Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cuernavaca, Morelos: Reina del Sur Actress Tania Mendoza Executed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

A victim of femicide yesterday in Cuernavaca was identified as Tania Mendoza, the actress protagonist of the film La Reina del Sur. Whose crime by firearms was perpetrated by two men while she was waiting for her son who was training in a soccer school.

The attack was witnessed by other parents who were also waiting for their children outside the sports comlex. During the homicide everyone ran in different directions to safeguard themselves from the gunfire.

Witnesses reported this was the second attack against Tania Mendoza. In September 2010 she filed a complaint with the Deputy Attorney General for Special Investigations of the then Attorney General's Office of Morelos. 

For the crimes of aggravated vehicle theft, robbery of a house, and illegal deprivation of liberty committed against her, her partner Rafael Sánchez Rojas, and their 6-month-old baby. 

It’s worth mentioning that on the same day that the actress was murdered, they also killed two other women in the state of Morelos. One in the municipality of Cuautla and another in the indigenous municipality of Xochicoatlán.

El Universal


  1. No one is safe in Mexico, more likely a hired hit. Where is Cuernavaca to tell him it happened vin Cuernavaca.

    1. Hey Vaca
      CuernaVaca is not safe, they are killing ladies minding thier own business.

  2. Replies
    1. She did nothing.
      Minding her own business at son's soccer practice.

    2. She wasn't hit with random gunfire... she was a high profile execution, so there was a reason

    3. Those cowards will live a short life. She was unarmed. These cowards would act differently if citizens had arms to shoot back.If the criminals get away with having guns, then why can't it's unprotected citizens carry arms?

  3. QEPD la Señora.

    Still Cuernavaca is safer than the South Side of Chicago. Although the "brothas and sistas" dont have to work ,(because we the tax payers finance their section 8 and EBT cards ) it is still one of the hoods with the highest crime rate in the USA . The Irony

    1. High crime thanks to the drugs rolling in from Mexico, makes it that type of environment.
      I am starting a new Cartel...
      The Barney Harris Cartel.

    2. 6:37 yup they are set up to fail,
      Now mexican youth will be set up the same way but without foodstamps and section 8.
      Next generation of kids will be fatherless due to the high murder rate all over mexico.
      With no fatger figute all they will want to be is a capo but will only reach to be a sicario and live a short life.. thanks AMLO

    3. That's why I don't want Blacks and Mexicans to take over the US. If the white man leaves, then who is going to cut my welfare and EBT checks?

    4. 11:17 that's my man good sense of humor 😃, that you got Juan Rambo laughing.

    5. Barney Harris Cartel
      What will they specialize in?

    6. At 11:47

      That's an easy one.
      Robbing and shooting it out with
      Cjng safehouses that are occupied in North Carolina.

    7. That's not ironic,you slackjawed blowhard. Even if it was true, it would be a natural consequence.

    8. Don't knock section 8 and ebt if you haven't tried it unless you won the lottery or work with someone making easy money.

    9. Unknown etc Juan Rambo/Whitey etc have been stuck on the stupid rascist shtick for months now. As soon as Juan or whoever sees that get somebody upset, it never ends and the dumb ignorant beat down ensues. First they targeted James Brown and a couple others. If you see the letters EBT or Sect8, just ignore, they are trying to get you to bite.
      Now, speaking of biting...just bite into one of Whiteys delicious Raping Tacos, filled with genocidal, child molesting, raping chicken-like meat. Coupons accepted on Fridays for special raping sauce.

    10. 12:17 Thanks for James Brown, he knows not to take everything seriously, Brown is a Kool homie.
      Dealing with life's ups and downs. But and ends gets up and shrugs it off, just another new day. As for Whitey I don't mind trying some of his raping tacos.
      Just don't sell him any weapons, he is not allowed to have any whatsoever.

    11. 11:17 poor white soul of your ilk clean my haus once a week i hate poor dyslexic guttersnipe..why i reside in most exclusive vancouver 4 bedrooms 1 male unlike welfare unkept thugs I HATE POOR OVERBREEDING LOSERS

    12. 6:31 nature has a way to over-compensate for the abuses of racist minorities by having the masses to over-replicate

  4. Executed because she made a Narco Show.

  5. Describe.bien to opinion

  6. Still no news as to why she was killed.

  7. 45million downtrodden white underclass on welfare thru out tennesse,texas,arkansas


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