Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 26, 2019

El R5 uses young kid to send Mencho video message

And so it goes that as we’re moving along that endless conveyor belt of social media. We come across yet another one of those oddities that just defies all logic. In a normal world children are taught mannerisms and sent to school. But in the world of drug pushers they’re being taught the complete opposite. A video has just surfaced of a very young child sending El Mencho a profanity laced message while pulling the charging handle on a rifle. Apparently in the world of narcos it’s ok to exploit children for their criminalistic ways. The individual suspected of having manipulated the child for this broadcast is Jesus Gregorio Villanueva aka El R5. 

Video translation is as follows:

Look here Mencho motherfucker. We’re gonna take away your shit just so you can see who R5 the grand dick is. Eh papi. I can have you killed fucker. Those guys that you employ can suck my dick. Everyone from Jalisco can go fuck them selves. You know we’re all about that fight. Holy fuck. 


  1. Pinche punetas narcos. No metan a chavos en este muy sus pinche pedos.
    Si tuvieran tanto valor para amenasar a alguien porke no demuestran sus propias caras todos??? Bola de culos todo pinche narco!!!

  2. Who is R5 , what cartel is he with ? Just wondering. Mexico is messed up. The mafia should never involve women and children and mexico dosent give a hoot crazy

    1. Question remains? Why are his parents permitting this erroneous behavior?
      DCFS should look into this!

    2. @8:09 DCFS? In Mexico? This is the funniest stuff I have read in years!

    3. Supposedly killed in Sonora years ago with his girl

    4. R5 is with the Gente Nueva a fraction belonging to the Sinaloa cartel there armed wing to be exact he is actually still alive those were false reports of him being killed but it's now, " Gente Nueva del tigre

  3. Mexico is a cartel paradise, what would You expect.. R 5 seems like a joke, why would he put little kids?

    1. A paradise for whom? The only ones making real money are those BOSSES AND STATE/ GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS!
      The rest are canon fodder barely making ends meet sacrificing their lives.
      One would think; that this lifestyle is not worth anyone's sacrifice. Much less putting family in harm's way.
      The ignorance of these individuals are what's killing our humanity.

  4. They should have put a bandana on the kids face, now for sure the baby killer cartel, will kill kids that resemble him.

    1. Y sigues con tus mama@#$! His pendejo parents shouldnt expose him to these pendejadas, by surrounding him to such activities THEY are putting him on the path of death. Seriously are you being paid by CDS to push that child killer narrative because you/somsone has been saying the same thing for several years. Ya enfadas porrista!

    2. If Sinaloas are low enough to put their kids in videos, well game on.

    3. This is what SINALOA CARTEL has come to... OM FUCKING G ... you guys are a true joke. I’m sure you losers find this amusing.. wow all time low .

    4. No tienen los guevos los de sinaloa para ense帽ar su cara y ponen a un morillo que ni save bi limpiarse la cola, jajajaja que pendejos estan los sinaloas ellos son los que matan ni帽os al mandarlos al matadero porque ellos no tienen los guevos

    5. Quit it mencho kills children to pump fear so u tell urself who really is fucked in the head

    6. Quit it mencho kills children to pump fear so u tell urself who really is fucked in the head

    7. Sinaloas take their kids to war and they get killed, it's like Afghanistan now where kids and women carry guns.. sad but that makes them fare game, if you don't shoot them they will shoot you.. the tontos that take the children to a man's war are the idiots

    8. wow 8:41. You cry like a little girl everytime someone says something bad about your favorite cartel cjng. Maybe go outside or get a job loser.

    9. 9:52/A 9:54 all cartels kill children, women, seniors, young adults, middle age etc directly or indirectly. You're going for that lesser evil argument huh.

    10. If children like this are left alone to live into adult hood imagine how many people he will kill along the way. This kid is looking to meet up with el pirate. No matter what cartel or fraction he is he knows what he's getting into.

    11. I see the fate of this poor kid as the one of the kid and his father being gutted alive in a video by CJNG a few years back. Or maybe like the other video where CJNG attaches a grenade to a kid and blows him up as them animals cheer on...

    12. 11:45 you cry like a little gone girl's mama too.
      I don't think la Mencha has the time or the humor to be bothered by these troll pranks, or to be dedicated to "killing children"...
      --no pinches mames guey, ya buscate otra linia menos pendeja.

  5. I thought Jesus Gregorio Villenueva was killed years ago?

    1. This is one of those low level wannabe capos in Morelos/Guerrero

    2. It is like Comandante Galeano, of EZLN, murdered by the Mexican military by beating him to death.
      Sub-Comandante Marcos declared Himself dead to resurrect Galeano on Himself and now he is Comandante Galeano dedicated to fighting AMLO, WHICH IS ONE MORE BIG PENDEJADA if Marcos Galeano has to just up and be on a warpath for any reason or for no reason at all
      Unless Carlos Salinas de G keeps feeding him and his causes. Tactics learned by his daddy ambassador Raul Salinas in Russia and Cuba, communist regimes of which he was a great friend for life.

  6. The people who thought this was cute or helpful are the same people that sell drugs to American children.
    Kids, women, no matter. Whatever it takes to make a buck or make a point.

    1. 8:14 well, comandante Rick "freeway" Ross has accused "SOME" in the US government of being his accomplices and for their part in the crack epidemic since the 80s, most of it engineered for black and the poor everywhere US To recover the food stamps they used to steal from the government. "to fight contras and communism and socialism wherever they could surge or be generated"

  7. the real R5 was killed in 2013

  8. At least this guy is not killing them like cjng is...

    1. Thats why cds is loosing the plazas cause no one wants to work with them and they are brain washing little kids, that only shows their how desperate they are

    2. hahah 10:01 this guy gets so mad when someone calls cjng baby killers...hahhahah

    3. Verga this verga that. His parents should put books in his hands instead of a rifle. Who's setting him up to get killed? La cabeza la tenemos para pensar no para tenerla llena de piojos y cagada plebe.

    4. 10:01 while cjng is killing them

    5. Negative Sinaloa is I. Every plaza that they claim to have taken there is a wad in each a every one why cuz mencho came and offered more money when it came down to it he didn’t keep is promise

    6. @8:20 are u serious? Is that the best u got!? This kid is already dead if you ask me.

    7. All of your baby killer cartel propaganda is meaningless, the fact is that cjng is out and about and cds are hiding, and at the end of the day who ever wins dont give a shit about you or me or anybody else but the money, so keep cheering it wont make a difference

  9. We should invade Mexico and make it a US territory. Dont really care what the Mexican people think of it. They would be better off. Plus Americans would get to start enjoying Cancun again.

    1. Good luck with that keyboard warrior.

    2. The day USA invades Mexico it's the end for the USA believe me there's a whole line of enemy countries waiting for Mexico to flip like Cuba and Venezuela

    3. We should invade your home and see how you feel about that.

    4. It already happened. It's now called California, Arizona, NEW Mexico, Texas , etc etc....its in the history books. Look it up

    5. Send in a c130 gunship, and Apache helicopter and an a10 warthog, that should be enough to blow these cartel hideouts to shit 馃挘

    6. Lol. Cuba gonna invade with what army?! That's a good one. Thumbs up

    7. 12:13 - The United States could take on the entire Western Hemisphere at the same time, including Canada, if it came down to it.

    8. Think a little more clearly my man. The drug war don't end no matter who takes Mexico... US needs to legalize and Mexico will change quickly.

    9. 8:24 as US nationals, the Mexicans would have rights and shit like minimum wages and services and a lot of shit, including majority votes everywhere to stick it to you and yours up there where the sun don't shine...
      Invade? Na, even poor broke ass Venezuela can't be beat by a bunch of fat comadres and Venezuelan plastic banana republic Revolutionaries like Guaido and his guud buddies in Culombia.

    10. Says someone that probably never enlisted!! Lmao!!.

    11. The drug war isn’t about progress, it’s about profit. In fact, it’s anti-progress as we could get as a society. Invading is a bad idea, but something like an American Union may be worth an idea thinking about. Learn from the faults of the EU and perhaps we could all benefit

  10. El R-5 been dead for years doesn’t add up

    1. Unless someone took his moniker, like what CDG does, and there is a NEW R-5...

      No other explanation because as you said, he has been dead for many years now.

  11. I rather see them sending messages than being kill like mencho who is a baby killer this actually a good tatic it would put remorse on that child killer of mencho
    (Mencho Sinaloa is too great for you to handle)

    1. A como lo est谩n ense帽ando sus padres de ser un lacra no falta mucho para que se le acabe el camino.

  12. El goyito lo mataron hace anos there is another r5 in guerrero everone uses his name r5 as he was the one that cleaned Veracruz durango chihuahua and sonora of the z and blo.check the facys after yhe massacre in tuba he the one that hunted gilo and took.out all the contras if it wasnt for 20 betrayin him when chapo first hot caught with bravo he would still be ag the head for m100 and rcq

    1. Veracruz was never cleared from z's their still a lot of them today, the only one who actually made a dent was mata zetas aka cjng

    2. Es dif铆cil declarar una ruta m谩s corta a un pa铆s fallido que la corrupci贸n total de los ni帽os. Los asesinatos y la barbarie cada vez mayores son malas se帽ales. Habr谩 aquellos en el mundo que declarar谩n a M茅xico como una democracia fallida. Luego, las empresas comenzar谩n a cerrar la industria debido a las amenazas. AMLO est谩 alimentando a un tigre con comida enlatada para un gato. 脡l est谩 tratando de apaciguar a un monstruo. Su legado y la fortuna de MORENA penden de un hilo. La gente se volver谩 en contra de MORENA cuando se den cuenta de que un partido pol铆tico m谩s corrupto ofrecer铆a una mejor seguridad a pesar de que se han logrado avances en la honestidad. El pa铆s necesita amenazar a los gringos con detener el TLCAN si no logran evitar que los narco d贸lares y las armas entren a M茅xico.

    3. 10:04 mata zetas were created by chapo dummy..10

    4. GsonoraN que no lo mat贸 el chino 谩ntrax despu茅s de que el R5 lo madrio en la sierra de Sonora, si no mal recuerdo fue por Yecora.

    5. 11:40 i never said they werent created by chapo, 8:44 said r5 cleaned veracruz from zetas wich never happened not even close, by the way chapo didnt created them, he just backed them up just like nacho before he got snitched on by chapo

    6. 11:40 You are the dummy, el 85 created mata zetas not chapo

    7. 11:40 who then broke away and started cjng dummy

    8. Mata Zetas is an armed wing of CJNG, go back through the years on this site.

    9. Nop el chino no le llegaba a los talones al goyo le metio una madrisa x alla pero no el 20 k era de agua prieta traiciono al 5 y se lo comio en un drive tru x eso no chingamos el 20 x la misma manera cheke los datos

    10. Y r5 fue el peimero k entro a veracrus le le rebato la plaza a los zzzz ya despyes k pudieron llegaron los menchas

    11. CJNG used to be Nacho Coronel's limpianalgas,
      then they got up his ass, but the real workers doing their murdering for them (OR FOR THEMSELVES MORE LIKELY) in Veracruz WERE SSP EV, ARTURO BERMUDEZ ZURITA and Governor Javier "La Marrana" Duarte, they even made millions and millions of dollars out of it, plus CJNG and Zetas kickbacks.

    12. -Desde Tierra Caliente- I l馃憖k forward to your comments.馃挆 Very thoughtful, well stated and you don't leave your manners at home. Thank you...馃憦

  13. Esta gente no tiene nada k ver kn la gn mucho menos kn el verdadero r5 y los de Sonora.

  14. Alrato que le den sus chicotazos aver si va andar muy bravo.

  15. No se agan los ofendidos recuerdense, estamos en guerra.

    Atte. El chiludo

  16. R5 was killed by Inzunza Aguilar familia back in 2013.

    1. Give us some more details of this family?

    2. Didn't the 16yr old girl with him have the same last name? Inzunza

    3. Inzunza? Any relation to gonzalo inzunza aka el macho prieto?

    4. Yes, it was rumored to have been the father of the young girl that had him killed.

  17. The CDS fanboys are ignoring real Narco News got this staged bullshit. I know you guys dislike CJNG BUT DONT REACH- you’ll look sloppy

  18. has become an Embarrassment to the entire world.

    1. 12:07 no epidemics yet, no carpet bombings have turned Mexico back to the stone age, no golpes de Estado yet, the press still wears their mouth guards to keep their fangs in check, no mass bombings, state sponsored crimes are a lot less, unlike Yemen, Lybia, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, and the African continent, no private industry arsons on the jungles yet, no nuclear mistakes, accidents or incidents like chernobyl or the new one in Russia. ..
      --12:07 YOU are an embarassment of ignorance mister,

  19. That kid will join el pirata de Culiacan very soon. La gente del CJNG Grupo Elite does not play around

  20. Vatos sin huevos ponen a ni帽os en sus videos luego andan llorando porque mueren ni帽os en la guerra porque ay gente pendeja que les ense帽a cosas de hombres como ni帽os soldados en guerras de hombres mayores

  21. What a joke, fucking disgraceful

  22. I don't feel sorry for R5 I feel sorry for his kids.

  23. Jesus kid, please go to school.

  24. This kid's days might be numbered. It is sad how mexico turn out to be.

  25. Hope his mom takes away his marbles and trompos away ...
    Kid might end up like El Pirata too sucks!!!

    1. Mom is enjoying the spotlight. Along with her endless shopping adventures and spending habits!


  26. El pirata all over again but this time I'm sure it will be there whole family

  27. Poor kid. Never stood a chance in life with his fucked up parents

  28. Oh wow, if only this was my child馃槧! Parents need they ass whooped!

  29. Kill el mencho and collect $10 million from the Americans. Mencho is a dead man. Cant hide forever mencho, theyll find you

    1. whos chasing him? Not the mex govt...

  30. Pinche gente donde verga dicen que son gente de CDS nomas porque el nombre R5 compitas si no sabian que rollo ese compa el R5 esta muerto .y como vergas dicen gue los Sinaloas tiene ese plevito trabajando y que los de cjng nomas si pasan matando ninos

  31. This is terrible. How anyone would think it is a good idea to put their child in a video threatening another cartel boss is a sick human being. That childs fate seemed sealed to be working with the cartels, but hopefully he can take a different path.

  32. This is no different than those kids who shoot up schools or strap on bombs & blow themselves up,I'm not saying its ok,but whats the difference?Lets face it,the world has gone to feces!

  33. Poor kid. Never stood a chance in life with his fucked up parents


  34. Guest August 26, 2019 at 8:24 AM
    We don't need nomore white racist psychopaths to shoot up more places

  35. The guy holding the cell phone needs an ass kicking, the kid probably is only 8,9 or 10 and has no clue what he’s even saying. Unbelievable.

  36. Cjng va a matar a este ni帽o, esa es la especialidad del c jotos buena generaci贸n.

  37. Big difference, CDS uses kids to work for them in non combative roles like halcones, aint right but they dont go around killing kids like cartel jotos buenos para nada generacion


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