by Karla Gutiérrez Hernández *
The gas station of Santa Cecilia 2, a municipality in Hidalgo very close to the Pemex refinery, seems like a leit motive for an old Western film; where the only movement is the wind, with
small cries of terror, lonely and sad in the middle of January 2019 as if there were no people, much less cars.
On the dispatching machines there is a blanket where an advertisement
reads: "station and plot of land for sale with everything." But the history of that station can not be summarized in a sale, or in its gloomy appearance.
six years now, entire families of Santa Cecilia have dedicated
themselves to "huachicol", a term used for the illegal extraction of
gasoline through clandestine seizures for sale at a very low price. Of
course, all of this is under the knowledge of Pemex workers, many of
whom operate from the refinery and are the ones who have helped to
locate outlets, routes and distribution schedules.
intake they have been supplied with is not located in this locality, it
is about 10 or 12 kilometers away, in "El Mezquite" which used to be
by residents of the neighboring community of Tenancingo as an attraction
due to its very large and old tree that provides extensive shade. I have very good memories of that place, in my childhood during the Easter holidays with my whole family. Until a few days ago, this area was under control, because that's where the pipelines were "milked" and the distribution began; from the surrounding communities to other municipalities and other states.
grandfather is originally from Tenancingo, went to work in Mexico City
for 35 years and for 25 years has retired and returned to his village, as
he says. Through
his window he has seen how entire families of peasants have transformed
themselves into "huachicoleros", assassins and kidnappers of entire
communities, like his, since it is located between the clandestine
takeover and the area where they maneuver. Sadly,
from his window, he sees how his town has become a criminal passage:
shootings, trucks, shouts, banda music, are the components of each night
and early morning in these communities.
Who gave them the "license"? Nobody knows. How many liters do they take per day? Thousands, because all night it doesn't stop, from 11:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. How many are involved? Difficult to know when almost the entire community is involved. 12 year old children deliver gas at home in 20 liter drums at a cost of 600
pesos, and even those who do not want to buy are threatened, so many
have had to buy to stay safe. Elderly
people also participate, they keep watch that the enemy (the police or other
huachicoleros) do not come, that nobody sees more than what they can
see, in the apparent calm.
For four years there has been a curfew and
it is at 10:00 pm. Nobody who does not belong to the families of Santa
Cecilia leaves after that time and if they do they have to identify themselves
with the "bosses." If you are from the community they will easily let
you go with a little warning, if you do not owe them anything, or if you
did not see anything of their "work". Otherwise they know where you live and who your family is, and they
will not hesitate to "visit" you with a weapon in hand.
young people aged 15 to 25 who live in the area, there is no other
option but work between trucks, drugs, prostitution, the business of
gasoline, weapons and money: "La vida loca y corto", a slogan they have made and hope that it doesn't change when someone
comes to steal their territory, because they are not the only
ones in the area, because there are betrayals and there are other
families who also want to live off that.
From a quiet town to a kidnapped one, that's how Tenancingo went in the last six years.
of the people were involved in the field, cargo transport, trade or
migrated to the United States to offer a better life to their children,
so they could study, so they would not suffer a poor life like the many
generations they have suffered. But some young people were
persuaded by the "bosses", they did not want to continue studying and
they had the possibility of obtaining fast and "easy" money, some others
are threatened to work. The business is big and requires young people to work by hook or by crook.
By hook or by crook, as it was for a 22-year-old who was forced to work for
long days to get gas, load it in drums and put it in vans. When he wanted to leave the "business" he was killed along with his cousin of 26 years, who accompanied him. His
grieving mother can not accept it. She has lost a son and a nephew, she
has lost her family, because her husband is in the United States to give
them a better quality of life, so that their children could go to
university, but that American dream is over. Thus, one by one, two by two, or ten by ten, they have been dying. The village funeral home has more work than the hospital.
The surrounding towns have been left without young people, with fear,
with uncertainty, without work, and with a lot of gasoline. It
leaves me disconsolate to see armed people on the roads, knowing that
if you turn them in you can do something, but have to pass by as if
nothing has happened, seeing that it has no solution.
dad, who lived all his childhood there until he was 17, looks sadly at
his town, looks desolate. There are no markets, there are no shops, and
the few that are there are surrounded by a fence. You must ask from afar as if the
owners were imprisoned and sold you some cookies "clandestinely."
saddens my dad is that many of his childhood friends have been left
alone because their children have been killed. They have had no justice
because they don't come from money or have a powerful surname and they know
that there will be no justice for them because they live threatened and
behind the shadows. The
municipal president is aware and colluded, the municipal police works
giving protection to the huachicoleros and not the state police. So there is no one to turn to, the only thing is a deep pain for the loss of their children and dignity.
three weeks the pipelines have been closed and the huachicoleros have
not been able to be "supplied" as they usually were, as part of measures
against the theft of gasoline carried out by the new government of
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. People
are more afraid to leave, there is no gasoline, no one has left them,
no bullets are heard, no trucks with banda music are heard. What will happen? Will the army arrest the 12 year old children who distribute it? Will they take whole families? Nobody knows. What is known is that last Sunday the army arrived and the whole community came out to defend the huachicoleros. There was one dead and one wounded, none of the community, because cannon fodder is not used on people close to the "bosses".
The gas station is a leit motive of
the army entrance of a huachicolera community. It is the entrance
to a place that for years now has had a new law, which has nothing to do with customs and practices.
go beyond this panorama I am full of questions, because the town where I
used to spend my vacations and visit my family has become a place of
fear. And then I think: how will this new government give hope to these communities? How will it stop whole families from giving up on something that has left them money and power like never before?
by before I refer to centuries of neglect, which have been
poverty, subjugation and hunger, and that, for the first time they own
something -a shady and sinister business- but theirs at the end of it.
fact of acquiring Huachicol became like the so-persecuted marijuana: at
some time, a harmless substance but in its process and
distribution was filled with blood and suffering of children, young
people, women, men, that is to say, of whole peoples. Maybe tomorrow it will be the water that is stolen and illegal.
The gas station is for sale because it went bankrupt. In more than six years no one charges "legally." It seems a distant history of my reality, but it is the daily life of my family, of being kidnapped, far away and with fear. The police only enter to protect the organization, nobody else goes. Not even the new president, who has visited more communities in the country, knows it. It seem invisible and between shadows, until 11:00 pm when they can have the "opportunity" to live their "everyday life."
A failure of the State or the same extended presence of that state with all the complicity it can have in Mexico?
* The author's name has been changed for reasons of personal and family safety.
Soy de un rancho en GTO, afuera de Celaya. A un hombre lo golpearon y lo aventaron adentro de un tanke lleno de gasolina. Y luego al otro hombre lo taparon en gasolina y fuego.. El hombre vivió.
ReplyDeleteLa gente del mencho
DeleteGreat frontline stuff.
ReplyDeleteI told u Mexico needs the United Nations it cannot provide security for it's nation unfortunately
ReplyDeleteExcellent report of the history and situation of the area and huachicoleros. It sure seems like it will be a very hard problem to fix as the region has grown poisoned with violence, crime and corruption.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the writer's insider's clear descriptions and sentiments for her family and the area.
I hope she writes more.
Thanks El Profe for posting the story.
Asi es la vida!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how Mexico gets out of this death spiral. It's so tragic. Serious question - is there anything there that isn't corrupt?
ReplyDeleteI live a very strict life with total income of less than the USA poverty line. It is hard. It is sad. But because I have pride I will not use drugs. I will not buy or sell drugs. I do not rob or steal. Why? I have a piece of the heart of a true Mexicano. If a person cannot live without hurting people then they are no better than Donald Trump or los ricos de la republica. Scum.
ReplyDeleteYour life may be hard. It may be sad. But there are millions of sadder men rotting in prison who would give anything to live your life. Freedom is precious.
Delete4:08 how can you compare a life that you were born into to a life that was completely chosen? Sorry, its idiotic.. 7:08, life might be a bitch right now but theres always room for improvement and your determination will help you live the life you want.
DeleteAttention Borderlandbeat Chivis and Reporters!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on in matamoros tamp with the Autoworkers protest??? Please find out and translate for us Autoworkers from the Midwest.
Solidarity To All Working Class People Around The World!!!
2,28 ask ur manager dude is the same company right? ,pense ke eras mas inteligente amigo.
world socialist web site,