Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 15, 2019

Marines secure 48 thousand liter fuel tanks

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from

In the operation carried out in Pánuco, Veracruz, 15 IBC (Intermediate Bulk Containers) with a capacity of one thousand liters each were also secured, a semi-trailer and three pick-up trucks; there were no people arrested

In compliance with a search warrant, elements of federal institutions located two tanker tanks with approximately 48 thousand liters of hydrocarbon, in the municipality of Pánuco, Veracruz, informed the Secretariat of Navy-Navy of Mexico (Semar).

The search was carried out within the framework of support for the Joint Plan of Attention to the Strategic Facilities of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) 2019, in coordination with personnel of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic (FGR), of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena ) and Public Safety of Veracruz.
La Semar detailed that, in a first search conducted in an area of ​​Pánuco, a buried tank was found that contained approximately 29 thousand liters of hydrocarbon.

In this place were found the IBC (Intermediate Bulk Containers), a semitrailer and the three Pick Up trucks, which were made available to the Federal Public Ministry for the integration of the investigation folder.

Later, in a second address, federal personnel located and secured another buried tank, which contained approximately 19 thousand liters of hydrocarbon, also linked to investigations of illegal extraction of pipelines.

The agency said that the material contained in the tanks was transferred to Pemex's tanker trucks for transfer to the Maritime Terminal of Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas, for chemical analysis.


  1. Stolen from PEMEX's own yards and valves in their installations.
    Mexican fuel thefts are encouraged by the partners on the US side, they buy a lot of it and cross the Tejas borders with great facility, becos they is money there in buying cheap and selling for more profit than they ever dreamed possibol, specially if the pipe tankers cross pregnant with cocaine and meth.
    "Without pipe tankers there is no paradise" title of a coming telenovela

    1. Yes when crime happens in Mexico blame it on the US, when the Maduro government in Venezuela is f up, blame it on the US lol.

    2. 6:27 Google: "Texas companies buying illegal Mexican oil"
      Also: "The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", The author John Hopkins knows what is going on in Venezuela, if he is still alive. --The book is dumbed down so even a caveman can get it...
      --Also "la Guerra Falsa" (the big white lie) by Michael Levine and Laura Kavanaugh-Levine... (Mike Levine, formerly of DEA)

  2. It seems to amaze me, not a single soul was arrested. Yet they find a lot of contaband. More likely it is ghousts that are doing the crime.

    1. The marines & the army are running this racket.

    2. 5:12 in Mexico they are Marinas, copies of the US MARINES,
      BUT they are called Marinas after DONA MARINA, La Malinche
      That forked it. To Hernan Cortez.
      AMLO has chosen to align with the Mexican military for now, but those perras are hard to get off their high horse, they are aligned with super-huachicoleros drug traffickers, arch-criminals and anything that makes them $$$

  3. Just protecting the governments pockets. Enough said

  4. What happens to this fuel after confiscated? It’s not like they pour it out or burn it, like drugs can be. Do they just give it back to Pemex?

    1. Fuel gets sold on the street, cheaper than gas station, but many gas stations buy their illegal Huachicol by the pipe tanker cheap and straight from the mexican PEMEX Yards...

  5. EPN was found hiding the existence of oil wells in the Gulf Of Mexico, other politicians also participated and behaved like the Owner Sheiks thi king they were their personal property.
    The worst oil thefts are done inside the biggest refineries, they just fill the pipe tankers and disappear the paperwork, same shit they did with the Nationalized State owned Mining Companies now mysteriously owned all over again. by Canadians, French, Netherland, British, Indu and American corporations among other parnas.

  6. It is possible to somewhat control illegal comistibles. Gasolineras to be required to retain copies of purchases. Not only the pides but payment transfers. Gasolineras get audited randomly. If discrepancies are found the gasolinera is seized, and the owner faces un gran delito. Everything is subject to bribery but a separate team that records pump total liters dispensed can keep the heat on. Loss of a gasolinera plus prison time would help. AMLO promising lower cost of comisitbles if the situation improves would also help.

    1. There is always a way to hide the truth. Like Laundering money which has become a knack for those who know how to.
      There will always be a way to legitimize product and earnings.

    2. 5:49 Deutsche Bank is Soo Sooory...


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