey si era jefe de verdad no como los mugrosos que se quedaron al mando.

    1. Los torcidos son jaliscos.

    2. No guey estas "mal" dice un vato por ahi que Nacho era el "jefe" del lobo 😂

    3. The origins of the capo

      Originally from Michoacán, he was the leader of Los Valencia or the Milenio Cartel since 2003, following the arrest of his uncle Armando Valencia Cornelio, who founded the organization in the 1990s. He was a close operator of Ignacio Coronel, and remained on Chapo Guzman's side after the breakup of the Sinaloa Federation. @ 6:21

    4. 4:39 5:38 porque le dicen los Torcidos?

    5. 7:19 is that from patito news? Who have like 4 different stories from the same story? 😂

    6. 7:39 is from this article that you are commenting on moron . Bet you just one of those kids that doesn't even read the post and just goes straight to the comments to troll and spread propaganda. BB posted that paragraph oh but wait must be fake "patito" news

    7. 7:53 ahi esta para ver si entiendes un poquito mi links guy

    8. 8:20 so you calling BB patito news on their own site.?

    9. 7:19 the Sinaloa Federation is intact & thriving

    10. @ 8:20

    11. 7 31 ..pues porque se torcieron... osea se le rajaron a los otros compañeros que terminaron formando la resistencia porque el 85 y mencho querian ser los jefes en ves del que le tocaba como lo dijo molca...ya no respetaron la cadena pues. Se quedaron fuera de lugar por hacerla de verga ellos por su cuenta ..cayo el 1 y le tocaba al 2 pero al 3 y 4 quisieron brincar al 2 y pues asi. Ya entiendes. Al que le tocaba era al compadre del molca un tal Pilo .
      A ver que explicacion te dan los texanos con sus inventos de vocabulario jajajaj

    12. 8:13 sol already clarifyed it, they only translate and give the sources at the bottom of the story, have you not been paying attention? He has said it so many times before, even char has translated stories and didnt agreed with some of his stories 🤷🏼‍♂️ i guess you are just here to try to troll but dont pay attention to the details, so you end up looking like a fool

    13. 9:22 its not really intact its splintered and not thriving as it once was.

    14. 7:31 Les dicen Los Torcidos porque El 85 Mencho y Los Cuinis entregaron a su patron El Tigre Valencia que habia quedado al mando despues del Lobo .

    15. 7:39 Sol also gave his personal opinion in a thread underneath on how based on the information from back then even he thinks Lobo reported to Nacho

    16. "After his fall in 2009, Erick Valencia Salazar, El 85, was left in charge of the cartel which fractured into two factions,
      The CJNG and La Resistencia."
      So much for that video Molca made claiming El Pilo was supposed to be the new boss when according to this article published by Milenio El 85 was already the Boss after Lobo got arrested.
      So what happened to El Tigre Nava Valencia?
      Aren't their multiple articles claiming he became the boss after his brother Lobo was arrested?

    17. 10:55 😂😂 what? Som never said "based on the information from back then i think lobo reported to nacho" 🤣🤣 he literally said "my understanding is that lobo reported to nacho. Thats what ive always understood about it. IF IT'S WRONG THAN OH WELL." Where does he based on information from back then?
      I dont know man, you are trying so hard that you are even putting words in Sol's mouth to try and get your point accross, thats no bueno

    18. 12:29 you in denial babygirl?

    19. 1229 denial much fan girl 😭😂

    20. 3:19, 3:50 😭 now you are waiting 29 minutes to comment again so you dont look suspecious 🤣

    21. 3:19/3:50 damn plebe no te desesperes. Y luego dices que tú no te contesta a tí mismo😭

    22. Pobres pendejos alucines peleandose por unos putos que son la escoria de Mexico. Que si el puto viejo sapo del gonorriento del Mayo . Que si el puto cornudo mandilon del Menso. Que si el puto patas miadas del Chapo y sus pinches princesas que pario el henano. Todos esos son de agua igual que todos los putos pendejos que se tragan el cuento del narco.

    23. 9:23 porque tanto afan en defenser a los mitoteros? 🦇🇨🇺🦇🇨🇺🦇

  6. I told you..... EVERY MAN HAS HIS PRICE

  7. I think gerardo vanelcnia el cuini is going to get something similar done. Cutting his sentence down to 25 years, if he testifies against Mencho or other ranking CJN/Los Cuinis members, maybe even Menchito.

  8. But Michoacanos don't snitch, according to the fans.... and where's the guy who says CJNG was never an armed wing of CDS?

    1. No where does it say CJNG is a armed wing of CDS. CDS and Milenio aka CJNG couldnt handle the Zetas so they teamed up to fight Zetas.

    2. 7:17
      "Originally from Michoacán, he was the leader of Los Valencia or the Milenio Cartel since 2003, following the arrest of his uncle Armando Valencia Cornelio, who founded the organization in the 1990s. He was a close operator of Ignacio Coronel, and remained on Chapo Guzman's side after the breakup of the Sinaloa Federation. "

    3. 717 "...He was a close operator of Ignacio Coronel, and remained on Chapo Guzman's side after the breakup of the Sinaloa Federation."

      OERATOR, not an associate. In other words, before CDS broke up, he was an "operator" (working for) for Nacho.

      "In 2007, in Cuernavaca, when he was summoned by El Barbas to give explanations for the seizure of a shipment of cocaine belonging to the Beltran Leyvas."

      Why would El Lobo Valencia be answering to Arturo Beltran if you're claiming "CJNG" or "Milenio" as it was formerly known was never under the CDS umbrella?

    4. 7:49 not that long ago I read a comment on here saying how the Cartel del Milenio - Valencia fan boys where the most delusional of the groupies and I can actually see why now

    5. 7:30 7:49 BB is just translating, who ever is the author of the original post cant even get the picture right 🤷🏼‍♂️ so yea lets believe 100% since they cant even get the pictures right 😂😂😂

    6. Theyre talking about Lobo who is not on good terms with CJNG

    7. 8:14 seems like sol wrote this article for BB so I don't think it's translated from another page 🤷

    8. 10:08 the link is at the bottom. It belongs to Milenio. I'm just a linguist here. It's very rare that I do original work at BB. Whenever i do the narratives are simple in nature and based on certain experiences.

    9. 1008 being sarcastic

    10. So what do you think Sol . I know you ain't biased towards a certain group and give it the groupies how it is . So I'm really curious to hear what you think . Based on the information from back in the day do you think Lobo Valencia reported to Nacho or do you think its just CDS propaganda?

    11. 10:08 😂😂😂 told you bud, people have called BB out and SOL has openly said most of the post they are only translating, thats what BB is they translate from spanish to English so that no sabo kids like you can kind of get an idea but how are we gonna believe Milenio when they cant even get the pictures right? 😂

    12. 10:50 my understanding is that Lobo reported to Nacho. That's what I've always understood about it. If it's wrong then oh well. I'm not gonna get hung up on small details like that. And for whatever reason things just changed between these guys.

    13. Garcia Luna was the 1 that was summoned in 2007, not el Lobo…

    14. 10:50 dont get it twisted, Cuinis are not CJNG they are their own cartel, they work with CJNG but they dont answear to mencho, they are really low key, just like CDM wasn't CDS they were working together but CDM was the low key cartel in that case

  9. Los Cuinis are almost all in jail now.

    1. Aren’t there like 14 of them though?

    2. 5:41 thats a huge family, they would need one jail just for them

  10. Pinche Ratota Michoacano. Nothing new here to see

  11. Mencho ever gets caught he’ll do the same thing. They all do. And still get to keep a pile of money.

  12. De la escuela de nacho coronel este gallo aver si se la hace de pedo al nemesio o quisas ya no quiera pedos y se va a desenterar de la tierra los millonsitos que dejo guardados por hay y se desaparace alv

    1. @ Connor let's say Lobo was to go back to Jalisco and try to reclaim his organization. Do you think the current CJNG bosses would fall in line or do you think the would be loyal to Mencho still . Also isn't 03 his real family? But I really doubt he is going back. Maradona lives in the most expensive county in the USA. Lobo probably joining really soon

    2. I think though taht he stays put in USA witness protection retrievehes his pacas de billetes he must have buried underground somewhere in michoacan and just lives with his wife and Children that's a good deal for him ..instead of getting back en el ruedo y al desmadre alv but who knows esos michoacanos son gallos jugados... I also think NINI negotiate his surrender and will do the same lobo did..rat out chapiza deep secrets operations sinaloa politicians peña nieto

  13. Why do you keep putting tigres picture this aint lobo pic

  14. At the end of the day they are ALL working for the gringos FACT

    1. More like working with..

    2. 850 no the Gringos could ruin Mexico with a few policy changes sorry I get it you have Mexican pride but you work for the US like everyone else.

  15. Alguien sabe que paso con los sanchez Valencia el chalaman y la fresa sobrinos de mencho al fierros lo mataron en Jalisco pero los otros no se oido mucho

    1. @638 doesn’t chalaman live in Turlock -Modesto California?

  16. Its funny how everyone was very critical of 6ix9ine Tekashi for "snitching". Yet all the Mexican cartel bosses ,all the Cosa Nostra Bosses ,all the Colombian Cartel bosses snitch on their enemies and also on their own people .
    Yet everyone expected him not to "snitch" although the so called friends kidnapped him stole from him and took his woman. He was expected to serve 40 years in jail and stay loyal . The whole "street code" is bs .99 percent of anyone will snitch if it can provide freedom from a life long prison sentence .

    1. Because real life ain’t a Hollywood movie “The Godfather “

    2. I give props to 69 for snitching on the black dudes that stole from him , fucked his wife and wanted him dead.
      Only an idiot would be loyal to people like that.

    3. When the time goes will do things you would never thought you would do if you fear your end was near

  17. Cooperation with Uncle Sam pays.

    1. Instead of people wearing those “Stop Snitching “ t shirts , people should keep it real and start wearing “ I’ll Snitch on you in 1 second if I have to “ t shirts 😄 Because it’s the cold hard facts of the game . And atleast by wearing them , it might get a lot of the youth , who believe everything they hear in rap songs , to see this life for what it really is .

  18. Detroit but according to all the cartel experts only CDS snitches and the bosses from Michoacan rather die in a shootout or take a life sentence like man . At the end of the day almost every foreign narco flips when facing Uncle Sam's wrath.

    1. That’s why heavy hitters in US gangs have more balls than all these fools combined. Even Rico can’t stop them that should speak for itself.

    2. 9:25 haha 😂

    3. 9:26 like the Mexican mafia heavyweight Martin “evil” madrigal from Oxnard that got murked in Mexico or maybe “Toker” from brow side lol

    4. @10:04 Truth, facts, and logic don't go far here. Bottom line, the "Heavy Hitters" with the huge balls are locked up. Those same big wigs also get betrayed, and or murked eventually. That life is a dead end. Power over fools is not real power. Fucking up innocent, or unarmed/weak people doesn't mean you have balls, or are a badass.

    5. 9:26 all the American gangsters want to be like chapo and pablo and the latin drug lords .

    6. What’s funny is that you mention Michoacano bosses … when we all know they just steal avocado trucks nothing more … Michoacán drug trafficking is a joke

    7. 9:26 all the supposedly “heavy hitters “ get killed in Mexico

    8. 9:26 you cholos only have more balls harassing the Elotero man and terrorizing the block were you live lol

    9. 9:26 they have nothing to lose. No money, No houses and No land. Most dont give a shit about real family. All they have is pride and name. Narcos have ALOT more to lose. Family, power and money.

    10. 9:26 American gangster gets
      Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On in Mexico and send back in a casket ⚰️

    11. 9:26 Two of the four Americans who were kidnapped in northern Matamoros Mexico last week were found dead Tuesday 😆

  19. Redwood city is the safe zone for all the michoacanos. Lots of $$$.

    1. That's correct chief bay area redwood city

    2. Lmao there’s no money in Redwood City it’s a shithole.. but lots of Michoacán residents and great food none the less..

    3. Puro labado de dinero en redwood city y todo mundo lo sabe

    4. There ain’t shit goin on in Redwood City

    5. Palo Alto & Redwood City

    6. Everybody in Redwood City and Palo Alto want to be either hood or are alucines

    7. RWC is an interesting spot, La agua está turbia por abajo. For those who say that nothing is going on there or whatever keep in mind that Maradona Valencia does live down the El Camino from RWC.

    8. 11:32 the only people who say that nothing is going on on here clearly didn’t know what redwood was until commenting. Como dices tú muchas cosas debajo del agua. Nothing happens as in shootings or big crime. Fut everyone is from aguililla iykyk 🤔

    9. 9:05 yeah true either wannabe norteños or alucines bragging that they work for mencho just cause there tio still lives out there in aguililla

  20. Meanwhile the homie that sells a few ounces here and there gets slam with 10 to 15

  21. Replies
    1. He might snitch on all of the quinis and mensos fam except Juan Carlos 03 cause is his uncle's son. so did Armando have 03 con Rosalinda when she was with menso or Armando was ok with his achinchickles metiendo mano a su side piece?

    2. So 03, if he's AVC son, would be his primo hermano just like El 85.

    3. El cholo no andaba tan jerrado cuando dijo a sangre llama

  22. Ivan Guzman is still waiting for the us government to send him a letter after he turned in his rat half brother and his pathetic Nara albañiles where it states he can spend Xmas and new years without having his ear next to a satélite Motorola communications radio waiting for the Blackhawk to land on his head

  23. Mexican Henry hill let's see how long he lasts in the witness protection.


  25. No era alfa ese Lobo. Tantas armas que le decomisaron pero solo las tenía para presumirlas...

  26. Drug's bring more money than gold without the government needing to do anything to obtain it. Drug addiction who gives a damn about the addicts look at all this money coming in where does it go ?😉😉😉😉😉exactly no one knows

  27. When Milenios were "thrown out" of their state by El Tisico they kept working out of Jalisco, Colima & Nayarit. They didn't want trouble, just wanted to keep working. They made arrangements for that and worked independently, not under an umbrella. Within time they and others learned that something had to be done in order to stop the snowball or they'd be absorbed or crushed. That's when they & the "Gentlemen" decided on financing the group that made it out to Veracruz to dispute the state and other territories. That gave birth to another organization a couple of years later.
    There is a difference between working with and working for, they were working with not for.

    1. They were working under Nachito Coronel … FACTS !

    2. I bet your cousin told you 🗣️

    3. 1:48 pero hasle entender a aquel mitotero que sigue con el mitote de que el CDM trabajaba para el CDS

    4. 12:01 jajajaja. Ya miras 👻😭

    5. 1:31 why the last emoji?

    6. Ya deja de llorar alucin 1240

    7. 2:12 did you write the 12:01 comment?

    8. 2:20 no te agüites 😭

    9. 3:21 nope i was just trying to desifer the 👻 and the 😭 emojies, if im not mistaken 1:31 said: "jajaja lla miras fantasmas llorona" am i right?

    10. Who cares about Nacho hes dead and you guys are pathetic.

    11. 5:52 simon. Yo escribí esos comentarios 1:31 y 3:21

    12. 12:51 😂😂😂 👍 yup that's the llorona for you, he tries to troll but he is not good at it, es el nuevo SIR

  28. No days all them bad mother killers are all snitches when they land in the USA!!!!

    No que los jaliscas don't snitch
    Aqui Pura Gente de Juan Garcia Abrego learn mother fuckers not to snitch

    1. Cual pinche gente de Abrego … Osiel fue gente de el y también resultó ser mejor cantante que ni Jenni Rivera … he snitched like a bitch to save his skin.. and in reality there’s nothing wrong with that .. ain’t nobody gonna take care of your family and loved ones while your locked up being loyal .. so shut your man-pleaser you retard

    2. Ohhh shit jajajajaja. JGA simon.
      Y Osiel? Comandante Panochota? L28 El Pelochas que lloró en la corte de Texas?

    3. No's ok everyone snitches.

    4. Osiel no era gente de JGA. Ni se conocieron. 11:58

  29. 11:47 he is from michoacan not jalisco buddy

  30. What’s story of 85 taking over after lobo but mencho becoming supreme ruler?

    1. Mencho is dead, unless you mean supreme ruler in the spirit world.

    2. ESTA muerto Mijo no more vivo.

  31. Drug game = snitch to get out

    1. Only works for the “ capo di tutti capi” not for your 5 $ street dealer lol

  32. Markitos toys dad

  33. They just raided El Primitos ranch. El primito from CDG idk if they caught him or not. Its all over Reynosa. Anyone have any more news?

    1. They didnt get shit well not him or any of his brothers

      But they were deadon

      They shouldve hit pihuamo at the same time as well
      Maybe they would caught something then
      Too late now

  34. Snichoacanos at it hard…. 🤣


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