Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Cuernavaca: A Car Thief Is Dismembered

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat

The brutal murder of a young man in Morelos was recorded and disseminated through social networks; his corpse was scattered in several streets of the entity. Last Friday, February 8, at around 11:00 p.m., a human trunk without limbs was located in Paso Exprés in the direction of Vicente Guerrero Avenue, in the Maravillas neighborhood, Cuernavaca.

On the morning of Saturday, a human head was placed next to the genitals in the Tabachin Street of the Bella Vista neighborhood, a few blocks from the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), where cardboard was found with the following message:

"Commissioner, given that your team has not worked and, on the contrary, they only receive money from all the criminal groups, here we give you the clue of some of the groups that are extorting money and stealing cars in the city."

The human remains were picked up and sent to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo), where the victim remained as a stranger; however, on Monday the body was identified by his relatives as José Rodolfo Bellucci Botello, nineteen years of age.

Rodolfo Bellucci, originally from Iguala, began his criminal activity when he was only fifteen years old, along with his high school classmates, with whom he assaulted businesses, robbing homes and mainly stealing vehicles.

The afternoon of Monday, through social networks a video began to circulate in which an armed group interrogates the young man, who visibly beaten confesses to belong to a criminal group that operates in that state supported by police officers.

In another recording two men appear inside a bathroom, where it is seen that they cut the head and limbs of the corpse of the victim.

As if the images were not violent enough, the individuals end the video warning that this will happen to all the local extortionists.


  1. Where’s the video? Link please

    1. it in the post---look for the highlighted hyperlink

    2. Ahhh thank you very much.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. after reading good the story this guy was going to become a sicario or something so too bad.

  4. Hahaha poor guy, 1 less criminal in that town

  5. Guess he stole the wrong car.

    1. More likely he was stealing without paying piso, if he paid he would have been left alone, but he only paid the police and not his killers

  6. I guess no need for Lojack around there,lol

  7. The video is nasty

  8. I've seen a few beheadings from that same house, anyone know what group it is?

    1. Not the same house. This took place in Morelos and is similar to a CDS beheading of a CJNG operative in Colima that happened last year or the year before. The main similarity is that he was beheaded in a shower, which isn’t uncommon amongst Mexican DTOs—there’s the comandante paty video by FEGS (shower), this one (shower), the CDS one (shower) and multiple videos from Brazil/Venezuela that show decapitations or dismemberments taking place in a shower.

    2. Most houses in MEXICO have a type of walk in shower with tile if you have enough money i imagine in this business they do or at least enough for tile. Its gotta be the easiest way to clean up ..turn on shower let blood run down the drain..

  9. Initially I felt bad for the kid. After reading about his history as a crook I think justice has been served.

    1. It doesn't matter if he was a "crook", he did not deserve to die like that. The fact you think that what happened to him was okay, shows your lack of morals. Nobody deserves to die like that, he deserved to go to jail or prison, not be beheaded.

    2. Bro... are you talking about the kid who chopped off the girls head? He doesn’t deserve to die the way he did?

    3. Bro... are you talking about the kid who chopped off the girls head? He doesn’t deserve to die the way he did?

    4. Bro... are you talking about the kid who chopped off the girls head? He doesn’t deserve to die the way he did?

    5. Bro... are you talking about the kid who chopped off the girls head? He doesn’t deserve to die the way he did?

    6. Not even him would deserved to die like that - Are we as stupid and sick as they are??

  10. Steal cars and aline with police, getted chopped and get fed to dogs.

  11. He'll never be the "head" of a major corporation.... 😯😯😯😯😉

  12. Mexico has a big problem with people robbing house items. You can’t go out for the weekend leaving your house alone because it would be empty by the time you get back.

    You can even see a weapon on one of his pictures. I guess one less criminal.

    1. And thats why every home has bars on the windows.

    2. @ 6:49 and many walls throughout Mexico are lined with broken bottles at the top of them. Something you’ll never see in the U.S. because of safety hazards.
      - Sol Prendido

  13. And I am quite sure that these vigilantes belong to a rival criminal organization.
    No common good citizen would have done this horrific display of vengeance.

    Just propaganda campaigns by others to gain control. It's not sympathy they are selling here!


  14. The video is greusome. Don’t see it it you have a weak stomach.


    1. I have a weak stomach for queso.

  15. No one deserves that type of torture? What makes the killers and better than the teenager they dismembered? Rival criminal group??

  16. Ruthless vatos cutting that kid up 😧

  17. 19 years man, that's really nothing compared to other parts of the world.

  18. What a piece of shit.

    People work hard to own a car, and have things some in the US take for granted, and the punk and his pals are out there Stealing!

    He did deserve the cruel death but enough is enough.

    1. Chivis. My neighbor in Mexico was a sick old man who’s house was burglarized by people like this guy. My neighbor died one week after he went to the hospital and his wife had to deal with two big problems.

      People like this guy got what they have coming. At this point we in Mexico are tiered of this criminal. Divine justice.

    2. What did he die from? was he shot? or? that is sad. I am guessing however the thugs were there to steal not kill a sick old man.

      The scum that murdered my only brother, i don't think he/they deserved death, a long, long sentence of hard time but not death. death should be reserved for very few-the Ted Bundy's of the world, the baby killers and killers of the defenseless.

      no thieves.

      and I no longer support the death penalty, in theory yes, but not in practice.

    3. People work hard all over the world. Despite robberies, identity theft and car thefts in the US. We do not go out and butcher perpetrators.
      These types of crimes have value to those being affected but not convert into a barbaric.

      It's called insurance. A service that provides a protection and ease to those affected. Suggest purchasing.

    4. 5:53 said insurance. Gtfo what part of working hard to barely own a car didn't u understand.

  19. A full circle of evil has overpowered Mexico. The only nice person left is my grandma.

  20. Holy shit, been out of the cartel video watching game and I only stomached 1 second and I had to exit. I’m too old for this gore.

  21. I watched video a couple of times, don't know how they do it with out feelings , maybe stoned cold or maybe high, I myself am wondering , I guess used to it don't know , cruel world isn't it??????

  22. Why the f did i clicked😠😠😠

  23. @6:03 i wonder the same Werent these killers kids once with mothers fathers brothers and sisters? Its incomprehensible really Chivis if you can secure an interview or you maybe have in the past as to the mindset of the person carving and dismembering other humans it would give great insight Is it Meth? Its hard to believe every guy doing this is high on Meth or is the use that rampant in Mexico? Being poor and growing up does not give one the ability to carve and dismember another human This Mexican Cartel phenomena has to be studied Sadly the inly way to correct this problem is to gather US and Mexican forces to go on mass extermination missions killing every carteli door to door in every mexican state. What a horror dios mio

  24. AnonymusSinCensura (@anonymus_sin) | Twitter has 2 videos for this guy. Scroll down long enough and eventually you come across these videos. 1 is the interrogation video. Guy is kneeling down with a towel wrapped around his bleeding head. Giving up all the info on who’s who. Voice sounds almost angelic when you hear it. Like if he was at confession asking for forgiveness while narrating his recents exploits. Rifle pointed at his head. Probably lead to believe he’d be let go with just the beating they gave him. You don’t get to see his actual murder take place, the macabre colors you do. In the second video well, it’s safe to assume he was shot, yet we never get to see that part happen. The guy trying desperately to remove his head is going about it all wrong. Looks like a paring knife is being used. Mexicans will know it as a cuchillo cebollero (onion knife). The knife is extremely dull. So it’s taking longer than normal. Too many rapid back and forth movements are taking place. If you’ve ever field dressed an animal then you already know that it doesn’t really take that many pounds of pressure to remove what’s necessary. It’s apparent the guys a cherry with the knife. I’m sure his arms were tired after all that laborious work. Ugly gurgling sounds can be heard. Perphaps the kid was still alive while it’s all happening, just unconscious. Hard to really know. Some people refuse to cross on over to the other side right away. So there you are wasting too much damn energy because you’re just not proficient enough yet on those cutting skills. Video is ugly so, if you can’t stomach to see something grotesque then don’t bother.
    - Sol Prendido

    1. Hi Sol, what makes you say it's safe to assume the kid was shot prior to decapitation.
      Regards from Germany

  25. The link to the video no longer works.

  26. Thank you for ending my search for the origins of the video, it became popular lately and I wanted to know the origins, thank you

  27. Where can I see the video

  28. Y'all didn't know the guy,''divine justice'' is merely a sick speculation since the moment none of you really
    are aware how he used to move,''overpowering and robbing the sick old sweet 88 y.o old neighbor'' my a***.He was punished in the most brutal way bc he didn't bow down to who he was supposed to,he didn't deserve to die,let alone in this horrendous fashion,whoever support this and is still trying to make the video circulate and get views must just check themselveves into therapy and give a good long look in the mirror at their disturbed, coward,vile personality,i hope everything those disgusting pieces of scum did to this young guy and got a kick out of it is coming back right back at them ten thousand folds.Fly High J.

    1. I agree with you. I've noticed that a lot of ppl believe whatever story is put out but I know for a fact that ppl from cartels lie a lot about why ppl get killed & have heard that a lot of innocent ppl get arrested for crimes they didn't commit. I once knew a fella who participated in a particular group. He told me how crooked, corrupt & backstabbing members of cartels are to advance. Betraying best friends and even their own family. Whatever story is being put out to the media best believe it's either a lie or goes even deeper than what they're saying.

  29. Rest in peace anyway for this boy who
    Don't deserve this .No one deserve this Especially killers!The best thing is,, going to a prison its the only they can do They can't do this it's impossible jesus crist omg rest in peace boy..😥
    Good people are dying while bad people lives their live..
    Jesus have to do something for those who don't deserve to live and for those who are dying for no reason
    Okay this boy deserves to be in a prison but not to die m** therf***ckers!!!!

  30. This video is making the rounds on tiktok with a fake story, they're saying it's about a muslim girl with the username @mayengg03 being beheaded for wearing revealing clothing 🤦🤦🤦🤦


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