Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Talk About A Bunch Of Broke Bitches

"Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat

An audio has surfaced of Gumesiendo Pérez Maya aka Commander Gumez from the Grupo Escorpiones asking his mob to provide him with some stolen trucks. 

The armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo doesn’t want just any truck either. The requested pickups need to have distinct features for the number of men he plans to transport. 

Video translation is as follows:

I’m also needing a truck. This particular truck isn’t going to be given to me for free either. It’s not going to be given to me for free. Ok? It will be paid for. I’ll pay $6000 up to the last one that’s brought to me. I’m paying $6000 for every truck that’s brought to me. 

It has to be 4X4, I need it to have 4 doors, I don’t want it to be a single cab truck either. I definitely don’t want it to be a single cab truck because 4 bodyguards wont fit in there. Ok? I’m asking for this as a favor. 

It’s been a month now that I’ve asked for this and a truck hasn’t been provided yet. Ok? Otherwise I’ll have someone buy it for me and I just won’t pay a fucking thing afterwards. Ok? If I have to talk to you guys like this because this is what you want to hear then so be it. 

I remember when La Droga (Oscar Antonio López Sandoval aka La Droga / Ciclón 89) was around. And he would tell you guys: I want a truck, I want that truck within a week. And you guys had to fucking come through for him with his request. 

But the things is I’m not La Droga. I’ve never asked you guys for firearms, ammunition, anything for that matter. Or tell me, when have I ever asked you guys for anything? If I’ve ever asked you guys for anything go ahead and tell me about it. 

This way I can let my boss know that I’m in the wrong here because I’m asking you guys for stuff. As far as things go I can’t authorize anything on my own here. I have a boss and that’s El 19 (Jose Alberto Garcia Vilano) and I get my orders from him. Ok? I don’t make any moves without first consulting with him. 

Everything that I do is with his permission only. Ok? I need an answer within this week about these trucks. Ok? I have about 80, 180 operatives here. This is a combined total between point men and river crossers. I don’t think that I’ve ever been provided a truck for any of these men. 

I don’t want it for free either. I’m going to pay for it, I’m going to pay for it. I would like this matter to please be resolved. I need an answer now. Who’s going to provide this for me, who has what I need? I don’t want promises either. None of this so and so told me talk. I want that truck now. I’d like to hear: you know what your truck’s here. Ok. I’ll pay you for it right now. 

Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas 

Código Mx  Tamaulipas En Riesgo


  1. Any news on the super athletic commander?

    1. Estos son los putos que estan robando las trokas de las familias visitando sus seres queridos, aver don verga Mayo a limpiar mi vale donde vergas estan. Andan valiendo verga supiendo videos de un solo quemado segun del CJNG, maten estos putos ratas

    2. orale pinche gente

    3. Que pinchi gente ni que vergas, jalese Viejo arria con la tarria

  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 cheap ass $6,000 pesos for a four door 4x4 "i dont want it for free ill pay 6,000" 😂😂😂😂 mejor me la quedo y que se valla a la verga, thats why the metros are working with Don Mencho, cause the rest of the golfos are broke, i wonder how much those estacas are geting payed, $300 pesos if they make it out alive? I much rather work as a helper in construction, i thaught Escorpiones were rich and didnt need to fuck with the normal citizens, lla ven culeros si quieren que ahiga feria en Tamaulipas dejen a un verdadero cartel trabajar, no a estas lacras

    1. Dice 6 mil dólares

    2. 9:31 o perdon guey, entonces si combiene, $6,000 dolarotes por una 4x4 cuatro puertas 🤣🤣🤣 entonces so tienen feria esos muertos de hambre, roba carros 😂😂😂😂

    3. Todavia es poco regalada pues por que se las llevan del EU
      en EUles dadren esa feria sin el peligro de compas como este haha

    4. 9:52 guey $6,000 pesos son como $355 dólares, ya fueran mamadas de estos tlacuaches pedir una 4x4 de 4 puertas en esas migajas aunque fuera robada.

    5. 12:38 Dice 6 mil dolares inutil. Pon atencion. Por comadres como tu empiezan los rumores.

    6. 9:17 Pay attention gossip girl. Cause of geniuses such as yourself not paying attention is how comadres start rumors. You want to talk down on someone but cant even get your shyt right! Talk about lame mfs.

    7. he's talking about paying for stolen trucks. it's probably more than a fair price and he's talking US dollars.

    8. 3:03 jajaja idiota.
      Yo/12:38 también hice el comentario de 9:31. No estés de entrometido bueyon si no comprendes el contexto.

    9. 1:48 Pinshi inutil. Vete al parque a jugar tus jueguitos. Esta pagina es para adultos, pinshi niñito miado

  3. That’s $6000 pesos!? Six mil ? Or dollars!??

    1. Lmao… I imagine it’s dollars.. if it was pesos, that’s be like $300 five or take…

    2. It's dollars, he clearly states it on the recording.

  4. Where is the 🧜‍♂️ guy?

  5. "pateros" means river crossers

    1. Good looking. Was debating on the meaning with myself about that one.

    2. Otro jajaja 3:08
      Me dices inútil pero ni sabes lo que son "pateros"🤔🧐

  6. Absolutely hilarious, what's the point of being a drug dealer if you're hustling backwards?

    Enjoy your stolen truck asshole.

  7. It’s hardly worth calling these guys a cartel anymore… CDG is effectively finished; they area a group of feuding marauders now… 🦉

  8. Yea, I see El primito overpowering these broke escorpiones soon

    1. I'm sure that Primito steal his cars also. Let's not pretend that Primito's faction, Los Metros buy their trucks...

    2. It’s we’ll know all cartels use stolen trucks … there’s a huge amount of trucks stolen in the US that get brought down to Mexico why pay for a new one when you can pay cheaper price for a stolen one ?. It’s not like these guys are worried about doing things legally .

    3. 1:55 AM $6,000 for a 4x4 4 door pickup truck that is a bum offer. That is why everyone is kind of shocked. I bet he can get a 4 door sedan for that amount. Stolen or not If he ain't paying atleast $10000 he ain't getting shit.

    4. @5:17 $10k for a stolen car? If i'm part of the mafia, I'm sending a guy to steal one in the next 5 seconds. It's not like it's super hard to rob a car in Mexico...

    5. 6:28 AM I don't think he wants to steal from the locals in his area. Rio Bravo is at war with Reynosa. Only explanation why he isn't getting what he wants is because he is offering less than others.

    6. 6:28 yea but he is not sending his guys, he is trying to buy them from guys who donit all the time, now tell me if you were a car thief who would you sell it to? A guy who is gonna pay you $6,000 or a guy who is gonna pay you $10,000? Its a no brainer, that's probably why no one has sold him a truck in a month

  9. Metros ain't even worried about escorpiones.

    La kena singlehandedly betrayed the "cupula" of los escorpiones till he became leader.

    I remember escorpiones when TT⚡️🌪 was alive.

    1. And who and how did he betray them???

  10. I got to mini Cooper’s pink

    1. Give you 600 dollar for both

    2. Id love to see a bunch of ak-47 toting sicarios pop out a a couple of Pink Mini Coopers with a straight face 😄 ….. talking bout “ you ever had you shit pushed in” …. “Big time bro”😄🤣
      “Fucking Caitlyn Jenner Cartel “😄

  11. It would be embarrassing to be in this cartel, while other cartels supply everything you need or could ask for. Then you get this broke ass failed cartel where the boss is begging for free trucks from his foot soldiers. Next up he will charge a weekly fee to be in the broke ass cartel. Scorpions are now the B.A.C broke ass cartel. Guys can you all borrow $20 from your moms for monsturo gas? Look under the couch for some spare change.

    1. I have a feeling we’re gonna be seeing a “ GoFundMe” page set up by this vato…… the title will read “ Needing Help Buying 4x4 Trucks to Commit Homicides”🤦‍♂️😒😂

    2. 12:59 all cartels have their guys providing stolen trucks to them n they pay cheap change if any but u acting all surprised u must b a newbie

    3. How are they broke??? You mfs make no sense. He clearly states he'll pay for them. But you guys are such clowns that you guys start trying to clown and talk shyt even when you're making and twiting shyt up. Just gossiping like a bunch of insecure little girls. Keep to the facts and be realistic instead of starting rumors. And not just about this shyt, I'm talking about everything you mfs come on here commenting about. Use your brains, no matter how little you seem to have, and pay attention to what is said! Not all cartels have car thieves in their cells. Some have business arrangements with car thief rings. Remember that they get into it with police, army, etc. and have to bail on them trucks, or some become inoperable, etc. They loose trucks and those trucks have to be replaced. It's an on going cycle. Actually putting some thought into the situation instead of jumping to conclusions and/or blurting out the first reaction you get would keep you from looking as stupid as you usually do.

    4. Sumbody needs a candy bar and a nap..

    5. 12:59 😂😂

    6. 4:04 hey bud im not a broke ass dude but if you bring me a real gucci bag ill pay you $5 for it, i dont want it free im gonna pay for it, i need about 20 of them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. 4:04 when i go broke i wont say im broke, but there will be signs "ill pay $6,000 for a stolen four door 4x4 truck" 😂😂😂

    8. @4:04pm Commandante Gumez…. We know that’s you bro 🤣 There isn’t anyone in their right mind who would defend a piece of shit that much, but the actual guy .The fact that your worried about people starting “ rumors “ means so much to you tells me you either are the actual guy in the recording , or someone who will be directly affected by there’s rumors…. Hell, the guys aren’t bringing him the cars are laughing at his cheap ass , just like everyone else on this page 😄
      I have a feeling you won’t even read this because your out and about right now , stealing the trucks yourself for him/yourself 🤦‍♂️😂

    9. 4:04 Calm down Comandante broke ass 😂

  12. Immigrants visiting family in Mexico on fancy cree cab 4x4 trucks is a major problem .....THOSE ARE THE MOST DESIRABLE TRUCKS FOR GUNMEN IN MEXICO

  13. Matamoros boss of everyrhing that crosses the river. Broke no but cheap yes

  14. Viva Sol Prendido - best headline writer at BB

    1. Viva Eva Peron!
      Viva Sol Prendido for the next president of Mexico.
      Obradors time is almost up, and badmouthing, a female hopeful candidate.

  15. We’ll be seeing this dude in a video here soon. That’s actually embarrassing for a “boss” wtf

  16. No le han llevado una troka en un mes porque el primito les esta pagando lo triple, los metros son los de la feria, los escorpiones son los pordioseros

    1. Ja! Chistosito. Entonces el primito anda pagando $18,000 por una troca robada. Que pendejo es entonces. Las puede agarrar mas baratas en las paginas de las redes. Con razon que aveces no trae para pagarle a su gente.

    2. 4:09 cuando ahi feria $18,000 es como quitarle un pelo a un gato, en cambio para las 🧜‍♂️ eso es gastar todos tus ahorros 😢

    3. Que tiene usted primo es una troca robada. Mi Primo les llevaba a los de Camargo suburbans de la agencia por $2,500.00 cada una y tu que $18,000.00 de ese casa you les viendo mi high country y la reportó robada

    4. 7:44 no mame compa se lo estan cogiendo y ni vacelina le estan poniendo, es mas hasta le estan hechando un puño de tierra para que le raspe

    5. 7:44 Se nota en cliente que la mayoria de esta gente ni sabe como es el pedo. En Los Angeles, una 4x4 de cuatro puertas te dan 6,000 dolares pero tiene que ser un 2018 para arriba. Ni quieren trocas mas viejas. Y aqui se les hace barata. Gente alucin wue no sabe que se mueve el pedo. Quieren que pagues como si la estubieran sacando del dealer. Ni la piensa esta gente, nomas corren la mamadora.

  17. Cartel de Golfa es una pandilla, no es cartel.

    1. 9:32 se partieron en mas de 4 facciones, solitos se cogieron

  18. You know how many people will take their truck to Mexico get the 5 racks they've been paying for calenturas since the 90s and and still do the Ins claim and get a new truck aside from the ones stolen directly from the factories in Sonora and chihuahua

    1. 6:49 yea a bunch of broke ass fools

  19. Nothing new here, when the cdg/z were in Piedras they ask for trucks/cars every 15 days.

  20. Why does it say 64 comments, but only see about half of that.


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