By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat
Armed gunmen shot up the exterior of the The Clínica San Fermín, spread flame accelerant inside, and set the building on fire, according to news daily La Silla Rota. There are no reports of injuries or deaths. A video of the attack shows two paper narco messages were left at the crime scene, signed by the CJNG Grupo Elite, a CJNG cell that spearheads their war in Guanajuato.
The video is blurry, but the Grupo Elite's main stock phrase "Remember that all of Guanajuato has an owner" can be seen. This motto appears in the vast majority of their messaging. In 2021, of the 57 narco messages signed by CJNG in Guanajuato, 45 (79%) had this same phrase within them, according to the 2021 Borderland Beat narco message database.
Videos show the burned building but no sensitive content.
Videos from David Saucedo. |
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Image: FGE Guanajuato Twitter |
Latinus also reported that the documents reveal that the hospital was used by the CSRL to treat their wounded members without providing a paper trail. The article shows a photo of the hospital as well as its address.
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Photo: Latinus |
The leaked information was part of the 8 Terabytes of Sedena documents leaked by hacker group 'Guacamaya', who have been releasing information since September 30, 2022. The breach, which contains millions of leaked documents, reveals information about Sedena's capabilities, operations, and intelligence. Carlos Loret de Mola, the founder of Latinus and a harsh critic of the current administration, was the first to report on the leaked documents.
The Guanajuato Context
So far this year Guanajuato has recorded 2,424 homicides, about 10% of the nation's total, according to government data. This carnage is related to the years long brutal conflict between a local organized crime group, CSRL, and the CJNG, which has made Guanajuato the most violent state in Mexico by homicide count since 2018.
This attack is characteristic of the conflict between the the CSRL and CJNG. Most often, these two criminal groups engage in sudden ambushes and attacks on each other's affiliated businesses and members in a manner not too disimilar to a drive-by shooting. This stands out as unique among conflict in other states, where the fights resemble pitched battles, such as in Tamaulipas, or trench style combat, as seen in Michoacán.
Much of the violence is fueled by the fight between these two groups and their allies for control of the state's lucrative Petroleros Mexicanos (PEMEX) pipelines and an expanding market of synthetic drug consumers, Guanajuato security expert David Saucedo told Borderland Beat in an interview.
With information from David Saucedo.
Sources: InfoBae, FGE Guanajuato Twitter, Washington Post, Latinus, La Silla Rota, Informe de seguridad 20 de octubre, WhatsApp communication and past interview with local security expert David Saucedo
But but but I heard CJNG are the good ones, that that they they come to clean the town of criminals.
ReplyDeleteBut but but i heard CDS was in Guanajuato to clean up CJNG
DeleteOh but but I blame Sol for my dog getting fat.
DeleteBut but there’s 3 cartels against Los Jaliscos in gto
DeleteYup I blame Sol for US record high inflation. Jose Biden is the best US President ever so recession is because Don Sol
DeleteI blame Sol for starting the Ukraine War, over 60,000 Russian soldiers have died.
DeleteInteresting that SEDENA has a different name and photo for “Zermeño” than what the Guanajuato Attorney General’s Office put out. Here he is named as Emanuel Rodriguez Zermeño, but the FGE has his name as Santiago Quiroz Zermeño.
ReplyDeleteGreat observation.
DeleteTwo different individuals.
DeleteNo wonder they can't catch him
DeleteCarlos Zamarripa may be contributing to the 'confiusion', he is the boss of all bosses in Guanajuato, and the governor bends over backwards for him.
DeleteCarlos Loret de Moolah and his daddy are but a pair of greedy chayoteros tearing their panties in frustration because bad Evil AMLO refuses to feed their nasty arseholes, Latinus is a corrupt organization full of Neo-Carrancistas fixing to steal México for themselves like old times, along with "El Xicotencal" x gonzalez and his Tullidos por México, puras pinches GUACAMAYAS.
You mean Latin U$? Where they spread fake new$?
Delete10:47 and who from he US has been feeding Latinus millions of dollars???
DeleteWow Destroying a Local hospital that probably help thousands of local poor people and gave jobs is just so F-king low all because you can't defeat your enemy this just proofs SRDL Mercenarios are roaming around and fighting every each of GUANAJUATO that CJNG couldn't scope the hospital and wait for wounded enemy combatants All you Who Defend These Scum I don't F-king know how you gone do it these time 😡😡😡
ReplyDeleteGo fight for your country instead of being all day on BB you CDS fluffer
DeleteShut your pie hole!!
DeleteYou didn't say shit when cds killed the priest in chihuahua or when they kidnap and kill young pretty women!!
If your going to talk shit talk shit to ALL cartels b3cause they are all the same!!
Stupid groupies 🤡
Almost Christmas gold plated malverde dildo for Catalina’s error
Delete5:32 or when CDS touches under age kids
DeleteWait a minute... I'm sure that hospital didn't only serve CSRL... So CJNG burns old, sick people, sick children, out of hospitals. Fukn Disgraceful pieces of shyt
ReplyDeletePieces of shit applys for all cartels including your fav CDS
DeleteTrue Piece's of Shit
Delete4:42 but that's not what this post is about is it? Your whataboutism is not adding anything of value
DeleteI wonder what happened to the "school" our favorite cartel made in Sinaloa? 🤔 i remember it been like 4 sticks with a palm trees leafes as a roof, woop woop hurrey!!!! CDS #1!!!!! On fooling kids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this Hospital was getting money from the Government to help the comunity but instead where using all those reaources to help their injured Sicarios, maybe now all the scumbags that were saved can die and wont shoot up a bar full of people who are not involved in the drug bussiness, and now a leggit hospital can set up and get the funds from the government that they need, plus come on thats not a hospital not even a clinic, thats someones garage 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteThe 100 dollar school made of tarps and tent poles?
DeleteThe funds to treat CSRDL sicarios???….Really??? Are you serious??? They don’t even have that many sicarios for you to be acting like it be jam packed with noithing but injured and dieing sicarios from all the shootouts they get into everyday, 4 or 5 times a day. I’m pretty sure they paid for the services. For the government to provide the money there has to be paperwork, and there wasn’t a paper trail when they treated the sicarios. Did you not read the article??? That clinic, even if it did look like a garage, whether you like it or not treated mostly regular people. So what how it looked. And your heros, CJNG didn’t have to do that. Why not wait for when they show up injured? They know when they shoot it out. Show up at that time. They’ll catch them going in or coming out.
Delete6:07 🤣🤣🤣 and they couldnt afort it! Keep it running 😂😂😂
Delete6:07 esos 100 dolares se fueron para hacer el corrido del raton y JGL, y haci esos morrillos no tengan educacion y piensen que la unica salida es unirse al CDS, asi trabajan esas Sinalocas
Delete7:31 Trust me girl that garage been burned saved more lives than been open, just imagine how infected it was from all thise tecatos been saved there, it was just ticking bomb full of infections, thanks Cjng for cleaning up celaya and all of Guanajuato
DeletePuro CJNG. Los chinolas no la pel……
ReplyDeleteWill start on that right now. Thank you for the tip.
DeletePutamadre, marro brother had just got paid and was on his way to get huaraches machetes y resorteras from the US to carry on with the War.
Deletewhy is it when somebody trashes cjng they feel like they like cds when all cartel are fucking low life tweakers
ReplyDeleteAki en irapuato el doble RR tiene todo calmadon bueno con cuota pues yo soy electrisista y con la cuota mensual trabajamos agusto nos cai la clientela todo en orden . Las 4 letras son de negocio pero si cumplen unos marros quisieron benir a qemarme y quebrar y el chispis comandante de las 4 arremango a la chingada con ellos
ReplyDeletePendejo te debe de dar verguenza decir que pagas cuota joto. Y que clase de cartel le cobra cuota al pueblo. Un grupo criminal jodido com lideres pendejos. Ay mil maneras de hacer dinero sin chingar pueblo.
DeleteTodo cartel cobra couta. Asi empesaron Los cartels de italia y todavia signed igual. Todo Mexico es Comoera italia cuando Era controlado por carteles.
DeleteCartel, mafia es lo mismo
7:31 Trust me girl that garage been burned saved more lives than been open, just imagine how infected it was from all thise tecatos been saved there, it was just ticking bomb full of infections, thanks Cjng for cleaning up celaya and all of Guanajuato
ReplyDeleteWhen the 400 peso a month cjng sicarios go to jail for 20 years it won't be mencho looking after them or their family it will be momma. OK, the boss will look after your wife or girlfriend to do hose chores for him and once he is finished with her he will pass her on to the troops! Y'all know how it works. Y'all take all the risks for a few pesos while Mencho and his family get super wealthy!
ReplyDeleteToday the sun it out, a great day to jog.
Deletenice night for a walk
DeleteNo honor among thieves and when you find out the hard way you will crying to momma! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteOk nut,got that
DeleteIt's probably like an urgent care type of situation
ReplyDeleteDon't wait for the govt to stop the violence, kill the criminals