Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from
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The Main Characters of this saga of betrayal; "Joan HP", El Rene Meiby and Cesar |
Ciudad Juárez- Five of the six allegedly responsible for the murder of 11 people in a house in the Praderas de los Oasis subdivision went through the social reintegration system and then went back to crime.
René Hernández Chávez; Martín Alberto Favila González, aka "El Chori"; Diego Armando Jasso Rivera, "El Jasso"; Daniel Quinn Calderón and Luis Fernando Limas Escapita who also calls himself Irving Abdul Limas Martínez, "Ferny" have a criminal record for various crimes, including homicide.
Last Wednesday, they together with Karina Rubí Pérez Valtierra were accused of being the co-authors of the massacre recorded last August 2 in a house located on Oasis de Egipto Street, in the Praderas de los Oasis subdivision and apparently she is the only first time offender.
The alleged mastermind of the massacre, René Hernández Chávez, spent a sentence of 13 years in prison for the crime of homicide. Inside the Cereso 3 in Ciudad Juarez, he joined the gang "Los Aztecas" and when he left the prison in October of last year, he dedicated himself to the sale of heroin, according to the statement he gave to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) after his last arrest.
Journalistic data based on official reports point out that in August 2005 René Hernández and a man identified as Francisco Iván Torres Bañuelos entered the business called "Súper Carnicería El Dorado", located at the intersection of Sorgo and Mamey Streets, to commit an armed assault and murdered the owner's son, Ivan Santiago Rentería Leyva.
The victim was shot twice.
For those incidents René Hernández was added to criminal case number 429/05.
Unofficial data indicate that Hernández Chávez is part of the hierarchy of "Los Aztecas" gang. State police said he had an Indian tattooed on his back with a large plume, a sign of command among the so-called "carnales”.
Luis Fernando Limas Escapita or Irving Abdul Limas, was imprisoned as a suspect in a homicide that occurred on February 17, 2014 at around 4:00 p.m. in a store located on Año 1668 y Custodia de la República Streets in the Frida Kahlo neighborhood, where Martín Caro lost his life.
Two others were tried along with Luis Fernando "Ferny”; Jesús Antonio Castañeda Álvarez and Juan Carlos Martínez Moreno, the first of whom was also sentenced for the shooting suffered by the now former head of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) ), Julián Leyzaola Pérez.
But on December 6 of last year the head of the Court of Prosecution, Heber Fabián Sandoval Díaz, determined that the evidence presented in the oral proceedings was insufficient to prove that the three of them committed the crime against Martín Caro and acquitted them.
However, last Wednesday the Attorney General of the State (FGE) through the MP again considered Luis Fernando Limas as an alleged murderer, in addition to the murder of the 11 youth of the Pradera de los Oasis, he charged him with two more crimes.
In separate hearings, the MP accused Luis Fernando Limas of being one of those responsible for the murder of the ministerial agent Antonio Ortiz Espinoza and of trying to kill another state element in the same event that occurred on May 3 at the intersection of Teófilo Borunda Street and De las Torres Avenue.
He is also accused of a crime occuring on February 1st on Teresa Romero and Bernardina Sandoval de la Rosa Streets of the Olivia Espinoza neighborhood in Bermúdez, where a person identified as Luis Jasiel Soriano Ríos lost his life.
Martín Alberto Favila González has two criminal records for crimes against health and theft and Diego Armando Jasso Rivera has four criminal cases brought against him for robbery, crimes against health and family violence, according to official data.
The two of them, as well as Luis Fernando Limas "El Ferny", were arrested last August 5 in Del 57 and Pascual Orozco Streets, by agents of unit number 181 of the SSPM allegedly when they were traveling aboard an Acura vehicle without plates that was pulled over for speeding.
When subjected to an interview, Luis Fernando was seized of four doses of marijuana with a weight of 24.77 grams; Diego Armando with five doses of the same drug with a weight of 26.67 grams and to Martín Alberto, six wrappings of the green grass with a weight of 36.19 grams. In addition, each one apparently carried firearms, one of a large caliber, as reported by an MP agent in the proceedings that took place last Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Daniel Quinn Calderón was sentenced for crimes against health and violation of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives.
He along with Martín Sandoval García and Cristian Daniel Calderón López were arrested in February 2010 by elements of the Federal Police (PF) in possession of three rifles, two AK-47s and one M17 rifle, five magazines and 1,400 cartridges of different calibers, as well as 4 kilos 600 grams of marijuana, according to journalistic data based on official reports.
According to the criminal case 20/2010-I, the arrest of Quinn Calderón and the other two occurred on February 15, 2010 on Third Street in the Infonavit Housing Airport Expansion neighborhood.
René Hernández Chávez :
• Homicide, served a 13 year sentence in prison
Martín Alberto Favila González, aka "El Chori”:
• Crimes against health
• Theft
Diego Armando Jasso Rivera, "El Jasso":
• Theft
• Crimes against health
• Domestic violence
Daniel Quinn Calderón:
• Sentencing for crimes against health
• Violation of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives
Luis Fernando Limas Escapita or Irving Abdul Limas Martínez :
• Suspected homicide in February 2014, was released due to lack of evidence
• He is linked to the murder of the ministerial agent Antonio Ortiz Espinoza on May 3
• He is also accused of a crime registered on the first of February in Colonia Olivia Espinoza de Bermúdez
René Hernández Chávez; Martín Alberto Favila González, aka "El Chori"; Diego Armando Jasso Rivera, "El Jasso"; Daniel Quinn Calderón and Luis Fernando Limas Escapita who also calls himself Irving Abdul Limas Martínez, "Ferny" have a criminal record for various crimes, including homicide.
Last Wednesday, they together with Karina Rubí Pérez Valtierra were accused of being the co-authors of the massacre recorded last August 2 in a house located on Oasis de Egipto Street, in the Praderas de los Oasis subdivision and apparently she is the only first time offender.
The alleged mastermind of the massacre, René Hernández Chávez, spent a sentence of 13 years in prison for the crime of homicide. Inside the Cereso 3 in Ciudad Juarez, he joined the gang "Los Aztecas" and when he left the prison in October of last year, he dedicated himself to the sale of heroin, according to the statement he gave to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) after his last arrest.
Journalistic data based on official reports point out that in August 2005 René Hernández and a man identified as Francisco Iván Torres Bañuelos entered the business called "Súper Carnicería El Dorado", located at the intersection of Sorgo and Mamey Streets, to commit an armed assault and murdered the owner's son, Ivan Santiago Rentería Leyva.
The victim was shot twice.
For those incidents René Hernández was added to criminal case number 429/05.
Unofficial data indicate that Hernández Chávez is part of the hierarchy of "Los Aztecas" gang. State police said he had an Indian tattooed on his back with a large plume, a sign of command among the so-called "carnales”.
Luis Fernando Limas Escapita or Irving Abdul Limas, was imprisoned as a suspect in a homicide that occurred on February 17, 2014 at around 4:00 p.m. in a store located on Año 1668 y Custodia de la República Streets in the Frida Kahlo neighborhood, where Martín Caro lost his life.
Two others were tried along with Luis Fernando "Ferny”; Jesús Antonio Castañeda Álvarez and Juan Carlos Martínez Moreno, the first of whom was also sentenced for the shooting suffered by the now former head of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM) ), Julián Leyzaola Pérez.
But on December 6 of last year the head of the Court of Prosecution, Heber Fabián Sandoval Díaz, determined that the evidence presented in the oral proceedings was insufficient to prove that the three of them committed the crime against Martín Caro and acquitted them.
However, last Wednesday the Attorney General of the State (FGE) through the MP again considered Luis Fernando Limas as an alleged murderer, in addition to the murder of the 11 youth of the Pradera de los Oasis, he charged him with two more crimes.
In separate hearings, the MP accused Luis Fernando Limas of being one of those responsible for the murder of the ministerial agent Antonio Ortiz Espinoza and of trying to kill another state element in the same event that occurred on May 3 at the intersection of Teófilo Borunda Street and De las Torres Avenue.
He is also accused of a crime occuring on February 1st on Teresa Romero and Bernardina Sandoval de la Rosa Streets of the Olivia Espinoza neighborhood in Bermúdez, where a person identified as Luis Jasiel Soriano Ríos lost his life.
Martín Alberto Favila González has two criminal records for crimes against health and theft and Diego Armando Jasso Rivera has four criminal cases brought against him for robbery, crimes against health and family violence, according to official data.
The two of them, as well as Luis Fernando Limas "El Ferny", were arrested last August 5 in Del 57 and Pascual Orozco Streets, by agents of unit number 181 of the SSPM allegedly when they were traveling aboard an Acura vehicle without plates that was pulled over for speeding.
When subjected to an interview, Luis Fernando was seized of four doses of marijuana with a weight of 24.77 grams; Diego Armando with five doses of the same drug with a weight of 26.67 grams and to Martín Alberto, six wrappings of the green grass with a weight of 36.19 grams. In addition, each one apparently carried firearms, one of a large caliber, as reported by an MP agent in the proceedings that took place last Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Daniel Quinn Calderón was sentenced for crimes against health and violation of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives.
He along with Martín Sandoval García and Cristian Daniel Calderón López were arrested in February 2010 by elements of the Federal Police (PF) in possession of three rifles, two AK-47s and one M17 rifle, five magazines and 1,400 cartridges of different calibers, as well as 4 kilos 600 grams of marijuana, according to journalistic data based on official reports.
According to the criminal case 20/2010-I, the arrest of Quinn Calderón and the other two occurred on February 15, 2010 on Third Street in the Infonavit Housing Airport Expansion neighborhood.
René Hernández Chávez :
• Homicide, served a 13 year sentence in prison
Martín Alberto Favila González, aka "El Chori”:
• Crimes against health
• Theft
Diego Armando Jasso Rivera, "El Jasso":
• Theft
• Crimes against health
• Domestic violence
Daniel Quinn Calderón:
• Sentencing for crimes against health
• Violation of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives
Luis Fernando Limas Escapita or Irving Abdul Limas Martínez :
• Suspected homicide in February 2014, was released due to lack of evidence
• He is linked to the murder of the ministerial agent Antonio Ortiz Espinoza on May 3
• He is also accused of a crime registered on the first of February in Colonia Olivia Espinoza de Bermúdez
May 28
• Murder of Jonathan René Hernández Pérez, 'El Titis'
• He would have been executed by order of 'El Garfi' a presumed leader of the gang 'Artistas Asesinos'
• The murder would have been for the sale of crystal that 'El Titis' allegedly found and stole from the home of the homicide victims who were relatives of Meibi Oyuki Santella, his girlfriend
• René Hernández Chávez, father of 'El Titis', plans to avenge the murder of his son then gather heir remains
• Meibi Oyuki Santella, girlfriend of 'El Titis' was identified by Hernández Chávez as the one who betrayed Rene's son and gave information for his murder
• Hernández Chávez decided that it would be August 2, the date of his son's birth, the day he would take revenge

August 2nd
• At 3:00 p.m., Hernández Chávez tells a woman, now a protected witness of the State Attorney General's Office, that he was looking for Meibi Oyuki. The witness informed Hernández that she would see Oyuki at Oasis de Egipto Street, number 1201, in the Praderas de los Oasis neighborhood
• Around 5:00 p.m., Meibi and the witness arrived at the house, where Manuel Esteban Zamora Ávila, Marisol Terrones Meléndez, Christian López Reyes, Glen Édgar Gómez, Christofer Daniel Jáuregui Escobedo, Julia Beatriz Nevárez Martínez, Miriam Janeth López Contreras, Ricardo Hernández Carbajal Cardiel, Christian Iván Hernández Ontiveros, Carlos Iván Torres Sotelo and Víctor Arturo Soto Calderón were found
• Then René Hernández Chávez, Karina Rubí Pérez Valtierra, Daniel Quinn Calderón, Irving Abdul Limas Martínez, who also calls himself Luis Fernando Limas Escaápita, Diego Armando Jasso Rivera, Martín Alberto Favila González and another unidentied man arrive at the house in two vehicles
• Despite the fact that René Hernández Pérez's plan was only to punish Oyuki, he ordered the rest of her companions killed -with the exception of the protected witness- because they had already seen his face and those who went with him to carry out the crime
• The seven alleged murderers suffocate the 11 people -3 women and 8 men- with a cable
• Meibi Oyuki is taken out, tortured in a security house located in front of the Forensic Medical Service, a few meters from the facilities of the South District Police Station
• The woman was murdered in another address, in the Patria neighborhood, next to César Estupiñán, alias 'El Gordo'. Their bodies were left in the trunk of a car in the South Horizontes neighborhood
August 3rd
• At 10:59 a person reports to 911 a kidnapping at the Praderas de los Oasis home
• The SSPM comes to the call and finds the bodies
6th August
• The SSPM announces the arrest of those presumed responsible for the massacre
• One of the people detained on August 6 accepted the criteria of opportunity to be a protected witness
August 8
• The alleged perpetrators are presented before the Control Court, accused of qualified homicide
• They are given a year of preventive detention as a precautionary measure
Looks like a hit from chapos people they kill innocent everyday
ReplyDeleteChapo been lost the war in Juarez buddy
DeleteAt 11:20 chapo will never enter juarez
Delete11:20 chapo is in juarez. Los Mexicles
DeleteAll cartels kill innocents, everyday. The strangest thing is who are their judges? Specially the judges of juarez cartel and the aztecas? They seem to be corrupted to the spine! They should die!
DeleteWhat is "preventive detention?"
ReplyDeleteThey hold them for a year to see if they have enough evidence to charge then or relase them.
DeleteCapture, torture for info, and kill the scum! Why take a chance on judges etc.Only justice in Mx. is annihilation.No shortage of heartless killers.
DeleteIt is meant to allow the detainee time to activate his network to produce the needed cash to make evidence go away and the case dropped before going to trial.
Delete@3:00pm EXACTLY right, a year to come up with enough cash & place it in the right hands. Also, let's not forget to disappear the "protected witness"!
DeleteNo matter, after arrest they will be temporarily detained then released. Mexican national motto - “Immunity and Impunity” for any and all crimes committed with enough cash to grease the palms for immediate release to murder again and again and again.
ReplyDeleteOn a high profile murder like this these people accused of having committed this will not be released too soon. They will probably stay in jail the whole year as the preventive measure but due to lack of evidence most will not be given a trial later and then will be released.
DeleteIt has nothing to do with money but rather lack of investigative power by the cops and lax laws that exploit this loophole in the system. This lack of investigative power is due to the fact that in Mexico if cops do not torture your ass they have no confession of guilt by anyone hence no proof of any wrong doing.
Yes whatever you say to make Mexico look bad!
Delete@10:07 it has EVERYTHING to do with money!!💰🔫
DeleteWeak sentence for a cold-blooded murder. Should've been in prison still.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, is the guy in the red shirt eating twinkies César Estupiñán, alias El Gordo? because the picture does not identify him. Just trying to put 2-and-2 together.
ReplyDelete- Vampiro Fronterizo
the foto identifies cesar twice, in the on the image if you can't see it and also the caption.
DeleteWas titus involved in a homicide of his girlfriend's relatives? If so, HE is the original betrayer, not her. His dad sounds like a real turd too.
ReplyDeleteNo he stole drugs from her relatives
DeleteLook under the third bullet under chronology. The line that throws me off is "stole from the home of the homicide victims who were relatives of meiby." When did THEY die? Might give some perspective.
DeleteLook under the third bullet under chronology. The line that throws me off is "stole from the home of the homicide victims who were relatives of meiby." When did THEY die? Might give some perspective.
DeleteIt seems like taking a life means nothing in Mexico with the murder rate about to be the biggest ever this year. It is sad that criminals get away with this and seems like no stopping these violent acts. And most of them go unsolved.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world in Mexico do they not have the death penalty. Rene was convicted of homocide only to be released 13 years later. He goes out a year later and murders 13 more. He will probably get time served for this one...The criminals just make a mockery of mexicos justice system..
ReplyDeleteNo he wont get credit for time served, but now you know, its 13 years in slammer per homicide, and if he behaves in prison he will serve less.
DeleteWelcome to Mexico, where you can get away with murder.
ReplyDeleteEver been to the US?
Delete558 sorry to inform you but Mexico, will supercede the AMT of killings of 2017, 2018 will be. Obrador can't do magic, he is sending out criminals out of prison soon.
DeleteHaha damn, El Gordo is fat as fuck
ReplyDeleteWow so that girl rosa evelyn is now a protected witness. She must of had no choice but agree to set up those ppl at the party.
ReplyDeleteWhy do some of the victims have their pants down? See this all the time
ReplyDeleteMeans u stole or ratted
DeleteA little off topic, I apologize, but why does everyone talk about CDJ like it still exists? Ahora es pura línea y gente nueva en chiwas.....línea was part of CDJ but continuing to refer to línea as CDJ is like calling Zetas CDG....I remember the days of cdj and times were better for sure
ReplyDeleteMainly because El Viceroy was recently released and there's been evidence of a new group calling themselves something along the line of new Juarez cartel not sure on the name don't quote me boy Cuz I ain't say shit.
DeleteEl viceroy released?
DeleteChivis must have been complicit in keeping it secret.
But I still love you beibeee!
Check it before you type Holmes. BB published it
DeleteRealizing a more complete picture, all of them were "in the game", making this criminal episode, while tragic, unsurprising. Stay in school kids. The dope game is the devil's death trap.
ReplyDeleteMeibi Oyuki was a dead person either way for hanging out with her lowlife boyfriend father of her son.
ReplyDeleteIf she did not set up her boyfriend the gang AA would have accused her of stealing the drugs from the safehouse and executed her regardless. She died because her lame ass significant other who of course also died had to steal the drugs he found begenning this whole ordeal.
Sorry ass people the killers either way.
Meibi she lost her life for playing with both guys,
DeleteY por andar ahi de caliente.
I agree.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crazyass story with such a tragic ending. Just goes to show be very careful the company you keep. Hang out with the wrong people and it could cost you your life.
ReplyDeleteMorale of the story don’t get caught with your pants down
ReplyDeleteSTFU! Try being funny when a drunk driver strikes someone in your family also. See if we all laugh.
DeleteGees 6:31 can you take a humorous yet true coment.
Delete6:48 Just like when Mexican drugs kill Americans...funny!
Delete@10:38 blaming mexican drugs of killing americans is like blaming american guns of killing mexicans..funny ah
Delete10:38 the American money laundering banks prove Mexicans is not the owners of any drugs, except maybe their commission in specie they can eat or sell.
DeleteThe OXI-OPIOIDS epidemic was also caused by an American enterprise, approved by the US Congress and the Senate and Obama
Death is Inevitable
Delete11:58 the manner of death is treatable and preventable.
Delete4:56 Not when innocents are getting picked up. - Sol Prendido
Deleteits one rope for all?
ReplyDeletehand tie them, let´em stand next to another, rope around their necks. Then start the beating, as they move or fall their knots tightens more and more...
If choosing gang banging or deaking in narcotics for a living you should at least have the intelligence/decency to not steal drugs. It's a dangerous enough business at tve best of times so why add fuel to the fire? Only a wrong un would do that. As this sorry story shows their aint no happy ending for he who pilfers someone elses drugs. You reap what you sew. It's hard to have any sympathy for the young thug who started this horror show. I feel for the others but lie down with dogs expect to attract a lot of fleas.
ReplyDeleteYeah most definitely. Stealing drugs is a big no no!
DeleteIn the late 90's early 2000's 'bajadores' as they were called, were thriving stealing drugs from either paisas or cholos. As a matter of fact that's how Angel Del Villar started out. Dude would rob bricks from ppl with the help of his gangster pals like nicki Santoro(casino joke doubt anyone will get it lol) but really tho with help from cholos from l.a he would rob peeps.
DeleteSometimes drugs get stolen by the accusing side, ask me how I know?
DeleteEven the police steals part of the drugs they confiscate, and if it is money they sure steal most of it, ask Zhenli Ye Gone about that, his money was stolen by higher ups in government, 250 million left behind by the original arresting officers...ask him about how much money there really was there too...
06.27, true that drugs get stolen/go missing from all sides. But whether they are gangbangers, customs, police, friends or foes, it is never a good idea to steal drugs. It is a big risk for all. Even the police run the risk of being caught, shamed, jailed or killed. Corrupt cops are an embarrasment and a danger to the many straight up, law obiding officers. So gangbangers who want to survive in the game, you should make sure to adhere to one of the golden rules at all times ; DO NOT STEAL DRUGS!!
Delete10:32 do not miss the point, gangbangers and others who steal and blame other third parties to make them the fall guys.
DeleteOne of the biggest gang wars in l.a started because some crip set stole drugs from florence gang.
DeleteAccording to one report, El Titis went to the safe house to pick something up, found some crystal (nice hiding place) stole it and sold it; the buyer contacted El Garfi. So the girlfriend Meibi told where to find El Titis -- she was doomed to die once El Titis stole and sold it from either gang.
ReplyDeleteWas El Titis stupid or desperate to steal the crystal and think nothing would happen? And the father to avenge his son... what would he do to someone that stole from him in the same way?
Yeh it is a crazy story
So this novela is as follows; Some old guy named rene who is old and hangs with teens served just 13 years for first de gree murder. I guess mexican laws are a joke. Comes out of jail and his son is married to a hood rat who betrays him and gets him chopped up, so the scum of the earth dad avenge him killing 11 people. Which to my understanding might have something to do with el titis( nice nickname btw, could be played by cuautemoc blanco once televisa starts shotting) murder. Mexico needs the dead penalty a.s.a.p. and this People should get some sort of médical procedure so they stop reproducing once they enter the penitenciary system.
ReplyDeleteEl Titis was not married to her. El Titis stole the crystal which was hidden in the house and sells it and buyer tells on him. The girlfriend was doomed to die because he stole the drugs from the safe house and she probably brought in him there.
DeleteMy bad el titis was not married by the Church or law. Oyuki was just one of them "baby mamas" of el titis.
Delete@1:38pm...I second that motion 'médical procedure so they stop reproducing once they enter the penitenciary system.' (Bwah, painful qualifying everything but punishment when absolute evidence of guilt)
DeleteCanadian girl
Aint this what they "humanely" do to dogs. Nueter them when they get caught by the dog pound.
DeleteSorry to go off-tpoic , but who is Luis Alfonso Murillo ? Apparently he's been in a lot of documentaries lately , Clandestino (he was wearing a pink shirt) and the Jason Fox documentary that's huge on British t.v . Apparently he was called El Guero but if you google image him it looks nothing like him ?!? He was head of security for El Chapo's family ? Is this all bullshit ??
ReplyDeleteDamn, as a vegan and with el fatty gone 10000s of animals will live.
ReplyDeleteLo bueno q ya va a llegar l cjng a poner orden
ReplyDeleteEl cjng to pone orden ni en guanatos .
DeleteEl criztal esta arrasando con todo asta aqui en my village lo estan consumiendo y esta bara bara
ReplyDeleteLos carteles estan asiendo mas Droga. Eso significa no todo va cruzar. Mercansia se keda en mexico y ayi esta la problema
DeleteThe sad truth of this is these cholos are unredeemable murderous sociopaths and the only solution that stops them for good is summary execution. There is no possibility of reintegrating them with society.
ReplyDeleteA gree, in the future they will all sent to a distant Island and let them fend for them selves. Oh wait aint that how Australia came to be.
DeleteCholos is old school...they now call them cartel members.
DeleteBueno pues querian andar en el pedo., tengan changos y changas sus bananas !