Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 6, 2023

Aguascalientes: CJNG Video Message For The Ministerial Policemen Cartel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A lone man records a video with the use of a phone of assassins from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. The shadow of his presence can be seen at the bottom of the right side of the screen at 11 seconds into this broadcast. 

Numerous armed men with a variety of high caliber rifles are standing. Several are on the ground in the prone position. All men hold their positions in silence while the cinematographer documents the threatening verbal communique. 

Video translation is as follows:

Good afternoon. Today is February 3, 2023. This message is addressed to the Ministerial Policemen Cartel. Inspector General Jorge Cano Guerra, when you detain our boys and take them to the prosecutor's office you and your team are in charge of planting drugs and torturing my men. Remember that you are very much like a clock, we know all your movements. This is on account of the fact that you received monthly payments of two hundred thousand pesos to let us know all the movements of your department. 

Agent Carlos Adrián Andrade Palos, you are in charge of threatening our boys. Don't stick to your own luck. Because you're all a gang of faggots. Tomo, don't bother being angry. You know you were getting your monthly paychecks. You wanted to betray us but things backfired on you. What is it that bothers you the most? That one of my guys hit you and three other guys on September 30th?

I didn't ambush them as you say. We only defended ourselves. Federico Jauregui, your inspector from the town of Calvillo, an informant for El Valente and a member of Mario Gonzalez's mob. I'm going to fucking kill you out of pure pleasure. And he who warns in advance isn't a backstabber. Don't rely on the bravery of others. Don't ask for help from the National Guardsmen or the military either. 

Our respect goes out to those individuals. They're not aware that you guys are scumbags here. You should expect to hear from us soon. We, the CJNG are the most powerful cartel. We don't kidnap or extort. The citizens of this state know that we're just here to help. We are the absolute mob of El Mencho.

Sicarios all scream: We are the absolute mob of El Mencho.

Lobo 2 Sur Este Zac


  1. Has Aguascalientes had many problems with CJNG? From a European perspective it seems gangs in US and Mexico are getting more brazen and Mexican style attacks are spilling into the USA. I don’t understand why USA’s government does not better manage their gun industry because it seems most high powered rifles throughout Latin America and the Caribbean come from the USA??

    1. 2:10:
      That's misinformation. Most traceable firearms come from the U.S. because the U.S. maintains a data base of the serial numbers of all firearms sold in the U.S. Most firearms seized in Mexico are untraceable.
      Firearms in Mexico come primarily from China, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and other countries where they are non-traceable.
      Only about 30% of all firearms seized in Mexico are traceable to the U.S. and that percentage has been declining for several decades.
      Keep in mind that they aren't buying RPG's, grenade launchers, grenades and automatic weapons from Joe's Gun Shop in the U.S. Most of their military grade weaponry comes from Guatemala, Iran, Pakistan, etc.

    2. @2:55;The following Harvard study says between 70 to 90 percent of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico can be traced back to the U.S.:

    3. 7:30:
      That wasn't a study. That was a research fellow claiming statistics with no proof in an article and presentation. She is part of the problem by putting out false propaganda.

    4. @Detroit: Even if you're right, 30% is a significant amount. Its a problem, no matter how you slice it.

    5. The most reliable study comes from STRATFOR more than 10 years ago. They estimated that about 30% of firearms seized in Mexico were from the U.S. About the same time, Mexico stated that about 22% of firearms were likely from the U.S. This is primarily due to markings in English and serial numbers on the firearms.
      The U.S. has stepped up enforcement significantly since then, so currently, probably about 20% of firearms seized in Mexico were purchased in the U.S.

    6. There is no blame game mexicans can focus on without arms or drugs for the state of mexico

    7. There was an article in here a few weeks ago, that a few men from the Mexican military were selling weapons to the Cartels.

    8. @12:54 Ten years ago is an eternity in this business. Almost all armas i see around here come from USA.

    9. Abolish the 2nd amendment. Everyone can keep the weapons he has but there are no new ones. Everyone who thinks he needs one or more weapons already has some. They can then be passed on from father to son. And all of them are also responsible in handling. This means that the weapons can not be lost or stolen. Isn't it?
      Whoever loses a gun is not fit to own a gun!
      A person who has a weapon stolen is not suitable to own a weapon!
      Whoever draws a weapon in traffic is not suitable for the possession of a weapon!
      Domestic violence, not eligible to own a gun.

      There may be SOME reason for having a pistol or rifle at home but there is no reason for having a dozen rifles and pistols.
      Why do you need to be able to buy guns like other people buy shoes?
      And in the dead in the USA and a part of the dead in Mexico each American is responsible, because approx. 50% of the weapons come from the USA*. Pistols, assault rifles and the 50 caliber are almost all made in the USA. RPGs, handguns and machine guns are mostly made in South and Central America.
      *review all the papers about this and you will get 50%
      It should be enough to look at the murder rates in relation to the ownership of firearms and simply compare that with all 1st and 2nd world countries. It should be clear to everyone that there must be a connection somewhere.
      PS: Gun sport got out of control, I like to shoot and have shot everything from pistol to shotgun and assault rifle to a Barrett but I'm glad that you can not just buy weapons here.

    10. 12:18:
      Pulling your sources out of your ass.

    11. Your STRATFOR paper is garbage. In the 90% gun myth, It says 30,000 guns were seized in 2008. So, the most reliable stats we have about the current drug war and gun trafficking is from 15 years ago? The author says of those 30,000 guns seized in 2008, 7,200 guns were then submitted to the ATF of which 3,480 could be traced back to the US. In the very next paragraph he asserts that this means less than 12% of guns could be traced back to the USA. He literally includes 22,800 guns in his analysis as not being from the USA as even though they were never tested or traced by the ATF? So, he makes the assumption that zero of these 22,800 guns come from America when its probably closer to the near 50% rate as the guns that they actually tested and traced.

      You then pull something completely out of your ass that it has probably gone down because of "enforcement". There is a lot of enforcement of fentanyl laws has usage been going up or down over the last decade? Maybe the most insane point you make is that because 90% is a "myth" your magical 22% figure is somehow unimportant and supports your point. If you took 22% of the guns out of cartel hands that 22% probably causes the deaths of thousands of innocent people including many police. The European who asked the question surely thinks that even your mysterious 22% figure is an outragous number of American guns to find their way into the hands of basically terrorists and should still be addressed.

  2. Not another video of Cjng, claiming they come to clean the town, of Rapist, Kidnappers, Extortioners, Murderers yet they do the same.

  3. I believe the name for Federico is spelled Jauregui. There are many members of both the Juaregui and Sandoval families associated with Mario Gonzalez Jr. Actually, both surnames are very common in Teocaltiche.

    1. I updated that info. As things are I'm always on the move while translating these videos. Nonetheless, thank you sir.

    2. Sol stop lying.
      You are probably at home eating tacos and drinking tecate cerveza jaja

    3. Sol is in Arizona drinking tequila and getting ready for the Superbowl. Tickets are only $6,000. Pocket change for old Sol.

    4. Sol is everywhere.
      He is in Ulvavde, Texas
      Wondering why the Chief of police, delayed police entry to the school massacre.

    5. They won't let Sol in Ulvade, Texas. He would probably beat the chief of police's ass and we would have to bail him out of jail.

    6. "Wondering why the Chief of police, delayed police entry to the school massacre"
      Cause they were all shitting themselves,but,dont gloat over children being killed,not cool even for a mexican

    7. Sol was spotted in Bakersfield CA, attending the Strawberry festival, with an entourage of 4 ladies, wearing tight fitting dresses.

    8. 9:00:
      Was it Sol wearing the tight fitting dresses or the ladies?

    9. @9:00 4 ladies huh? Mmm. Si por si me dicen El Tres Patas. 😆

      Damn Detroit I thought we was cool lol

    10. You never looked good in a dress Sol. You look worse naked. Keep your pants on.

    11. I heard Sols very hairy. He was once mistaken for Sasquatch. Don’t run in the woods Sol hehe :)

  4. That's a nice manta. I thought CJNG was just a bunch of pandillas but they're bigger than that.

    ~ALMO nuthugger

  5. Thank you Tere Jimenez for giving the keys to the city to your pal Mencho

  6. CJNG are always snitching, the cartel of rats.

  7. Caro Quinteros brother just got nabbed by police in Mexico city.

  8. Mr. Sol, serious question: would it be out of place to think cjng might actually take over all of Mexico ?

    1. Tried Durango and failed miserably and that was just la puntita 😅

    2. They DEA claimed they overpassed CDS some time back. I'm going to agree with what they said. Obviously CDS couldn't stay on top forever due to their constant betrayals or losses. And CJNG hasn't stopped promoting themselves everywhere they go. They stay continuously putting their rivals on blast with all these video releases.

    3. 8:20 no mames sol, why you breacking CDS groupies feelings by telling the trueth? Dont be like that, you will get a lot of rants from them

    4. Thank you for the response Mr.Sol. One other thought that I have is how CDS , after zetas uprise then fall, didn’t prepare In case another super cartel rose up. And now we see the results. I don’t support any cartel , but I gotta admit that mencho made some smart moves in investing in his cartel the way he has continued build it up in all aspects.

    5. CJNG surpassed CDS in what?? Not in drug trafficking that’s for sure . When the DEA mentions that , they are referring to levels of violence they are more violent ,more flashy of course ! that draws attention from DEA but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what Mayo wants he’s not worried about being #1 on the headlines .. CJNG can have that spot . Don’t be fooled

    6. With all due respect sol but have you not seen how many cjng groups have splintered off because of betrayal in the past year, colima, jalisco alot of infighting that know one talks about. Cds has had its share of betralys in the last decade that is true but they still managed to keep the peace in their state for the most part after the beltran wars in sinaloa

    7. Thats a negative chief .. lol Chapos and mayos beefing themselves a lot of murders in sinaloa as well

    8. Boot lickers they would believe super Mario joined cjng if sol told them

    9. 8:20 Really we will never know because there are many unknown routes bringing in product and end-dealers that get busted don’t know true source. CJNG imo gets most of their revenue from piso y narco tiendas and there are lots of dolars circulating and for sale here in N Sinaloa.

    10. 2:48, Good point. CDS was using trains to smuggle from Mexico to NY from 2000 to 2003 and smuggled 30-50 tons of cocaine. No telling how many routes they employ like this. Mayo and other CDS who have been doing this since the 80s and 90s probably have several methods like this that go uninterrupted - and then there are the tunnels.
      CJNG’s self promotion and killing promo probably makes DEA want to claim every bust is CJNG.

  9. When did borderland beat started reporting again? I thought they stopped

    1. Loyal reader since 2012 here.

    2. they did stop cos they got sued by a narco but been back ages

    3. BB has been glittering, growing in these ages. Where have you been, in a Coma?

    4. Actually since 1921 Otis Flywheel and Buggs have been around and passed it to the next generation.

    5. I been reading since 2014 but when i read that borderland is shutting down i did not realise they would be back i did search after their announcement but the site was blocked im really happy you guys are back

    6. 7.01
      No big deal.
      They went on vacation for a few weeks.
      No big DEAL.

  10. Avanzando hace una bola de mariconadas, bola de hozicones, chismosos, metiches... A, pero cuidado que los critiquen porque hacen sus pinches berinches.

    1. Asi como los chaputitos cuando agarraron al raton?

  11. Caro Quitero brother busted

  12. Gracias señor sol prendido

  13. Citizens of the state you can relax! Because the cjng is here to help! Here to help themselves is more like it. Scum bags have the audacity to claim they are helping. Maybe they think they are changing lives with their once a year small bag of groceries handouts plastered with menchos ugly head.

  14. German guys Im friends with were staying at a beach near Puerto Escondido for 2 weeks when Guardia Nacional rolled in. Last week a dude was smacking around & threatening weed dealers on the beach in broad daylight. People saying it's la Nueva coming in to take over. Those fuckers (doesnt matter which group) destroy every thing.

  15. Caro Quintero’s brother arrested for hiding the plates of his car. Lol. How stupid can he be. Lol.

  16. — La policía de Ciudad de México ha detenido este lunes a Carlos N, un supuesto hermano del narcotraficante Rafael Caro Quintero.

  17. El compa riñones podridos no se raja el gallo

  18. What percent of Americans have heard of CJNG? My guess is 5%. I no longer pay attention to the big cable news shows so I can't say for sure, but my sense from the stuff I read online and watch on YouTube and elsewhere, it seems like coordinated silence at the top with a trickle-down effect on smaller productions. Keeping life simple I guess. 100% pure speculation.

  19. What's the song called in the beginning ANYONE KNOW??


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