Destroyed: 5 Tons of chemical substances and 19,000 liters of precursors in Culiacán
March 27, 2019 by Editorial Staff
More than 5 Tons of chemical substances and more than 19,000 liters of precursor liquid chemicals, secured in operations carried out by security institutions in the state, were destroyed by elements of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in Sinaloa.
Incinerated 2 tons 899 kilos , 978 grams 500 milligrams of lead acetate, 512 kilos 990 grams of phenylacetic acid, 339 kilos 994 grams of sodium cyanide, 519 kilos 990 grams 7 milligrams of sodium hydroxide, 840 kilos of unknown substance, 400 milligrams tartaric acid and 200 milligrams of sodium acetate.
"Also, 2,599 liters were destroyed 815 milliliters of hydrochloric acid, 912 liters 990 milliliters of sulfuric acid, 399 liters 990 milliliters of benzyl alcohol, 509 liters 965 milliliters of ethyl alcohol, 2,312 liters 960 milliliters of methyl alcohol, 119 liters 990 milliliters of ethyl benzene, 60 liters 990 milliliters of hydrocarbon mixture and 899 liters 975 milliliters of benzyl cyanide ", are detailed.
In addition: "1,379 liters were also included, 960 milliliters of benzyl chloride, 7,219 liters, 840 milliliters of toluene, 129 liters, 988 milliliters of reactive waste, 2 ,579 liters, 940 milliliters of unknown substance, 170 liters of acetone and 5 milliliters of acetic anhydride".
The destruction, adds the statement, was made in a specialized and authorized company for this purpose, following the practice of the proceedings conducted by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), with assistance from elements of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM) and experts specialized in forensic chemistry, as well as the supervision of the Internal Control Body to attest the weight and quantity of chemical substances and precursors.
Meanwhile on the other side of the pond; from: El Sol
Plantations of Marijuana and Poppy in Ensenada, BC were eliminated.
This action was carried out during an overflight of reconnaissance of area in the vicinity of Valle de Guadalupe.
The Navy-Navy Secretariat of Mexico, in coordination with the National Defense Secretariat in accordance with the National Protocol of Action on the Destruction of Illicit Plants, reports that yesterday, personnel assigned to the Second Naval Region in coordination with elements belonging to the Second Regiment of Motorized Cavalry, eradicated approximately one hectare of marijuana and poppy fields in Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California.
This action was carried out during an overflight of reconnaissance of area in the vicinity of Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, carried out with a Black Hawk helicopter, where four marijuana and poppy fields were located in different points of Valle de Guadalupe; A total of 6, 925 square meters were destroyed. All of the above was done as a result of field and investigative cabinet work.

NOTE: Both photos are of Poppy PLANTS not yet flowering or going to seed; the seed pods being what contains the sap or gum.
From ZETA: 600 Kilos of Marijuana PLUS
By: Marco A. Flores Friday, March 29, 2019
The 382 packages were transported in the boxes of the vehicles, covered with sheets of wood, on a dirt road near the town of Esteban Cantú on the Pacific Coast.
Around 600 kilos of marijuana, four pick ups trucks, 4 inflatable rafts, and outboard motor and one man were secured by elements of the Mexican Army in the area known as La Bufadora, in the Municipality of Ensenada, BC.
The Secretariat of National Defense announced in a statement that in the framework of the operation "Neptune" the elements of the 67th Infantry Battalion carried out ground reconnaissance that led to the assurance.
According to the military institution, the elements saw several pick ups moving at high speed, so they made the stop; according to the official version, but only one of the drivers was stopped.
The Marijuana, vehicles, motor and people were placed at the disposition of the Attorney General's Office in the city of Tijuana.
The SEDENA estimated that this shipment was more than 6 million doses, with an economic value in the black market exceeding 4 million 560 thousand pesos.
The 67th Infantry Battalion invites to report any illicit activity to the telephone numbers 616 165 30 74 and 616 165 16 60 and the e-mail , 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
And yet there are some who still dispute Americans appetite for drugs. Mexico will not be in turmoil or in chaos if not for American drug epidemic.
ReplyDeleteCurious to know the environmental contaminants of Mexico's drinking waters and soil from waste? Better yet if a study was even conducted.
Good job sol
Burning the Chemicals in the oven furnace helps keep it tuned for the time they burn people to make them disappear,
Deletenever mind the environment, we are all going to die anyway, but i doubt they burned all of it, you know, someone may be getting shit ready for show and tell to get their yearly 3 billion dollars from the US for the War ON drugs, y Hay Quir.
The United Nations office on drugs and crime reports that the use of cocaine use is as high among secondary students in brasil Colombia Argentina Chile Peru and Ecuador... drug abuse is an international concern...
DeleteThe USA huge drug problems goes away and Mexico would go bankrupt...
the rest of the world uses drugs as well as Latin America.
Want the USA to help? The put troops on the border.
Mexico needs to fix its corrupt government stop fuel theft prevent kidnappings and stop blaming everyone else for its problems.
Oh yeah Spain isn’t gonna apologize...
Instead of spending billions on the US Border, the US could have saved billions in the Latin-American countries they corrupted creating Arena, Battalion Atlacatl, the Kaibiles, the zeta/GAFES, and their contras to mask their drug dealing (cocaine and grifa) into the US under guise of saving the Continent from socialism and communism, (that is what they call aspirations of education, health and welfare, and some economic justice) because United "Fruits" Co. did not want to pay their farmers one more penny a day... Assisting instead of using them to fight their proxy wars for profit would still go a long way to saving the US border, and it would be billions cheaper, but the profiteers would be at war with their government and create Uno, Dos, Tres, Muchos Benghazis
DeleteGood point. Fighting communism (Russia) in Central America after the scare during he Kennedy years with Cuba... then Barry seal Escobar cia...
DeleteOr Mexico could be speaking Russian....
Goverment still favoring Mencho. CDS didnt pay its tax on this to mencho so it has to go! Lets not forget Mencho controls the ports! No matter what anyone says, CDS pays taxes to CJNG to use the ports!
ReplyDeleteMichael Miller will be on your case for this lol
DeleteLol, private company just tossed water with some chemicals into the incinerator. This was the gift given to AmLO when he first took office (remember the huge seizure months back). It was given back to El senor a week later. Haha ports owned by CJNG, this is how I know you live in Liverpool and have no clue about how anything works . 10:52, your right. 💯
DeleteMenchos drugs never get seized in mexico. Also hes been caught 2 times and released. Chapo been caught 3 times jailed all 3.
Deletedude, what you're saying doesn't make sense. CJNG and CDS are fighting in Tijuana, Jalisco, Michoacan, Colima, etc and you're saying that the people from these 2 cartels are meeting somewhere and CDS is giving money to CJNG, money which CJNG will probably use against CDS battles, right? trust me, CDS has enough matter what you're saying, you're obv just a CJNG nuthugger, no offense.
Delete19:52 la sirvienta es primero.
Delete@1:01PM when was the second time mencho was captured?
DeleteNAVY punishment for fishermen getting out of hand in baja California
ReplyDelete(cds) fishing the vaca fish to extinction
Hahahah.. this is hilarious! first the online videos from the “Chapitos” now all these TWEEK chemicals
ReplyDelete..Sinaloa’s are show offs, rats, and like I always said TWEEKERS.. they think they are all “high class” w the coke only because they first met w the Colombians... pinches chancludos..
10:49 sounds like a michoacaca hating....michoacanos are the real indios chancludos haha...
DeleteCoke stop being "high class" since the 90s. They had their golden years in the 80s with the yuppies. Now? High class uses ADDERALL and amphetamines and oxys.
DeleteNot a good weekend for chinolas
DeleteSinaloenses are some of the most uneducated and illiterate loud mouth people from all of Mexico you just can’t tell because they use drug money to cover up what they really are. Con dinero no se les nota los defectos como dice la cancion. The people from there all they know is drugs nothing more very rarely do you meet someone from there who is quiet, honest, and hard working.
Delete10:49 El Negro Durazo was the first to meet with the Colombians, then he threw them in the sewers and the canal after liberating them, from their drugs and money.
DeleteWhat article did you read? I'm trying to figure out what's so "hilarious" and how the confiscation of these chemicals leads to Sinaloas being tweekers. It's not to say it doesn't happen in Sinaloa, but honestly, how did you come to these conclusions?
Delete10:49 celosa...
DeleteDe que mueren Los Quemaos.
You can tell who doesn’t know much.
DeleteSinaloans grow up piscando goma
sinaloa sigue siendo el cartel mas pesado pese a ken le pese. and coke still has its value its the thing all cartels want to move thats where the money is y do u think u hardly see any big coke seizures its wat they take care of
DeleteNah, real gangsters lurk in the shadows.. they don’t go out and make corridos, or post videos , for what??? and then they lie about shit they’ve supposedly done, I’m sure you can name 100 Sinaloa capos, why cuz they show off, and eventually end up dead or in jail, In those fancy tombs..The only real G from Sinaloa is MZ. In Michoacán , u lie low and stay humble, if u dont u get FU*^ed up.. It’s known, Sinaloa brings in the weight and Michoacán has always moved it. Michoacán does the real work over In the USA, finding custys, and making the dope
DeleteDisappear. Check your history. They both need each other . DURANGO is another state full of true OG’s keeping a low profile , letting the light shine on chinaloa, .
Durango people have no nuts so they fly the Sinaloa flag like people from Sonora
DeleteThis is hilarious.
10:52 still not worth a 40 billion down-payment for a wall,
Deletemost crime is still from US born nationals.
US government own statistics say so.
Lots of big busts in Sinaloa recently
ReplyDeleteChapo snitched
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the beautiful and reliable G3 battle rifle? did the Mexican army sold out into the plastic trendy ASSault tacticool rifles?
ReplyDelete12:07 a gueboo, Iraq Army Surplus, via American weapons traffickers. the new Iraqi police got New rifles after the old Iraqi army and police defected to ISIS for their new weapons.
DeleteThe truce between amlo and Mayo was to stop producing synthetic drugs watch how cocaine makes a come back
ReplyDeletecocaine is and has always been on top
DeleteThere are some speculation pertaining a cocaine comeback.
DeleteLike fashion, comes and goes and comes back.
People without class uses meth, classy people and artists and politicians use cacaine, black ones like their crack, pinchis foqueros.
DeleteA coca plant can grow in Michoacán but it will not take off in a Sinaloa sierra
Delete@9:55, I think opiates are number one right now, aside from mota of course. Cocaine will always be in demand but I don’t know if it’s on top right now. Drugs come and go in waves. I remember when E pills were the latest fad.
Delete7:54 artists do heroin and sorry high class get Adderall not cocaine lol so overrated.
DeleteSynthetic drugs ain't going away. Cocaine is OVERRATED Only lasts 30 minutes and mental withdrawals are worse than meth.
DeleteWith that amount of chemicals and plants, they only captured one person, shows you how little effort is made on criminal captures, those that got away will continue to kill and kill.