Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 29, 2019

Michoacán: CJNG Executes Three In Morelia Via Firing Squad

El Armadillo For Borderland Beat

The executioners claim the men were kidnappers, a favorite term in attempting to gain empathy for their actions, as if justified.  They also claim they are retail drug salesmen, and traitors.  The men are obviously are aware of their fate as they await the guns to begin blasting.

In the video, CJNG  gunmen surrounds three men during an interrogation. They are identified chapulines [grasshoppers. Which is  referring to those who are traitors who have jumped sides] as El Flaco, El Gordo and El Chocoflan.  Two  claim to be kidnappers and extortionists.  The third says he is a retail/street drug dealer.

The interrogator tells them the territory belongs to CJNG, and they will not tolerate illicit activities by chapulines and other groups, and they will pay for ignoring the warnings.
The CJNG also announces that Morelia, the capital of Michoacán belongs to them.

After a panoramic sweep of the scene—the firing squad begins blasting gunfire.   Translation:

CJNG: What's your name?

Flaco: Porfirio Levo

CJNG: What do they call you?

Flaco: El Flaco

CJNG: Where are you from?

Flaco: Morelia, Michoacán

CJNG: Why are you here?

Flaco: For being a kidnapper

CJNG: What's your name?

Gordo: Jorge Rangel

CJNG: Where are you from?

Gordo: Morelia, Michoacan

CJNG: What do they call you?

Gordo: El Gordo

CJNG: Why are you here?

Gordo: For kidnapping

CJNG: You know Cartel Jalisco is in Morelia? Morelia belongs to Cartel Jalisco! You thought you could use those shitty guns against us?

Both: No sir

CJNG: Then why did you kidnap when the lady told you, crying, that her other son was sick?

Flaco: For being a dumbass sir

CJNG: Cartel Jalisco is from Morelia and Morelia belongs to Cartel Jalisco

CJNG: What's your name?

Chocoflan: Ricardo Angel Martinez

CJNG: What do they call you?

Chocoflan: El Chocoflan

CJNG: Why are you here?

Chocoflan: For being a grasshopper and for selling drugs in the neighborhoods

CJNG: Why do you give a fuck if you can just relax? Chocoflan: For being a dumbass CJNG: You know already, you're just being a dumbass

CJNG: So you can see, grasshoppers and Morelians, Cartel Jalisco is in Morelia and Morelia is Cartel Jalisco's!

Execution video below:


  1. Los Mata Zetas are have returned! Under the leadership of el 85.

    El Señor de los Rosters avanzando

    1. It’s the same BS the Z we’re doing
      Nothing changes!
      Time for the citizens of Mexico to rise against!

    2. In the mexico codigo rojo there is el pkder de fuego del Cartel @EPN Y @osoriochong, you can access it, Osorio Chong was. A. Disaster as minister of the interior and public security of EPN and as a Governor from hidalgo state he was nothing but Corruption so I was wondering why is he getting a window here to promote more of his BS

    3. Too many bullets wasted on 3 captured guys. A bullet each to the head would have done the job. Scumbag meth heads with guns.

    4. Looks like Fuerzas Rurales are riding again,
      blaming "CJNG" is so blatantly expeditious.
      Lie detectors will have to be part of the investigations, but these disposable lives or others are not worth it, the dead clearly look like drug addicts, unlike their fat well fed killers.

  2. Nice job Armadillo! welcome aboard BB

  3. Welcome aboard Armadillo. It’s good to see help versus complainers. - Sol Prendido

    1. Sol why can you just say the positive comment with out a comment complain


    2. hmmmm.... let me get this correctly, you are complaining about complaining?

      That's beyond rich "M"

    3. 🎶🎶Hate it or love it the underdog's on top
      And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop 🎶🎶

      That’s the only thing the 🌞 can do in the darkness, is shine as bright as he can playboy. - Sol Prendido

  4. Damn, what a shitty way to go out.

    1. @3:00 down below I said "the lucky ones" because as much as it sucks to go out that way, they got off easy compared to many others in their situation (flaying, decapitation, etc.)

    2. 3:00,

      Actually they got off easy compared to other ways to go out. Once they were caught their fate was sealed but it could have been so much worse way to go out.

    3. nah they got off eaaaasy!!! I wonder if they cut them a deal off camera where they tell them if they behave they'll just be shot and not axe'd to death or something.

    4. This does not qualify for death by firing squad,
      the condemned are on their knees with no wall behind them.
      This is one plain old assassination times 3.

  5. Dam that's krazy I know this chick that's family with one of them (saying no names tho jk

  6. Goddamn. Beats being beheaded or dismembered alive.

  7. CJNG sigue avanzando y inaugurando nuevas plazas.

    1. Murdering Gangbangers, half dead from hunger and speed may get you ownership of the plazas they would never own, good luck keeping them forever...

    2. No on keeps plazas forever, ask CDS! Who got them snatched away. Like taking candy from a baby!

  8. N whats the point of having dozens of gun including .50 cal aiming at them.
    . pretty stupid looking guys trying to hold really cheap looking guys the right way..out of those hundreds of bullets fired looks like most missed the target haha but they still call themselves delta teams haha...

    1. A demonstration of power 3:27. And most likely American weaponry and ammo. These guys are high on coke and dont need to follow the rules like you and I. They dont get medals and awards for sportsmanship down in Mex. Its how many enemy scalps you can show your boss.

    2. The Mexican narcos should do skin and slice up those pinche white nationalists white supremacist instead

    3. The modern Mexican murderers have been nurtured by propaganda and example, all that talk about them all being animals and narcos and enemies of the state has got into the minds of soldiers and police that later go and train their street sicarios into doing this kind of shit...
      "El Goebbels de Mexico: El invisible personaje que diseno la propaganda detras de la repression del movimiento estudiantil del 68... Emilio Uranga" por Javier Rodriguez Mungia/ Ana Gabriela Rojas, corresponsal
      "La Conspiracion del 68: Los Intellectuales y el Poder: Asi se Fraguo la Matanza" Javier Rodriguez Mungia.
      "Tlatelolco, Las Claves de la Massacre" La Jornada
      At the root is the search for an enemy to fight, then were the Communistas invented by CIA puppets the DFS, now it is the narcos still created by the DFS and the propaganda thrown by the governments to demonize their "unsuspecting enemies"

    4. 746
      Cause they would be shot dead on site,by the way where are they,and stop crying

    5. Mexicans have no right talking about racism,most intolerant and insulated of people's

    6. so true,intolerant and can't see rite

  9. WARNING Viewer discretion advised

  10. Cartel Durango Nueva Generacion al millon

    1. Los Duranguenses son lambehuevos del CDS.

    2. 11:10 no digas mamadas es como decir que los michoacanos son lambe huevos de los jaliscos.
      Y arriva sonora

    3. 4:39 igual que dicir que los de Sonora son Lambehuevos de Sinaloa. Los Michoacanos no andan de lambehuevos tampoco los Jalicieses.Ellos tienen sus propios cartels baboso.

    4. Boboso tienes el ovethere

  11. Very lucky!!! Could have went out with a knife to the throat!

  12. Pinche desmadre en Mexico. Was gonna use my miles to plan a trip but F that, gonna head to South America better, Bolivia? Ecuador? Any suggestions guys? I have Septemeber open. Been to Brazil 3 xs, I loved it. Colombia once, loved it too.

    1. But you're a "big boy".

    2. 4:22, just returned from Zacatecas where I spent 2-weeks. Very peaceful and it’s a beautiful area of MX that’s well worth the trip. The people were very friendly and glad to see tourists visiting.

    3. You can always go to Syria

    4. Personally I’m still going to Mexico to enjoy and spend my hard earned money with my people.

  13. That's still way better than getting cut up alive.

    El Ranchero de Juarez

  14. Lucky few in my opinion, viagras and CJNG hate each other with a passion so going out by firing squad is probably the best way to go. Beats decapitation and all other types of things imo

  15. Where these guys some big shot callers? I'm sure el flaco had a big rep

  16. Chocoflan went out a G with his head up high.

  17. Brutality at its most powerful...

  18. What then do to reserve that way? Best relieve they are truely lucky

  19. Are they told to keep their eyes closed or silently praying knowing their fate? They don't look beaten up either. Yikes, I was worried about breaking a fingernail today tsk tsk.

    Canadian girl

    1. I agree with you. They may have been praying and repenting knowing they were only minutes away from the eternal Judgement.

    2. ditto---resignation and praying "Forgive me Father for I have sinned...." 🙏 🙏 🙏

    3. "breaking a fingernail today tsk tsk"
      Too much,dont ye love girls

    4. Orders to close their eyes,
      less they recognize their killers when they meet San Pedorro. Going to heaven is still the favorite retirement wish of these criminals in spite of they being so undeserving, and we are suppossed to forgive and forget our trespassers the moment it is asked, on the spot. right then and there.

  20. People in michoacan who knows about whats going on , they are not sure these guys are cjng they claim these guys in the video seems to be the gente del cerro who are part of viagras cartel.

    1. Correcto, art of war. Keep bringing that attention on to those scoundrals. The people killed were actually from CJNG. The people shouting were bringing the attention. Lol nice job El gordo MCDS💯. See u in Sierra en 5 dias.

    2. MM you cant even plagiarize art of war right! So maybe CJNG read the same book. Now if they did then they would know what you’re thinking... Now apply keyboard narcos thinking they’re smart aka you... that must mean it is them. You just fell for the recerse psycology!’ Huh huh!!!

  21. People in michoacan who knows about whats going on , they are not sure these guys are cjng they claim these guys in the video seems to be the gente del cerro who are part of viagras cartel.

  22. Luckiest guys...pretty strange not getting chopped up,must off been some random picked up guys with nothing to do with that kind of life...

  23. Best way to go better then getting your head cut off? Just hope these monkeys know to shoot where you die quickly instead of leaving you there to bleed out.

  24. Chinga las CJNG. Is your boss still hiding in Cuba? Scared rabbits run tu pinche jotos

  25. Unskilled with weapons as expected

  26. With the recent peace treaty and pact broken between templarios and cjng its interesting to see what is going to happen. El gallito group of templarios are now at war again with cjng. El tena group most likely also had a fall out it seems michoacan has turned like nuevo laredo and tamaulipas. Everyone and splinter groups fighting each other. It will be interesting to see how blancos de troya, templarios, viagras la nueva familia michoacana interact with they call a truce and work to slow down cjng advance or will they end up like golfos zetas and cdn fighting each other

  27. That same group kidnapped Chapos kids

    1. Nope those guys ended up dead a few days later lol. Chapo didnt play when he was still in Mex he had the power to do get swift revenge on that group.

  28. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Fuego...Fuego...Fuego.

  29. Cartel de Jalisco is from Morelia?

  30. Armadillo thanks man appreciate it

  31. They should have used the 50cal just one shot to the dome!

  32. CJNG executed CJNG?

    1. 1:50 chapulines that jumped from CJNG. being accused equals being guilty, Anybody doing the accusing first gets to get rid of a rival and keep his wife, his bicycleta, food stamps, Obama Care.

  33. Why does one have a clown wig?

  34. 'Morelia es de jalisco'. Muy machitos. ¿ Porque no entráron cuando los Templarios, Familia Michoacána or Viagras estaban jalándo fuertes ? Ahora que están débiles esos grupos ya se sienten bien machotes edad pinches cobardes. Solo así pueden bola de montaneros. Con Michoacán no se puede asquerosas ratas. Estos vende patrias 'Michoacanos' que gritan 'jalisco' nos la pelán. Michoacán para los verdaderos orgullosos Michoacános.


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