Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Trucker Arrested In Record-Breaking Drug Bust At California-Mexico Border

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Freight trucks, as seen from a helicopter, pass through Mexican Customs before entering the United States at the Otay Mesa port of entry on May 11, 2017 in San Diego. 

A trucker from Mexico was arrested after trying to smuggle record-breaking amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl into the U.S., federal prosecutors said.

More than 17,500 pounds (7,930 kilograms) of meth and 389 pounds (176 kilograms) of fentanyl were discovered last Thursday hidden inside a tractor-trailer at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The seizures are the largest of either drug in the U.S. for both 2020 and 2021, the statement said.

Carlos Martin Quintana-Arias, a Mexican citizen, faces federal drug charges. It wasn’t known Monday if he has an attorney.

The driver’s manifest indicated his truck contained auto body parts, but “anomalies” were detected in the trailer by both an X-ray machine and a drug-sniffing dog, according to the statement.



  1. So is this huge bust an indication of that the supply is being strangled or is it an indication that the supply side is revving up? Take your pick and which God you believe in, but I know whar I believe.

    1. Today I washed my car, and somehow a stray cat, scratched the front good area I am pissed.

    2. Really? I realize this is sarcasm, but a cat wouldn't scratch your car. Your ex-girlfriend, a metal pole, another car, yes; but a stray

    3. I am happy to be off Thursday 😁.
      Happy Thanksgiving to BB staff.
      I am great full, not to live in a lawless country, run by an enept president of Mexico.

    4. Miss H.
      Some cats do scratch into hard surfaces to clean and upkeep thier claws. Maybe the persons cat is rabid?

    5. Is is the same cat that did my car dirty too??? I have cat paw prints and scratches? Wrecked my week as well. Damn neighbors keep feeding all the stray cats and they're now all over the place

    6. Ms.H, I confess, I was doing his current girlfriend on the hood, making hood angels and things got a little out of hand. My bad !

    7. 11:53 becarefull what you say around Miss H. They say she is a cat lady. She has about 15 cats. They should be nuertered, beforehand otherwise she will have 30 cats soon.

    8. And a happy Thanksgiving to all you lovely commenters as well.

      I'm very grateful for you BB readers.

      Thank you for accepting me as a new writer this year. And thank you for sticking with us through a time period where we don't have as many writers as is normal. The best days are still ahead.

    9. Miss Hearst
      Happy Thanksgiving
      Glad I am in a safer Country.
      God bless life.

    10. You are very talented HEARST. You make a great addition to the BB Community. Any chance you could devote an article to Pedro Aviles Perez or Cochi? That generation intrigues me as well as Secor Acosta. Back when drug traffickers lived by a code. Happy Thanksgiving!

    11. Sure thing, I can look into writing about Aviles. He's certainly an intriguing figure.

      Always love hearing what you guys want to read about.

    12. Lol Miss H what a coincidence I just got a Cat today! and I did my research and some cats do scratch hard surfaces hard wood take care of your furniture lol

    13. Orcagrande what if 9:07 is gay still sticking to your comment? just kidding happy Thanksgiving tomorrow everyone

    14. Hearst I would love to see an article about Pablo Acosta I know its old shit but him and his people were the first boogiemen I remember hearing about .
      When I was a mere child my best friends family were in a huge Tejano music group and I would go with them on their tour buses sometimes when they would play on the border places like Eagle Pass Reynosa and places like that and everytime the local Padrino would come out and want to meet or most likely already knew the band and would hang out for hours telling us how great they were and a couple times when we went somewhere we would learn that the people we were expecting to show would not be coming to anymore shows because of a fellow named Pablo Acosta and people whispered his name because they were that scared of him and that always stuck with me I was like how bad ass do you have to be to have mfers whisper your name ? Apparently pretty badass ! But anyways sincerely love your writing style it anazes me how much information someone can pack into a short article and have it still make perfect sense and its kinda what you do ! Hope all is well ! Horns up !

    15. I have to admit, I think it's cheap, easy and overdone to write about famous narcos from days past. Rehashing the cartel events of yesteryear, romanticizing old narcos now because the human suffering they caused has faded from public memory with time... Lots other writers do it. Loads of great books who can go more indepth than we can.

      I personally think the most valuable and important work is in covering current events and leaders. With modern leaders, it's ten times harder to research and make sense of. And you always risk getting it wrong because it's so uncertain.

      But I will think about covering Acosta and Aviles on slow news days because anything you guys want to hear about, I want to write about.

  2. Large bust some heads will be rolling for the loss. Drugs still keep coming in and kill druggies that overdose.

  3. Which cartel is stupid enough to send 17 000 pounds of meth at a time 🙈

    1. The one that sends 500 successfully passed trucks a month, filled with 8 tons of meth. A successful group knows to write these painful losses into their budget, smaller ones who can't afford it should know better. There is now just so, so much meth produced, this loss is a drop in the proverbial bucket of poo.

    2. the one who has someone paid off at the border but was swapped out to another lane at the last minute

  4. Driver got on the wrong inspection lane...

  5. Amount is subjective. What may seem like a lot to one may be close to nothing for another. đŸ€·đŸœ‍♂️

  6. Mike vigil you and your ilk made it so Drugs are move available, more potent, cheaper and a larger smorgasbord of drugs than ever before! Mike vigil your career was a lie, a joke, a waste. All u got was a book deal, a pension, a boat, and other material items. Your career was a total failure and your no more morally better than the most of the people u locked up or killed!

    1. There you are Whitey, they say you make good tacos. I will take 3 de pastor, and a Pepsi please.

    2. Me two of de Redlious raping tacos gracias White Boy.

    3. Mike Vigil killed KiKi and that other fellow . Thats old shit ...

  7. Thats a hell of a load to send on a suicide mission. Something went wrong.

  8. While they were paying attention to this truck 10 more trucks went through. You would have to be totally stupid to send that much in one whack. Unless you literally have 10 more trucks to send through and that's what happened I guarantee it I used to hear stories when I was little of that happening all of the time.


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