Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Okmulgee, Oklahoma: "His Body Was Chopped In Half, That Is What Drug Cartels Do"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The bodies of four men were found "chopped in half" in an Oklahoma river. Former FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer said dismemberments like those in this crime are often the work of cartels or organized crime syndicates. 

News Nation


  1. When robbing the dope man goes wrong

    1. Could Be..damn.or an opportunity to of opportunity and showed the homies how they do in mexico.

    2. 07:28 I was thinking the same thing hah crazy 😝

    3. Been out of Mexico for a while. Don't wanna get rusty. Gotta keep those skills sharp.

    4. Four legged Jelipe,
      welcome to BB...

  2. I mean the POI is white so I don't know.

    1. I heard Glambo has family up there in masonry, his little sister recently passed away due to an overdose of somewhat. My respects ✊🏿 killem all brotha

    2. Stevens is a common name in Mexico. I actually saw these people they were very shady.

    3. Dicen que ese tal glambow va terminar con la ch 🍕
      Hagalos garras mi vale 🤠

  3. I had read they all tried to rob the guy and this happened

    1. That seems to be the case. The primary suspect had a previous incident some years prior (2912 i think) where some individuals broke into his property to rob him and he shot them (dont recall if fatally). He ended up losing his self defense argument in court and was charged with some weapon-based assault charges or something. You can google about it to get the exact circumstances.

      It seems a similar situation happened again this time, only instead of reporting to the police about it he tried to cover it up and dispose of the bodies.

      Im just speculating of course, but given that he had gone through a similar ordeal and was screwed over by the justice system he probably did not want to catch more charges so panicked and decided to try a different route this time around.

      Wether or not the susoect was a drug trafficker im not sure, he owns a salvage yard and its possible his salvage yard was being used as a drug wharehouse or something as the victims supposedly implied to a friend they were going to hit a lick (robbery) so big theyd be rich from it. Which makes me think the suspect wasnt solely involved in salvage work, but also if involved in drugs probably not a low level dealer either. A salvage yard would be a good place to wharehouse drugs, they could be transported to the yard hidden inside of damaged vehicles for example.

      Again though just speculating on that. If it was a wharehouse point, its possible some serious criminal entities were involved with the suspect, and could have even offered assustance with body disposal and removal pf drug evidence from the property before police figured out where these victims had visited.


  5. Looks like someone watched the Jeffrey Dahmer series

  6. In Chicago and Detroit BLACK GOONS been robbing Michoacan dudes and CJNG never do anything they might have power in Mexico but in USA they hold no weight

    1. Well have you ever thought that the high number of gun violence victims in black neighborhoods in chicago & Detroit are happening for a reason 🤔

    2. Dude there’s too many nuggets in CJNG that is what the problem with them is.

      Michiocan is made up of indigenous black Mexicans who fight with Cartel Sinaloa Los Chapitos to see who can seek the Aryan Circle Jerk the most meth and fetty

    3. Nobody want admit that but the Black goons runs the shit in the USA

    4. My man that’s them charros from jal. Golfo and CDS don’t play that. Did ya BD messiah get knock off by some golfos 🤣 and I don’t gotta remind you of Kato since we talking about the Chi shit they just sentenced the dudes that kidnapped a slick Rick rican from north filthys kid for acting stupid & last year in Delaware kidnapped a brotha BM for not working hard enough had her ass in Culiacán for a whole yr 😂😂 I shouldn’t laugh tho they just killed my homies bro in jersey 2 months ago for thinking dude was just a landscaper. U want me to keep going

    5. 8:19 you right 💯
      Black mafia runs the shit in the US
      Italian and others are finished

    6. 8:19 Spoken like someone who knows nothing about the game.

    7. Chicago goons are straight dumb. They can make more money with those connections in the long run, but decide to rob them and burn the bridge

    8. They may rob em but they got gangs that work for em too. They easily drop a bag on those black goons heads which end up been killed by other fellow black goon members ......

    9. 9:39
      What an ignorant comment
      Michoacán is not made up of black people in any way not even indigenous people.

    10. The Flores twins ran Chicago are you forgetting that? then tweaked you’re robbing are just that base heads some real cartels members would wipe out your whole block in half a day

    11. 10:45 Not where I’m from..

    12. Yeah keep sayiin that Mexicans are smarter than black people they just waiting for the right time


    14. @12pm …. What do you mean “not even indigenous people” todo pinche Michoacán son puros indios de huarache

    15. 5:47
      I am sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

    16. @6:51
      Mireles, el buki, Lazaro Cardenas etc all look like that? You don’t have balls to set foot in Michoacán scary ass guy!

    17. I doubt cjng is giving any work directly to blacks, Mexicans know to be wary of working with them because 90% of the time they just want to steal the drugs. Only way is thru a middle man that can navigate that shit storm of a “community” and is able to weed out the bajadores

    18. Highly doubt it they more with cool with michoacano pochos than non English speaking chinolas trust

    19. Damn michoacan stay hurting feeling all this downn talk on them lol

    20. 10:43 michoacanos bring it on themselves, always in the comments trying to hype themselves up when nobody even cares about them, super irrelevant.

  7. I bet white man hired and exploited some general labor mexicans to do that dirty work and didnt pay them over time, no way whitey could of done that.
    Lol my bad i had to add that terrible joke.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Of course whitey can, remember Jeffrey Dahmer

  8. And she’s a former FBI agent? Hmmmm

  9. Good luck in federal prison

  10. Dirtbag on dirtbag crime. Race does not need to be brought into this. "Dirtbag" knows no color.

    1. Your stupidity is hilarious
      They’re mexicans

    2. @9:38 your stupidity is outrageous tho lmao they are all white .. the victims and the alleged perpetrator. Pendejo

    3. 9:38 Is always comfortable having someone to blame.

    4. Fuckin clowns on here being brave about race shite wouldn't say shit anywhere else

  11. Whoever did it probably already back in Mexico😂

  12. Why is this on this site? It’s not even Mexican drug or border related other than the execution type of style. Foo just trying to be Michoacáno ruthless

    1. Are you 16 bruh ? Ruthless people are everywhere and anywhere … on the michoacanos don’t intimidate anyone outside of michoacan.. they only scare other michoacanos … FACTS !

      Y Puro LaREDO !

    2. 9:37 if you don't like the article then don't read it, simple as 1 2 3

    3. @10:12 Y Puro LaREDO

      Your that lame that Sol threatened to kick off this site?

      Pinche LaRedo vale pura verga!
      Michoacán always been with the functions and business ruthless asf, deal with it hater!

    4. Laredo?
      Hahahaha this guy. Laredo is not and will never be at the Michoacán gangster level. You have beef with some Michoacános deal with it face to face not on here trying to be tough. In reality you’re a punk and use this site to talk shit.

    5. Lmao .. y’all talk all that noise cause y’all know I’m right when I say that shit .. y’all don’t even try to disprove me .. no hay raza outside of Michoacán that respects nor fears michoacanos ..y’all only scare other huarachudos like y’all selves …everyone else finds y’all grotesquely funny as shit … FACTS

      Saludos de LaREDO !

    6. Come down Laredo you know your butt hurt since you been getting stomped on in your own territory by Michoacános.

    7. Michoacanos swear they some hardcore mfs while being 5’4 with beer bellies

    8. “Michoacan gangster level” 🤣🤣🤣the peak of 99% of michoacan gangsters careers is stealing jale from real gangster traffickers from jalisco, Durango, sinaloa, Tamaulipas, etc basically youre just blood sucking mosquitos/parasites surving off the work of others

    9. 7:54 oh yeah how so? Michoacános take them plazas in all those states you mention and kill off people from those states all the time. You can’t say the same of those states ever controlling Michoacán. Michoacán is a beast that no one can tame. Pinches estados secos o puros gueys monta perros. Estas bien penedjo con puras mamadas!

    10. 8:42 michoacanos aint take none of those plazas besides jalisco and remember when michoacan was full of zetas🤣remember when valencias were on their knees to cds becsuee tbey were exiled from their homestate by a bunch of farmer extorters 🤣remember when botas blancas bitch slapped cuini in front of mencho and yall aint do a damn thing 🤣🖕🏼

    11. Only blood sucking leeches are sinaloas that fuckd up the ice game with cheap numbers bc they couldn't get a piece of the cake the michoacanos had on lock with the g plus all jackers i know are all durango or tamps

    12. 9:10
      When did that happen? If I remember correctly Botas Blancas ran out of Michoacán with her tail between her legs. I’m surprised your comment went through anyone that’s know anything about Mexican organized crime knows Zetas got dealt with brutally by LFM. You one of them bitch bois from Sinaloa or Tamps that run your mouth online but in reality when you see the Michoacános criminals or upstanding citizens you stay all quiet all scared 😱.

    13. 9:10 is mad that Michoacán runs the show

    14. 7:54 stfu chinolas 80 90 percent of income is depended on by michoacan pochos from California if it wasn't for them chinolas would die of hunger more than what they already are learn before u talk and thats a fact there is no cds without michoacanos unque les duela some way some how there is always a "indio michoacano" involved. And that's facts

    15. 10:49 No mms you are straight delusional 😂 no CDS without michoacanos quit smoking meth 😂

    16. Since when is Michoacán even relevant ?? Bunch of aguacate and limón extortionists who can cook a half ass batch of meth… that sums up what Michoacán cartels are all about … so tell me again pendejo how and since when is your shithole state relevant to anyone other cartel that moves serious weight … not one … thank you … y viva las Mariposas de Michoacán valí !

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Bring something meaningful or expect to be taken the fuck out genius

    2. Isn’t that what you told el de LaRedo?

    3. Run heres playboy

    4. Meaningful like all the race shit like that ?

  14. thank you for watching!

  15. SIR had mentioned a sentence of this happenings a week ago and then there was an article about it, that I read......I believe it is the same one.
    Junk Yard owner had people coming in at night stealing car parts.
    They are still investigating weather he chopped them up or hired some to do it.

    LA Nemisis

    1. That was me the midget from B.A.
      918 850 9202

    2. SIR is forget full he can't remember what happened a week ago.

  16. Now this is a case of White folks playing the RACE CARD. They complain when Blacks do it but now they’re doing it. The suspect in this case is actually white

    1. I missed the race card part! Could you please explain to me exactly where that took place!

    2. 12:12 read the comments, Whities some how spinning this case and blaming the drug cartel

    3. If you ever needed proof about racist mexican midgets read BB

    4. Mexicans comin to a city near you,stay in mexico you hate whites so much

    5. 2:55 nobody hates whited off the bat its for a reason, plus most are inclusive. While a Mexican is quick to start a friendship with a white person a white is quick to shut that offer down. Dont play that dumb card, Mexicans are indigenous to this content

  17. The Okies From Muskogee biker(bicycle) gang had a crash!

    1. I think Waylon Jennings said everything bad/wrong he did in his life was Willie Nelson's fault, I blame willie and Waylon for the Ookies from Muskogee.

  18. We don't need your narco corridos
    We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee
    We don't take our trips on LSD
    We don't burn our draft cards down on Main Street
    'Cause we like livin' right, and bein' free
    We don't make a party out of lovin'
    But we like holdin' hands and pitchin' woo
    We don't let our hair grow long and shaggy
    Like the hippies out in San Francisco do
    And I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee
    A place where even squares can have a ball
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse
    And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
    Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear
    Beads and Roman sandals won't be seen
    And football's still the roughest thing on campus
    And the kids here still respect the college dean
    And I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee
    A place where even squares can have a ball
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse
    And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
    And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
    In Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA


    2. We don't need your country westerns
      Don't need your moonshine or tea
      We love tequila n tupac, that's what's up homie.
      We wave our blue rags in Cali, Raiders & Dodgers too
      So go back to your hill, Billy, no one cares about you

  19. I think it's safe to say that all the dirty deeds they were doing or planning put their heads on the chopping block

  20. They brought it up on themselves ... Planning licks usually don't work out most of the time .... Hillbillies miscalculated who they were messing with ... I don't feel bad for em especially since they say it was a luck they were planning ... They got kicked ...

  21. Drug Cartels didn’t started dismemberment. The United States did. It was common practice here in the USA.

    1. Good try fake news influencer, it was never the USA that started, but you being like big nutts Truther, quick to blame everything on USA.

    2. Specially when it comes to southern states and black guys... they loved lynching boys.

    3. What are you talking about? Ahahahah

    4. This was started by the Purepecha of Michoacán that’s their style.

    5. CAF was doing it in the 90s.

    6. Hate to burst your bubble but dismemberment and disobey isn’t nothing new lol africas been doing it since the 80’s

    7. The Romans and Greeks were doing it 2000 years ago.

    8. 2:21 Salomé was not american, but she got the Baptist's head on a silver platter for dropping her panties and a strip tease...
      The Baptist was not the first to lose his head either.

  22. Fingers in the wrong pie. I don't think it was Cartel related, but a copy cat by some badass people who had their own agenda.

  23. It’s weird how this is looking to not be a cartel activity but when his story first broke I could’ve sworn that’s what it had to be.

  24. Sol is a drug junkie

    1. Sorry but I don't believe in drug use. If I ever had one of those incurable diseases I might consider heavy narcotics. Lol. Until then I'm good being being drug free.

    2. Sol knows what’s up 👌 it’s better to be drug free avoid problems that come from that lifestyle. Unless you really are sick there is no need to be a drug user. These fools defending the weed too are weak asf and can’t cope like real men!

    3. Once again people want to blame and use Sol for their problems.

    4. I blame Sol, for running out of gas on the road.

    5. 12:22 Being “drug-free“ is just another extreme with a whole host of unique problems as well. Obviously moderate drug use beats both addiction and sobriety in terms of happiness and well-being.

    6. 4:21 Being drug free is not an extreme and recreational use, and harm reduction, are only temp answers. I've known recreational users of drugs who now regret forever their possession convictions. You have to study the affects and what they encompasse.

    7. 12:30 how are we using Sol?

  25. Dismemberment may have actually started as a "thing" in Korea, under Dynasty from 1800's.

    1. It’s a Mexican thing Michoacán to be precise it’s been going on since before that bullshit you mention. You must be from some other part of Mexico or a foreigner.


    3. The Purepecha is a Michoacán indigenous tribe who was known to be extremely ruthless. I don’t know why you have to link a reference. The purepecha been around for awhile and still exist today.

    4. Actually from everything I’ve read the dismemberment that is commonplace now with cartels was started by Kaibiles with Zetas cartel

    5. 10:11
      I bet it was started , in the UK 1800s with the Giluotine
      Diesmemberment was started in the middle East, and Mexican cartels started to be copycats ever since.

    6. This guy said it started in Michoacán lol

    7. The Pittingell family in Australia was doing it in the 80s and CAF in Mexico in the 90s.

    8. 3:39
      La Familia Michoacána started that shit and made it official when they dumbed those heads in that club. Fuck zetas they got dealt with.
      The Michoacán indigenous tribe were doing the same back centuries.
      3:59, 4:08, and 4:15. Are on some fuckery bogus bullshit!

    9. 4:15 he said that remark because, he want to make Michoacan look bad.

    10. At 6.43 you were not even born, when beheading and dismemberment occurred. Did not originate from Mexico.

    11. @6:39 and 7:52
      Calm down girls don’t get your panties in a bunch. It known that Michoacán is brutal doesn’t mean it originated there but on this side of the world they took it to the next level.

    12. 10:51
      You acting like a fool!
      Everyone has told you, it did not come from Mexico, Mexican cartels are merely copyings others from the past.
      Get your f-head out of the sand.

      It did not originate from Mexico.

      It did not originate from Mexico.

    13. Yeah 1051
      Get your ass together.🤣🤣

    14. 4:08 the Guillotine was invented in France, but the British financed the french revolution to get even for the french monarchy financing the american revolution for independence...
      I guess Bladdermir Putin is scared shitless for financing the Trumpanzee Revolution to "Stop the Steal".

  26. Crips, Bloods, and Gangster Disciples are big customers of mexican drug cartels.

  27. Oklahoma is a failed state

    1. 12:07 Oklahoma never was a State, puro pinchi desierto used to get votes, that's it.

  28. I Don’t Know Or Understand Why People On BB Are Still Making The Comments About Race. I Feel Like Some People In The Comments Don’t Know Or Understand The Meaning Of White Supremacy. Which is The Belief That Only White People Are Superior To Those Of Other Races And Thus Should Dominate Them.Racist People Hate Any Other Races That Are Not White Period In My Opinion And From What I Have Seen In The United States The Two Races That Are Hated The Most Are African Americans And Mexicans They Don’t Want Any Of Them In America. Just Look At What They Are Doing
    Treating Immigrants Like They Are Cattle Flying Them And Putting Them On Buses Because They Don’t Want Them In There States All For Political Gain and Favoritism From The White Nationalist And Neo-Nazis.
    I Just Really Hope That Everyone That Makes Comments About Race Understand That White Nationalist Have Just As Much Hatred For Mexicans And Every Other Nationality That’s Not White. And From What I’ve Seen In The Past From Some White Nationalist They Have Had More Hatred For Mexicans Then African Americans Racism Or Having Hate For Anyone Because Of Their beliefs Or Choices About Their Life’s Is Fucking The Stupidest Thing In The World To Me And I Will Never Understand How Or Why Someone Can Hate Someone Else Because Of The Color Of Their Skin Or Nationality That’s Some Shit I Don’t Really Want To Understand Because If You Can Hate Someone Because The Color Of Their Skin You Are Fucking Dumb As Shit And Your Life Is Fucking Measurable. And As Far As For Sol I Don’t Know Why So Many People In The Comments Keep Talking Shit About Him When None Of Us Know Him Or Anything About His Life. But I Will Say This About Sol He Definitely Does Deserve More Respect And More Appreciation For All Of The Great Work And Time He Puts Into This Site Because Let’s Not Forget He Dose Not Get Paid For All Of The Work He Puts Into This Site. So Sol Thank You Very Much For What You Do And To All Of The Other Volunteers Who Make Borderland Beat What It Is And Keep It Running. Thank You All And Much Appreciation From Me To You All.

    1. That vato Sol does a lot of work for BB been reading his stuff even when he was just a commentator.

      But back to the topic. White nationalist are POS foreigners who’s ancestors brought the blacks over here to the Americas and they both mixed with some natives. Unless you have native blood you don’t belong here. Most Mexicans have native blood. A lot of black supremacist claim to be the original Native Americans or that all humans come from Africa that’s all lies!

    2. All those capital letters and lack of periods hurt my head.

    3. Yes grizzly everyone thinks different about Race issues.
      I understand Putin is having citizens fight the war, that never fired a gun. Many Russians are leaving Russia to other countries, they don't want to fight against Ukraine.

    4. Black and white Supremacist both have some pseudo-theories about being the first native people or having discovered America. They also like to bring up the Bering Strait to say no one is really native. Foreigners are on some fuckery.
      Most Mexicans do have native blood and have more of a right to be here than black and whites.

    5. I could care less if Chad or Billie Joe the gabachos hate me, I ain’t GOING ANYWHERE me la pelan… in here to stay

    6. 3:34 you forgot to also mention commas.

    7. Grizzly, you are polluting this joint with tour long winded nonsense, next time cut the crap short.

  29. 146, I am not sure if your suggesting the USA is like the end of para 1 and para 2 suggest but I will tell you I am friends with both those races you referenced and my family and those around me treat the immigrant workers with the respect we give to born and bred US citizens. Additionally, there is tremendous work opportunity in the US and every white male I know treats hard workers (immigrant or citizen) with respect and gratitude.
    Also, FYI it is difficult to follow sentences when word is capitalized and again, just friendly FYI.

  30. All this BS cause of some nobody hillbillies that fuc--- up and payed for it who cares

  31. Whatever happened to Planko?

    1. He got a gig at the topless bar house.

    2. Fuck the lame he’s not even Raza!

  32. Not only do Cartels cut up bodies but so do killers of any race if they need to do that so they can move the bodies by themselves,Ever try moving 4 dead bodies by yourself??


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