Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Largest MS-13 Take Down in NY, Nets over 100 Gang Members

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: NBCNY/ Long Island News
MS-13 crackdown -- the largest ever in New York -- ensnares nearly 100 members and  associates, dealing a huge blow to the gang's leadership.

New York prosecutors have announced the arrests Friday of nearly 100 members and associates of MS-13 in what officials say is the largest crackdown against the gang in the state’s history.

Officials have announced criminal charges against a total of 66 MS-13 gang members and 30 associates. They say they captured around 230 members and associates of MS-13. This includes the 96 members who were charged in the Riverhead courthouse Friday.

Authorities say they also brought down leaders of nine different cliques, including groups from Huntington, Brentwood and Central Islip.

The developments come following a two-year investigation involving law enforcement from the local to the federal level in Suffolk County, one of the gangs’ longtime hotbeds.

“The goal of this investigation was to deliver a major blow to the gang’s leadership, operations and recruitment in our region… we did exactly that," Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini told reporters Friday.   “This operation helped end the New York program," he added.

Drugs and guns were also confiscated, as well as machetes, which investigators say are the gang's signature weapon. At one point during the press conference, Sini held up a machete that he said was recovered during the arrests.   “This depicts how brutal and savage this gang is," Sini said.

Sini says investigators arrested 96 members and associates of the gang, who have been charged with crimes ranging from conspiracy to commit murder to drug trafficking to weapons sales. The ages of those arrested range from 16 to 59 and include U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants, he added.

Sources told the New York Post that most of the arrests were made Thursday and Friday morning.

Sini said throughout the investigation, authorities recovered drugs in gang members' possession such as cocaine and fentanyl, as well as handguns and more than $200,000 in cash. Investigators' efforts resulted in the arrests of the leaders of nine cliques of the gang operating in Suffolk County -- and foiled seven alleged murder plots, he added.

Suffolk County District Attorney Timothy Sini revealed a sweeping indictment that he said "decimated" the gang's leadership and drug suppliers on Long Island. He described the case as the largest of its kind against MS-13 in New York, where the gang has been blamed for dozens of killings since 2016.

The two-year investigation by state and federal authorities thwarted more than a half-dozen murder plots, Sini said, and also provided authorities insights into the gang's structure and recruiting patterns. The operation was bolstered by an expansive wire tap in which the authorities monitored calls from more than 200 phone numbers.

"MS-13 is a ruthless, savage gang," Sini said at a news conference, pointing to a machete recovered by law enforcement, the gang's signature weapon. "They will attempt to recalibrate and send individuals to take up leadership roles in Suffolk County. That's why we have to stay vigilant."

Authorities said they seized more than 10 kilograms of cocaine, hundreds of fentanyl pills, drug ledgers, long guns and other firearms, and more than $200,000 cash. Those taken into custody included the leaders of nine so-called "cliques" - factions of MS-13.
Investigators have made dozens of arrests of suspected gang members in recent years as part of a crackdown on MS-13. In 2017, police arrested 15 MS-13 members on murder and other charges following a spate of bloodshed that included the massacre of four young men in a Long Island park and the killing of a suspected gang rival inside a deli.

"Their rules are violence, fear and control of their territory," said Ray Donovan, special agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in New York. "We will continue to push them back."

MS-13 recruits young teenagers from El Salvador and Honduras, though many gang members were born in the U.S. Long Island has a large population of unaccompanied minors from Central America, including many who were fleeing the violence in their home nations. MS-13 is believed to have been founded as a neighborhood street gang in Los Angeles in the mid-1980s by immigrants fleeing a civil war in El Salvador. 

Many gang members were born in the U.S. The gang has been blamed for dozens of killings since January 2016 across a wide swath of New York's Long Island – where Suffolk County is -- the Los Angeles area and the D.C. suburbs.

El Salvador's Supreme Court defined the gang as a terrorist group in 2015, allowing courts there to give tougher sentences to its members.

Sini says the arrests also allowed authorities to thwart plans to commit additional murders.

"As a result of the viable intelligence generated throughout this investigation, law enforcement prevented countless acts of violence over the past 23 months - including seven murder plots right here in Suffolk County," says Sini.

As News 12 has reported, police linked MS-13 to dozens of recent killings on Long Island, including the deaths of Brentwood High School students Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens for which MS13 gang members have been indicted.

Officials say all of the MS-13 cliques on Long Island are still operating. They say the cliques are now trying to reorganize after their leaders were removed.

Investigators also say they uncovered some of the gang's methods and rules, including one that says a member has to commit four murders in order to advance from one rank to another.

Earlier this month, the FBI unveiled a new tip line in the hope of gathering information to combat the violence MS-13 uses to terrorize American communities.

“Our message is simple, law enforcement will do what it takes to protect our communities," Sini said Friday. "And to MS-13, we are coming for you.”


  1. Execute every on of them.. You're not wanted in the US.

  2. Hi yaqui theres been reports mencho is really sick in the mountains in jalisco when are you guys gone report on that

    1. Fake news. 8:52 don’t believe blog del narco

  3. MS is a joke , bunch of desnutridos with a machete , maybe in other states they are something but in LA they are at the bottom of the totem pole , its funny they put so much energy into this wack ass lame gang and but pay no attention to higher profile more structured gangs who actually do real damage and are 20xs worse or why dont they go after prison organizations who are doing real wrong and give the real orders , i think authorities go after them because they are easy targets and are better for their political career

    1. a lot of hype in the reality of gangs. and mall in numbers. propaganda.

    2. "MS is a joke..." Not for their victims, no. Differently from other gangs, MS13 has an international profile many gangs envy. They are the mules for drugs and the coyotes for human trafficking, a business the Mexican cartels took over at the northern border, more profitable than drugs. They take over entire neighborhoods and impose their extortion and crime rules in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and the US, to the south in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Though they look like poor corner drug pushers, given the lot in money and drug confiscated from them, their petty activities hide larger crime enterprises, while keeping local and regional authorities busy with petty retailers. They do the same at the border, keeping the US Border Patrol busy with immigrants, while trafficking drugs in points left without surveillance. MS13 ruthlessness is not in their machetes, but on their organizational skills and draconian discipline upon their useful idiots. Do not underestimate gangs who have taken over entire countries, as is the case of El Salvador, which has lost many young generations to gangs. They don't get to live beyond 30 y/o in most cases, unless they go to prison, a badge of honor and a step for promotion inside "la clica," the click. MS13 is a plague that needs to be eradicated.

      Lone Wolf

    3. Hey buddy recently moved to LA from Europe. Never seen a gang member. I am so curious tho. Also where these other gangs hang around I heard of south central. What are the other gangs? Peace

    4. yep exactly..MS in NY is absolutely nothing compared to some gangs in LA. What a joke.

    5. They don't get no respect from certain California yeah they kill people but innocent people and homeless they never really steps of other gangsters on the West Coast

    6. Take it from me do not go to south central , watts , compton just to see a gang member , see them thru the tv not in person , but if u are so curious go visit the jordan downs, go to compton down compton blvd, go to watts anywhere, south central is all hood from the 20s to gardena, the jungles , wilmington, get on the 110 and get off on anything in between the 10 fwy and the 105 lol but in all seriousness do not go where i tell u just to see something that isnt cool at all , i grew up in the hood and take it from me stay out and dont come here at night , and to that lone wolf you really are giving a gang that has no real power in all those countries u named , in mex they have no power , in their own el salvador they are being exterminated my the death squads the cops have made up and : or by the 18s , and they dont take up entire cities they just have this fake aura behind them that makes suburban american shiver or anyone who watches the news because they really hype them up , ive been around them in the macarthur park area and in hollywood and trust me they have some power there but i dont see their structure they at the end of the day have to answer to the M as in the eme hence the ms13 And most are too damn cracked out to even do anything , they are mostly a bunch of tweakers in numbers

    7. Nothing but a political propaganda campaign for the immigration crisis.
      The US currently has gangs that run in the hundreds of thousands operating.
      Suggest focusing on those than of central America.

    8. They are very violent but as I said before in the US they are not a huge gang 8 to 10k nationwide. other gangs are by far larger and as violent.

    9. Still 100 crims. Is a good take down, you cartel cheerleaders. Sorry no hugs possible from amlo,or a catch and release program .Never has been a 100 takedown in Mx.

    10. @lone Wolf here in Texas they ain't shit . They tried setting up shop in East Dallas a few years ago and we kicked their sipote assess the fuck out just like he smashed out the Latin kings when they tried setting up shop back in 04-05. In the pen they even try to align with the Tango blast .. they don't run a fucking thing down here..

    11. @9:11 not a supporter of gangs or cartels but what's really funny to me is your narrow mindedness. MS13 may not be a whole lot in L.A but there is a world outside of L.A. when have you heard of L.A based gangs like Florence or Maravillas expand their influence outside of their 10 block radius? 18th St maybe but not like MS13. Again, they may not be much according to you but step outside yourself and take a look at the bigger picture. This is an INTERNATIONAL criminal organization. Not like the neighborhood gangs of the L.A area that you're referring to.

    12. Some people here confuse prison gangs with street gangs. For example all LA gangs ultimaltely answer to La Eme once their soldiers are in prison. MS answers to themselves. At least outside LA.
      Street gangs do not expand much outside their neighborhoods much less to other states although a few have like the Latin Kings.
      Having said this the reason MS13 is given so much attention is because it is a prison gang that has expanded to many streets in the U.S. and are in areas like NYC which is at least twice as populated as LA hence why their name is so pronounced along the East Coast.
      It is however political publicity as far as the violence or threat that they are classified given even street gangs can be just as notorious. Given that MS13 began with Salvadoran immigrants although 75 percent or more of their members can be U.S. citizens it is the perfect gang for an anti immigrant campaing.

    13. What makes you think they dont answer to La Eme? Its MS13 for a reason not MS. Dont speak on shit you know nothing about. Moreover, expanding across the nation or internationally does nothing for them besides recognition. In the end they stand no chance against the bigger more organized hoods. Why do you think most left L.A.?

    14. 8:25. MS and whoever they answer to are still pieces of shit. What the fuck does anybody really care who they answer to as long as they are gone?

  4. Excelent investigation more hard core criminals, going to prison, and yes we understand, more to take thier place, no problem they to soon to be arrested.

    1. At taxpayers expense of course.
      While the issue of gangs remains.
      Interesting how the US has more incarcerated people than the world.
      A Big business with no signs of rehabilitation programs. A human rights crisis that has no attention by political powers.

  5. Chivis

    Can you post a structure of MS13 or 18?

    1. I have for ms 13 let me get some time it is in PDF i need to upload to a different format

    2. I began a report on MS13 but became so immersed that it was taking up too much time. I was explaining to my husband about MS13 and how they began as a social group as protection in LA against Mexican and Black gangs. While their number are few they have a huge international presence. They are among the most violent of gangs and to eliminate them is a great thing--what I am saying if it is about gangs then start with Texas and California first

      In Hispanic gang culture, particularly in California, prison gangs strictly oversee street gangs. The two lead Hispanic prison gangs in California Рthe Mexican Mafia and the Nuestra Familia Рand their respective subordinates РSure̱os and Norte̱os Рmaintain structures wherein incarcerated members direct their street partners. In the Mexican Mafia/Sure̱o infrastructure, leadership falls exclusively to the Mexican Mafia, which is comprised almost entirely of inmates with life sentences. Hispanic gang structure is a parent/subordinate arrangement, whereby Mexican Mafia and Nuestra Familia leaders appoint shot callers to direct Sure̱o and Norte̱o street activity. Appointed Sure̱o and Norte̱o shot callers enforce orders from their prison leaders and thereby act as conduits between the street and prison. The dynamic between street and prison gangs is usually one of prison leadership The dynamic between street and prison gangs is usually one of prison leadership and street subordination. However, some intelligence reveals reversals of power and opposite methods of operations in street/prison arrangements. While the power structure in these instances is not one of prison leadership and street subordination, prison gang involvement still contributes to criminal activities outside correctional facilities and can elevate the threat to communities.

    3. Gang culture in prison parallels that on the streets. Much like street gang practice, prison gang
      members function under the mentality of unification and adherence to a single ideology. As with
      street gangs, prison gangs unite under the banner of one name and identify with one set of signs and
      symbols. The names of most prison gangs are synonymous with their symbols and they use the two
      interchangeably in their artwork, tattoos, and other forms of communication. The symbiotic relationship between street and
      prison gangs makes prison gangs a matter of national concern, as street gangs commit crimes and
      impact communities across the country on behalf of prison gangs.

    4. Lastly, Important Note: Sureños [SoCal] Barrio Azteca [Tx/Mx] and Tango Blast [Tx] are the three most involved with Mex DTOs and are most active in cross border criminality

    5. Let it be noted that EME ordered street gangs like East Side Longos, Florencia 13, the Avenues, Azusa 13 and Canoga Park Alabama to
      ethnically cleanse their neighborhoods of Black people. It is a matter of national concern.

    6. The other Latin gangs recruit blacks which for Surenos (Mexican Mafia) they are no good and are seen as low.

    7. It started in the late 80s early 90s for Chicano gangs to remove blacks from their ranks and then in the mid 2000’s eMe green lit blacks in and around their turf because of the East Coast Crips stealing something dope from them. The whole thing has died down a bit but still in effect. Blacks like to disrespect and are low even accepting child molesters and rapists when locked up

    8. I wish we could simply begin using tattoos as a means to bypass the judicial system.

      I know its fantastical but would love to see a law that does that. It would make my decade.

  6. The real shot callers that order hits are in the SHU in level 4 yards/5 yards. Mexican mafia and Woodpile Skinheads, with phones provided by correctional officers. Real talk

    1. The Mexican Mafia is just another tool the white gangs use to divide and conquer. Sound familiar?

    2. White gangs are way below Mexican Mafia. The AB has an alliance with eMe and I’m pretty sure they “the Brand” would not have any power if that alliance did not exist because Xicanos, Mexicans and other Latinos/Hispanics are the majority on the west coast and not just in the penal system but overall law abiding citizens. When locked up Blacks, Whites (woods, NLR,AB), Northerners (NF & NS) and MS13 know very well eMe is the most powerful and has the most militant structure plus they have the #s(Surenos) they also do not do interviews or YouTube videos. Borderland Beat has had many past articles on Mexican Mafia and their Cartel plug alliances such as La Familia Michoacana,Templarios,CDS, AFO, etc.

    3. @10:11 If they had the numbers,the Woods, PEN1 and Brands would throw away Mexicans in a heartbeat. Joe Pegleg Morgan was a white carnal in EME. Supposedly he helped broker the alliance with the Aryan Brotherhood. He was a carnal, but you can bet he was a double agent secretly feeding info to the whites.

    4. JamesBrown you are very wrong whites don’t stand a chance. The whole Joe Peg-leg Morgan being the one to broker an alliance with the Brand is not accurate. You should check out Ex Emero Mundo Mendoza YouTube channel Preplexed News for more info it’s very good 👌. Joe was a member of a chicano gang and was not raised around gabachos

    5. Mexicans and other Latinos are the main ones on the West Coast and now taking over the Midwest and Easy Coast becoming the larger than the black populations. The paisas hold it down in many prisons out there.

    6. Mexican Mafia doesn't even run anything in Texas it's those Tango Blast guys who do. I was locked up for 10 years and as far as state jail is concerned that's ran by the Tango Blast they would make the Mexican Mafia members stay in there cells and tell them not to recruit anyone and they would listen. And as far as the federal level went it was the Mexicles or "Paisas" who ran everything because they were the ones always getting busted with dope. I've been all over Texas and trust me when I say I'm telling you the truth.

    7. @ JamesBrown Joe Peg Leg did not start the alliance with the AB get your facts straight and quit thinking Hollywood films are real.

    8. @2:33 There's a vast difference in meaning between 'start' and 'supposedly helped broker'. Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia entry for Joe Pegleg Morgan: "Due to his ethnicity, Morgan was able to persuade the Aryan Brotherhood to forge a loose alliance with La Eme, due to having the Black Guerilla Family as a mutual rival."
      From the website Gorilla Convict: "...His (Morgan's) ability to forge relationships with the Italian Mafia, the Aryan Brotherhood, and Mexican drug cartels was due to his people skills..."
      Why do YOU delve deeply into the subject before cutting someone off at the knees?

    9. Wow everything on the internet is true 😄

    10. @8:27 Then you tell us the real story, Mr. EME chronicler. If you can't rebut, you must shut up.

  7. @ 9:11 an interesting take on things?
    How then should the US government deal with the prison gangs?

    1. Death penalty for whoever gets caught cuz other than that these guys are so insulated you will never know who ordered what it's not as structured as you think the lower tiers could meet a shot caller and not know who he is cuz that MF sure as hell aint guna tell you

    2. Like a political agenda. Structure & order are the common core values like many political organizations.
      Provide the necessary tools and changes in communities to end inequality.

  8. Let la sombra negra have them

  9. Forget about isis a real terror threat are these US prison gangs responsible for thousands of death's on the street. There has to be a new combat against these organizations because their destroying America and the youth.

    1. Destruction of American societies are mostly caused by ones government. Inequality, political agendas which subdued many communities from enrichment. Along with those lobbyists and special interests groups that dictate the travesties of America today.

  10. I know they cross here Matamores, bit Cartels r scare of them

    1. At 4:04 your delusional if you think the cartels are scared of some malnourished tweaked out Salvadorans

      El E1

  11. Hey guys chill out just remember they are God’s children says Nancy.

    1. 5:42 Nancy would not forgive them EME ESES if they were russian spy puppets colluding nd obstructing while flushing the toilet 15 or more times...

  12. Can we just forgo trial and execute based on tattoos alone? Can it be put to referendum? I'm absolutely certain the electorate will pass it through.

    1. Yeah right! The 2-mule and the wagon system in a jet plane world.


    2. If you think I was serious you vastly underestimate my intellect


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