Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mario "El Flama" González Martínez Jr. Leader Of The Sinaloa Cartel In The Highlands Of Jalisco DEAD??

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFORMADOR.MX

Image created by HEARST 
Teocaltiche: the tunnels of the Sinaloa cartel

By: Isaack de Loza 

Today, Teocaltiche belongs to the Sinaloa cartel. This criminal group had an impressive boom during the six-year term of Felipe Calderon, since he decided to launch a "War on Drugs" that he pushed in an unbridled manner, and which in turn allowed empowering some of the main security commanders in Mexico.

In this administration, the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) had established that the main operator of the cartel previously led by "Chapo" Guzmán in Los Altos de Jalisco was Mario González Martínez Jr., to whom his subordinates gave the code names "M.G." or "El Flama," and who since 2015 became one of Joaquín Guzmán Loera's closest and most trusted men.

However, control of the municipality is fiercely contested by the New Generation cartel. That is the reason why the Los Altos region and the excessive violence in that place have monopolized a very important space in the national media.

Mario, "El Flama", was the reason why the Grito de Independencia in "Teocaltiche" was suspended this year, as he was killed during an armed attack in a bar, along with five of his men, hours before Mayor Juan Manuel Vallejo attempted to start the ceremony.

But while the organizational chart is being restructured, because that is the logic of the narco, the evidence we have seen in recent days in Teocaltiche bears the signature of "Chapo".

The evidence is already public and is his video surveillance strategy, which even connects with homes whose owners have been forced to allow themselves to be connected to the narco networks. It is in the safe houses with dozens of monitors to keep an eye on patrol cars and suspicious people. It is in a castle/event hall full of weaponry. It is in the cameras hidden among trees that monitor everyone who enters by road.

And, above all, it is in the recently discovered network of tunnels that, cynically, connects the areas of operation of organized crime with points very close to City Hall. There, under the nose of the elected authority. Of the authority that protects. The one that "takes care" of a people that resignedly stays in their homes when the sun goes down.

No one can forget that "Chapo" and the Sinaloa cartel have been the main architects of this stealthy subway infrastructure, which serves both to transport drugs to the United States and to escape from the proximity of the authorities.

In his column "Don Mario's tunnels in Teocaltiche", published on October 9 in El Informador, journalist Jaime Barrera revealed that the narco's passageways were discovered after a detailed review of the security and video surveillance farms.

In reality, those tunnels have been there for years. The novelty is that now they were used by organized crime to hit and run. To equip themselves and flee. That is why four video surveillance rooms have been discovered and not a single person has been arrested.

In those points, the police found galleries that connect with the main avenue of Teocaltiche, with a self-service store, with a multipurpose room and even with a stream.

Just like this: right under the nose of the City Hall. Right next to a weakened Municipal Police that today is questioned because some of its members are accomplices and consumers of crime.

The tunnels of the Sinaloa cartel are its signature, its seal. But, above all, a frank mockery of a chocolate country from which the narco can erect its castles in the air and its subway escape routes, either under a high-security prison, on the border with the United States or next to a City Hall that belongs entirely to a de facto government for which no one voted.




  1. "Supposedly Mario Gonzalez jr is dead"

    Thank you BB users for always making comments good or bad thank you for reading plus your feedback is appreciated

    1. Thank you char for quoting my comment and also for making this post . Saying this I really doubt he is dead too .

  2. I doubt Mario Jr. is DEAD but we will see time will tell

    1. Todo esta raro esa balasera del bár q mencionan ahí murio un primo mio y un amigo q conocí de muchos años pero. No se mencionó nada de mario

  3. Maybe not killed literally but figuratively. This shooting happened about 30 days ago and his structure in Teocaltiche is being dismantled, according to this article. Government stopped his protection and it's curtains for them there?
    Someone had commented about that shooting when it happened. Any BBers with a SEMEFO connect who can get pictures of the deceased from the bar?

  4. CJNG will reign supreme and become the only cartel in Mexico utterly wiping out the Chapitos, Mayo, AFC, BLO, and CDG.

    1. You’re an idiot if you want that, honestly imagine a cartel having that much power and how that would affect the regular mexican citizens

    2. 10:25; Your comment is so reminiscent of those here a decade ago when comments stated the same about los zetas, DSG, AFO and Knights Templarios

    3. 6:12 lets not forget the ones that said the same thing about CDS

    4. 7:45 second that cds fans so pathetic.

    5. Let’s not forget that there’s a guy on here that believes chapo can stop the earth because someone wrote it in a corrido as satire but for some odd reason the guy thought they were being serious.

    6. 6:23 he usually brings it up too . He might be obsessed with it at this point

    7. Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena!!! Ajua!!!! Funny how all CDS corridos are satire but all yall groupies believe them 100%😂 the CDS corridos are not even 5% real but you take them all as facts 🤣🤣🤣

    8. 7:57 it just a song . Don't take it so serious. You sounding like a groupie. Luis R has sang that song in the 3 main plazas In Tamaulipas. Has sang it in michoacan and Jalisco and GTO and Nayarit. And nothing happens to him. Music is just music

    9. 7:57pm The only fact here is that you believe people really believe el chapo can stop the earth somehow like he’s a superhero no one actually believes that only you because you constantly bring it up it’s just music Get over it loco.

    10. 8:27 exactly my point, the thing is a lot of fans come in here and take all those fake as corridos as FACTS! 😂😂😂 we all know they are just fake songs, it dont matter whose cartel they are, now if they make a song from any cartel and i mean any cartel that says, we rape, kill innocent, get high, dont know what we are doing, dont give a fuck about nobody but our selfs, we dont have any balls thats why we carry guns, and shit like that, than ill believe that song, cause thats the truth

    11. 9:41 you take music to serious little guy . One time jop from fuerza regida said in a podcast that he charges $60K American dollar for a corrido de encargo. So let's say you pay those 60k Im pretty sure you would hype yourself up a lot more than what you really are. Cds uses music as propaganda meanwhile CJNG uses social media and tik tok videos

    12. 10:19 Did i not get my point across? I dont take corridos serious! Thats why i make fun of them, im clowning people who take them as facts, i see a lot of comments here who say, "well El ondeado took 10 soldiers out when he got killed" or "macho prieto is still alive" chino antrax was the baddest MF out there" "chapo can stop the world from spinning" 😂😂😂

    13. 11:42 different guy than 10:19 but I can also agree with him that you take corridos to serious. You just as bad as the people you criticizing 😅

    14. 5:02 See thats the thing, i dont take them serious, intake them like what they are, A JOKE!!! 😂😂 Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena! 🤣🤣 what a joke

    15. Buddy you ok 10:13 you a little to obsessed with those lyrics. Everything ok at home ?

    16. 12:44 i like to get a good laugh from a good joke, like the Chapo can stop the world from spinning joke, thats it 😂🤣🤣🤣

    17. @9:29 the only one that keeps bringing that up is you buddy, it seem to really affect you to the point that chapo took over your brain and lives rent free 🫢🥴🥴🥴🤡🤡🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕😆🤣🤣🤣

    18. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you have that phrase tattooed on you 8:52

    19. Badiraguato, la sierra donde creciera en su rancho La Tuna
      Caminos entre veredas, tenía sus cuevas hechas a su estatura
      Puente grande fue el lugar, cómo olvidar esa famosa fuga
      Y varios años atrás por quererlo matar
      Se llevaron un cura
      Cuando el viejo se enfiestaba
      Siempre fajada la 701
      Buen ritmo pa la bailada
      Buen paso daba con una pelo rubio


    1. Don't think so. Study history and understand original occupants. Nothing justifies killings of babies, peaceful people at a music concert, etc. Hamas are terrorists . . don't talk about suffering please.

    2. Suffering from their own beliefs

    3. 1:05
      Nothing justifies the killing of babies..
      ..Unless they are Gazan babies, who evidently aren't god's chosen babies, and are being slaughtered as we speak by bombs and missiles bought and paid for with U.S. tax dollars..
      Better hope the "original occupants" of wherever you live don't show up some day and claim what's yours is theirs..

    4. Israel is bombing them back to the stone age, jajajajaja. Puto madre.

    5. They suffer because they want since they refuse to renounce their terrorists overlords.

    6. 11:11 fuck u n those terrorist mofos too, hope they get starved to death, sucks that innocent people will die too but they give a dam about innocents when they attacked Israel

    7. 7:33 didn't they vote Hamas in power in 05? No elections since.they support the bs Hamas does and Hamas uses the Palestinian people as shields..they're terrorist p.o.s to their own people

    8. Bush did the same to you guys.

    9. 6:52 My understanding is they did vote them in and hamas wasn't hiding their intentions: to exterminate all jews. In general Palestinians do support what we consider extremist views. I was with an Egyptian chick for awhile. I found her years later in Cali. She held some views that now I'm like how tf were we together. I knew two legit Palestinian Muslim ladies that were consulting witchcraft. They explained how it's possible for them to be involved in witchcraft but it went right over my head. I also helped a house full (about 15 living in a 3 bedroom) of Palestinians move. The women, except the grandma, were all smoking and drinking coffee and tea like fiens. Their instinct to hate jews supersedes any opportunities to prosper in the USofA. Multiply that times being in the warzone... They'll bend and break any of their laws but that hatred they take to the grave.

    10. 913

      Rightfully so. After all, the jews have been murdering the Palestinians for the last 20yrs + .

    11. 9:33 I firmly believe hamas instigate conflict and the general population are willing human shields. There's a reason no country will take them and it ain't because they'll lose their "country". Nobody wants to hold a ticking time bomb.

    12. 7:40
      That irrelevant.

    13. 9:33 There's a series I seen on either Netflix or Tubi. I think it portrays pretty accurately what happens over there. I'll look for it if it interests you.

    14. Malcolm X’s famous quote applies:
      The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

    15. Parro, what do you mean babies. The main ones killing babies and children right now is israel. And it isnt even close.

    16. 12:38 wise words.

    17. 10:37 What is that series called?

  6. He is always surrounded by a minimum of 60 shooters, I highly doubt he’s dead. He doesn’t even drink so hanging out at a bar with only 5 shooters makes no sense.

  7. El Flama is alive and well.

  8. As far as nicknames go La Flama is one of the better ones i seen on this site

    1. El flama no la flama

    2. A bag of Doritos Flamas sounds good right now.

    3. And a cold Tecate.

    4. Sounds like a badass luchador’s name tbh

  9. Anyone thinks if they have that much support from that town and its local authorities/mayor maybe it’s because they all dont like cjng that much and dont want to be another town in that state that falls to cjng

  10. Damn, did you guys see on blog de los guachos that video where cjng decapitated 3 guys from los Migueldados. Cjng guy stuck a little knife into eye of one the victim. Nobody deserves that cmon

    1. "Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn." - Robert Burns (1759-1796)

    2. 10:14
      He's lucky they didn't stick a little knife into BOTH his eyes..

    3. Those weren't your typical cjng sicarios.

    4. 1014

      You can tell it isn't the first time that guy kills someone.

  11. Its not chapo style its Michoacan style. Michoacanos are the best trained and specialized in tunneling, intel, general ass kicking, etc. Michoacanos operate with and help locals. Thats why LFM is ingrained into any cartel worth mentioning. Norteñas copy Michoacan.

    Semper Fi

    1. Semper Fi stop posting here a while ago. People on here just hijacked his signature to troll others.

    2. Tf you smoking bro

    3. That's a negative chief hahahha .. michoacanos extorting michoacano locals taxing the limoneros, aguacateros . Michoacanos own no border crossing tbey gottaask permission or break another group off some money

    4. Ohh shit here we go with the michoacanos are the baddest,cruelest,most vicious,most brave blah blah blah yawnnnn

    5. FM is the standard for how to operate a profitable and tactically superior cartel.
      Michoacanos are so thuggish n ruggish they get into with each other but just mano a mano in harmony like some real thugs down to the bone. Michoacanos know
      what they can get away with because FM behind the scenes everywhere. Anything CJNG got their hand in Michoacanos have free access to. Michoacanos rarely need to cross anything themselves.
      When Michoacanos do cross its mostly to party and pluck gueritas and to make sure everything is running according to plan. No one can ever hijack my signature because im the 100% realest motherfucker that ever blessed these pages and puro Michoacan!!! All you norteñita fans have to go change your panties now.

      Semper Fi

    6. 1:40
      Roger that,
      parece un semper fi fugazi..
      Different syntax, writing style too forced and lacking in fluidity, this individual is quite possibly a copy-cat imposter, but let's give the kook his own chance to shine in this freaky alien world that is known to the cognoscenti as the BB comments section..

    7. Hahhaha at this point anything Semper fi posts is comedy lol

    8. thats you huh Mencho

  12. It’s sad that people are so uneducated on the rich history that this part of Mexico offers. These tunnels predate the existence of these cartels. They might of have been used by the cartel but as my grandfather said… esos son desde el año de caldo… meaning they are old. This media campaign is being set up by the government to send in state police who is obviously part of the narco-government. For anyone that has never been to Teocaltiche, know that it was a peaceful and beautiful place with a rich history! We hope that this will end and that we can get back to what it once was!

    1. I've wanted to touch on that but I didn't know how to approach it. Old towns were built around a basílica or a cathedral. Surrounding basílicas were interconnected to each other and/or the main cathedral if terrain permitted. Some connections were added with time and these get a bit mysterious 👻 but they tend to lead into "rich" houses and fincas. Most still standing. Some stretches are open to tourism but most likely it's a newer addition for that purpose. They don't want the general public knowing the whole system.
      No way in hell is your average starvin Marvin sicario capable of building a tunnel. They struggle digging half a foxhole if they bother at all. It really is sad to hear elders express dissatisfaction with what these portoleros have made of their towns. But word on the streets is Teocaltiche people really don't want to trade in that cds faction for anything cjng.

  13. In other news aka "El memo" berly survived an armed attack in private clinic in tapachula chiapas. He is the jefe de plaza for CJNG . Probably la mayiza was behind the attack

    1. Same user here . Also la kena 19 left a narco manta In Jimenez Tamaulipas for El Flaco acussing him of having the Marines in his payroll

  14. There is 2 videos going around of CJNG sicarios running from a topon with Mexican authorities. One was in Zacatecas and the other in parral chiapas . But I thought all the CJNG sicarios where elite and delta and special forces?

    1. Let’s the see the videos

    2. 2:38 shit the only true elites are watching Don Menchos back, the rest are no better than the rest of the cartels, how many time have we not seem the same from all other cartels hit men? They all run

    3. 8:00 all the big narcos have ex military watching their back no just mencho . But you are right all of them run CJNG cds cdg cdn you name it .

    4. 8:00 bravo aponte and fantasma from chapos sicarios had higher rank then some of the original zetas

  15. I wonder what happened to El Aguila Coronel. Wasn't he supposed to lead Cartel del Pacifico after Nacho Coronel's demise?

  16. A el no lo mataron fueron 2 escoltas saludos de los altos

  17. I wonder? if you would keep up with you’re narcology you would know that he is currently running a successful operation for big MZ in the southern states of Jalisco everything that involves handling politics in government to routes from ports to airports and managing warehouse mega labs further down south. Not all cartels are into 50 armored cars and decapitations with videos fighting over who is going to sell on which corner

  18. Is this the guy taking on el grupo de Los Cheetos ?

    1. Estan en Caliente contra grupo Takis.

    2. Por ahi dicen que Fuerzas Especiales Sabritas anda midiendo a ver con quien se une.

  19. Mataron a el hijo del flama.. saludos desde teocaltiche

  20. Word in the streets is that he’s still alive

  21. i hope that they all kill each other off completely both parties evil we dont need all those terrorist


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