Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Tepalcatepec, Michoacán: Cartel Jalisco Taunts Abuelo Farías

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. For this broadcast the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) has released a message for their enemies. In this film they taunt the members belonging to the Cartel of Abuelo Farias. 

The men lying dead on the ground were tortured beforehand. And then set on fire as a snub to their enemies. The following video displays only the aftermath of their slaughter. 

Video translation is as follows:

“Initially they were bragging when they captured our armored vehicles. When the truth of the matter is that we purposely left them there. And in return the government gifted our vehicles to them. 

But in the end this was how we set them ablaze. By all means keep bragging about your actions. We left your dumb ass dead operatives lying here for you guys. We also have much more to give you. All you have to do is come on over and get it. 

We are the absolute mob of lord Mencho! And this is just a sneak peak of what’s to come. This will be the fate of all our enemies”. 

The name of the song playing in the background is called “Soy Mencho” by Lenin Ramírez.


Lenin Ramirez


  1. Baby Killer Cartel did not learn thier lesson from the past, ambush by El Abuelos townspeople and killed many of them as they tried to come in to town.Keep taunting El Abuelo and he will make sure alot of CJNG goes down, no survivors.

    1. Hijo ya deja de consumir esa cochinada te pones a hablar puras pendejadas 😢

    2. I'm no cartel nuthugger but if Abuelo stole my coke, I wouldn't stop till he's dead. Abuelo doesn't have the resources as Jalisco so its just a matter of time. Dont believe me, Marro fell despite Sinaloa supporting him. History repeats itself.

    3. Sinaloa didn't support Marro fyi

    4. 1:41 no que si pues? Quien les entiende pinchea gilbertonas?

    5. Abuelo is an old rancher paisa...if they cant get to him thats laughable.

    6. ABUELO is a LAME B!+ch he teamed up WITH the ZETAS
      He knows he will not LAST, should have left MENCHO and his coke alone old MAN..
      Now his fate will be like el MARRO or el CHOLO. MENCHO will not forgive that betrayal

    7. @1:41 if you do enough research you will see that they did. same with nueva plaza and el cholo still ended up for display

    8. The ponchos& wichos abuelos gonna end up like el cholo well Deserve

    9. @2:08 what does him being paisa have to do with it?? Aren't they all paisa??

    10. 2:07 FM in their prime, Z's even CT couldnt get to him either but now against CJNG he looks scared🤣🤣🤣🤣

    11. Hahaha Here is the "baby killer".
      Stupid idiot

    12. Zetas fell apart after el lazcas death. Aslong as mencho isn't captured, cjng won't fall apart anytime soon sadly

  2. This is why I visit this site. Pure Mexican rivalry at it most brutal

    1. So much for Futbol?

    2. You have the copa America final tomorrow. Now that's one hell of a rivalry

  3. Meh the social media cartel at it again I see.

  4. Cjng are a bunch of malnourished bums

  5. No que "Real G's move in Silence" y no se que tanto. Bola de gente corriente arguendera, hasta un pedo andan publicando. Pa que tanto escandalo. Parecen viejas.

    1. 11:22 asi es las jaliskas iniciaron eso

    2. Haci son todos los michoacanos que conosco.. puro indio payaso escandalozo

      Puro Chihuahua !

    3. Y quien te está mandando a mirar lo que publican mejor ponte a leer un libro o a lavar trastes

    4. 12:33 El mismo que te mando a responder.

    5. @11:22 y tu pareces vieja quejando te de todo..lmao

    6. @12:22 el escandaloso eres tú idiota, eres el mismo vato pendejo que siempre anda insultando a mi gente, como si todos fuéramos iguales. vete a la v**** pinche perrito Chihuahua. Si nos odias tanto porque te metes a ver noticias de Michoacan? Porque te interesa lo que pasa en mi estado si no tiene nada que ver contigo pinche ignorante. Y si tenemos sangre indígena que? Haz de ser muy europeo, Tu seguramente también tienes sangre indígena, nomás que algunos como tú están acomplejados con ser blancos, ojos de color y la demás raza la ven menos por tener piel morena. Saludos a mis compas de Zacatecas, Durango y Sinaloa. Att: un Michoacano en Fresnillo

    7. 12:33
      Ponga el ejemplo pues y callase.

    8. @5:30 Yo también soy de la zona de Jalisco-Michoacán y sé que CJNG no vale pura verga. Estos pendejos no entienden nada, Mencho ya tiene sus días contados.

      Saludos a Zacatecas amigo.

    9. Yo soy de mocorito sinaloa y aqui la gente apolla al sr mencho


    10. 8:50 callate guey tu eres sinaloa y aki andas de mitotero asi son alla

    11. 8:50 que pendejo estas todos lla tenemos nuestros dias contados puñetas🐁🐁🐁

    12. Vengan a Jalisco entonces y les enseño como corre el agua, nadie le tiene miedo a esos roba coches del CJNG jajajajajaja

  6. el cartel de las propagandas.

    1. Y tu el #1 fan. Aqui andas pendiente de tu padre

    2. 11:01 pero bien que las jaliskas son las primeras en los artículos del cds. mejor cállese mija

  7. I just watched it, now that shit was funny 😂

  8. Damn i think I'd rather get shot than getting burned alive

  9. From just reading the text seems like CJNG was aware that CU was using the tanks they captured so they probably put trackers on them, didn’t take long to ambush CU

    1. Possibly.
      Mencho is a genius.

    2. It did actually take long and most likely didn't have trackers.

  10. Borderland beat is flooded constantly with pro-CU messaging. When its in that volume, it becomes obvious that its q coordinated effort.

    1. Too MANY CDS fans..
      CJNG and CDS are at war so these kids talk bad about cjng eventhough they have NO CLUE OF WHAT'S GOING ON IN MICHOACAN
      Just a bunch of HATERS and trolls

    2. Easy solution, Stop reading it then.

    3. James the teenage tic tic is 2 doors down.

  11. Sol here is a good read

    1. Send to Gmail it's on the website

  12. 10:38 AM What is Tiktok and youtube about what is posted aboce? The vehicles looks very similar it does look like the one they left in Tepaltepec. CJNG has only lost people once to Teplatpec it was the first incursion where they got ambushed they didn't even make it into the town. The second incursion was that one above where they left the armored vehicle because it broke down or was damaged. They made it into Tepaltepec and the center of the town. The people of Tepaltepec are doing what the Revuelatas/ Viagras were doing in Aguillila. Going on the roof tops and shooting from there. They do this to buy time for the Sedena, GN and state police to show up. Once they loose the support of the State they are finished. It is just a matter of time.

    The Tepekes have sunk so low they brought in Zetas from Veracruz and Tamaulipas. Zeta Viega Escuela/Grupo Sombra. Their is going to be a massive battle any day now. CJNG is just waiting to see who and who is going to flip on Carteles Unidos. This time they are making sure the ones that flip are not fake flipping like El Yogurt I think the ones to flip next are some of the Templarios that aren't to close to Seco, Raton, Metro, La Fresa, Yupo, Chompon. It could be Tukan and Tena but they already played Mencho once. Maybe Gallito and that branch.

  13. nuke or isolate Michoacán and Sinaloa 90% of Mexico’s drug problem solved

  14. CJNG is taking this PLAZA this year for sure
    EL ABUELO is so desperate that he let the zetas in to help him AGAINST CJNG and this is ACCORDING to El COMANDANTE sargy..
    Now they are ALSO saying this guy is FAKE but DON'T do their REASERCH on who he IS..
    CDS cheerleaders just love to come to THE CJNG STORIES to talk NONSENSE and that's the REASON I rather CJNG TAKE out THOSE lames..
    The cds GROUPIES ☝ talk about propaganda BUT cdsnitches ARE number #1 When it comes TO THAT 😆
    They have thousands of FAKE corridos of how THEY are the number ONE CARTEL in the world and how they are UNTOUCHABLE, SMART, brave,tougher than leather, dance in fire and walk on water.. But when CAUGHT they break DOWN and SNITCH on EVERYONE 😆

    1. 1:55 cds se muere en la raya!!! El jaguar in chihuas 🏃🏃🏃🏃 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Orale caps lock nino

    3. Who are you? Let's be Facebook friends. I want to connect and share..

    4. 1:55 ur the biggest dummy if u believe everything that puto chimuelo says, cjng took in z's members as well so no room to judge.menchos hype is good so good that stupid ass people believe in every video they make,they been trying for many years to take Michoacan but nothing so save ur dreams to urself 😆🤣😂🥒🖕

    5. 8:08 why so salty you know damn well cjng are gaining ground every where

    6. secret_management go back to reddit 🤡

    7. 8:08 THERE is a huge DIFERENCE tonto
      Zetas in veracruz joined CJNG out of fear of BEING killed just like CDS joined CJNG in BAJA California and TIJUANA..
      This COWARD ABUELO called on zetas for BACK UP.. JUST saying

    8. 5:07 how is that anything like what went down in Baja 5-6 years ago? No one in Tijuana flipped to CJNG in the mid 2010s out of fear. Mencho basically bribed CAF and CDS operatives to join him like he does everywhere. it’s CJNG operators flipping to CAF and CDS nowadays

    9. 5:07 delete just saying you already stating a comment.

    10. @5:07 Sorry to break it to you but it's been cjng people flipping to the contras lately in Tijuana. You should do some research before posting and making yourself look silly to the rest of us.

  15. This website is the command center for ignorance on cartel comments. Reading comments on here is funny. Mfs either acting like they have first hand knowledge or they're their favorite cartel leaders boyfriend or girlfriend. Lol

    1. The comments are 75% brainless cheerleaders and 25% meaningful discussion.

    2. 7:22 you forgot thiers a percentage of kids in here, during the day, and are on the computer looking for chat rooms, they happened to come in here, and act like kids.

    3. 7:22 and which one are you?

    4. yes it hard sifting through all this pro cartel crap. In all honesty CDS groupies are the worst they believe they are good vs evil when CDS is straight garbage baby killers just like CJNG


    Jalisco encabeza los 10 estados de la República con más personas reportadas como desaparecidas del 1 de diciembre del 2018 al 30 de junio del 2021

    Jalisco 3,948

    Le siguen Ciudad de México, Michoacán, Nuevo León y Tamaulipas

    Jalisco está entre los 7 estados donde más niñas, jovencitas y mujeres desaparecen.
    Junto con Estado de México, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Veracruz, Puebla y Ciudad de México. Juntos acumulan el 63 por ciento de casos

    Por si fuera poco. De los 10 municipios donde se han asegurado más cuerpos en fosas clandestinas, Jalisco tiene 4 municipios.
    Primer lugar Tlajomulco con 277
    Segundo lugar El Salto con 199
    Cuarto lugar Zapopan con 156 y 7 lugar Tlaquepaque con 95.


    1. Wrong no jaliscas in tamaulipas just jaliscas affiliates like the bitch reynosa faction of cdg. Tamaulipas is on lock by cdg matamoros some zeta old school cdn and the reynosa cdg.

    2. But...but.. CDS isn't in Jalisco?? Lmao who understands you guys wish you all could say Jalisco in Durango lmao

    3. Como eres de mamáriatas con los cjng.
      El ojete responsable de esas fosas es El Cholo el que hace poco le dieron piso.

    4. @2:07 You don't know shit kiddo, Jalisco turned to shit thanks to CJNG.

    5. 8:52 the only shitty places in jalisco are where El Cholo with the help of CDS had precence, the rest of jalisco is safe, people come and go and they never had any type of problem

    6. @8:52 CDS and their mamavergas in Jalisco: La Corona/Coroneles, Los Güeritos and the corpse of CNP. These criminal organizations also contribute to the killings happening and the fosas being found.

    7. @2:16 Wrong, Jalisco was peaceful af before Mencha followed PRIAN's carrots. Just like GTO and Zacatecas.



    9. @2:55 after ICV was killed various factions that were a part of the Mafia in Jalisco jockeyed to become the leaders. When CJNG solidified it's control and power in the state the conniving RAT compadres started to try to undermine them. Those RAT compadres shouldn't have agreed to the operation against ICV and perhaps this monster that is going toe to toe with them wouldn't have formed. The same MO they used in Chihuahua through proxies with the relentless killings in that war is what has also been happening in Jalisco with La Corona, Los Güeritos and CNP.

    10. At the end of the day la corona, Los gueritos and cnp get help from CDS to go AGAINST CJNG..
      They are teaming UP to get the big bully MENCHO 😆

    11. @2:43 The only rat that betrayed people was El Torcido aka Mencho, where do you come up with those fictional stories. I know people from the old school Valencias.

  17. Señor Gonoriento 🐖

  18. All these puto cartels should just hurry up and kill each other. I hate what they have done to México with their criminal friends in the mierda government.

  19. Que pasó con el gallito?
    Ese wey según se la daba de vergonio en michoacan y salió volando pa "jiuzton"

  20. Con culos las perras flamas delas jalisca puro lacra

  21. The “music” makes this video unbearable to watch.

    1. Foo here wants to hear Despacito in his videos!!!

    2. Why because it's not a CHAPO corrido?

    3. This corrido is tight. I roll down MLK boulevard with my factory Hyundai radio turned allll the way up.

  22. Chapitos lookin weak

    1. Most people with a full drug empire are, right?

    2. Lol. Michoacan looking like shit.

  23. Mencho is dying someone pls donate a kidney

    1. He’s beyond needing a kidney. He’s a punt to get a big hug…

  24. CJNG was very sloppy though, a well trained group could have diverted attention (throwing grenades, if they had them) and attempting a counter attack.

  25. Y que esperas preciosa. Éntrale cuando te salgan los pelitos en el yoyó

  26. 847 this is not free fire bro

  27. Yupo is free? Thought he was in jail. He bad Apatzingan on lock back in the day. Vato de huevoz

  28. Soy Mench wey !

  29. @8:37 in that offensive if I remember correctly 18-25 CU sicarios got killed and then some days later when CU tried to attack M2 and his people another 12-17 CU were dropped. They made these sicarios die by fire.

  30. 8:47 ok mr war loard

  31. Abuelo will rise and get a lot of CJNG killed, for coming to harass him. Poor malnourished CJNG.

  32. I dont no why Cartels are not in the Black market Organ bizz. Shit you know how much you could get for a Heart, Or body part from all these victims. Just kidnapp a surgeon and a ice box!

    1. That is happening more in Guetemala, alittle in Mexico.

  33. Where all these ignorant 12 year old tweaker cheerleaders come from? BLB wasn't like this before it went off line last year. The ignorance on here is ridiculous. Infested with ignorance and emojis

    1. 5:43 been reading BB for like 8 years and there were only cds cheerleaders, so yea they have always been here, but now its about half and half no longer just cds fans, 😉 get in the game

    2. I've been in THIS site for 12 years and I GET called a kid BECAUSE I use emojis 😆

    3. 5:43 is right definitly different.

    4. 10:03 wrong. there was always been anti-Sinaloa trolls here posting about chinolas non stop for the last 9+ years. go to any old BB article about chapo and you’ll see what I’m talking about. CJNG just united all these pochos traumados that low key just wanna be like sinaloans and listen to their music and dress like them but also at the same time hate on them like jealous viejas chismosas. All the anti-Michoacán talk started as a response to this though it was already around to a much lesser extent. I’m just stating the facts but I understand if the facts sting (watch how they reply with insults that’s how you know it cut deep)

    5. 5:43 see what happens when the pandemic makes kids stay home, besides video games, they treat this place like a chat room. They start cheering thier favorite Cartel. Some act like they know more stuff than the mature ones.

    6. 😂😂😂 i think the FACTS are that cds leaders have been brought to light in recent years as rats testifying in court against each other, setting up meetings to cooperate with DEA because they are scared to fight, crying on their way to prison, sending their sons to US prisons, running away from battles etc etc and it has hurt a lot of cds cheer leaders feelings. So they usually project their feelings in the comments by trying to insult indigenous, dark skin or any other personal attacks because they have nothing else to say but it’s a form of self hate. The fact is that they are ashamed of their own people but must continue to act tough to save face smh. Really sad that what they’re most proud of is drug dealers from their home state. Now that they’re getting their plazas taken and bitch slapped all over the place it breaks their hearts 😢 9:38 music is entertainment, we know that the lyrics are fake 😂 but fun to dance to. I don’t think anyone would want to be mistaken as sinaloense tho because of what they’re known for 🤔 back stabbers, traitors etc etc these are just facts sorry to bring them up I know it’s traumatic.

    7. 12:33 I don’t give a shit what you have to say. I didn’t ask for your opinion on the matter. I was just stating facts so either deal with it or go cry about it like you usually do

    8. You care enough to reply plebita 😂😂😂 these are real facts buddy. With articles to fact check on this site. I was just helping you out because you conveniently left them out @9:30

    9. 1:29 okay so you decided to cry about it and had to reply to my cold hard facts with bullshit about el chapo like if he represents all of Sinaloa, when half of the state doesn’t even like him. You pochos Michoacanos need to just let go of it. All this hate and contempt for Sinaloans just because you low key want to be them 😂 most sinaloans don’t care about michoacanos enough to even develop any type of hatred or contempt towards them. Sinaloa vs Michoacán is a made up rivalry that only michoacanos care for always discussing and talking shit about people from Sinaloa while they don’t even acknowledge your existence. Pretty sad. I’ll await your new butt hurt reply where you talk about el chapo again 👍

    10. 12:33 spitting truth, lla no lloren snitchloas, mientras mas rapido acepten lo que son (unas mierdas) mas rapido pueden superar sus traumas

    11. 9:38 I can see that the truth cut these Michoacacas very deep

    12. @5:45 you over here writing books who’s really hurt 😂😂😂 like i said just helping you out plebita lol

    13. Y’all don’t acknowledge us but you await my replies gtfoh you plebitas never make sense 😂😂😂@5:45

  34. Interesting comments, looks like Sina is
    Getting hit pretty hard lately, this telenovela keeps getting Interesting

    1. Sina??? Excuse my ignorance but who/what is Sina

    2. 11:40 snitchloa para que entiendas

    3. Fak! Yo feliz

  35. The age demographic has definitely changed

  36. Sol, always good at making me laugh. Great job on the posts, as always.

  37. 🤣🤣 you wilding Sol. Saludos y gracias por servicio.

  38. @11:57AM Now tell me 11:57, what exactly was so funny about that? Why don't you go over there and act like a CU sicario and replay it? Attack a cjng enclave and try to replay it out so we can all have a good laugh and so we can all see how funny you think it is then. Let's see if you see the same amount of humor in it when it's happening to you...I bet you most likely will be crying like a little bi@#*% That's how most morons that try to "act" like "there so tuff that they laugh at things like this" usually end up being, "undercover" bi@*#!(atleast they think they're fooling people). You fu@*#$! idiot. You think this is funny you dummie. You think there's comedy or humor in any of this? You fuc@*%#! moron. These are real people living and going through this shit. You know how many people are suffering cause of this shit you imbecile! You "ACT" like this shit is funny. I damn well know if it was you, you wouldn't see as much humor in it. Or if it was one of your loved ones going through this. I'd love to have this conversation with you in person.


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