Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat from La Prensa

In the municipality of
Chimalhuacán, State of Mexico, a policewoman was assaulted by subjects after
arresting one of them.
The police proceeded to
arrest a man accused of at least four cases of robbery with violence, but the
men defended the thief.
The policewoman asked
them to leave the patrol so she could finish her work; however, los ‘chacas’'
assaulted her and threatened her.
She asked for the support
of her partner, who was attacked by these subjects at all times, so they had to
shoot in the air.
#Video📹 ¡Cobardes! Al ver que detuvieron a su 'cuate', dos sujetos en #Chimalhuacán se pusieron roñosos y golpearon a una mujer policía para que lo soltaran 🔫🤬😠😰👉— @LetraRoja (@LetraRoja2) April 3, 2019
She shouldve forgone the warning shot, and put one between the dudes eyes.
ReplyDeleteThat would have been a sight to behold.
DeleteThe One Your Mother Warned You About
Unreal! Why do the cops carry weapons if they will not use them to even protect themselves...
ReplyDeleteShoot to kill. It's called respect,punks.
ReplyDeleteThis is the trash México sends to the US.
ReplyDeleteIlliterate Nacos who can’t read, speak or write in their own language, and have no respect for law enforcement.
These Stupid “Nacos” should have been shot by the officers!
Why didn’t the Police use deadly force?!
I’m sure some of you BB readers would welcome these Nacos into your homes.
Wow, exactly my thoughts. You see it exactly how I see it. I live in an area where they are flocking lately and the crime is rising and nadi hablan en ingles. It's a disgrace. Exactly, mixed in with some decent folks are a ton of the lowest filth society can offer.
Delete8:24 lokkihere Chihuahua's Cheese,
Deleteuse the return label and send them right back guey!
Nothing cheaper for the US than sending people back to Guatemala, even have some free maruchan kitchens there for the deportees.
--Mexico does not send shit to the US, people are free to leave anytime, I wonder where did you hear that?
--The US Government's own statistics say illegal Mexican immigrants are some of the best behaved people on the US and some of the best workers...
Queso it does you no good to live out the rest of what little life you have left as a bitter old woman. Many Mexicans can read and write regardless if they never finished school. And as far as housing goes many Mexicans also willingly help each other out regardless of where each person comes from. And you 1:18, remind yourself that there is no law that states an individual has to speak English in the North America. Mexico doesn’t send anybody anywhere. Mexicans go where they please wether you agree to it or not. Immigration has been happening throughout history because it’s all part of mans destiny. There’s no stopping anyone wanting to migrate where they want. Laws mean ditto when it comes to human survival. - Sol Prendido
DeleteI don’t have kids. But if I did and those were my kids. Oh hell fuck no boy. You not gonna be disrespecting the cops like that. Go get my lucky black belt now. So I can beat the mud-flaps off yo dumbass. I ain’t bring you into this world to be doing dumb shit like that boy. Cops need to be respected. Especially them female cops. - Sol Prendido
ReplyDeleteAgreed Sol...that would never happen in my family....My Pops woulda shot me himself. If my sons ever disrespected a LE officer, or any adult for that matter, I'd beat their ass all the way to jail, and had them kept there, until they learned to be respectful. Poor lady cop, just trying to make an honest living. She may have feared repurcussion on her family. That said, she should've smoked those assholes.
DeletePolice should keep their distance,
Deleteeven from the best looking suspect,
because they could not be able to handle the consequences.
They have radios to call for help before approaching anybody.
There would of been one dead fucker here with a side story in The NY Times
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't have shot in the air. Its life and death out there and I'm sure no one would have missed these punks.
ReplyDeleteShot in the Air, not in america, that guy would have been dead already if that was any American cop.
ReplyDelete12:49 "shut to kill" by cops is against the law,
DeleteJust because they collude and cover up to protect each other with their power and politics it does not make it two rights, not even one, cops are supposed to Serve And Protect, but not at the expense of Anybody's life, and that is what putting their lives on the line means, not everybody else's there are too many incidents of gratuitous police brutality by police officers on the learned US, all blamed on the military politics of shoot to kill officers get trained in seminars led by war criminals.
Against the law in Mexico-lol. That means a lot.
DeleteWhy bother?
ReplyDeletelol good grief... useless. Almost as useless as UK police.
ReplyDeleteUK police ladies carry Billy clubs, this brave lady in the video, had a real gun, with real bullets. Ariba Mexico I want to marry this lady what's her name.
Delete11:15 My name is Soleda', call me Chole.
DeleteI really hope you keep your word, not like all those other cowards that have left me behind the night after.
They also disproportionately torture, kidnap, maim, and murder male cops and members of the armed forces.
ReplyDelete-Black Stone
No respect for the police trying to enforce law, it is no wonder, some start to moonlight as cartel members. Joining the dark forces is tempting, surprised this municipal police is still clean as a whistle.
ReplyDeleteShooting in the air had no effect on the guy assaulting the officer. The next round should have been to his dome.
ReplyDeleteWTF Lady! Shoot the SOB's.
ReplyDeleteDamm cops female or male would've of shot those idiots...a shot in the air cause she prob lives in the area or near by...she should killed all of them and said she felt her life was in danger
ReplyDeleteThis is a prime example of why Mexico is a failed state. As soon as they put their hands on her she should have shot both of these idiots. Complete lawlessness in this country.
ReplyDelete8:21 there are worse examples of a failed state than one guy mistreating a female woman and another helping him, like someone abusing his apparent wealth to grab women from their hairs, but that does not mean the US is about to become a failed state.
DeleteMexico is trying to do better, enough to elect the president the country wanted for the last 30 years but was robbed of 5 times until things got real hairy.
--AMLO may not make miracles, but at least he can walk the street in front of the presidential palace all by himself, once in a while, unlike the US and its Russian puppet government...
There is a lot of hope on the US for a much better bright future, Mexico is already trying.
The disregard for law enforcement continues. Where enforcement of law don't apply to many in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteThe disrespect and eroding civil structure are signs of a crumbling society.
This will continue until a heavy hand is laid down.
What an embarrassing situation .that cop does not know how to shoot a gun. You can seen her struggling to use it. What a shame
Pretty sure she / he are the laughing talk of the town.
DeleteMaybe even loose her job over it.
You’re right. She shot into the air because she was afraid of hitting her partner...
DeleteProbably won't get posted, that's okay because you guys normally do a pretty good job.
ReplyDeleteWhy have police if they let dumba$$es beat them in public?
I appreciate this little lady, tough but I would have liked her more had she wasted the ignorant narco-puke.
2 words read about it. derechos humanos.. human rights. cop cant lay a hand on a suspect. derechos humanosis whats wromg in mexico..
ReplyDelete6:10 I applaud the restraint of these officers, that didn't shoot anybody dead, but you are not suppossed to put yourself in danger, yo are suppossed to assess the situation and call for help, while controlling the scene from a safe distance. Anybody gets within your personal space gets a shot in the nalgas.
Delete--DH is what is needed more of, not what is wrong, and government boys have been the worst abusers for the longest time