In the twilight of Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares' administration in Veracruz, two criminal groups have started a war to control the southern part of the state, bordering Tabasco and Oaxaca.
Zetas Old School, predominant group in that region, and the New Generation Jalisco Cartel, have been in contention of the territory for years; nevertheless, in the last [days] threats and executions between both groups have grown and spread through social media networks.
Videos of dismemberment by hooded men with high-powered weapons are not new in Veracruz, they have happened in other escalations of violence such as at the end of Fidel Herrera Beltrán's term (2010) and the first three years of Javier Duarte de Ochoa's (2010) -2013).
For 15 months, already in the administration of Yunes Linares, the violence has intensified in municipalities such as Las Choapas, Coatzacoalcos, Acayucan, Minatitlán and Cosoleacaque.
At the beginning of the PAN government, in July of 2017, federal security authorities reported the arrest of Hernán Martínez Zavaleta, alias "El Comandante H", arrested with two lieutenants in Villahermosa.
Later, the Veracruz governor himself explained that the capo was the head of the Zetas plaza throughout the Mexican southeast based in the city of Coatzacoalcos.
His capture occurred after he ordered the execution of a taxi driver. The armed commando killed him along with all members of his family, including four minors. The crime outraged the population so much that the federal and state government did not delay even a week in order to announce the arrest of the person responsible.
With the capture of Commander H came a series of executions throughout the south of the state caused by the plaza dispute between the now called Old School Zetas and the Jalisco Cartel (CJNG), made up of some of the former members of the first cell.
Members Threatened
Videos on social media networks have recently appeared of alleged well armed members of the CJNG and a young man under the name Fredy Maldonado
The young man was deprived of his freedom a day earlier in the municipality of Las Choapas, almost on the border with the state of Tabasco.
In the interrogation, facing gun barrels, the victim claims that he works as a kidnapper, extortionist and arms dealer and that he belongs to the Zetas Old School.
The young man says that his direct boss is a man named Pablo Herrera Beltrán, alias "El Manito", and Francisco Magaña Zarate, aka "El Pan." Later, in the same video new images appear, with the body of the young man dismembered.
A few hours later, on Sunday, a new video circulated, the same alleged members of the CJNG now launching threats against Erick Huesca, alleged second in command of the Coatzacoalcos prison.
*Extremely Graphic Video
View with Caution *
View with Caution *
Only fools believe this will ever stop. - Sol Prendido
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of Monday night raw or Monday nitro. Well listen up brothers !! Woo!!
DeleteWhat a backhanded way to say you lost all hope. You're useless.
Delete@8:28 We all seve a purpose even if at times we all can’t see that. I’ve never liked being the bearer of bad news. But these wars will continue. - Sol Prendido
Delete@Sol Prendido
DeleteYou are right. Until these subhumans aren’t all exterminated like the rats they are this will never stop. Mexico needs a huge cleansing and it’s not able to do it by itself.
El Martillo
The polesias are too busy keeping the state and municipal politicians safe, they can't even see the local terroristas anywhere in mexico.
DeleteSí me agarran o me matan, Nada cambia. - Sol APAGADO
DeleteSo you're some sort of self anoited bearer of "truth" imparting light upon us so that we may awaken to glimpse at your despair. Em, OK.
Delete@8:28 until they legalize and regulate these drugs, this will never stop. FACT
DeleteWow to big cartels are going to battle for turf. That's it I leaving, to Costa Rica which is safer.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you wondering what all happened: They never show the actual killing. Guy is kneeling for the longest. Video then jumps to his dismembered corpse. Pile of human body parts is all you really get to see. A guy picks up his head. And that’s about it. - Sol Prendido
ReplyDeleteevery last one of these demented fux clicked on it. after all, that's why we're here right?
DeleteNot me 12:12 I just can’t watch that shit. I’m not a saint but that’s just to distressful to watch.
Delete@10:47 Video description was for you. Remembered there was someone here that doesn’t like to watch those things. Saints don’t exist either. They never have. - Sol Prendido
DeleteThere was no need for the description, sol, since it's already included in the BB article.
Delete@Sol Prendido
DeleteThey do exist, thankfully (i’m Catholic afterall). But they are rare.
El Martillo
El Martillo, you are correct.
DeleteCan we just nuke the places where the drugs are produced?
DeleteYes, and then we can go and nuke the taliban, isis, Iran and North Korea while were at. Problem solved. You are a genius my friend.
DeleteWe should nuke where they are consumed aswell
DeleteWhich Drugs? Are pharmaceutical drug producers in the line of fire as well?
Delete12:52 What drugs?
DeleteThe victim's name is not known,
or why he got killed,
or by whom,
And you wanna nuke everybody around?
Nuke Iran and Iraq? Dude, your country started all that shit. USA trained those terrorists and is stealing their oil. Don't cry because they're killing you dumbasses that think it's good to go and point a gun on foreign soil. USA's been behind everything bad in the world. Now tell me which country should be nuked again? Even Mexico would be better without it because then they'd have no one to sell those drugs to. The ego of all you Americans, man. It's actually hilarious how dumb you people look, in mass too. It's amazing how detached from reality you idiots are.
DeleteHyperbolic much? What you say also assumes Americans shouldn’t look out for themselves first. Every country around the world often takes care of their own peoples’ interests above all else, and at the expense of non citizens, except some countries where corruption is cultural, and weak state institutions make it unstoppable. Many parts of the world are hurting and it isn’t bc big bad America. This site has way too many conspiracy theorists. You ever met any high level government employees or politicians? Not evil geniuses for the most part. I’ll never understand why so many love to attribute to cunning and cruelty what can be attributed to apathy and a pinch of good old fuckery? I would guess no matter how much CNN says the sky is falling, almost all Americans would honestly not wish to live anywhere else, and to a certain degree, whatever happens to other countries, who rally gives a shit. The people that want failed systems like socialism Venezuela style, or global government, are those who don’t have and use subterfuge to try and take. Same way the left trades other peoples’ resources for votes, and hides behind social welfare, yet no one gets wealthier who is on welfare. They need masses of poor to swindle into voting. If Americans don’t think the majority of mud slinging using general statements and blanket falsehoods by people from yourself to foreign leaders, is simply to try and beg or manipulate to get what you can’t earn or take. If I were you, I would be worried about whether or not AMLO turns Mexico into Venezuela part two. That is scarier than any big bad capitalist country. They just kill the people they don’t want or need and steal in the open while spitting into the eyes of those they stal from. Keep blaming everything on others and I’m sure your situation will improve. I’m guessing you are a big proponent of words like systemic.
Zetas old school giving them ninas de Jalisco a schooling that they have to kill inocent people to threaten la vieja escuela while los Z are attacking them sin mucho ruido no van a poder michoacanas osiconas agan lo que agan si no pueden en su tierra menos aqui
ReplyDeleteMichoacános are the only ones that put Zetas in check baboso! Read up and study history if they cant't do it in their own turf it's because Michoacán has other cartels from there fighting for control along with autodefensas.
DeleteCJNG has been at it since 2011 with no end in sight.. makes you wonder how entrenched the Zs were before and during Duarte’s term, crazy. If I’m not mistaken CDGs main drug route back in the day ran through Quintana Roo to Vera all the way down to Tamps. Good route same route used by some immigrants.
DeleteThe zetas made michoacan you ever heard of carlos rosales? His cartel the future familia michoacana wld never existed if the zetas werent there to help rosales and his people and kick the milenios out.
Delete3:17 Zetas were ran the fuck out of Durango. Kidnappings and extortions stopped when they left, unlike Michoacán were it got worse.
DeleteThat's a damn lie. I think ur the one that needs to do some research buddy. What happened when the zetas came into Durango they didn't last to long did they, And it sure wasn't no bull shit ass cjng killing them off just saying .
DeleteTrue the Michigan family did run the last letter outta Michoacana
DeleteCarlos Rosales was golfo not zeta, michoacanos were clicked up with the golfos but after Zetas split is when michoacanos made their own cartel "la familia michoacana. 6:12 Something Durango can't do, they will always be behind Sinaloa taking orders. It's michoacanos calling shots 8n michoacan, no outsiders
DeleteOriginal Zetas were the ones that strenght the La Familia
Deletethey did even conduct prison break in apatzingan 2004 to free carlos rosales people
Yes La Familia did have an alliance with Zetas back then. Do your research.
DeleteSoon as siderurgica Las Truchas/ Lazaro Cardenas was safe in Arcelor-Mittal hands the zeta became not useful and got kicked out of michoacan. There was barely enough pirated iron ores for independent miners to steal and sell to the Chinese by the Boatload.
DeleteEl mas loco and el chango were Zetas/golfos but then made the familia. Rosales had a small part in in but those two were the main reason the cartel was created
DeleteCJNG Special Forces are hunting Zetaa Old School. This special operations group has been trained by Colombian Farc Guerillas and Private contractors from Israel ex Shayetet 13 and Sayeret Matkal units .El SR Mencho has dedicated a large budget for high powered arsenal for the CJNG super assasins .
ReplyDeleteSicario 006
DeleteAre you the trainer for the special forces because you seem to know them all? You must be el Russo o el kaibil.........
Shut up already with this bullcrap man get a life nobody is looking up to you next topon i hope thats the end for you
DeleteShut the fuck up already with that shit, didnt you see those fat over weight fucks standing there, special forces my ass.
DeletePlot twist, every word 006 says is absolutely true.
DeleteColombia was looking to arrest two "former mossad" agents for life, for training and working with drug trafficking guerrillas,
DeleteTheir names may still be available like the Israeli agents' captured with weapons and explosives in the Mexican congress one or two months after 9/11.
After getting klaus Barbie extradited to France and the trial of Adolf Eichmann (?) Some greedy people seems to have taken over for the US rat line nazi escapeés in South America, and they learned from the best, in the nazi concentration camps and in Russia's Gulags, and remember Simeon Mogilevitch, he would like to cover the world with the Red Mafiya's tentacles...
@7:22 Don’t forget the 5 dancing Israelis on 9/11. Some truths really are stranger then fiction. - Sol Prendido
DeleteIt was one day BEFORE 9/11 when that occurred.
If you have a background in special forces and or military operations it's like free money down there right now.
Delete1:11 to promote the war on Iraq, the Dancing Palestinians video was widely used, I was angry at them "dancing Arabs" myself for a long time.
DeleteCJNG is turning into the peak era of the zetas. They're at war with every other cartel. We know what happened to the zetas, eventually. The same fate awaits cjng. I see new alliances being made to counter them and exterminate them. If Hitler taught us anything you can't fight a war with multiple fronts and stretch your people all over and expect to win. This is the beginning of the downfall of the cjng.
ReplyDeleteWe've have seen this story play out before with El Lazca. Once El Mencho goes down it can only go down from there on. There will be infighting, fragmentation into little groups/gangs and just keep going all the way down and eventually they will be a shell of their former self. But first not without bloodshed, many dead, many atrocities committed and death and destruction left behind.
Cjng takes a bunch of locals that let them enter the plaza to fight on other cartel just like CAF. Big difference the way cjng and Zetas operate yet similar to the take over of most Mexico states
DeleteThere is a bit of a difference between the zetas and the jalisco cartel. The zetas a lot of their cells were not even involved in drug trafficking. So to the point. The jalisco cartel has a steady source of income as a whole that the zetas without the gulf cartel's connections never had. I think that jalisco must fall to much mindless violence but it wont be soon unless mencho and erick valencia whom seem like are the main violent bosses of jalisco fall
DeleteNot much has really happened to the zetas besides all there leaders locked up there still very very active
DeleteHe looked like he was about to yell out somos Cártel del golfo but then was Jalisco anyone see that ??
DeleteFunny how's there's all these corridor blowing smoke up someone's as yet all the money and arms comes from the US there's bigger organizations on the us side than in Mexico if u think im lying why are these supposed bad ms scared of our prisons lol
Delete@3:46 That’s good you say Zetas are still active. Some genius on here tried to say otherwise. Leaders are being put away but that organization continues onward without them. These new guys know it’s better not to shine so bright in their world. People who say they don’t exist are the very people trying to justify their paychecks to Uncle Sam. But the Zetas are still around. Unfortunately. - Sol Prendido
Deletei hate false patriotism. regardless in both occupations death is still near & still fighting for what ???
Deleteopen your eyes !
Because they dont have control in US prisons. Once you are in Mexico these guys have all the power and balls so they do stupid stuff because they know they most likely wont get caught.
DeleteZetas still exist but there is two groups fighting each other and most got pushed out of many plazas. They are nowhere near as when they started
Delete@7:43 Very true. Pero no se ocupan muchos para hacer desmadre. (It doesn’t take many to cause chaos). - Sol Prendido
DeleteAll former setas are on their own now after El Talibán Z50 split for not getting paid by the Treviñas, and they are not coming back for more fraud.
DeleteThe treviñas race horse ranch was more important than their comrad maruchaneros...
Man, those are dudes who grew up playing soccer with their friends in the street, going to the movies, having a beer, dating girls, and now they chop up people and don't bat an eye.
ReplyDelete-El Arrepentido de la Sierra
And? Our young men go to war at 18 and fight/ die for Their country
Delete3:16 Big difference and different circumstances by a mile. I guess if you compare them to ISIS and African rebels that might be close. They are not doing it for the right cause.
DeleteYeah, and none of them come back tormented or with PTSD or anything. They come back traumatized and seek and get psychological help....sometimes. Some continue to kill once they get back. Where will these heroes of yours get their help? From another snort of yeyo looking to kidnap you or your family to pay for their next fix.
Delete-El Arrepentido de la Sierra
6:33 PM You are just another brainwashed American. What just cause? Freedom what Freedom? To pay taxes, to pay rent, to pay taxes what freedom?
Delete@3:16 our young men dont go to war at 18 to fight and die for our country lol silly they go to war to fight and die for a paycheck!! Facts!!
DeleteThe Freedom to not get axed up everyday, you know the basic everyday shit like not getting dismembered attn:nobody
DeleteIts not graphic at all.Whatever,bear in mind "freddy" was an experienced Zeta and kidnapper,he was known.Doesn't excuse this mindless brutality but this kind of behaviour has entered Mexican cartels and society,like it or not?Now for the hysteria.
ReplyDelete2:38 Thanks for the freddy info,
DeleteI hope you are right and there is no lies there.
I have come to the conclusion that Sicario 006 is either el morroñis de la palma navolato or the English Z troll..
Good eye.
DeleteJust zetas multiplying and for the guy @1257 lol you know there operation so well
ReplyDeleteCartels need to be eliminated by the CIA asap.
ReplyDeleteEducated yourself asap.
DeleteCocaine Import Agency? Why would they kill associates?
Delete9:28 destabilizing Mexico is a very important component of future exploitation, crime and drug trafficking help the cause and it is fueled by foreigners usually.
DeleteYou can see how the whole African continent is being exploited by Chinese and Russian mafioso fronting for other multimillionaire luminaries of the world, specially after Rwanda chinese machete murders and dismemberments, also Angola where peace was achieved after kicking the cubans out, the assassination of Che Guevara that allowed Cuba to participate in cocaine trafficking AND the railroading of Cuban Air Force general Arnaldo Ochoa to the firing squad, after being blamed for Raul and Fidel Castro's drug trafficking...
When the head rolled off to the side, the guy grabbed it and put it back in the center. He’s like, “shit, we gotta make it look nice”.
ReplyDeleteAt 5:26: why would the CIA eliminate these cartels? From their perspective everything is going according to plan. Splinter, division is the plan.
ReplyDeleteIf you werent a moron you wld undertand that the usa has nothing to gain from mexico's disorganized crime organizations
Delete5:38 every little thing helps, Nicaragua has nothing worth stealing, but the US is there since before the Carter Administration allowed the Sandinistas get to power, more than 40 years ago...
Delete--Many other poor countries with nothing to offer also enjoy the American exceptionalism by creating Banana Republic styled oligarchs wherever the opportunity arise...
The C.I.A. is the original drug cartel.
ReplyDeleteThe original drug cartel was a group of busines men from chile whom refined coke and used colombians to get it in the states. Then the colombians ran with it.
DeleteA Chile no mas le metieron el chile no digas mamadas!
DeleteLas mamadas me las da tu vieja wey. Read and learn something before you talk shit. Chances are uou cant read anyway watch the history of channel. Thy pretty accurate with their drug shows.
DeleteThe south americans had the first cartels. Why is that hard to believe?
DeleteMafia were first started in Italy and the cocaine was invented by an Italian. Facts son
Deleteits obvious people in mexico hate each other---you could just kill a person--but no--cut there hands off and torture them--this says they enjoy it----why?
ReplyDeleteMexicans have always hated eachother. The govt hates poor indigenas, the poor hate the rich, the educated hate the uneducated, a strong women is hated by men, the ignorant fools from one state hate on another state based on who has drug traffickers y cuales son mas " cabrones" . it is only at world cup soccer games and protest marches against Mr. Trump that Mexicans unite. other than that it is hatred all day long. ***TELL ME IM WRONG***
DeleteHumans hate each other. Tell me I'm wrong.
DeleteThose are the sheep you are talking about and the same applies to anyone from anywhere else on the face of the earth who also do the same as you state
Delete4:06 Americans practice all the sMorgan border of hate you mention, except for the dismemberments and sicario practices...
DeleteMexico did not have that until FECAL BOUGHT INTO THE "WAR ON DRUGS" fueled and paid for by the US with their Merida Initiative, don't forget that, boy...
Before that, Mexico had no cartels or murdering death squads styled after Chile or Argentina, El Salvador or Honduras, Guatemalan ot specially the colombian styled Falsos Positivos.
Gustemalan army, from where the mexican melitary helped themselves to the GAFE/ KAIBILES...etc etc etc...
The manotas and the patotas of US foreign policy have been murdering people all over the world because it benefits their Masters' pockets, but it is a secret of state WHY and the American people in general doesn't even know, because there is a blackout on the US about that kind of baaad news...
yea i know humans hate eachother throughout history and currently but Mexicans we talking about at the moment. All that raza movement comes from chicanos here in southern Cali. Just want to see how much hate we got going on .... go to any paisa nightclub and yell arriba whatever mexican state and you will see what im talkin bout.
DeleteMalicious millie is up in here,stoking the fires of hate again and again and,ignore it,it refuses to learn
DeleteObvious Guy,speaking truthfully,we know what you are talking about,its sad but true
DeleteMexican people are some proud people but some take it to a different level and hate the next Rancho, city, state or country.
DeleteWith mirror blind, and aimed for gold.
Don't think that Zetas don't kill CJNG. They have a different way of disposing of their enemies thats all. They cook them or berry them in clandestine graves. They have no need to make videos to threaten their enemies.
ReplyDeleteThey even do that to innocent girls who had nothing to do with them
DeleteAll the cartels are scum but the pinches Zetas are the lowest of the low, the filthiest filth. CJNG are not much better than them but at least they killed a lot of them.
What i wouldn’t do to lay my hands on this animal too bad that he is not for sale.
El Martillo
5:56 in Veracruz you can blame almost all crime on Javier "la Marrana" Duarte de Ochoa and his buddy chief SSP del Estado Arturo hernandez zurita, bot made millions of dollars from OWNING CRIME, not "from taking bribes from criminals", that is an old fairy tale since US dollar multibillionaire Alvaro Uribe Velez betrayed Pablo Escobar for all the marbles with help from the US...
DeleteI actually feel bad for him. It must suck knowing that you're about to be brutally killed by a band of cold-blooded psychopaths.