Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 14, 2022

Cursed Be The Ground For Our Sake

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The fervent believers have all gathered like witches at black masses to worship inside a cavernous room. 

Where their numerous deities stand in utter silence awaiting the devotions that will be bestowed upon them with candles, with wreaths, and narco ballads. 

A multitude of zealous disciples committed to their ways and beliefs will bring about a grand conjuring of spirits inside these walls. 

Some asking them for protection against enemies, a prosperous future, or an alleviation to a simple issue. 

Every faithful devotee will recite their invocations for their own personal reasons. 



  1. When u pray to Satan all u will receive is pain, pray to Jesus and he will give u peace.

    1. Satan is only a title. As in adversary/nemesis. If you mean Pan the pagan Greek DemiGod. Then yes. Christians hate anything related with a healthy reproductive lifestyle and nature.

    2. Jimbo Brown
      Is it true thier is a Black Jesus?

    3. 10:21 Jesus was a Brown Skinned Middle Eastern Jewish man when he walked the earth, Jesus isn't Black.

    4. Maybe Jesus is not black but I heard many say the devil is white

    5. Then why are they selling in South Los Angeles, CA stautues of Jesus being black?

    6. Jim Brown want to buy 2 Statues of Black Jesus? For you good price 2 for $19.00 cash only, no food stamps.

    7. 2:07 the devil is a spiritual being, spirits doesn't have color.

    8. 2:55 some Black ppl believe that Jesus is Black, factually he isn't Black.

    9. Spirits dont exist and all this shit is fucking corny as fuck.

    10. Jim brown we dont know what Jesus looked like. He cld of been a light skinned jew

    11. They say Jesus was really a Monk, with orange Tonga .

    12. 2:55 you were just given a description of a brown man even tho the bible says he had skin the color of burnt brass..Now brown is closer to black than white is...Why are you not questioning the White images you see when bv the Entire world KNOWS he wasnt really white.

    13. Some blacks try to say he's black to relate more to him or try to make Jesus bragging rights. They're tripping...

  2. 9:27 You need to opligist and buy a black candle and light it at 12 midnight for your sake your life is in danger for using them words

  3. This is the open cult lmao.
    The real sinister stuff goes in the clandestine cult.
    I mean. Necromancy doesn't work on fakr bones. You have to become at least a grave robber.

  4. it says on twitter that they're all a bunch of Trump payasos

    1. Well it says on Twitter
      Juan Rambo went to help the Ukrainians, I really don't know if he knows how to use Anti-tank weapons?

  5. ¿Dejaste que el mío levantara una maldición al cielo? ¿Hay un demonio junto a nosotros con Jesús aquí arriba que nos permite tomar las decisiones? deep freezing cuh. negocio cuajado. let me turn a tap slightly to drip a defrost so we can all eat what's in the fridge waiting on a shelf to be cooked.

  6. Stupid motherfuckers praying to bullshit that dont exist. Why the fuck is this shit on bb? Latinos is time to move on from all this spiritual billshit that is holding us back and use common sense less witchcraft voodo shit.

    1. The archives are filled with Santa Muerte articles in case you forgot who actually prays to her.

    2. 6:45 wake up you fool, it's cartel related.

    3. Who says you pray to Death?
      Praying is a Christian concept.

      Why don't you desecrate a grave whenever Saturn and Mars are ascending on late October and early November and late December?
      Let's see who starts to pray to chuy.

      And no, these idiots are fraudsters larping to be "witches". You don't record the others when they pay you a visit.

      Is funny because the supposed "rationalists" get very emotional when confronted with something that is alien to their mundane and materialistic world.

    4. What ever someone believes, it's on them. We should respect it, whether it's Jesus, Satan, Santa Claus, or believes in nothing at all, to each there own. No idiot should be bad mouthing anything, who the fu@# is any of us to be criticizing anybody's beliefs?!!! How do you know you're not wrong and there actually is a god and Jesus. You can't prove the sh@#! one way another. As a matter of fact, there's things through out history and that I've seen myself that you would have a hard time explaining when it comes to those kind of things...And I'm not too religious myself. I have more of a wait and see attitude

  7. Gathered like witches at black masses...did anybody else hear that? The journalist is lifting word for word from old Black Sabbath?

  8. LMAO Michoachangos worshipped Nazario Moreno and kissed the top of la Tutas hand as if he was the pope.

    1. 11:52pm Just like how you worship Michoacanos right. Got us in your mind 24/7. Come kiss the top of my hand.

    2. Well Nazario Moreno "El Mas Loco" wasn't called El Mas Loco for no reason 😜 🙃

    3. LOL. nobody worships michoachangos but other michoachangos.

    4. 9:48pm YOU worship Michoacanos. You watch how they talk, figure out where they live, investigate what they eat, read all their news, etc. Envy is a sign of admiration. Call me 'daddy' or 'master royal highness' on your next reply my worshipper.

  9. Sol prendido my comeback was funny u faggot post the shit.

  10. Pray to the moon when it is round
    Death with you shall then abound
    What you seek for can't be found
    In sea or sky or underground -King


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