Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 20, 2023

Woman Dismembered by CDN was the Alleged Cousin of a CDG Figure

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat  

Special thanks to Redlogarythm

Cártel del Noreste (CDN) claims that the woman they dismembered last week was actually a mole. They allege the woman was a cousin of a Cartel del Golfo (CDG) leader who sent her to infiltrate their group and send back information.

The CDN Message 

Last week, Borderland Beat covered a set of dismembered female remains which were left scattered across various locations near a highway in Tamaulipas along with multiple signs from CDN. Initial images of the signs were censored and we did not publish a message translation in our initial article.

A few days ago, uncensored images of the remains emerged online (posted at the bottom of this story). Telegram channels and Twitter users (such as No me Sigas) published transcripts of the signs (or possibly a follow-up message) that were left along with the remains. The messages on them reads as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido:

What do you think about your morning gift? You fucking dumb ass kids need to realize that in order to infiltrate our ranks you still have quiet a ways to go. What happened here is proof that you’re willing to risk the lives of your own family members. Juanita Martinez Roque was stupid enough to think that she could just join us with that name of hers. Her cousin Omar Martínez Martínez, aka El Man, from Abasolo, Tamaulipas sent her. Omar is a commander for the Cartel del Golfo in the Jimenez, Tamaulipas plaza. 

By not having the balls to face us yourselves you’ve sent cannon fodder instead. You should know by now who’s in charge of the Texas zone. I’m the boss. You guys don’t have what it takes to come out from behind the fucking wood line where you’re always hiding. We’ve left for you gang of cowards this big gut bitch Juanita Martinez Roque. She’s a relative of Omar Martinez Martinez aka El Man. We know that you had sent your cousin to Reynosa and Matamoros to gather intel from the bosses, commanders, accountants, etc. 

All this on the account of you thinking about betraying everyone and causing disorder the moment payroll or a meeting was held. You tried that maneuver with us. But it failed you faggot because you ran into a wall with us. Your fucking trickery was quickly detected. She was left in pieces for you so that you can come pick her up afterwards. Omar, once you decide to come out from hiding in the woods we can meet up for that armed confrontation. I’ll be waiting for your pissed stained ass. 

Yours truly, 

Commander Terco

Cartel del Noreste Special Forces Operation Texas

Tamaulipas Código Rojo has noted that the man wearing the white gloves is likely to have been the man who did the bulk of the dismembering process. 

The CDN figure “Terco”*, who proudly signed his name on these messages, is a man named either José Raúl Martínez Rico (according to Twitter account El Guzman) or Ruben Martinez Trejo (according to Frontera Rojo Vivo). 

El Terco has been written about in narco blogs for at least four years now, meaning he is likely an established figure within the organization. When he first appeared on the scene, he was said to be operating as a hitman in Miguel Aleman, Mier, and Nuevo Laredo.

He was allegedly close to the leader of Tropa Infierno, Fernando de Jesús Hernández Adame, alias “El Werko”, and the overall leader of CDN, Juan Gerardo Trevino Chavez, alias “El Huevo” - both of whom are currently in prison. 

Who Are They Talking About

So, the message claims the deceased woman was named Juanita Martinez Roque, and that she’s the cousin of a Cartel del Golfo figure named Omar Martínez Martínez, alias “El Man”. It also alleges that El Man currently operates in Jimenez, where he works as a plaza boss. Jimenez lies in the center region of the border state of Tamaulipas, as seen on the map below. 

Unfortunately, there is no information on El Man online outside of coverage of this narco message. But if the message is correct and El Man does operate in Jimenez, then it's likely that he works under the two CDG leaders Pablo Missael Ramos Lara, alias “Pantera 24”, and Andrés Zamora Casados, alias “El Campesino”.

The two men were allegedly identified as the CDG Centro-faction leaders for the larger Abasolo, Jimenez, and Aldama region in a government document released in June 2020, according to newspaper Union Jalisco

It's important to note that CDN’s claim about the woman being related to El Man could be untrue. This whole story of an infiltrator may have been created to lessen the amount of heat they’d receive for killing a woman. 

Law enforcement authorities have not yet released the name of the victim, but when they do, we will find out if there is truth to their claim.

*Note: There are variations in the spelling, with it being spelled “El Terko” in previous articles and “El Terco” on the March 2023 signs. 

Warning: Extremely graphic images below this point.


  1. Absolute carnage these people walk amongst us everyday!!

    1. Not carnage, it's a way of the life , just like in the wilderness , hungry like the wolf.

  2. They even took her skull out of her skin?
    Terko putting himself on front street tells you he gives zero fucks

  3. They did some serious cutting to this woman

  4. El Terco/Terko will soon be missing half his cranium from a projectile impact if he's lucky. He just may end up the same way as this lady but also burned to ashes. Not for who the victim was but for how he killed her.

  5. Looks like something straight out of Texas chainsaw massacre. You gotta be sick in the head to do that to someone. I don’t see the point anymore. Why not just kill her and be done with it ?

    1. Dude , these guys are psychopaths by now , plus they are in drugs when they do this kind of stuff

  6. They say death takes you to a better place but I doubt it.

    1. - immortal techique

    2. Immortal Technique half Peruvian half black confused rapper who claim both Christianity and Islam while Spanglish 😂

    3. 6:29 pm immortal technique is not half black lol

    4. Never done ayahuasca I take it

    5. Who cares if he’s blacked or not Immortal technically trash just like 6:29 stated a confused clown ass vato!

    6. Immortal technique is Peruvian and Mexican and is the best rapper dead or alive.

  7. Terco must not sleep at night knowing these could be his same faith if caught by CDG

  8. Maybe because I am not a Mexican Cartel member, I think this way, BUT murdering a woman is off limits for me. An aggressive scary talk with her should have been enough, or MURDER the member who put her up to Spying.
    Did she have children she was trying to support,by chance?
    Those are the thoughts which go through my mind.

    1. 3:57 Mexican cartels don't think the same way you do specially cjng....but if a female is involved in the game acting as sicarias they should be treated as a man

    2. 4:35 this has nothing to do with CJNG but since u braught it up, CDS gives 0 fucks when it comes to killing woman, specially raping teenage girls who dont do as they say, pretty much CDN, CDS and CJNG are the same shit different names but at the end of the day they are the same shit

    3. 7:53 did you just called me a CJNG cheerleader? i did mention that CDN, CDS and CJNG are the same shit, i dislike every criminal group the same i see NO difference between all of them

  9. I'm kicking it in Modesto eating a mango sorbet. I lost my appetite.

    1. Hey Modesto is where the Scream movies take place.

  10. Who ever particpated in this cutting lost their soul long humanity inside

  11. Wtf is that thing between the eyes n skull in the last picture???

  12. They weren't happy just shooting her they cut her up with a chainsaw these guys must be on drugs 24-7 looks like a war on the horizon will send the border into more chaos worse than bagdad on the 20 th anniversary.

    1. If she was very lucky she got a bullet but very unlikely that was the case

    2. 4:45 she was dismembered by knife

    3. Body is showered in blood which points to her being dismembered alive

    4. You got to understand mexico is blood beef deep grudges on all sides

    5. @9.14. No, it doesn't. It just means she was dismembered reasonably quickly after death in a place where the blood could pool. Everybody on here sounds like they are looking for every possible sign that it was done while she was alive.

    6. 7:16 sounds like a newbie 🤦‍♀️, so u really think she got shot dead?? There's a 99.99 chance she was beheaded alive n that is called being dismembered ALIVE....just go back to ur novelas

    7. @8.02. I never said anything about her being shot dead. You heard of Asphyxiation? A body being covered in blood is NOT an indication that they were dismembered alive. I've seen dozens of these bodies while police waited for permission to investigate, long before gawking pricks like you could get the chance to speculate.

    8. 3:37 u still sound like a newbie Mr super Mexican cartels try to induce as much pain possible to their victims n asphyxiation is an ease way out for victims...this is not the US where CNN brainwashes dummies like u easily

    9. @2.42. ''Mr Super detective''? Idiot, I was mocking whoever it was who thought they ca tell how somebody died because of how much bllood gets released when they are disposed of in a safe house bath. I've been kidnapped and beaten till I can't walk. I still can't wear two shoes. I have seen these bodies, in person, in Mexico, before the police- who we slowly dove past waiting a mile away, along with the emergency services, both waiting for permission from the local mobs to clean up. It not always about inflicting pain, it's about making people think you have inflicted pain, making fools like you panicky and afraid and slack-jawed about how cruel they are. ''Signs of torture'' was often just bruises on the body from resisting being bundled into the back of a vehicle, and the local police representative would shout about the ''torture'' so loud when the local businessmen came to trade favours with the journalists that nobody could say anything in public to discredit what they said. Stop believing everything you read, but above all stop watching and speculating on this shit.

  13. This is diabolical . A lot of cartel members practice "La Santa Muerte " also "Santeria" they are Satanist. They recieve drugs as payment and get high while commiting these atrocities.This is also a form of psychological warfare to intimidate the competing cartels and the general population.There is also techniques learned at the School of the Americas! Death squads training. The Guatemalan Kaibiles are known for their brutality and many work for the cartels.

    1. @5.08 Santeria has nothing to do with Satan, and if you fear it it's because you don't understand it. Your comment sounds like a tabloid panic attack. You should have mentioned Lazca eating juicy male buttocks in his tacos.

  14. Bless his little soul ~ el terko wearing baby braces.

    Canadian girl 💋

    1. 7:58 yes this dumb MF worries about his grill while risking getting his brains blown out by MARINA. I know it's among the most common last names but a Martínez killed another Martínez that was sent by another Martínez Martínez to "infiltrate" CDN. Don't doubt for a second this wouldn't have happened even if they were all related.
      Hopefully when he's in his death topon he's carrying the rifle he's the least capable with since he's pictured with both left and right ejecting ARs.

  15. This was the most brutal that ive seen, and most likely done while alive. Dark joints indicate old blood n bruising. Not that i agree w all of that, but how do you think they felt about the one who prolly acted like a friend but all the time betraying them ALL? No mercy & message sent to all future spies! Rough racket, heh?

  16. My question would be if it's true that a comandante that's allied to Matamoros would be in communication with Los Metros?

    1. It wouldn't bu unusual if someone is in contact with Matamoros and Metros. Especially with primito running the Metros. Metros have aligned with Matamoros before. And some from Matamoros have fought in Reynosa for the Metros, mostly fighting other Metros

  17. Que chinguen su reputa madre los cdn jotos. Y tu tambien sol por no subir el comentario alv.

    1. Pero porque tanto coraje muñeca? Te metieron los dedos mal o qué chingados? 🤣

    2. Sol I can't stop laughing 🤣😂😂😷.

    3. I can see why 9:59 is behaving in that manner.......
      His brain is not yet sensitized to see death pictures, what happens is that he wants to,brake out his wierd feeling, on someone and it's happens to be Sol, will be the punching bag, his mind don't want to believe what he saw, but Sol did not do this article. And it does give a warning of graphic pictures, but he chose to scroll anyway.

    4. 😂😂😂😂 this comment went south really quick

  18. Mexico has shown over decades it is not capable of becoming a normal country without external help, and AMlo refuses all help, while having no idea how to solve this sickening state of affairs or any serious desire to solve it. The same goes for all Mexico's politicians and government. When will this end?

    1. 3:24
      Most of the presidents of Mexico are puppetized to do, what the old military generals want him to do and say, then he must please the Cartels that pay the most bribes to curupt government officials. Finally at the end he reads the speechwriter words and dishes out, was is said.

    2. It will end when americans accept their responsibility regarding guns and finally go after the money of bribed mx politicians. Thats the kind of support mexico needs.

    3. 7:19 🤣🤣 lol
      Americans accept responsibility regarding guns?? Lol
      Straw buyers mostly Latino are buying the guns and Ammo, which are being smuggled into Mexico, by the hundreds.
      You should be crying to the Mexican government, for not fully staffing, thier border checkpoints, coming into Mexico.

    4. 9:44 you should also be crying to the USA because they cant stop the drugs going up north just like Mexico cant stop the guns going down south

  19. But Almo has made a public Safety comment, before Spring Break comes, that Mexico is safe. Nah no killings, nah there's no butchering of ladies in Mexico.
    No Fentynal is not made in Mexico.
    And also says homicides are high in USA.
    Are there a lot of morons that believe everything he says???

  20. If she was a spy just send away or at worst hang her from a rope But Don't cut her up like cannibals the cartels have crossed the line from being low level under the radar trafficker s to cannibals they need to be stopped if Mexico can't do it let the USA do it bad enough they sends drugs overseas they mix it with too many chemicals killing too many people attracting too much heat.

    1. 10:11 Yes Mexico has captured national attention on kidnapping and drugs. US Congress Men have open the door to action, since the President of Mexico, can't have it's government to do the job. Look how defensive ALMO got, when US says they will take action. He wants no intervention, curupt officials want the bribes to continue, so nothing is going to be done.
      Cut up of ladies will continue, and no action will be taken by local police or government.

    2. Oh sweet fukn lord above.. Hanging her from a rope would be ''at least'', but don't cut her up when she's already dead? Cannibals? Everything you said after that point shows CANNIBALS that you have no idea AZTECS what you are CANNIBALS talking about.

  21. What is opertativa texas. Are they out of the actual state of texas./

    1. CDN group that works along the border with TX

    2. I've actually been reading that it's guys associated with Padilla and Jimenez area. It's all just rumors at this point though.

  22. I don't think they should send her body, for family members to claim. They should not even think of open casket, with the glass cover. With the condition she is, it's best for cremation. Which is the cowardly bastard Cartel that did this?

    1. Ahhh ok thanks for the information.
      CDN we don't hear much about this cartel.

    2. 2:09 well human rights are on their nutts in Nuevo Laredo

    3. Why did they have to kill Flaca just because she poeised with a rifle and big smile dont mean she was a killer

  23. I dont hear much about Cartel del Noreste. When I see some news about them here in BB, its probally about a confrontation with the army that went wrong and they loose like 4-5 members in one shootout. This one was brutal anyways.

    1. If you want to read up, here are some articles I'd recommend:

      This covers an alleged split within the group

      A review of their operators in Frontera Chica

      The under-discussed issue of CDN corruption of politicians

    2. Thank you Hearst

    3. I wonder how these monsters going to say when they face God in the courtroom of God.Gods fingerprint is in All of Gods creation, the golden ration, Fibonacci sequence marking His glory. It’s bad enough you kill, but defiling His work is another

    4. hearst welcome back, is that true you like to go to Cancun alot?
      They say its full of criminals too

  24. These cartel bosses don't touch anything they just order why don't they kill and move drugs across if they think their so tough and smart But alone in a US jail cell they are nobody they go PC just like the Trevino's having jr hitmen to wack people in Laredo and stabbing captured people in Nuevo Laredo.

  25. Christ on his throne, Mexico is out of control


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