Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, February 21, 2022

Uruapan, Michoacan: El Fantasma Sends Message To Carteles Unidos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel has released a narco message for the citizenry of Uruapan, Michoacán. For this broadcast a warning goes out to their enemies in and around the city of Uruapan. 

Their ominous threats are for the Los Viagras criminal group based in the state of Michoacán. Nicolás Sierra Santana ("El Gordo") is the current leader for the Viagras. 

For a number of years now the fight for control of the Tierra Caliente region has been ongoing between these two opposing forces. Neither group has been willing to back down from the other in this low grade conflict. 

Video translation is as follows:

For all the citizenry of Uruapan. We send you a cordial greeting from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. With respect we reiterate our function as elements of the Jalisco Cartel. We are purging this area of extortions, kidnappings, and fee collections. Don’t be afraid townspeople of Uruapan. We’re here to support you guys. This goes out to the following trio of fucking thieves: Catorce, Galleta, and Piña. 

Just let us know where and when you sons of fucking bitches. You guys aren’t a part of our group. Gordo Viagra (Nicolás Sierra Santana), there may be people who support you Tepeque (Tepalcatepec, Michoacán). But not here. We don’t live off of the fee collections or extortions. With all due to respect to the government personnel. Our war isn’t against you guys. So, don’t be offended.

But the truth of the matter is that things just are as they are. You guys look like baby sitters for the United Faggots (United Cartels). Give us an opportunity to work. Our teachings are of values. Unlike the Viagras who kill off innocent civilians. And for all the mothers of meth heads. It’s best you keep them inside because this purge is serious in nature. Santa Rosa, Tijeria, and Arroba Colorado, you will see that this isn’t a game. 

Just as well for the United Faggots stop fucking around with all that gay shit and come on out for that confrontation you homos. Stop asking the government for help because this is the only way for you guys to exist here. Moreover, for all the Viagras from El Sabino (El Sabino, Michoacán) who take refuge in the town of El Sabino. 

We already know where you guys hide out. We’re all here nearby and we’re coming after you guys. Every citizen from the town of Uruapan who is paying a fee collection needs to stop paying it. If these guys are demanding payments then by all means take photos and upload them onto social media. We will take care of the rest. We send you all a greeting on behalf of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

Unidad de Inteligencia Ciudadana


  1. Michoacan is going to get even more violent
    This change in structure might be a good change for CJNG
    The gallitos are going to prove they are the Gallo now

  2. These guys are so full of crap, do they really expect the people to believe their nonsense.

    1. Politicians in Mexico have been doing those same promises for centuries and people still BELIEVE it 🙄
      Just look at the AMLO fan girls defending him every time I mention how he is a Narco-presidente!...

    2. They just like to be dramatic. Even in Aguillia, mencho's home, where he was born, they were doing so much sh@#! that most of the average people left, and that's his home town.

    3. How long has he controlled aguililla
      it belonged to michoacan before

  3. "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre, soy Mencho, güey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy Mencho wey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no te voy a partir tu madre a ti y a toda tu bola de perros. Te tengo identificados 30 güeyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a matar sino te relajas güey, ¿cómo ves?"

  4. I love ALMO (no homo) but he can be doing a better job fighting corruption of politicians y judges.

  5. This shit reminds of the North Korea videos they make their citizens watch. Hilarious

    1. Vaca your showing your inexperience on certain topics.
      Sol just translates what is out there from the news outlets, into English he does not make up the articles, he is busy churning away, and come in to insult him that he is biased, unbelievable, then again there is many incompetent people posting dumb comments.

  6. Why don't you classify this as PROPAGANDA VIDS.. Told you you are bias. So we really can't believe anything you post here.... Sol

    1. Lol. Pinche Cuernavaca I kinda understand why some people complain about you. You’re a cherry here son. Whereas daddy has been translating these videos from different groups for several years now. Come on now playboy think. I don’t support drug use or the traffickers. If it was up to me all these pushers of poison would’ve been killed off long ago cause I’m just pro war like that. But they’re fortunate that certain laws protect them. Which just means that sometimes some of us actually have to skirt those laws for our reasons.

    2. Exactly brother Sol. A lot of these new motherfuckers here think that choosing a cartel is like rooting for a baseball team. All those scum deserve to get killed for selling poison. They are killing and destroying the lives of sons, daughters, wives, husband's, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandparents. They destroy lives and many ways. Saludos desde Los Angeles brother Sol. Me manda un saludo a la Gran Chivis porfavor. El Nemesis-

    3. Saludos Nemesis! I’ll be sure to let Chivis know you sent your regards.

    4. Sol, please send mine too! Danke im voraus.

      Canadian girl💋

    5. Saludos Canadian girl! What's good playgirl. Lol.

    6. All good. Let's go paddle Cuerna.

      Canadian girl 💋

  7. He actually responded to my have touched a nerve..

  8. Brother .. you're the one Posting the videos and naming them with you're letterhead on top. Yes I do question some people's true motives. But that comes with you're profession. If you can't handle a little criticism, then maybe you should learn how to manage your emotions a little better I'm in Los Angeles as well my dude. Lol

    1. Cuernavaca are you a lady or a man you seem confused in this comment about your gender.

    2. Fuken CuernaVaca has been acting stupid with one of the BB staff members.

    3. The writes here at BB have balls and Heart. They put in hours of research and maintenance here for free, outside of their day jobs. So instead of getting on them with your stupid comments appreciate the work that they do. It's out of the respect that they have for the real people that come here to get information that this awesome site is still up and running. If you don't like it then make your own damn site. El Nemesis-

    4. CuernaShakkaLakkaVacca...TV anchors train to present stories sans emotion. Where is the rule here that BB volunteers have to be neutral? I think Sol is anti Trump whereas I'm a Trumper but he's never censored comments to fulfil his 'bias'. It would make for DULL reading if every BB Reporter cloned their style.

      Canadian girl💋

    5. Canada girl get a grip of your self. Trump the azzhole is gone, no longer president, thank God he was a clown.
      Lastly stop sending Canadians to Mexico, they don't want drug competition.
      Your way out of touch Trump has been kicked out over a year already.

    6. Anon 5:01 ... not all Trump's policies do I agree with; otherwise, he is the cat's Meow.

      Pssst...secret between u+me...Canadians with respect+knowledge complement their Mexican counterparts...the smart*sses you're tawk'n bout deserve their fate on non Sovereign soil.

      Canadian girl💋

    7. Ok Canada girl Trump lover, why don't you love your president Trudeau?

    8. @6pm. Damn ese, let the homegirl have her opinion. At least she's not out here putting up stupid ass comments and disrespecting BB staff. Saludos desde Los Angeles, El Nemesis-

    9. 6:17
      Their we go as far as I see ese troublemaker, 6:00 he/she is commenting normal. Disrespecting my rats azz. They are having a normal comment take it easy, trigger fingers.

    10. 6pm...cuz Trudeau gave 10M to a terrorist thats living here, Trudeau is a communist like his real dad Castro... but worst of all Trudeau is the culprit sending Canadian wannabe gangsters to Mexico which is so embarrassing.

      Canadian girl💋

    11. @7:49, not this specific comment ese. This Vato posts and knocks on the writers a lot of the time. If he's so bad ass he should make his own blog. Saludos, El Nemesis.

    12. And I've never been a trouble maker here. Been reading for more than ten years. I don't post as much but I stop and read every day. You BB writers, much respect and thank you. El Nemesis-

    13. 9:27 Canadian girl I was not aware the Canadian president was not doing a good job,vI guess they really keep it low low up there. Thanks for the info.

    14. Orale Unkown ese vato incarcerated Lives Matter.
      Zoot suit lives matter.

    15. 6:17 orale cholo chilling in ELA ese vato, my mota mine. Chill in here no one is taking da ruka anywhere, don't cause trouble Piper.

    16. Haha! Pretty tough internet Warrior. Posting wack ass jokes that only a 10 year old would find funny. Go to sleep ese before your mom finds out you are up passed curfew. El Nemesis-

  9. 15 dead over the weekend in the city

  10. I can't wait to read the next comment from Little Nuts Flame Truther.


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